Пример #1
def _syncdb_handler(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs):
    for Metadata in registry.values():
        InstanceMetadata = Metadata._meta.get_model('modelinstance')
        if InstanceMetadata is not None and InstanceMetadata in created_models:
            for model in Metadata._meta.seo_models:
                content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
                if InstanceMetadata.objects.filter(_content_type=content_type):
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print "Populating %s for %s.%s" % (Metadata._meta.verbose_name_plural, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name)
                populate_metadata(model, InstanceMetadata)
Пример #2
def populate_all_metadata():
    """ Create metadata instances for all models in seo_models if empty.
        Once you have created a single metadata instance, this will not run.
        This is because it is a potentially slow operation that need only be
        done once. If you want to ensure that everything is populated, run the
        populate_metadata management command.
    for Metadata in registry.values():
        InstanceMetadata = Metadata._meta.get_model('modelinstance')
        if InstanceMetadata is not None:
            for model in Metadata._meta.seo_models:
                populate_metadata(model, InstanceMetadata)
Пример #3
 def populate_all_metadata():
     """ Create metadata instances for all models in seo_models if empty.
         Once you have created a single metadata instance, this will not run.
         This is because it is a potentially slow operation that need only be
         done once. If you want to ensure that everything is populated, run the
         populate_metadata management command.
     for Metadata in registry.values():
         InstanceMetadata = Metadata._meta.get_model('modelinstance')
         if InstanceMetadata is not None:
             for model in Metadata._meta.seo_models:
                 populate_metadata(model, InstanceMetadata)
Пример #4
def _syncdb_handler(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs):
    for Metadata in registry.values():
        InstanceMetadata = Metadata._meta.get_model('modelinstance')
        if InstanceMetadata is not None and InstanceMetadata in created_models:
            for model in Metadata._meta.seo_models:
                content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
                if InstanceMetadata.objects.filter(_content_type=content_type):
                if verbosity > 0:
                    print "Populating %s for %s.%s" % (Metadata._meta.verbose_name_plural, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name)
                    # If a model is using SEO & it's schema is managed by South migrations rather than syncdb, this call will fail when doing an syncdb for the first time.
                    populate_metadata(model, InstanceMetadata)
                except DatabaseError as err:
                    print "Database Error (%s) when trying to populate %s for %s.%s. Ignoring (as assumed that this is a migration related issue)" % (str(err), Metadata._meta.verbose_name_plural, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name)