def test_hover_integration(
        language_server_initialized: IRobocorpLanguageServerClient,
        cases: CasesFixture):
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    client = language_server_initialized
    uri = "x/y/locators.json"
    txt = """
    "Browser.Locator.01": {
        "screenshot": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACgAAAA" """
    doc = Document("", txt)
    client.open_doc(uri, 1, txt)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
    ret = client.hover(uri, line, col)
    assert ret["result"] == {
        "contents": {
        "range": {
            "start": {
                "line": 2,
                "character": 56
            "end": {
                "line": 2,
                "character": 56
def test_variables_resolved_on_completion_integrated(
    language_server_tcp: ILanguageServerClient, workspace_dir, data_regression, cases
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    language_server = language_server_tcp
    language_server.initialize(workspace_dir, process_id=os.getpid())
    uri = "untitled:Untitled-1"
    language_server.open_doc(uri, 1)
    contents = """*** Settings ***
Library           ${ROOT}/directory/

*** Keywords ***
Some Keyword
    In Lib"""
    language_server.change_doc(uri, 2, contents)

    # Note: for libraries, if we found it, we keep it in memory (so, even though
    # we removed the entry, it'll still be accessible).
            "settings": {
                "robot": {"variables": {"ROOT": cases.get_path("case_same_basename")}}

    doc = Document("", source=contents)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
    completions = language_server.get_completions(uri, line, col)
def test_signature_help_integrated(
    language_server_io: ILanguageServerClient, ws_root_path, data_regression
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    language_server = language_server_io

    language_server.initialize(ws_root_path, process_id=os.getpid())
    uri = "untitled:Untitled-1"
    txt = """
*** Test Cases ***
Log It
    Log    """
    doc = Document("", txt)
    language_server.open_doc(uri, 1, txt)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()

    ret = language_server.request_signature_help(uri, line, col)
    result = ret["result"]
    signatures = result["signatures"]

    # Don't check the signature documentation in the data regression so that the
    # test doesn't become brittle.
    docs = signatures[0].pop("documentation")
    assert "Log" in docs

def test_rf_interactive_integrated_auto_import_completions(
    language_server_io: ILanguageServerClient,
    rf_interpreter_startup: _RfInterpreterInfo,
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document
    from robotframework_ls_tests.fixtures import check_code_lens_data_regression

    # Check that we're able to get completions based on the current dir.
    from robotframework_ls.commands import ROBOT_INTERNAL_RFINTERACTIVE_COMPLETIONS
    from robocorp_ls_core.lsp import Position

    uri = rf_interpreter_startup.uri

    language_server = language_server_io
    code = "append to lis"
    doc = Document(uri, code)
    completions = language_server.execute_command(
            "interpreter_id": rf_interpreter_startup.interpreter_id,
            "code": code,
            "position": Position(*doc.get_last_line_col()).to_dict(),

    suggestions = completions["result"]["suggestions"]
    assert suggestions
    check_code_lens_data_regression(data_regression, suggestions)
def test_variables_completions_integrated(
    language_server_tcp: ILanguageServerClient, ws_root_path, data_regression
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    language_server = language_server_tcp
    language_server.initialize(ws_root_path, process_id=os.getpid())
    uri = "untitled:Untitled-1"
    language_server.open_doc(uri, 1)
    contents = """
*** Variables ***
${NAME}         Robot Framework
${VERSION}      2.0
${ROBOT}        ${NAME} ${VERSION}

*** Test Cases ***
List Variable
    Log    ${NAME}
    Should Contain    ${"""
    language_server.change_doc(uri, 2, contents)

    doc = Document("", source=contents)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
    completions = language_server.get_completions(uri, line, col)
    del completions["id"]
    data_regression.check(completions, "variable_completions")

    # Note: for libraries, if we found it, we keep it in memory (so, even though
    # we removed the entry, it'll still be accessible).
    language_server_tcp.settings({"settings": {"robot": {"variables": {"myvar1": 10}}}})

    completions = language_server.get_completions(uri, line, col)
    labels = [x["label"] for x in completions["result"]]
    assert "${myvar1}" in labels
Пример #6
def test_formatting_basic(data_regression):
    from robotframework_ls.impl.formatting import (
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    contents = u"""
[Documentation]Some doc

***Test Case***
    Call  1  2"""
    new_contents = robot_source_format(contents)
    assert u"*** Settings ***" in new_contents

    text_edits = create_text_edit_from_diff(contents, new_contents)

    doc = Document("", contents)
    data_regression.check([x.to_dict() for x in text_edits],
def test_keyword_completions_params_complete_existing_no_chars_with_empty_new_line_after(
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    base = CASE_TEMPLATE + "    arg2=10    "
    doc = Document("", base)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
    check(base + "\n    ", line_col=(line, col))
 def _clear_caches(self):
     self._symbols_cache = None
     self.get_ast.cache_clear(self)  # noqa (clear the instance_cache).
         self)  # noqa (clear the instance_cache).
         self)  # noqa (clear the instance_cache).
Пример #9
def test_document_end_of_file_edit():
    old = ["print 'a'\n", "print 'b'\n"]
    doc = Document("file:///uri", u"".join(old))

    change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent(
        Range(Position(2, 0), Position(2, 0)), 0, u"o")

    assert doc.get_internal_lines() == ("print 'a'\n", "print 'b'\n", "o")
Пример #10
def test_document_multiline_edit():
    old = ["def hello(a, b):\n", "    print a\n", "    print b\n"]
    doc = Document("file:///uri", u"".join(old))
    change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent(
        Range(Position(1, 4), Position(2, 11)), 0, u"print a, b")

    assert doc.get_internal_lines() == ("def hello(a, b):\n",
                                        "    print a, b\n")
def test_robotframework_integrated_completions(rf_configured_api, rf_root):
    from robocorp_ls_core import uris
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    api = rf_configured_api

    doc_uri = uris.from_fs_path(
        str(rf_root / "atest" / "robot" / "cli" / "dryrun" / "args.robot"))
    text = """*** Settings ***
Suite Setup      Run Tests    --dryrun    cli/dryrun/args.robot
Resource         atest_resource.robot

*** Test Cases ***
Valid positional args
    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}

Too few arguments
    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}

Too few arguments for UK
    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}

Too many arguments
    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}

Valid named args
    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}

Invalid named args
    Check Test Case    ${TESTNAME}

    api.m_text_document__did_open(textDocument={"uri": doc_uri, "text": text})
    doc = Document("")
    doc.source = text

    PRINT_TIMES = False
        import time

        curtime = time.time()

    for i in range(5):
        line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
        func = api.m_complete_all(doc_uri, line, col)
        assert len(func(monitor=NULL)) > 10
        if PRINT_TIMES:
            print("Total %s: %.2fs" % (i, time.time() - curtime))
            curtime = time.time()
Пример #12
    def threaded_monaco_completions_from_code_full(
        prefix: str,
        full_code: str,
        position: PositionTypedDict,
        uri: str,
        indent: str,
        monitor: Optional[IMonitor] = None,
        from robotframework_ls.impl.robot_workspace import RobotDocument
        from robotframework_ls.impl.completion_context import CompletionContext
        from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document
        from robotframework_ls.impl import section_completions
        from robotframework_ls.impl import snippets_completions
        from robotframework_ls.server_api.monaco_conversions import (
        from robotframework_ls.impl.completion_context import CompletionType

        d = Document(uri, prefix)
        last_line, _last_col = d.get_last_line_col()
        line = last_line + position["line"]

        col = position["character"]
        col += len(indent)

        document = RobotDocument(uri, full_code)
        completion_context = CompletionContext(
        completion_context.type =
        completions = self._complete_from_completion_context(completion_context)

        return {
            "suggestions": [
                    c, line_delta=last_line, col_delta=len(indent), uri=uri
                for c in completions
Пример #13
def create_text_edit_from_diff(contents, new_contents):
    from difflib import SequenceMatcher
    from robocorp_ls_core.lsp import TextEdit
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    d = Document("", contents)

    s = SequenceMatcher(None, contents, new_contents)
    lst = []
    for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():
        # print(
        #     "%7s a[%d:%d] (%s) b[%d:%d] (%s)"
        #     % (tag, i1, i2, contents[i1:i2], j1, j2, new_contents[j1:j2])
        # )

        if tag in ("replace", "insert"):
            lst.append(TextEdit(_create_range(d, i1, i2), new_contents[j1:j2]))

        elif tag == "delete":
            lst.append(TextEdit(_create_range(d, i1, i2), ""))

        elif tag == "equal":

            raise AssertionError("Unhandled: %s" % (tag, ))

    return lst
Пример #14
def test_hover_image_integration(
        language_server_initialized: IRobocorpLanguageServerClient, tmpdir):
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document
    from robocorp_code_tests.fixtures import IMAGE_IN_BASE64
    import base64
    from robocorp_ls_core import uris

    locators_json = tmpdir.join("locators.json")
    locators_json.write_text("", "utf-8")

    imgs_dir = tmpdir.join(".images")
    img1 = imgs_dir.join("img1.png")
    with"wb") as stream:

    client = language_server_initialized
    uri = uris.from_fs_path(str(locators_json))
    txt = """
    "Image.Locator.01": {
        "path": ".images/img1.png",    
        "source": ".images/img1.png" """
    doc = Document("", txt)
    client.open_doc(uri, 1, txt)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
    ret = client.hover(uri, line, col)
    result = ret["result"]
    value = result["contents"].pop("value")
    assert value.startswith("![Screenshot](file://")
    assert value.endswith("/.images/img1.png)")

    assert ret["result"] == {
        "contents": {
            "kind": "markdown",
            # "value": "![Screenshot](file:///c:/Users/fabio/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-fabio/pytest-5202/test_hover_image_integration0/.images/img1.png)",
        "range": {
            "start": {
                "line": 3,
                "character": 37
            "end": {
                "line": 3,
                "character": 37
Пример #15
def test_offset_to_line_col_1():
    d = Document(uri="", source="my\nfo\nba")
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(0) == (0, 0)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(1) == (0, 1)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(2) == (0, 2)

    assert d.offset_to_line_col(3) == (1, 0)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(4) == (1, 1)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(5) == (1, 2)

    assert d.offset_to_line_col(6) == (2, 0)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(7) == (2, 1)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(8) == (2, 2)

    # Note: block below is out of bounds
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(9) == (2, 3)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(10) == (2, 4)
Пример #16
def test_get_last_line_col():
    d = Document(uri="", source="")
    assert d.get_last_line_col() == (0, 0)
    d.source = "my"
    assert d.get_last_line_col() == (0, 2)
    d.source = "my\n"
    assert d.get_last_line_col() == (1, 0)
def test_snippets_completions_integrated(language_server_tcp, ws_root_path,
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    language_server = language_server_tcp
    language_server.initialize(ws_root_path, process_id=os.getpid())
    uri = "untitled:Untitled-1"
    language_server.open_doc(uri, 1)
    contents = """
*** Test Cases ***
List Variable
    for in"""
    language_server.change_doc(uri, 2, contents)

    doc = Document("", source=contents)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
    completions = language_server.get_completions(uri, line, col)
    del completions["id"]
    data_regression.check(completions, "snippet_completions")
def test_robotframework_integrated_go_to_def(rf_configured_api, rf_root):
    from robocorp_ls_core import uris
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    api = rf_configured_api

    doc_uri = uris.from_fs_path(
        str(rf_root / "atest" / "resources" / "foobar.robot"))
    text = """*** Settings ***
Library           TestCheckerLibrary"""

    api.m_text_document__did_open(textDocument={"uri": doc_uri, "text": text})
    doc = Document("")
    doc.source = text

    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()
    func = api.m_find_definition(doc_uri, line, col)
    found = func(monitor=NULL)
    assert len(found) == 1
Пример #19
def test_word_from_cursor():
    Return the position under the cursor (or last in line if past the end)
    doc = Document("uri", "doc1 doc2")
    assert doc.selection(0, 0).word_from_column == "doc1"
    assert doc.selection(0, 1).word_from_column == "oc1"
    assert doc.selection(0, 2).word_from_column == "c1"
    assert doc.selection(0, 3).word_from_column == "1"
    assert doc.selection(0, 4).word_from_column == ""

    assert doc.selection(0, 5).word_from_column == "doc2"
    assert doc.selection(0, 6).word_from_column == "oc2"
    assert doc.selection(0, 7).word_from_column == "c2"
    assert doc.selection(0, 8).word_from_column == "2"
    assert doc.selection(0, 9).word_from_column == ""

    assert doc.selection(0, 10).word_from_column == ""
    assert doc.selection(0, 11).word_from_column == ""
def test_hover_integrated(language_server_io: ILanguageServerClient,
                          ws_root_path, data_regression):
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document
    from robocorp_ls_core.lsp import HoverTypedDict

    language_server = language_server_io

    language_server.initialize(ws_root_path, process_id=os.getpid())
    uri = "untitled:Untitled-1"
    txt = """
*** Test Cases ***
Log It
    Log    """
    doc = Document("", txt)
    language_server.open_doc(uri, 1, txt)
    line, col = doc.get_last_line_col()

    ret = language_server.request_hover(uri, line, col)
    result: HoverTypedDict = ret["result"]

    contents = result["contents"]
    assert "Log" in contents["value"]
    assert contents["kind"] == "markdown"
def test_rf_interactive_integrated_fs_completions(
    language_server_io: ILanguageServerClient,
    rf_interpreter_startup: _RfInterpreterInfo,
    from robocorp_ls_core import uris
    from robocorp_ls_core.workspace import Document

    # Check that we're able to get completions based on the current dir.
    from robotframework_ls.commands import ROBOT_INTERNAL_RFINTERACTIVE_COMPLETIONS
    from robocorp_ls_core.lsp import Position

    uri = rf_interpreter_startup.uri
    fs_path = uris.to_fs_path(uri)
    dirname = os.path.dirname(fs_path)
    with open(os.path.join(dirname, ""), "w") as stream:
def some_method():

    language_server = language_server_io
    code = "*** Settings ***\nLibrary    ./my_"
    doc = Document(uri, code)
    completions = language_server.execute_command(
            "interpreter_id": rf_interpreter_startup.interpreter_id,
            "code": code,
            "position": Position(*doc.get_last_line_col()).to_dict(),

    suggestions = completions["result"]["suggestions"]
    assert suggestions
Пример #22
def test_offset_to_line_col_2():
    d = Document(uri="", source="\n\n\n")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert d.offset_to_line_col(-1)

    assert d.offset_to_line_col(0) == (0, 0)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(1) == (1, 0)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(2) == (2, 0)

    # Note: block below is out of bounds
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(3) == (3, 0)
    assert d.offset_to_line_col(4) == (3, 1)
Пример #23
    def __init__(self, uri, source=None, version=None, generate_ast=True):
        Document.__init__(self, uri, source=source, version=version)

        self._generate_ast = generate_ast
        self._ast = None
        self.symbols_cache = None
Пример #24
def test_document_source_unicode():
    document_mem = Document(DOC_URI, u"my source")
    document_disk = Document(DOC_URI)
    assert isinstance(document_mem.source, type(document_disk.source))
Пример #25
def test_document_line_edit():
    doc = Document("file:///uri", u"itshelloworld")
    change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent(
        Range(Position(0, 3), Position(0, 8)), 0, u"goodbye")
    assert doc.source == u"itsgoodbyeworld"
Пример #26
 def _clear_caches(self):
     self._symbols_cache = None
     self.get_ast.cache_clear(self)  # noqa (clear the instance_cache).
Пример #27
def test_document_empty_edit():
    doc = Document("file:///uri", u"")
    change = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent(
        Range(Position(0, 0), Position(0, 0)), 0, u"f")
    assert doc.source == u"f"
Пример #28
def doc():
    return Document(DOC_URI, DOC)
Пример #29
def test_get_document_range():
    d = Document(uri="", source="aa\nbb\ncc")

    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 0, 1) == "a"
    assert d.get_range(0, 1, 0, 2) == "a"
    assert d.get_range(0, 2, 0, 3) == ""
    assert d.get_range(0, 1, 0, 3) == "a"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 0, 3) == "aa"

    assert d.get_range(1, 0, 1, 1) == "b"
    assert d.get_range(1, 1, 1, 2) == "b"
    assert d.get_range(1, 2, 1, 3) == ""
    assert d.get_range(1, 1, 1, 3) == "b"
    assert d.get_range(1, 0, 1, 3) == "bb"

    assert d.get_range(2, 0, 2, 1) == "c"
    assert d.get_range(2, 1, 2, 2) == "c"
    assert d.get_range(2, 2, 2, 3) == ""
    assert d.get_range(2, 1, 2, 3) == "c"
    assert d.get_range(2, 0, 2, 3) == "cc"

    assert d.get_range(3, 0, 3, 1) == ""
    assert d.get_range(3, 1, 3, 2) == ""
    assert d.get_range(3, 2, 3, 3) == ""
    assert d.get_range(3, 1, 3, 3) == ""
    assert d.get_range(3, 0, 3, 3) == ""

    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 1, 1) == "aa\nb"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 1, 2) == "aa\nbb"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 1, 3) == "aa\nbb\n"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 1, 4) == "aa\nbb\n"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 2, 1) == "aa\nbb\nc"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 2, 2) == "aa\nbb\ncc"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 3, 1) == "aa\nbb\ncc"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 4, 1) == "aa\nbb\ncc"
    assert d.get_range(0, 0, 4, 0) == "aa\nbb\ncc"
Пример #30
def test_get_line():
    d = Document(uri="", source="")
    assert d.get_last_line() == ""
    d.source = "my\nfoo"
    assert d.get_line(0) == "my"
    assert d.get_last_line() == "foo"
    assert d.get_line_count() == 2

    d.source = "my\nfoo\n"
    assert d.get_line(0) == "my"
    assert d.get_line(1) == "foo"
    assert d.get_line(2) == ""
    assert d.get_last_line() == ""

    assert list(d.iter_lines()) == ["my\n", "foo\n", ""]
    assert list(d.iter_lines(False)) == ["my", "foo", ""]