Пример #1
    def start_services_async(self):
        """Start services defined by self._settings["services"]"""
        log.debug1("%s.start_services_async()", self._log_prefix)

        with SystemdJobHandler() as job_handler:
            target_unit = get_target_unit_name(self.get_type(), self.get_name())

            log.debug9("Enabling %s" % target_unit)

            log.debug9("Starting %s" % target_unit)
            job_path = job_handler.manager.StartUnit(target_unit, "replace")

            job_results = yield job_handler.all_jobs_done_future()

        if any([x for x in job_results.values() if x not in ("skipped", "done")]):
            details = ", ".join(["%s: %s" % item for item in job_results.items()])
            raise RolekitError(COMMAND_FAILED, "Starting services failed: %s" % details)
Пример #2
    def start_services_async(self):
        """Start services defined by self._settings["services"]"""
        log.debug1("%s.start_services_async()", self._log_prefix)

        with SystemdJobHandler() as job_handler:
            target_unit = get_target_unit_name(self.get_type(),

            log.debug9("Enabling %s" % target_unit)

            log.debug9("Starting %s" % target_unit)
            job_path = job_handler.manager.StartUnit(target_unit, "replace")

            job_results = yield job_handler.all_jobs_done_future()

        if any(
            [x for x in job_results.values() if x not in ("skipped", "done")]):
            details = ", ".join(
                ["%s: %s" % item for item in job_results.items()])
            raise RolekitError(COMMAND_FAILED,
                               "Starting services failed: %s" % details)
Пример #3
    def do_deploy_async(self, values, sender=None):
        log.debug9("TRACE: do_deploy_async")
        # Run whatever series of actions are needed to deploy
        # this role in a meaningful way.
        import docker

        # Get the default cache size
        # Find out how much RAM is available on the system
        if 'cache_size' not in values:
            # Do a late import of psutil. This will only get
            # used during a deployment, so we don't need to
            # have it as a dependency for rolekit itself
            import psutil

            # Get the total number of bytes in local system memory
            total_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().total

            # If 25% of the available memory is less than 1GB, use
            # that for the cache.
            if total_ram / 4 < GiB_SIZE:
                # Set cache_size in MiB
                values['cache_size'] = int(total_ram / 4 / MiB_SIZE)
                # Cap the default size at 1 GB in MiB
                values['cache_size'] = int(GiB_SIZE / MiB_SIZE)

        # Set defaults
        if "connections" not in values:
            values["connections"] = self._DEFAULTS["connections"]

        if "threads" not in values:
            values["threads"] = self._DEFAULTS["threads"]

        # Create a container for memcached and launch that
        log.debug2("Enabling the Docker container manager")

        # Enable and start the docker service

        log.debug2("Starting the Docker container manager")
        with SystemdJobHandler() as job_handler:
            job_path = job_handler.manager.StartUnit("docker.service", "replace")

            job_results = yield job_handler.all_jobs_done_future()
            if any([x for x in job_results.values() if x not in ("skipped", "done")]):
                details = ", ".join(["%s: %s" % item for item in job_results.items()])
                raise RolekitError(COMMAND_FAILED, "Starting docker.service failed: %s" % details)

        log.debug2("Pulling %s image from Docker Hub" % MEMCACHED_DOCKER_IMAGE)
        dockerclient = docker.Client(base_url=docker.utils.utils.DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET,

        # First, pull down the latest version of the memcached container
        dockerclient.pull(MEMCACHED_DOCKER_IMAGE, tag="latest")

        log.debug2("Creating systemd service unit")
        # Generate a systemd service unit for this container
        container_unit = SystemdContainerServiceUnit(
            image_name = MEMCACHED_DOCKER_IMAGE,
            container_name = "memcached_%s" % self.get_name(),
            desc="memcached docker container - %s" % self.get_name(),
            env = {
                "MEMCACHED_CACHE_SIZE": str(values['cache_size']),
                "MEMCACHED_CONNECTIONS": str(values['connections']),
                "MEMCACHED_THREADS": str(values['threads'])
            ports = ("{0}:{0}/tcp".format(MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_PORT),

        # Make systemd load this new unit file
        log.debug2("Running systemd daemon-reload")
        with SystemdJobHandler() as job_handler:

        # Return the target information
        target = RoleDeploymentValues(self.get_type(), self.get_name(),
                                      "Memory Cache")
        target.add_required_units(['memcached_%s.service' % self.get_name()])

        log.debug9("TRACE: exiting do_deploy_async")
        yield target
Пример #4
    def do_deploy_async(self, values, sender=None):
        log.debug9("TRACE: do_deploy_async")
        # Run whatever series of actions are needed to deploy
        # this role in a meaningful way.
        import docker

        # Get the default cache size
        # Find out how much RAM is available on the system
        if 'cache_size' not in values:
            # Do a late import of psutil. This will only get
            # used during a deployment, so we don't need to
            # have it as a dependency for rolekit itself
            import psutil

            # Get the total number of bytes in local system memory
            total_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().total

            # If 25% of the available memory is less than 1GB, use
            # that for the cache.
            if total_ram / 4 < GiB_SIZE:
                # Set cache_size in MiB
                values['cache_size'] = int(total_ram / 4 / MiB_SIZE)
                # Cap the default size at 1 GB in MiB
                values['cache_size'] = int(GiB_SIZE / MiB_SIZE)

        # Set defaults
        if "connections" not in values:
            values["connections"] = self._DEFAULTS["connections"]

        if "threads" not in values:
            values["threads"] = self._DEFAULTS["threads"]

        # Create a container for memcached and launch that
        log.debug2("Enabling the Docker container manager")

        # Enable and start the docker service

        log.debug2("Starting the Docker container manager")
        with SystemdJobHandler() as job_handler:
            job_path = job_handler.manager.StartUnit("docker.service",

            job_results = yield job_handler.all_jobs_done_future()
            if any([
                    x for x in job_results.values()
                    if x not in ("skipped", "done")
                details = ", ".join(
                    ["%s: %s" % item for item in job_results.items()])
                raise RolekitError(
                    "Starting docker.service failed: %s" % details)

        log.debug2("Pulling %s image from Docker Hub" % MEMCACHED_DOCKER_IMAGE)
        dockerclient = docker.Client(
            base_url=docker.utils.utils.DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET, version='auto')

        # First, pull down the latest version of the memcached container
        dockerclient.pull(MEMCACHED_DOCKER_IMAGE, tag="latest")

        log.debug2("Creating systemd service unit")
        # Generate a systemd service unit for this container
        container_unit = SystemdContainerServiceUnit(
            container_name="memcached_%s" % self.get_name(),
            desc="memcached docker container - %s" % self.get_name(),
                "MEMCACHED_CACHE_SIZE": str(values['cache_size']),
                "MEMCACHED_CONNECTIONS": str(values['connections']),
                "MEMCACHED_THREADS": str(values['threads'])

        # Make systemd load this new unit file
        log.debug2("Running systemd daemon-reload")
        with SystemdJobHandler() as job_handler:

        # Return the target information
        target = RoleDeploymentValues(self.get_type(), self.get_name(),
                                      "Memory Cache")
        target.add_required_units(['memcached_%s.service' % self.get_name()])

        log.debug9("TRACE: exiting do_deploy_async")
        yield target