Пример #1
    def to_tableau(self):
        Returns the Tableau object corresponding to self.


            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',3], shape = [2,2])
            sage: t = T(rows=[[1,2],[3,4]]).to_tableau(); t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
            sage: type(t)
            <class 'sage.combinat.tableau.Tableau_class'>
            sage: type(t[0][0])
            <type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>
            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['D',3], shape = [1,1])
            sage: t=T(rows=[[-3],[3]]).to_tableau(); t
            [[-3], [3]]
            sage: t=T(rows=[[3],[-3]]).to_tableau(); t
            [[3], [-3]]
            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['B',2], shape = [1,1])
            sage: t = T(rows=[[0],[0]]).to_tableau(); t
            [[0], [0]]
        if self._list == []:
            return Tableau([])
        tab = [ [self[0].value] ]
        for i in range(1,len(self)):
            if self[i-1] < self[i] or (self[i-1].value != 0 and self[i-1] == self[i]):
                l = len(tab)-1
        for x in tab:
        return Tableau(tab).conjugate()
Пример #2
        def product_on_basis(self, t1, t2):

                sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
                sage: TF = FSym.dual().F()
                sage: t1 = StandardTableau([[1,2]])
                sage: TF.product_on_basis(t1, t1)
                F[12|34] + F[123|4] + F[1234] + F[124|3] + F[13|24] + F[134|2]
                sage: t0 = StandardTableau([])
                sage: TF.product_on_basis(t1, t0) == TF[t1] == TF.product_on_basis(t0, t1)
            z = []
            n = t1.size()
            m = t2.size()
            npmp1 = n + m + 1
            ST = self._indices
            from itertools import combinations
            for I in combinations(range(1, npmp1), n):
                J = [j for j in range(1, npmp1) if (j not in I)]
                tt1 = [[I[x - 1] for x in row] for row in t1]
                tt2 = [tuple([J[x - 1] for x in row]) for row in t2]
            return self.sum_of_monomials(z)
Пример #3
    def _latex_(self):

            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',3], shape = [4,2])
            sage: t = T(rows=[[1,1,2,3],[2,3]])
            sage: latex(t) # indirect doctest
        from sage.combinat.output import tex_from_array
        # Modified version of to_tableau() to have the entrys be letters
        #   rather than their values
        if self._list == []:
            return "{\\emptyset}"

        tab = [[self[0]]]
        for i in range(1, len(self)):
            if self[i - 1] < self[i] or (self[i - 1].value != 0
                                         and self[i - 1] == self[i]):
                l = len(tab) - 1
        for x in tab:
        T = Tableau(tab).conjugate()
        return tex_from_array([[letter._latex_() for letter in row]
                               for row in T])
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **options):
        There are several ways to input tableaux, by rows,
        by columns, as the list of column elements, or as a sequence of numbers
        in column reading.


            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',3], shape = [2,2])
            sage: t = T(rows=[[1,2],[3,4]])
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
            sage: TestSuite(t).run()

            sage: t = T(columns=[[3,1],[4,2]])
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
            sage: TestSuite(t).run()

            sage: t = T(list=[3,1,4,2])
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

            sage: t = T(3,1,4,2)
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

        Currently inputting the empty tableau as an empty sequence is broken due to a bug in
        the generic __call__ method (see trac ticket #8648)


            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',3], shape=[])
            sage: t = T()
            sage: t._list
        if len(args) == 1:
            if isinstance(args[0], Tableau_class):
                options['rows'] = args[0]
        if options.has_key('list'):
            list = options['list']
        elif options.has_key('rows'):
#            list=Tableau(rows).to_word_by_column()
            for col in rows:
        elif options.has_key('columns'):
            for col in columns:
            list = [i for i in args]
        if list != [] and type(list[0]) is Integer:
            list=[parent.letters(x) for x in list]
        TensorProductOfCrystalsElement.__init__(self, parent, list)
Пример #5
def to_dual_tableau(elt):
    Return a type `A_n` crystal tableau ``elt`` as a tableau expressed
    in terms of dual letters.

    The dual letter of `k` is expressed as `\overline{n+2-k}` represented
    as `-(n+2-k)`.


        sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.kac_modules import to_dual_tableau
        sage: T = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
        sage: ascii_art([to_dual_tableau(t) for t in T])
        [  -3 -3   -3 -2   -3 -1   -3 -1   -2 -1   -3 -3   -3 -2   -2 -2 ]
        [  -2   ,  -2   ,  -2   ,  -1   ,  -1   ,  -1   ,  -1   ,  -1    ]


    Check that :trac:`23935` is fixed::

        sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.kac_modules import to_dual_tableau
        sage: T = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[])
        sage: to_dual_tableau(T[0])

        sage: Ktriv = crystals.KacModule(['A',[1,1]], [], [])
        sage: Ktriv.module_generator()
        ({}, [], [])
    from sage.combinat.tableau import Tableau
    M = elt.parent().cartan_type().rank() + 2
    if not elt:
        return Tableau([])
    tab = [[elt[0].value - M]]
    for i in range(1, len(elt)):
        if elt[i - 1] < elt[i] or (elt[i - 1].value != 0
                                   and elt[i - 1] == elt[i]):
            tab.append([elt[i].value - M])
            tab[len(tab) - 1].append(elt[i].value - M)
    for x in tab:
    return Tableau(tab).conjugate()
Пример #6
    def to_tableau(self):
        Return the tableau class of ``self``.


            sage: PP = PlanePartition([[4,3,3,1],[2,1,1],[1,1]])
            sage: PP.to_tableau()
            [[4, 3, 3, 1], [2, 1, 1], [1, 1]]
        return Tableau(self)
Пример #7
    def _latex_(self):
        Gives the latex output of a spin column.


            sage: C = CrystalOfSpins(['B',3])
            sage: b = C([1,1,-1])
            sage: b._latex_()
        return Tableau([[i] for i in reversed(self.signature())])._latex_()
Пример #8
    def _latex_(self):
        Gives the latex output of a spin column.


            sage: C = crystals.Spins(['B',3])
            sage: b = C([1,1,-1])
            sage: print(b._latex_())
        return Tableau([[i] for i in reversed(self.signature())])._latex_()
    def _tableau_dict(self):
        A dictionary pairing the vertices of the underlying Yang-Baxter
        graph with standard tableau.


            sage: orth = SymmetricGroupRepresentation([3,2], "orthogonal")
            sage: orth._tableau_dict
            {(0, 2, 1, -1, 0): [[1, 3, 4], [2, 5]], (2, 0, -1, 1, 0): [[1, 2, 5], [3, 4]], (2, 0, 1, -1, 0): [[1, 3, 5], [2, 4]], (0, 2, -1, 1, 0): [[1, 2, 4], [3, 5]], (0, -1, 2, 1, 0): [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]}
        # construct a dictionary pairing vertices with tableau
        t = StandardTableaux(self._partition).last()
        tableau_dict = {self._yang_baxter_graph.root():t}
        for (u,w,(i,beta)) in self._yang_baxter_graph._edges_in_bfs():
            # TODO: improve the following
            si = PermutationGroupElement((i,i+1))
            tableau_dict[w] = Tableau([map(si, row) for row in tableau_dict[u]])
        return tableau_dict
Пример #10
def latex_dual(elt):
    Return a latex representation of a type `A_n` crystal tableau ``elt``
    expressed in terms of dual letters.

    The dual letter of `k` is expressed as `\overline{n+2-k}`.


        sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.kac_modules import latex_dual
        sage: T = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
        sage: print(latex_dual(T[0]))
    M = elt.parent().cartan_type().rank() + 2
    from sage.combinat.tableau import Tableau
    from sage.combinat.output import tex_from_array
    # Modified version of to_tableau() to have the entries be letters
    #   rather than their values
    if not elt:
        return "{\\emptyset}"

    tab = [["\\overline{{{}}}".format(M - elt[0].value)]]
    for i in range(1, len(elt)):
        if elt[i - 1] < elt[i] or (elt[i - 1].value != 0
                                   and elt[i - 1] == elt[i]):
            tab.append(["\\overline{{{}}}".format(M - elt[i].value)])
            l = len(tab) - 1
            tab[l].append("\\overline{{{}}}".format(M - elt[i].value))
    for x in tab:

    T = Tableau(tab).conjugate()
    return tex_from_array([list(row) for row in T])
Пример #11
def hecke_insertion(obj1, obj2=None):
    Return the Hecke insertion of the pair ``[obj1, obj2]``.

    .. SEEALSO::



        sage: w = [5, 4, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4]
        sage: RSK(w, insertion='hecke')
        [[[1, 2, 4, 5], [2, 4, 5], [3, 5], [4], [5]],
         [[(1,), (4,), (5,), (7,)],
          [(2,), (9,), (11, 13)],
          [(3,), (12,)],
          [(8, 10)]]]
    if obj2 is None:
        obj2 = obj1
        obj1 = range(1,len(obj2)+1)

    from sage.combinat.tableau import SemistandardTableau, Tableau
    from bisect import bisect_right
    p = []       #the "insertion" tableau
    q = []       #the "recording" tableau

    for i, x in izip(obj1, obj2):
        for j,r in enumerate(p):
            if r[-1] > x:
                #Figure out where to insert x into the row r.  The
                #bisect command returns the position of the least
                #element of r greater than x.  We will call it y.
                y_pos = bisect_right(r, x)
                y = r[y_pos]
                # Check to see if we can swap x for y
                if (y_pos == 0 or r[y_pos-1] < x) and (j == 0 or p[j-1][y_pos] < x):
                    r[y_pos] = x
                x = y
                # We must have len(p[j-1]) > len(r), since x is coming
                # from the previous row.
                if r[-1] < x and (j == 0 or p[j-1][len(r)] < x):
                    # We can add a box to the row
                    q[j].append((i,)) # Values are always inserted to the right
                    # We must append i to the bottom of this column
                    l = len(r) - 1
                    while j < len(q) and len(q[j]) > l:
                        j += 1
                    q[j-1][-1] = q[j-1][-1] + (i,)
            #We made through all of the rows of p without breaking
            #so we need to add a new row to p and q.

    return [SemistandardTableau(p), Tableau(q)]
Пример #12
    def pak_correspondence(self):
        Return the image of the `\lambda`-rpp ``self`` under the Pak
        correspondence (as a :class:`~sage.combinat.tableau.Tableau`).

        See :mod:`~sage.combinat.hillman_grassl`.

        The Pak correspondence is the map `\xi_\lambda`
        from [Sulzgr2017]_ Section 7, and is the map
        `\xi_\lambda` from [Pak2002]_ Section 4.
        It is the inverse of the Sulzgruber correspondence
        The following description of the Pak correspondence follows
        [Hopkins2017]_ (which denotes it by `\mathcal{RSK}^{-1}`):

        Fix a partition `\lambda`
        (see :meth:`~sage.combinat.partition.Partition`).
        We draw all partitions and tableaux in English notation.

        A `\lambda`-*array* will mean a tableau of shape `\lambda` whose
        entries are nonnegative integers. (No conditions on the order of
        these entries are made. Note that `0` is allowed.)

        A *weak reverse plane partition of shape* `\lambda` (short:
        `\lambda`-*rpp*) will mean a `\lambda`-array whose entries weakly
        increase along each row and weakly increase along each column.

        We shall also use the following notation:
        If `(u, v)` is a cell of `\lambda`, and if `\pi` is a
        `\lambda`-rpp, then:

        * the *lower bound* of `\pi` at `(u, v)` (denoted by
          `\pi_{<(u, v)}`) is defined to be
          `\max \{ \pi_{u-1, v} , \pi_{u, v-1} \}`
          (where `\pi_{0, v}` and `\pi_{u, 0}` are understood to
          mean `0`).

        * the *upper bound* of `\pi` at `(u, v)` (denoted by
          `\pi_{>(u, v)}`) is defined to be
          `\min \{ \pi_{u+1, v} , \pi_{u, v+1} \}`
          (where `\pi_{i, j}` is understood to mean `+ \infty`
          if `(i, j)` is not in `\lambda`; thus, the upper
          bound at a corner cell is `+ \infty`).

        * *toggling* `\pi` at `(u, v)` means replacing the entry
          `\pi_{u, v}` of `\pi` at `(u, v)` by
          `\pi_{<(u, v)} + \pi_{>(u, v)} - \pi_{u, v}`
          (this is well-defined as long as `(u, v)` is not a
          corner of `\lambda`).

        Note that every `\lambda`-rpp `\pi` and every cell
        `(u, v)` of `\lambda` satisfy
        `\pi_{<(u, v)} \leq \pi_{u, v} \leq \pi_{>(u, v)}`.
        Note that toggling a `\lambda`-rpp (at a cell that is not
        a corner) always results in a `\lambda`-rpp. Also,
        toggling is an involution).

        Note also that the lower bound of `\pi` at `(u, v)` is
        defined (and finite) even when `(u, v)` is not a cell of
        `\lambda`, as long as both `(u-1, v)` and `(u, v-1)` are
        cells of `\lambda`.

        The Pak correspondence `\Phi_\lambda` sends a `\lambda`-array
        `M = (m_{i, j})` to a `\lambda`-rpp `\Phi_\lambda(M)`. It
        is defined by recursion on `\lambda` (that is, we assume that
        `\Phi_\mu` is already defined for every partition `\mu`
        smaller than `\lambda`), and its definition proceeds as

        * If `\lambda = \varnothing`, then `\Phi_\lambda` is the
          obvious bijection sending the only `\varnothing`-array
          to the only `\varnothing`-rpp.

        * Pick any corner `c = (i, j)` of `\lambda`, and let `\mu`
          be the result of removing this corner `c` from the partition
          `\lambda`. (The exact choice of `c` is immaterial.)

        * Let `M'` be what remains of `M` when the corner cell `c`
          is removed.

        * Let `\pi' = \Phi_\mu(M')`.

        * For each positive integer `k` such that `(i-k, j-k)` is a
          cell of `\lambda`, toggle `\pi'` at `(i-k, j-k)`.
          (All these togglings commute, so the order in which they
          are made is immaterial.)

        * Extend the `\mu`-rpp `\pi'` to a `\lambda`-rpp `\pi` by
          adding the cell `c` and writing the number
          `m_{i, j} - \pi'_{<(i, j)}` into this cell.

        * Set `\Phi_\lambda(M) = \pi`.

        .. SEEALSO::

            for the Pak correspondence as a standalone function.

            for the inverse map.


            sage: a = WeakReversePlanePartition([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 4]])
            sage: A = a.pak_correspondence(); A
            [[1, 0, 2], [0, 2, 0], [1, 1, 0]]
            sage: a.parent(), A.parent()
            (Weak Reverse Plane Partitions, Tableaux)

        Applying the Pak correspondence to the transpose of a
        `\lambda`-rpp `M` yields the same result as applying it to
        `M` and then transposing the result::

            sage: a = WeakReversePlanePartition([[1,3,5],[2,4]])
            sage: acc = a.pak_correspondence().conjugate()
            sage: acc == a.conjugate().pak_correspondence()
        return Tableau(pak_correspondence(list(self)))
Пример #13
    def hillman_grassl_inverse(self):
        Return the image of the `\lambda`-rpp ``self`` under the
        inverse of the Hillman-Grassl correspondence (as a

        Fix a partition `\lambda`
        (see :meth:`~sage.combinat.partition.Partition`).
        We draw all partitions and tableaux in English notation.

        A `\lambda`-*array* will mean a tableau of shape `\lambda` whose
        entries are nonnegative integers. (No conditions on the order of
        these entries are made. Note that `0` is allowed.)

        A *weak reverse plane partition of shape* `\lambda` (short:
        `\lambda`-*rpp*) will mean a `\lambda`-array whose entries weakly
        increase along each row and weakly increase along each column.

        The inverse `H^{-1}` of the Hillman-Grassl correspondence (see
        (:meth:`~sage.combinat.tableau.Tableau.hillman_grassl` for the
        latter) sends a `\lambda`-rpp `\pi` to a `\lambda`-array
        `H^{-1}(\pi)` constructed recursively as follows:

        * If all entries of `\pi` are `0`, then `H^{-1}(\pi) = \pi`.

        * Otherwise, let `s` be the index of the leftmost column of `\pi`
          containing a nonzero entry. Write the `\lambda`-array `M`
          as `(m_{i, j})`.

        * Define a sequence `((i_1, j_1), (i_2, j_2), \ldots,
          (i_n, j_n))` of boxes in the diagram of `\lambda` (actually a
          lattice path made of northward and eastward steps) as follows:
          Let `(i_1, j_1)` be the bottommost box in the `s`-th column
          of `\pi`.
          If `(i_k, j_k)` is defined for some `k \geq 1`, then
          `(i_{k+1}, j_{k+1})` is constructed as follows:
          If `q_{i_k - 1, j_k}` is well-defined and equals `q_{i_k, j_k}`,
          then we set `(i_{k+1}, j_{k+1}) = (i_k - 1, j_k)`. Otherwise,
          we set `(i_{k+1}, j_{k+1}) = (i_k, j_k + 1)` if this is still
          a box of `\lambda`. Otherwise, the sequence ends here.

        * Let `\pi'` be the `\lambda`-rpp obtained from `\pi` by
          subtracting `1` from the `(i_k, j_k)`-th entry of `\pi` for each
          `k \in \{1, 2, \ldots, n\}`.

        * Let `N'` be the image `H^{-1}(\pi')` (which is already
          constructed by recursion).
          Then, `H^{-1}(\pi)` is obtained from `N'` by adding `1` to the
          `(i_n, s)`-th entry of `N'`.

        This construction appears in [HilGra1976]_ Section 6 (where
        `\lambda`-arrays are re-encoded as sequences of "hook number
        multiplicities") and [EnumComb2]_ Section 7.22.

        .. SEEALSO::

            for the inverse of the Hillman-Grassl correspondence as a
            standalone function.

            for the inverse map.


            sage: a = WeakReversePlanePartition([[2, 2, 4], [2, 3, 4], [3, 5]])
            sage: a.hillman_grassl_inverse()
            [[2, 1, 1], [0, 2, 0], [1, 1]]
            sage: b = WeakReversePlanePartition([[1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2], [2, 2, 3, 3], [2, 2, 3, 3]])
            sage: B = b.hillman_grassl_inverse(); B
            [[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]
            sage: b.parent(), B.parent()
            (Weak Reverse Plane Partitions, Tableaux)

        Applying the inverse of the Hillman-Grassl correspondence
        to the transpose of a `\lambda`-rpp `M` yields the same
        result as applying it to `M` and then transposing the
        result ([Gans1981]_ Corollary 3.4)::

            sage: a = WeakReversePlanePartition([[1,3,5],[2,4]])
            sage: aic = a.hillman_grassl_inverse().conjugate()
            sage: aic == a.conjugate().hillman_grassl_inverse()
        return Tableau(hillman_grassl_inverse(list(self)))
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **options):
        There are several ways to input tableaux, by rows,
        by columns, as the list of column elements, or as a sequence of numbers
        in column reading.


            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',3], shape = [2,2])
            sage: t = T(rows=[[1,2],[3,4]])
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
            sage: TestSuite(t).run()

            sage: t = T(columns=[[3,1],[4,2]])
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
            sage: TestSuite(t).run()

            sage: t = T(list=[3,1,4,2])
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

            sage: t = T(3,1,4,2)
            sage: t
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

        Currently inputting the empty tableau as an empty sequence is broken due to a bug in
        the generic __call__ method (see trac ticket #8648)


            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',3], shape=[])
            sage: t = T()
            sage: t._list


        Integer types that are not a Sage ``Integer`` (such as a Python ``int``
        and typically arise from compiled code) were not converted into a
        letter. This caused certain functions to fail. This is fixed in

            sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',3], shape = [2,2])
            sage: t = T(list=[int(3),1,4,2])
            sage: type(t[0])
            <class 'sage.combinat.crystals.letters.ClassicalCrystalOfLetters_with_category.element_class'>
            sage: t = T(list=[3,int(1),4,2])
            sage: type(t[1])
            <class 'sage.combinat.crystals.letters.ClassicalCrystalOfLetters_with_category.element_class'>
            sage: C = KirillovReshetikhinCrystal(['A',int(3),1], 1,1)
            sage: C[0].e(0)
        if len(args) == 1:
            if isinstance(args[0], Tableau):
                options['rows'] = args[0]
        if options.has_key('list'):
            list = options['list']
        elif options.has_key('rows'):
            rows = options['rows']
            #            list=Tableau(rows).to_word_by_column()
            rows = Tableau(rows).conjugate()
            list = []
            for col in rows:
                list += col
        elif options.has_key('columns'):
            columns = options['columns']
            list = []
            for col in columns:
                list += col
            list = [i for i in args]
        TensorProductOfCrystalsElement.__init__(self, parent,
                                                map(parent.letters, list))