Пример #1
def detect_model_from_host_platform():
    mach = None
        import platform
        mach = platform.machine()
    except ImportError:
    if not mach:
        platform = sys.platform.lower()
        if platform.startswith('win'):   # assume an Intel Windows
            return MODEL_X86
        # assume we have 'uname'
        mach = os.popen('uname -m', 'r').read().strip()
        if not mach:
            raise ProcessorAutodetectError("cannot run 'uname -m'")
    result ={'i386': MODEL_X86,
            'i486': MODEL_X86,
            'i586': MODEL_X86,
            'i686': MODEL_X86,
            'i86pc': MODEL_X86,    # Solaris/Intel
            'x86': MODEL_X86,      # Apple
            'Power Macintosh': MODEL_PPC_64,
            'powerpc': MODEL_PPC_64, # freebsd
            'ppc64': MODEL_PPC_64,
            'ppc64le': MODEL_PPC_64,
            'x86_64': MODEL_X86,
            'amd64': MODEL_X86,    # freebsd
            'AMD64': MODEL_X86,    # win64
            'armv8l': MODEL_ARM,   # 32-bit ARMv8
            'armv7l': MODEL_ARM,
            'armv6l': MODEL_ARM,
            'arm': MODEL_ARM,      # freebsd
            's390x': MODEL_S390_64

    if result is None:
        raise ProcessorAutodetectError("unknown machine name %s" % mach)
    if result.startswith('x86'):
        from rpython.jit.backend.x86 import detect_feature as feature
        if sys.maxint == 2**63-1:
            result = MODEL_X86_64
            assert sys.maxint == 2**31-1
            if feature.detect_sse2():
                result = MODEL_X86
                result = MODEL_X86_NO_SSE2
            if feature.detect_x32_mode():
                raise ProcessorAutodetectError(
                    'JITting in x32 mode is not implemented')
    if result.startswith('arm'):
        from rpython.jit.backend.arm.detect import detect_float
        if not detect_float():
            raise ProcessorAutodetectError(
                'the JIT-compiler requires a vfp unit')
    return result
Пример #2
def detect_model_from_host_platform():
    mach = None
        import platform
        mach = platform.machine()
    except ImportError:
    if not mach:
        platform = sys.platform.lower()
        if platform.startswith('win'):   # assume an Intel Windows
            return MODEL_X86
        # assume we have 'uname'
        mach = os.popen('uname -m', 'r').read().strip()
        if not mach:
            raise ProcessorAutodetectError, "cannot run 'uname -m'"
    result ={'i386': MODEL_X86,
            'i486': MODEL_X86,
            'i586': MODEL_X86,
            'i686': MODEL_X86,
            'i86pc': MODEL_X86,    # Solaris/Intel
            'x86': MODEL_X86,      # Apple
            'Power Macintosh': MODEL_PPC_64,
            'x86_64': MODEL_X86,
            'amd64': MODEL_X86,    # freebsd
            'AMD64': MODEL_X86,    # win64
            'armv7l': MODEL_ARM,
            'armv6l': MODEL_ARM,
            'arm': MODEL_ARM,      # freebsd

    if result is None:
        raise ProcessorAutodetectError, "unknown machine name %s" % mach
    if result.startswith('x86'):
        if sys.maxint == 2**63-1:
            result = MODEL_X86_64
            assert sys.maxint == 2**31-1
            from rpython.jit.backend.x86 import detect_sse2
            if detect_sse2.detect_sse2():
                result = MODEL_X86
                result = MODEL_X86_NO_SSE2
            if detect_sse2.detect_x32_mode():
                raise ProcessorAutodetectError(
                    'JITting in x32 mode is not implemented')
    if result.startswith('arm'):
        from rpython.jit.backend.arm.detect import detect_float
        if not detect_float():
            raise ProcessorAutodetectError(
                'the JIT-compiler requires a vfp unit')
    return result
Пример #3
def detect_model_from_host_platform():
    mach = None
        import platform
        mach = platform.machine()
    except ImportError:
    if not mach:
        platform = sys.platform.lower()
        if platform.startswith('win'):   # assume an Intel Windows
            return MODEL_X86
        # assume we have 'uname'
        mach = os.popen('uname -m', 'r').read().strip()
        if not mach:
            raise ProcessorAutodetectError, "cannot run 'uname -m'"
    result ={'i386': MODEL_X86,
            'i486': MODEL_X86,
            'i586': MODEL_X86,
            'i686': MODEL_X86,
            'i86pc': MODEL_X86,    # Solaris/Intel
            'x86': MODEL_X86,      # Apple
            'Power Macintosh': MODEL_PPC_64,
            'x86_64': MODEL_X86,
            'amd64': MODEL_X86,    # freebsd
            'AMD64': MODEL_X86,    # win64
            'armv7l': MODEL_ARM,
            'armv6l': MODEL_ARM,
    if result.startswith('x86'):
        if sys.maxint == 2**63-1:
            result = MODEL_X86_64
            assert sys.maxint == 2**31-1
            from rpython.jit.backend.x86.detect_sse2 import detect_sse2
            if detect_sse2():
                result = MODEL_X86
                result = MODEL_X86_NO_SSE2
    if result.startswith('arm'):
        from rpython.jit.backend.arm.detect import detect_float
        assert detect_float(), 'the JIT-compiler requires a vfp unit'
    return result