Пример #1
def return_dimension(level=None, weight=None, chi=None, **kwds):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        info = to_dict(request.args)
        info = to_dict(request.form)
    level = my_get(info, 'level', level, int)
    weight = my_get(info, 'weight', weight, int)
    chi = my_get(info, 'chi', chi, int)
    if level is None or weight is None:
        return emf_error("Please supply level weight (and optional character)!"), 500
    ttype = my_get(kwds, 'ttype', info.get('ttype', 'new'), str)
    emf_logger.debug("level,weight,chi: {0},{1},{2}, type={3}".format(level, weight, chi, ttype))
    if chi == 0 or chi is None:
        x = level
        x = DirichletGroup(level).list()[chi]
    if ttype == 'new':
        return str(dimension_new_cusp_forms(x, weight))
    if ttype == 'cusp':
        return str(dimension_cusp_forms(x, weight))
    if ttype == 'modular':
        return str(dimension_modular_forms(x, weight))
    if ttype == 'eisenstein':
        return str(dimension_eis(x, weight))
    s = "Please use one of the available table types: 'new', 'cusp','modular', 'eisenstein' Got:{0}".format(
    return emf_error(s), 500
Пример #2
 def as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6(self,insert_in_db=True):
     If self is on the full modular group writes self as a polynomial in E_4 and E_6.
     -''X'' -- vector (x_1,...,x_n)
     with f = Sum_{i=0}^{k/6} x_(n-i) E_6^i * E_4^{k/4-i}
     i.e. x_i is the coefficient of E_6^(k/6-i)*
     if(self.level() != 1):
         raise NotImplementedError("Only implemented for SL(2,Z). Need more generators in general.")
     if(self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6 is not None and self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6 != ''):
         return self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6
     d = self._parent.dimension_modular_forms()  # dimension of space of modular forms
     k = self.weight()
     K = self.base_ring()
     l = list()
     # for n in range(d+1):
     #    l.append(self._f.q_expansion(d+2)[n])
     # v=vector(l) # (self._f.coefficients(d+1))
     v = vector(self.coefficients(range(d),insert_in_db=insert_in_db))
     d = dimension_modular_forms(1, k)
     lv = len(v)
     if(lv < d):
         raise ArithmeticError("not enough Fourier coeffs")
     e4 = EisensteinForms(1, 4).basis()[0].q_expansion(lv + 2)
     e6 = EisensteinForms(1, 6).basis()[0].q_expansion(lv + 2)
     m = Matrix(K, lv, d)
     lima = floor(k / 6)  # lima=k\6;
     if((lima - (k / 2)) % 2 == 1):
         lima = lima - 1
     poldeg = lima
     col = 0
     monomials = dict()
     while(lima >= 0):
         deg6 = ZZ(lima)
         deg4 = (ZZ((ZZ(k / 2) - 3 * lima) / 2))
         e6p = (e6 ** deg6)
         e4p = (e4 ** deg4)
         monomials[col] = [deg4, deg6]
         eis = e6p * e4p
         for i in range(1, lv + 1):
             m[i - 1, col] = eis.coefficients()[i - 1]
         lima = lima - 2
         col = col + 1
     if (col != d):
         raise ArithmeticError("bug dimension")
     # return [m,v]
     if self._verbose > 0:
         wmf_logger.debug("m={0}".format(m, type(m)))
         wmf_logger.debug("v={0}".format(v, type(v)))
         X = m.solve_right(v)
         return ""
     self._as_polynomial_in_E4_and_E6 = [poldeg, monomials, X]
     return [poldeg, monomials, X]
    def set_dimensions(self):
        The dimension of the subspace of newforms in self.
        if self._chi != 1:
            x = self.character().sage_character()
            x = self.level()
        k = self.weight()
        # Ambient modular formsspace
        if self._dimension_modular_forms is None:
            self._dimension_modular_forms = int(dimension_modular_forms(x,k))
        # Cuspidal subspace
        if self._dimension_cusp_forms is None:
            self._dimension_cusp_forms = int(dimension_cusp_forms(x,k))
        # New cuspidal subspace 
        if self._dimension_new_cusp_forms is None:
            self._dimension_new_cusp_forms = int(dimension_new_cusp_forms(x,k))
        # New subspace of ambient space
        if self._dimension_newspace is None:
            if self._cuspidal == 1:
                self._dimension_newspace = self.dimension_new_cusp_forms()
                self._dimension_newspace = self._newspace.dimension()

        # Old subspace of self.
        if self._dimension_oldspace is None:
            if self._cuspidal == 1:
                self._dimension_oldspace = self.dimension_cusp_forms() - self.dimension_new_cusp_forms()
                self._dimension_oldspace = self.dimension_modular_forms() - self.dimension_newforms()
        if self._dimension is None:
            if self._cuspidal == 1:
                self._dimension = self.dimension_cusp_forms()
            elif self._cuspidal == 0:
                self._dimension = self.dimension_modular_forms()