Пример #1
def simulates_forwards(topo, a, b, field="vlan", edge_policy={}):
    """Determine if b simulates a up to field on one hop."""
    p, pp = Consts("p pp", Packet)
    v, vv = Ints("v vv")
    # Z3 emits a warning about not finding a pattern for our quantification.
    # This is fine, so ignore it.
    set_option("WARNING", False)

    solv = Solver()
    solv.add(on_valid_port(topo, p))

    # b doesn't need to forward packets on external links that don't satisfy the
    # ingress predicate
    edge_option = And(external_link(edge_policy, p), Not(edges_ingress(edge_policy, p)))

            forwards(a, p, pp),
            ForAll([v, vv], Not(Or(forwards_with(b, p, {field: v}, pp, {field: vv}), edge_option)), patterns=[]),
    if solv.check() == unsat:
        set_option("WARNING", True)
        return None
        set_option("WARNING", True)
        return solv.model(), (p, pp), HEADER_INDEX
Пример #2
def simulates_forwards2(topo, a, b, field="vlan", edge_policy={}):
    """Determine if b simulates a up to field on two hop on topo."""
    p, pp, q, qq = Consts("p pp q qq", Packet)
    v, vv, vvv = Ints("v vv, vvv")
    # Z3 emits a warning about not finding a pattern for our quantification.
    # This is fine, so ignore it.
    set_option("WARNING", False)

    solv = Solver()

    solv.add(on_valid_port(topo, p))

    # b doesn't need to forward packets on external links that don't satisfy the
    # ingress predicate, but we only care about the first hop
    edge_option = And(external_link(edge_policy, p), Not(edges_ingress(edge_policy, p)))

    # This case breaks the And inside the ForAll because they're both False and
    # z3 can't handle that.
    # However, it does mean that they simulate each other, because neither
    # forwards packets, so just short-circuit.
    if forwards(b, p, pp) is False and forwards(b, q, qq) is False:
        return None
    c = And(
        forwards(a, p, pp),
        transfer(topo, pp, q),
        forwards(a, q, qq),
            [v, vv, vvv],
                        forwards_with(b, p, {field: v}, pp, {field: vv}),
                        forwards_with(b, q, {field: vv}, qq, {field: vvv}),

    if solv.check() == unsat:
        set_option("WARNING", True)
        return None
        set_option("WARNING", True)
        return solv.model(), (p, pp), HEADER_INDEX