Пример #1
def solvefile(graph, filename):
	"""Load file with pairs of intersections and calculate shortest path between them."""
	with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as infile:
		num = int(infile.readline())
		costs = [0]*num
		for i in range(num):
			source = int(infile.readline())
			dest = int(infile.readline())
			pathcost, _ = route.shortest_path(graph, source, dest)
			costs[i] = pathcost[dest]
	return costs
Пример #2
def solvefile(graph, filename):
    """Load file with pairs of intersections and calculate shortest path between them."""
    with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as infile:
        num = int(infile.readline())
        costs = [0] * num
        for i in range(num):
            source = int(infile.readline())
            dest = int(infile.readline())
            pathcost, _ = route.shortest_path(graph, source, dest)
            costs[i] = pathcost[dest]
    return costs
Пример #3
def get_direction():
    """Return JSON instruction object when given starting and ending address.

	Instruction object is documented in doc/backend_api

	Arguments from request:
	start -- starting address name
	end	  -- ending address name
	bike_mode -- true or false, decides which graph to use
    start = request.args.get('start')
    end = request.args.get('end')
    bike_mode = request.args.get('bike_mode')
    if bike_mode:
        print("using bike mode")

    # intersection indices, and distances from address to those intersections
    start_inter, end_inter, start_dist, end_dist, end_side, start_dir = address_to_inter(
        start, end)

    instructions = {"error": None, "length": -1, "path": []}

    working_graph = bikelane_graph if bike_mode == "true" else centerline_graph

    dists, parent = route.shortest_path(working_graph, start_inter, end_inter)
    print("successfully found shortest path")
    # based on parent, return certain instructions

    node = end_inter
    path = []
    # start with last street
    prev_street = working_graph[parent[node]][node]["street"]

    # going from final intersection to ending address
    instruct = {}
    instruct["action"] = "arrive"
    instruct["side"] = end_side
    instruct["distance"] = end_dist
    instruct["direction"] = start_dir

    # do the reste of the travelling
    while parent[node]:
        # we are going from parent[node] -> node
        print("{}<-{}".format(node, parent[node]))
        to_inter = working_graph.node[node]
        from_inter = working_graph.node[parent[node]]
        edge = working_graph[parent[node]][node]

        cur_street = edge["street"]

        # debugging
        # instructions["path"].append(str(from_inter))
        # instructions["path"].append(str(to_inter))
        # instructions["path"].append(str(edge))

        # turn if street changes
        if cur_street != prev_street:
            # update to new turned to street
            prev_street = cur_street
            # need to create new instruction
            instruct = {}

            instruct["action"] = "turn"
            # compare last street's direction and this street's direction
            from_dir = get_dir(working_graph, parent[node], node)
            # direction further down the path (previously encountered)
            to_dir = path[-1]["direction"]

                instruct["direction"] = turn[from_dir][to_dir]
            except KeyError:
                print("from {} to {}".format(from_dir, to_dir))
                if (from_dir == to_dir):
                    instruct["direction"] = "Toward"
                    instruct["direction"] = "Around"

            instruct["from"] = {
                "name": from_inter["record"][name_index],
                "lon": from_inter["lon"],
                "lat": from_inter["lat"]
            instruct["to"] = {
                "name": to_inter["record"][name_index],
                "lon": to_inter["lon"],
                "lat": to_inter["lat"]

        if path[-1]["action"] == "turn":
            # just turned, need to create new instruction
            instruct = {}
            instruct["action"] = "along"

            instruct["direction"] = get_dir(working_graph, parent[node], node)
            instruct["from"] = {
                "name": from_inter["record"][name_index],
                "lon": from_inter["lon"],
                "lat": from_inter["lat"]
            instruct["to"] = {
                "name": to_inter["record"][name_index],
                "lon": to_inter["lon"],
                "lat": to_inter["lat"]
            instruct["distance"] = edge["length"]

            # already along the same direction, just add to distance and update instruction's from intersection
            instruct = path[-1]
            instruct["from"] = {
                "name": from_inter["record"][name_index],
                "lon": from_inter["lon"],
                "lat": from_inter["lat"]
            instruct["distance"] += edge["length"]

        # go on to previous part of track
        node = parent[node]

    # go from initial address to initial intersection
    instruct = {}
    # going from initial address to initial intersection
    instruct["action"] = "along"
    instruct["distance"] = start_dist
    # from address
    instruct["from"] = {
        "name": from_inter["record"][name_index],
        "lon": from_inter["lon"],
        "lat": from_inter["lat"]
    # first intersection
    instruct["to"] = {
        "name": from_inter["record"][name_index],
        "lon": from_inter["lon"],
        "lat": from_inter["lat"]

    instructions["path"] = list(reversed(path))
    # from initial address to initial intersection to final intersection to final address
    instructions["length"] = start_dist + dists[end_inter] + end_dist

    return jsonify(instructions)
Пример #4
def get_direction():
	"""Return JSON instruction object when given starting and ending address.

	Instruction object is documented in doc/backend_api

	Arguments from request:
	start -- starting address name
	end	  -- ending address name
	bike_mode -- true or false, decides which graph to use
	start = request.args.get('start')
	end = request.args.get('end')
	bike_mode = request.args.get('bike_mode')
	if bike_mode:
		print("using bike mode")

	# intersection indices, and distances from address to those intersections
	start_inter, end_inter, start_dist, end_dist, end_side, start_dir = address_to_inter(start, end)

	instructions = {"error":None, "length":-1, "path":[]}

	working_graph = bikelane_graph if bike_mode == "true" else centerline_graph

	dists, parent = route.shortest_path(working_graph, start_inter, end_inter)
	print("successfully found shortest path")
	# based on parent, return certain instructions

	node = end_inter
	path = []
	# start with last street
	prev_street = working_graph[parent[node]][node]["street"]

	# going from final intersection to ending address
	instruct = {}
	instruct["action"] = "arrive"
	instruct["side"] = end_side
	instruct["distance"] = end_dist
	instruct["direction"] = start_dir

	# do the reste of the travelling
	while parent[node]: 
		# we are going from parent[node] -> node
		print("{}<-{}".format(node, parent[node]))
		to_inter = working_graph.node[node]
		from_inter = working_graph.node[parent[node]]
		edge = working_graph[parent[node]][node]

		cur_street = edge["street"]

		# debugging
		# instructions["path"].append(str(from_inter))
		# instructions["path"].append(str(to_inter))
		# instructions["path"].append(str(edge))

		# turn if street changes
		if cur_street != prev_street:
			# update to new turned to street
			prev_street = cur_street
			# need to create new instruction
			instruct = {}

			instruct["action"] = "turn"
			# compare last street's direction and this street's direction
			from_dir = get_dir(working_graph, parent[node], node)
			# direction further down the path (previously encountered)
			to_dir = path[-1]["direction"]

				instruct["direction"] = turn[from_dir][to_dir]
			except KeyError:
				print("from {} to {}".format(from_dir, to_dir))
				if (from_dir == to_dir):
					instruct["direction"] = "Toward"
					instruct["direction"] = "Around"

			instruct["from"] = {
			instruct["to"] = {
		if path[-1]["action"] == "turn":
			# just turned, need to create new instruction
			instruct = {}
			instruct["action"] = "along"

			instruct["direction"] = get_dir(working_graph, parent[node], node)
			instruct["from"] = {
			instruct["to"] = {
			instruct["distance"] = edge["length"]

			# already along the same direction, just add to distance and update instruction's from intersection
			instruct = path[-1]
			instruct["from"] = {
			instruct["distance"] += edge["length"]				

		# go on to previous part of track
		node = parent[node]

	# go from initial address to initial intersection
	instruct = {}
	# going from initial address to initial intersection
	instruct["action"] = "along"
	instruct["distance"] = start_dist
	# from address
	instruct["from"] = {
	# first intersection
	instruct["to"] = {

	instructions["path"] = list(reversed(path))
	# from initial address to initial intersection to final intersection to final address
	instructions["length"] = start_dist + dists[end_inter] + end_dist

	return jsonify(instructions)