Пример #1
def symeig(mtxA, mtxB=None, select=None):
    # Selection notation is like eigh.
    import scipy.linalg as sla
    if select is None:
        if np.iscomplexobj(mtxA):
            if mtxB is None:
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('heev', arrays=(mtxA,))
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('hegv', arrays=(mtxA,))
            if mtxB is None:
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('syev', arrays=(mtxA,))
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('sygv', arrays=(mtxA,))
##         print fun
        if mtxB is None:
            out = fun(mtxA)
            out = fun(mtxA, mtxB)
            out = out[1], out[0], out[2]
##         print w
##         print v
##         print info
##         from symeig import symeig
##         print symeig( mtxA, mtxB )
        return out[:-1]
        return sla.eigh(mtxA, mtxB, eigvals=select)
Пример #2
    def test_for_simetric_indefinite_matrix(self):

        # Define test matrix A.
        # Note that the leading 5x5 submatrix is indefinite.
        A = np.asarray([[1, 2, 3, 7, 8],
                        [2, 5, 5, 9, 0],
                        [3, 5, 11, 1, 2],
                        [7, 9, 1, 7, 5],
                        [8, 0, 2, 5, 8]])

        # Get Cholesky from lapack functions
        cholesky, = get_lapack_funcs(('potrf',), (A,))

        # Compute Cholesky Decomposition
        c, k = cholesky(A, lower=False, overwrite_a=False, clean=True)

        delta, v = singular_leading_submatrix(A, c, k)

        A[k-1, k-1] += delta

        # Check if the leading submatrix is singular.
        assert_array_almost_equal(det(A[:k, :k]), 0)

        # Check if `v` fullfil the specified properties
        quadratic_term = np.dot(v, np.dot(A, v))
        assert_array_almost_equal(quadratic_term, 0)
Пример #3
def _expm_product_helper(A, mu, iteration_stash, t, B):
    # Estimate expm(t*M).dot(B).
    # A = M - mu*I
    # mu = mean(trace(M))
    # The iteration stash helps to compute numbers of iterations to use.
    # t is a scaling factor.
    # B is the input matrix for the linear operator.

    # Compute some input-dependent constants.
    tol = np.ldexp(1, -53)
    n0 = B.shape[1]
    m, s = iteration_stash.fragment_3_1(n0, t)

    #print('1-norm:', A.one_norm(), 't:', t, 'mu:', mu, 'n0:', n0, 'm:', m, 's:', s)

    # Get the lapack function for computing matrix norms.
    lange, = get_lapack_funcs(('lange',), (B,))

    F = B
    eta = np.exp(t*mu / float(s))
    for i in range(s):
        c1 = lange('i', B)
        for j in range(m):
            coeff = t / float(s*(j+1))
            B = coeff * A.dot(B)
            c2 = lange('i', B)
            F = F + B
            if c1 + c2 <= tol * lange('i', F):
            c1 = c2
        F = eta * F
        B = F
    return F
Пример #4
def py_maxvol(A, tol = 1.05, max_iters = 100):
    """Python implementation of 1-volume maximization. For information see :py:func:`maxvol` function"""
    if tol < 1:
        tol = 1.0
    N, r = A.shape
    if N <= r:
        return np.arange(N, dtype = np.int32), np.eye(N, dtype = A.dtype)
    # DGETRF
    B = np.copy(A, order = 'F')
    C = np.copy(B.T, order = 'F')
    H, ipiv, info = get_lapack_funcs('getrf', [B])(B, overwrite_a = 1)
    # computing pivots from ipiv
    index = np.arange(N, dtype = np.int32)
    for i in xrange(r):
        tmp = index[i]
        index[i] = index[ipiv[i]]
        index[ipiv[i]] = tmp
    # solve A = CH, H is in LU format
    B = H[:r]
    # It will be much faster to use dtrsm instead of dtrtrs
    trtrs = get_lapack_funcs('trtrs', [B])
    trtrs(B, C, trans = 1, lower = 0, unitdiag = 0, overwrite_b = 1)
    trtrs(B, C, trans = 1, lower = 1, unitdiag = 1, overwrite_b = 1)
    # C has shape (r, N) -- it is stored transposed
    # find max value in C
    i, j = divmod(abs(C).argmax(), N)
    # set cgeru or zgeru for complex numbers and dger or sger for float numbers
        ger = get_blas_funcs('geru', [C])
        ger = get_blas_funcs('ger', [C])
    # set iters to 0
    iters = 0
    # check if need to swap rows
    while abs(C[i,j]) > tol and iters < max_iters:
        # add j to index and recompute C by SVM-formula
        index[i] = j
        tmp_row = C[i].copy()
        tmp_column = C[:,j].copy()
        tmp_column[i] -= 1.
        alpha = -1./C[i,j]
        ger(alpha, tmp_column, tmp_row, a = C, overwrite_a = 1)
        iters += 1
        i, j = divmod(abs(C).argmax(), N)
    return index[:r].copy(), C.T
Пример #5
def symeig( mtxA, mtxB = None, eigenvectors = True, select = None ):
    import scipy.linalg as sla
    if select is None:
        if np.iscomplexobj( mtxA ):
            if mtxB is None:
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('heev', arrays=(mtxA,))
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('hegv', arrays=(mtxA,))
            if mtxB is None:
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('syev', arrays=(mtxA,))
                fun = sla.get_lapack_funcs('sygv', arrays=(mtxA,))
##         print fun
        if mtxB is None:
            out = fun( mtxA )
            out = fun( mtxA, mtxB )
            out = out[1], out[0], out[2]
##         print w
##         print v
##         print info
##         from symeig import symeig
##         print symeig( mtxA, mtxB )
        out = sla.eig( mtxA, mtxB, right = eigenvectors )
        w = out[0]
        ii = np.argsort( w )
        w = w[slice( *select )]
        if eigenvectors:
            v = out[1][:,ii]
            v = v[:,slice( *select )]
            out = w, v, 0
            out = w, 0

    return out[:-1]
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, x, fun, jac, hess, hessp=None,
                 k_easy=0.1, k_hard=0.2):

        super(IterativeSubproblem, self).__init__(x, fun, jac, hess)

        # When the trust-region shrinks in two consecutive
        # calculations (``tr_radius < previous_tr_radius``)
        # the lower bound ``lambda_lb`` may be reused,
        # facilitating  the convergence.  To indicate no
        # previous value is known at first ``previous_tr_radius``
        # is set to -1  and ``lambda_lb`` to None.
        self.previous_tr_radius = -1
        self.lambda_lb = None

        self.niter = 0

        # ``k_easy`` and ``k_hard`` are parameters used
        # to determine the stop criteria to the iterative
        # subproblem solver. Take a look at pp. 194-197
        # from reference _[1] for a more detailed description.
        self.k_easy = k_easy
        self.k_hard = k_hard

        # Get Lapack function for cholesky decomposition.
        # The implemented Scipy wrapper does not return
        # the incomplete factorization needed by the method.
        self.cholesky, = get_lapack_funcs(('potrf',), (self.hess,))

        # Get info about Hessian
        self.dimension = len(self.hess)
            self.hess_gershgorin_ub = gershgorin_bounds(self.hess)
        self.hess_inf = norm(self.hess, np.Inf)
        self.hess_fro = norm(self.hess, 'fro')

        # A constant such that for vectors smaler than that
        # backward substituition is not reliable. It was stabilished
        # based on Golub, G. H., Van Loan, C. F. (2013).
        # "Matrix computations". Forth Edition. JHU press., p.165.
        self.CLOSE_TO_ZERO = self.dimension * self.EPS * self.hess_inf
Пример #7
    def test_for_first_element_equal_to_zero(self):

        # Define test matrix A.
        # Note that the leading 2x2 submatrix is singular.
        A = np.array([[0, 3, 11],
                      [3, 12, 5],
                      [11, 5, 6]])

        # Get Cholesky from lapack functions
        cholesky, = get_lapack_funcs(('potrf',), (A,))

        # Compute Cholesky Decomposition
        c, k = cholesky(A, lower=False, overwrite_a=False, clean=True)

        delta, v = singular_leading_submatrix(A, c, k)

        A[k-1, k-1] += delta

        # Check if the leading submatrix is singular
        assert_array_almost_equal(det(A[:k, :k]), 0)

        # Check if `v` fullfil the specified properties
        quadratic_term = np.dot(v, np.dot(A, v))
        assert_array_almost_equal(quadratic_term, 0)
Пример #8
def gmres_mgs(A,
    """Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES) based on MGS.

    GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the system
    Ax = b
    Modified Gram-Schmidt version

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm
        of the initial preconditioned residual
    restrt : None, int
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : None, int
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.
    reorth : boolean
        If True, then a check is made whether to re-orthogonalize the Krylov
        space each GMRES iteration

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.
        - For robustness, modified Gram-Schmidt is used to orthogonalize the
          Krylov Space Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm
          each iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = gmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='mgs')
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)
    >>> 6.5428213057

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    .. [2] C. T. Kelley, http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ctk/matlab_roots.html

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._gmres_mgs')

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    if restrt is not None:
        restrt = int(restrt)
    if maxiter is not None:
        maxiter = int(maxiter)

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    # dotc is the conjugate dot, dotu does no conjugation
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])
    if np.iscomplexobj(np.zeros((1, ), dtype=xtype)):
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotu', 'dotc', 'scal'], [x])
        # real type
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'dot', 'scal'], [x])

    # Make full use of direct access to BLAS by defining own norm
    def norm(z):
        return np.sqrt(np.real(dotc(z, z)))

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A * np.array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - np.ravel(A * x)

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = np.ravel(M * r)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:
    # Check for nan, inf
    # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
    #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
    #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol * normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we use the preconditioned residual
    # because this is left preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol * normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Preallocate for Givens Rotations, Hessenberg matrix and Krylov Space
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner).
        # NOTE:  We are dealing with row-major matrices, so we traverse in a
        #        row-major fashion,
        #        i.e., H and V's transpose is what we store.
        Q = []  # Givens Rotations
        # Upper Hessenberg matrix, which is then
        #   converted to upper tri with Givens Rots
        H = np.zeros((max_inner + 1, max_inner + 1), dtype=xtype)
        V = np.zeros((max_inner + 1, dimen), dtype=xtype)  # Krylov Space
        # vs store the pointers to each column of V.
        #   This saves a considerable amount of time.
        vs = []
        # v = r/normr
        V[0, :] = scal(1.0 / normr, r)
        vs.append(V[0, :])

        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = np.zeros((dimen, ), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = normr

        for inner in range(max_inner):

            # New Search Direction
            v = V[inner + 1, :]
            v[:] = np.ravel(M * (A * vs[-1]))
            normv_old = norm(v)

            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(V[inner+1, :]).any() or isinf(V[inner+1, :]).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

            #  Modified Gram Schmidt
            for k in range(inner + 1):
                vk = vs[k]
                alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                H[inner, k] = alpha
                v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            normv = norm(v)
            H[inner, inner + 1] = normv

            # Re-orthogonalize
            if (reorth is True) and (normv_old == normv_old + 0.001 * normv):
                for k in range(inner + 1):
                    vk = vs[k]
                    alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                    H[inner, k] = H[inner, k] + alpha
                    v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            # Check for breakdown
            if H[inner, inner + 1] != 0.0:
                v[:] = scal(1.0 / H[inner, inner + 1], v)

            # Apply previous Givens rotations to H
            if inner > 0:
                apply_givens(Q, H[inner, :], inner)

            # Calculate and apply next complex-valued Givens Rotation
            # ==> Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary
            # for the last inner
            #     iteration, when inner = dimen-1.
            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if H[inner, inner + 1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(H[inner, inner], H[inner, inner + 1])
                    Qblock = np.array([[c, s], [-np.conjugate(s), c]],

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g,
                    #   the RHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace.
                    g[inner:inner + 2] = np.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner + 2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to H
                    H[inner, inner] = dotu(Qblock[0, :], H[inner,
                                                           inner:inner + 2])
                    H[inner, inner + 1] = 0.0

            niter += 1

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner - 1:
                normr = np.abs(g[inner + 1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to the iterates
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space V.  Solve inner x inner system.
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:inner + 1, 0:inner + 1].T, g[0:inner + 1])
        update = np.ravel(V[:inner + 1, :].T.dot(y.reshape(-1, 1)))
        x = x + update
        r = b - np.ravel(A * x)

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = np.ravel(M * r)
        normr = norm(r)
        # Check for nan, inf
        # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
        #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
        #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

        # Allow user access to the iterates
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = np.max(np.abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Пример #9
def gmres_mgs(T,S,nc,X,b,Rp,Xp,Yp,mu, R, max_iter = 1000, tol = 1.0E-8):
    #max_iter = param.max_iter
    #R = param.restart
    #tol = param.tol   
    GMRES solver.

    surf_array : array, contains the surface classes of each region on the
    field_array: array, contains the Field classes of each region on the surface.
    X          : array, initial guess.
    b          : array, right hand side.
    param      : class, parameters related to the surface.
    ind0       : class, it contains the indices related to the treecode
    timing     : class, it contains timing information for different parts of
                        the code.
    kernel     : pycuda source module.

    X          : array, an updated guess to the solution.
    iteration  : int, number of outer iterations for convergence

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003
    .. [2] C. T. Kelley, http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ctk/matlab_roots.html

    # Defining xtype as dtype of the problem, to decide which BLAS functions
    # import.
    xtype = upcast(X.dtype, b.dtype)

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    # dotc is the conjugate dot, dotu does no conjugation

    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [X] )
    if numpy.iscomplexobj(numpy.zeros((1,), dtype=xtype)):
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotu', 'dotc', 'scal'], [X])
        # real type
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'dot', 'scal'], [X])

    # Make full use of direct access to BLAS by defining own norm
    def norm(z):
        return numpy.sqrt(numpy.real(dotc(z, z)))

    # Defining dimension
    dimen = len(X)

    #max_iter = param.max_iter
    #R = param.restart
    #tol = param.tol

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if R > dimen:
        warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum\
              allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
        R = dimen

    max_inner = R

    #max_outer should be max_iter/max_inner but this might not be an integer
    #so we get the ceil of the division.
    #In the inner loop there is a if statement to break in case max_iter is
    max_outer = int(numpy.ceil(max_iter/max_inner))
    #print max_outer

    # Prep for method
    #aux = gmres_dot(X, surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, timing, kernel)
    #aux = numpy.matmul(A,X)
    aux = vector_Ax_p2p(T,S,nc,X,Rp,Xp,Yp,mu)    
    r = b - aux

    normr = norm(r)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0, must account for
    # case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return X

    iteration = 0

    # Here start the GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Preallocate for Givens Rotations, Hessenberg matrix and Krylov Space
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner).
        # NOTE:  We are dealing with row-major matrices, so we traverse in a
        #        row-major fashion,
        #        i.e., H and V's transpose is what we store.

        Q = []  # Initialzing Givens Rotations
        # Upper Hessenberg matrix, which is then
        # converted to upper triagonal with Givens Rotations

        H = numpy.zeros((max_inner+1, max_inner+1), dtype=xtype)
        V = numpy.zeros((max_inner+1, dimen), dtype=xtype)  # Krylov space

        # vs store the pointers to each column of V.
        # This saves a considerable amount of time.
        vs = []

        # v = r/normr
        V[0, :] = scal(1.0/normr, r)  # scal wrapper of dscal --> x = a*x
        vs.append(V[0, :])

        #Saving initial residual to be used to calculate the rel_resid
        if iteration==0:
            res_0 = normb

        #RHS vector in the Krylov space
        g = numpy.zeros((dimen, ), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = normr

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            #New search direction
            v= V[inner+1, :]
            #v[:] = gmres_dot(vs[-1], surf_array, field_array, ind0, param,
 #timing, kernel)
            #v[:] = numpy.matmul(A,vs[-1])
            v[:] = vector_Ax_p2p(T,S,nc,vs[-1],Rp,Xp,Yp,mu)

            #Modified Gram Schmidt
            for k in range(inner+1):
                vk = vs[k]
                alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                H[inner, k] = alpha
                v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)  # y := a*x + y
                #axpy is a wrapper for daxpy (blas function)

            normv = norm(v)
            H[inner, inner+1] = normv

            #Check for breakdown
            if H[inner, inner+1] != 0.0:
                v[:] = scal(1.0/H[inner, inner+1], v)

            #Apply for Givens rotations to H
            if inner > 0:
                apply_givens(Q, H[inner, :], inner)

            #Calculate and apply next complex-valued Givens rotations

            #If max_inner = dimen, we don't need to calculate, this
            #is unnecessary for the last inner iteration when inner = dimen -1

            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if H[inner, inner+1] != 0:
                    #lartg is a lapack function that computes the parameters
                    #for a Givens rotation
                    [c, s, _] = lartg(H[inner, inner], H[inner, inner+1])
                    Qblock = numpy.array([[c, s], [-numpy.conjugate(s),c]], dtype=xtype)

                    #Apply Givens Rotations to RHS for the linear system in
                    # the krylov space.
                    g[inner:inner+2] = scipy.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner+2])

                    #Apply Givens rotations to H
                    H[inner, inner] = dotu(Qblock[0,:], H[inner, inner:inner+2])
                    H[inner, inner+1] = 0.0

            iteration+= 1

            if inner < max_inner-1:
                normr = abs(g[inner+1])
                rel_resid = normr/res_0

                if rel_resid < tol:

            if iteration%1==0:
                print('Iteration: {}, relative residual: {}'.format(iteration,rel_resid))

            if (inner + 1 == R):
                print('Residual: {}. Restart...'.format(rel_resid))

            if iteration==max_iter:
                'You have reached the maximum number of iterations : {}.'.format(iteration))
                print('The run will stop. Check the residual behaviour you might have a bug.'
                'For future runs you might consider changing the tolerance or'
                ' increasing the number of max_iter.')

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to X in Krylov Space V.  Solve inner X inner system.
        y = scipy.linalg.solve (H[0:inner+1, 0:inner+1].T, g[0:inner+1])
        update = numpy.ravel(scipy.mat(V[:inner+1, :]).T * y.reshape(-1,1))
        X= X + update
        #aux = gmres_dot(X, surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, timing, kernel)
        #aux = numpy.matmul(A,X)
        aux = vector_Ax_p2p(T,S,nc,X,Rp,Xp,Yp,mu)
        r = b - aux

        normr = norm(r)
        rel_resid = normr/res_0

        # test for convergence
        if rel_resid < tol:
            print('GMRES solve')
            print('Converged after {} iterations to a residual of {}'.format(iteration,rel_resid))
            #print('Time weight vector: {}'.format(timing.time_mass))
            #print('Time sort         : {}'.format(timing.time_sort))
            #print('Time data transfer: {}'.format(timing.time_trans))
           # print('Time P2M          : {}'.format(timing.time_P2M))
           # print('Time M2M          : {}'.format(timing.time_M2M))
           # print('Time M2P          : {}'.format(timing.time_M2P))
           # print('Time P2P          : {}'.format(timing.time_P2P))
           # print('\tTime analy: {}'.format(timing.time_an))

            return X, iteration

    #end outer loop

    return X, iteration
Пример #10
    def admm(self, z, y, gamma):
        """Alternating direction method of multipliers."""
        # Optimization:
        # This has been reasonably optimized already and performs ~3x
        # faster than a naive translation of the matlab version.

        # Two major changes are a custom function for calculating
        # the norm of a 1d vector and accessing the lapack solver
        # directly.

        # However it still isn't as fast as matlab (~1/3rd the
        # speed).

        # There are two complexity sources:
        # 1. the matrix solver. I can't see how this can get any
        #    faster (tested with Intel MKL on Canopy).
        # 2. the test for convergence. This is the dominant source
        #    now (~3x the time of the solver)

        # One simple speedup (~2x faster) is to only test
        # convergence every n iterations (n~10). However this breaks
        # output comparison with the matlab code. This might not
        # actually be a problem.

        # Further avenues for optimization:
        # - write in cython and import as compiled module, e.g.
        #   http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/numpy_tutorial.html
        # - use two cores, with one core performing the admm and
        #   the other watching for convergence.

        a = (gamma / self.rho)
        q = self.dmd.q

        # precompute cholesky decomposition
        C = linalg.cholesky(self.Prho, lower=False)
        # link directly to LAPACK fortran solver for positive
        # definite symmetric system with precomputed cholesky decomp:
        potrs, = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('potrs', ), arrays=(C, q))

        # simple norm of a 1d vector, called directly from BLAS
        norm, = linalg.get_blas_funcs(('nrm2', ), arrays=(q, ))

        # square root outside of the loop
        root_n = np.sqrt(self.n)

        for ADMMstep in range(self.max_admm_iter):
            # ## x-minimization step (alpha minimisation)
            u = z - (1. / self.rho) * y
            qs = q + (self.rho / 2.) * u
            # Solve P x = qs, using fact that P is hermitian and
            # positive definite and assuming P is well behaved (no
            # inf or nan).
            xnew = potrs(C, qs, lower=False, overwrite_b=False)[0]
            # ##

            # ## z-minimization step (beta minimisation)
            v = xnew + (1 / self.rho) * y
            # Soft-thresholding of v
            # zero for |v| < a
            # v - a for v > a
            # v + a for v < -a
            # n.b. This doesn't actually do this because v is
            # complex. This is the same as the matlab source. You might
            # want to use np.sign, but this won't work because v is complex.
            abs_v = np.abs(v)
            znew = ((1 - a / abs_v) * v) * (abs_v > a)
            # ##

            # ## Lagrange multiplier update step
            y = y + self.rho * (xnew - znew)
            # ##

            # ## Test convergence of admm
            # Primal and dual residuals
            res_prim = norm(xnew - znew)
            res_dual = self.rho * norm(znew - z)

            # Stopping criteria
            eps_prim = root_n * self.eps_abs \
                        + self.eps_rel * max(norm(xnew), norm(znew))
            eps_dual = root_n * self.eps_abs + self.eps_rel * norm(y)

            if (res_prim < eps_prim) & (res_dual < eps_dual):
                return z
                z = znew

        return z
Пример #11
def gmres_mgs(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restrt=None, maxiter=None, xtype=None,
              M=None, callback=None, residuals=None, reorth=False):
    Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES)
        GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the system
        Ax = b
        Modified Gram-Schmidt version

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm
        of the initial preconditioned residual
    restrt : {None, int}
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : {None, int}
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback( ||rk||_2 ), where rk is the current preconditioned residual
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.
    reorth : boolean
        If True, then a check is made whether to re-orthogonalize the Krylov
        space each GMRES iteration

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.
        - For robustness, modified Gram-Schmidt is used to orthogonalize the
          Krylov Space Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm
          each iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = gmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='mgs')
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)
    >>> 6.5428213057

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    .. [2] C. T. Kelley, http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ctk/matlab_roots.html
    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._gmres_mgs')

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    if restrt is not None:
        restrt = int(restrt)
    if maxiter is not None:
        maxiter = int(maxiter)

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    # dotc is the conjugate dot, dotu does no conjugation
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x] )
    if iscomplexobj(zeros((1,), dtype=xtype)):
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotu', 'dotc', 'scal'], [x])
        # real type
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'dot',  'scal'], [x])

    # Make full use of direct access to BLAS by defining own norm
    def norm(z):
        return sqrt(real(dotc(z, z)))

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = ravel(A*array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b/entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - ravel(A*x)

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = ravel(M*r)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:
    # Check for nan, inf
    # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
    #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
    #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        if callback is not None:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we use the preconditioned residual
    # because this is left preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Preallocate for Givens Rotations, Hessenberg matrix and Krylov Space
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner).
        # NOTE:  We are dealing with row-major matrices, so we traverse in a
        #        row-major fashion,
        #        i.e., H and V's transpose is what we store.
        Q = []  # Givens Rotations
        # Upper Hessenberg matrix, which is then
        #   converted to upper tri with Givens Rots
        H = zeros((max_inner+1, max_inner+1), dtype=xtype)
        V = zeros((max_inner+1, dimen), dtype=xtype)  # Krylov Space
        # vs store the pointers to each column of V.
        #   This saves a considerable amount of time.
        vs = []
        # v = r/normr
        V[0, :] = scal(1.0/normr, r)
        vs.append(V[0, :])

        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = zeros((dimen,), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = normr

        for inner in range(max_inner):

            # New Search Direction
            v = V[inner+1, :]
            v[:] = ravel(M*(A*vs[-1]))
            normv_old = norm(v)

            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(V[inner+1, :]).any() or isinf(V[inner+1, :]).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

            #  Modified Gram Schmidt
            for k in range(inner+1):
                vk = vs[k]
                alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                H[inner, k] = alpha
                v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            normv = norm(v)
            H[inner, inner+1] = normv

            # Re-orthogonalize
            if (reorth is True) and (normv_old == normv_old + 0.001*normv):
                for k in range(inner+1):
                    vk = vs[k]
                    alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                    H[inner, k] = H[inner, k] + alpha
                    v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            # Check for breakdown
            if H[inner, inner+1] != 0.0:
                v[:] = scal(1.0/H[inner, inner+1], v)

            # Apply previous Givens rotations to H
            if inner > 0:
                apply_givens(Q, H[inner, :], inner)

            # Calculate and apply next complex-valued Givens Rotation
            # ==> Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary
            # for the last inner
            #     iteration, when inner = dimen-1.
            if inner != dimen-1:
                if H[inner, inner+1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(H[inner, inner], H[inner, inner+1])
                    Qblock = array([[c, s], [-conjugate(s), c]], dtype=xtype)

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g,
                    #   the RHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace.
                    g[inner:inner+2] = sp.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner+2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to H
                    H[inner, inner] = dotu(Qblock[0, :],
                                           H[inner, inner:inner+2])
                    H[inner, inner+1] = 0.0

            niter += 1

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner-1:
                normr = abs(g[inner+1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to residual
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space V.  Solve inner x inner system.
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:inner+1, 0:inner+1].T, g[0:inner+1])
        update = ravel(sp.mat(V[:inner+1, :]).T*y.reshape(-1, 1))
        x = x + update
        r = b - ravel(A*x)

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = ravel(M*r)
        normr = norm(r)
        # Check for nan, inf
        # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
        #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
        #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

        # Allow user access to residual
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = max(abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Пример #12
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as ss
import warnings
from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, get_lapack_funcs
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances

from graphs import Graph
from ..mini_six import range
from .neighbors import nearest_neighbors

__all__ = ['sparse_regularized_graph', 'smce_graph']

# For quickly running cho_solve without lots of checking
potrs = get_lapack_funcs('potrs')

# TODO: implement NNLRS next
# http://www.cis.pku.edu.cn/faculty/vision/zlin/Publications/2012-CVPR-NNLRS.pdf

def smce_graph(X, metric='l2', sparsity_param=10, kmax=None, keep_ratio=0.95):
  '''Sparse graph construction from the SMCE paper.

  X : 2-dimensional array-like
  metric : str, optional
  sparsity_param : float, optional
  kmax : int, optional
  keep_ratio : float, optional
    When <1, keep edges up to (keep_ratio * total weight)
Пример #13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import f #fisher
from . import dv, zero_finding
import lmfit
LinAlgError = np.linalg.LinAlgError

from .base_functions import (_fold_exp,
import scipy.linalg as linalg
posv = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('posv'))

def direct_solve(a, b):
    c, x, info = posv(a, b, lower=False,
    return x

alpha = 0.001

def solve_mat(A, b_mat, method='ridge'):
    Returns the solution for the least squares problem |Ax - b_i|^2.
    if method == 'fast':
        #return linalg.solve(A.T.dot(A), A.T.dot(b_mat), sym_pos=True)
        return direct_solve(A.T.dot(A), A.T.dot(b_mat))

    elif method == 'ridge':
Пример #14
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.linalg import LinAlgError
from scipy._lib._util import _asarray_validated

_d = np.empty(0, np.float64)
_z = np.empty(0, np.complex128)
dgemm = linalg.get_blas_funcs('gemm', (_d,))
zgemm = linalg.get_blas_funcs('gemm', (_z,))
dgemv = linalg.get_blas_funcs('gemv', (_d,))
ddot = linalg.get_blas_funcs('dot', (_d,))
_I = np.cast['F'](1j)

# linalg.svd and linalg.pinv2
dgesdd, dgesdd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesdd', 'gesdd_lwork'), (_d,))
zgesdd, zgesdd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesdd', 'gesdd_lwork'), (_z,))
dgesvd, dgesvd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesvd', 'gesvd_lwork'), (_d,))
zgesvd, zgesvd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesvd', 'gesvd_lwork'), (_z,))

def _svd_lwork(shape, dtype=np.float64):
    """Set up SVD calculations on identical-shape float64/complex128 arrays."""
    if dtype == np.float64:
        gesdd_lwork, gesvd_lwork = dgesdd_lwork, dgesvd_lwork
        assert dtype == np.complex128
        gesdd_lwork, gesvd_lwork = zgesdd_lwork, zgesvd_lwork
    sdd_lwork = linalg.decomp_svd._compute_lwork(
        gesdd_lwork, *shape, compute_uv=True, full_matrices=False)
    svd_lwork = linalg.decomp_svd._compute_lwork(
Пример #15
def gmres_mgs(surf_array, field_array, X, b, param, ind0, timing, kernel):
    GMRES solver.

    surf_array : array, contains the surface classes of each region on the
    field_array: array, contains the Field classes of each region on the surface.
    X          : array, initial guess.
    b          : array, right hand side.
    param      : class, parameters related to the surface.
    ind0       : class, it contains the indices related to the treecode
    timing     : class, it contains timing information for different parts of
                        the code.
    kernel     : pycuda source module.

    X          : array, an updated guess to the solution.
    iteration  : int, number of outer iterations for convergence

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003
    .. [2] C. T. Kelley, http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ctk/matlab_roots.html

    # Defining xtype as dtype of the problem, to decide which BLAS functions
    # import.
    xtype = upcast(X.dtype, b.dtype)

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    # dotc is the conjugate dot, dotu does no conjugation

    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [X] )
    if numpy.iscomplexobj(numpy.zeros((1,), dtype=xtype)):
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotu', 'dotc', 'scal'], [X])
        # real type
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'dot', 'scal'], [X])

    # Make full use of direct access to BLAS by defining own norm
    def norm(z):
        return numpy.sqrt(numpy.real(dotc(z, z)))

    # Defining dimension
    dimen = len(X)

    max_iter = param.max_iter
    R = param.restart
    tol = param.tol

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if R > dimen:
        warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum\
              allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
        R = dimen

    max_inner = R

    #max_outer should be max_iter/max_inner but this might not be an integer
    #so we get the ceil of the division.
    #In the inner loop there is a if statement to break in case max_iter is
    max_outer = int(numpy.ceil(max_iter/max_inner))

    # Prep for method
    aux = gmres_dot(X, surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, timing, kernel)
    r = b - aux

    normr = norm(r)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0, must account for
    # case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return X

    iteration = 0

    # Here start the GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Preallocate for Givens Rotations, Hessenberg matrix and Krylov Space
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner).
        # NOTE:  We are dealing with row-major matrices, so we traverse in a
        #        row-major fashion,
        #        i.e., H and V's transpose is what we store.

        Q = []  # Initialzing Givens Rotations
        # Upper Hessenberg matrix, which is then
        # converted to upper triagonal with Givens Rotations

        H = numpy.zeros((max_inner+1, max_inner+1), dtype=xtype)
        V = numpy.zeros((max_inner+1, dimen), dtype=xtype)  # Krylov space

        # vs store the pointers to each column of V.
        # This saves a considerable amount of time.
        vs = []

        # v = r/normr
        V[0, :] = scal(1.0/normr, r)  # scal wrapper of dscal --> x = a*x
        vs.append(V[0, :])

        #Saving initial residual to be used to calculate the rel_resid
        if iteration==0:
            res_0 = normb

        #RHS vector in the Krylov space
        g = numpy.zeros((dimen, ), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = normr

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            #New search direction
            v= V[inner+1, :]
            v[:] = gmres_dot(vs[-1], surf_array, field_array, ind0, param,
 timing, kernel)

            #Modified Gram Schmidt
            for k in range(inner+1):
                vk = vs[k]
                alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                H[inner, k] = alpha
                v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)  # y := a*x + y
                #axpy is a wrapper for daxpy (blas function)

            normv = norm(v)
            H[inner, inner+1] = normv

            #Check for breakdown
            if H[inner, inner+1] != 0.0:
                v[:] = scal(1.0/H[inner, inner+1], v)

            #Apply for Givens rotations to H
            if inner > 0:
                apply_givens(Q, H[inner, :], inner)

            #Calculate and apply next complex-valued Givens rotations

            #If max_inner = dimen, we don't need to calculate, this
            #is unnecessary for the last inner iteration when inner = dimen -1

            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if H[inner, inner+1] != 0:
                    #lartg is a lapack function that computes the parameters
                    #for a Givens rotation
                    [c, s, _] = lartg(H[inner, inner], H[inner, inner+1])
                    Qblock = numpy.array([[c, s], [-numpy.conjugate(s),c]], dtype=xtype)

                    #Apply Givens Rotations to RHS for the linear system in
                    # the krylov space.
                    g[inner:inner+2] = scipy.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner+2])

                    #Apply Givens rotations to H
                    H[inner, inner] = dotu(Qblock[0,:], H[inner, inner:inner+2])
                    H[inner, inner+1] = 0.0

            iteration+= 1

            if inner < max_inner-1:
                normr = abs(g[inner+1])
                rel_resid = normr/res_0

                if rel_resid < tol:

            if iteration%1==0:
                print('Iteration: {}, relative residual: {}'.format(iteration,rel_resid))

            if (inner + 1 == R):
                print('Residual: {}. Restart...'.format(rel_resid))

            if iteration==max_iter:
                'You have reached the maximum number of iterations : {}.'.format(iteration))
                print('The run will stop. Check the residual behaviour you might have a bug.'
                'For future runs you might consider changing the tolerance or'
                ' increasing the number of max_iter.')

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to X in Krylov Space V.  Solve inner X inner system.
        y = scipy.linalg.solve (H[0:inner+1, 0:inner+1].T, g[0:inner+1])
        update = numpy.ravel(scipy.mat(V[:inner+1, :]).T * y.reshape(-1,1))
        X= X + update
        aux = gmres_dot(X, surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, timing, kernel)
        r = b - aux

        normr = norm(r)
        rel_resid = normr/res_0

        # test for convergence
        if rel_resid < tol:
            print('GMRES solve')
            print('Converged after {} iterations to a residual of {}'.format(iteration,rel_resid))
            print('Time weight vector: {}'.format(timing.time_mass))
            print('Time sort         : {}'.format(timing.time_sort))
            print('Time data transfer: {}'.format(timing.time_trans))
            print('Time P2M          : {}'.format(timing.time_P2M))
            print('Time M2M          : {}'.format(timing.time_M2M))
            print('Time M2P          : {}'.format(timing.time_M2P))
            print('Time P2P          : {}'.format(timing.time_P2P))
            print('\tTime analy: {}'.format(timing.time_an))

            return X, iteration

    #end outer loop

    return X, iteration
Пример #16
def lgmres(A,
    Solve a matrix equation using the LGMRES algorithm.

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid some problems
    in the convergence in restarted GMRES, and often converges in fewer

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
    x0  : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
        steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
    M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}, optional
        Preconditioner for A.  The preconditioner should approximate the
        inverse of A.  Effective preconditioning dramatically improves the
        rate of convergence, which implies that fewer iterations are needed
        to reach a given error tolerance.
    callback : function, optional
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
    inner_m : int, optional
        Number of inner GMRES iterations per each outer iteration.
    outer_k : int, optional
        Number of vectors to carry between inner GMRES iterations.
        According to [1]_, good values are in the range of 1...3.
        However, note that if you want to use the additional vectors to
        accelerate solving multiple similar problems, larger values may
        be beneficial.
    outer_v : list of tuples, optional
        List containing tuples ``(v, Av)`` of vectors and corresponding
        matrix-vector products, used to augment the Krylov subspace, and
        carried between inner GMRES iterations. The element ``Av`` can
        be `None` if the matrix-vector product should be re-evaluated.
        This parameter is modified in-place by `lgmres`, and can be used
        to pass "guess" vectors in and out of the algorithm when solving
        similar problems.
    store_outer_Av : bool, optional
        Whether LGMRES should store also A*v in addition to vectors `v`
        in the `outer_v` list. Default is True.
    prepend_outer_v : bool, optional 
        Whether to put outer_v augmentation vectors before Krylov iterates.
        In standard LGMRES, prepend_outer_v=False.

    x : array or matrix
        The converged solution.
    info : int
        Provides convergence information:

            - 0  : successful exit
            - >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
            - <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid the
    slowing of convergence in restarted GMRES, due to alternating
    residual vectors. Typically, it often outperforms GMRES(m) of
    comparable memory requirements by some measure, or at least is not
    much worse.

    Another advantage in this algorithm is that you can supply it with
    'guess' vectors in the `outer_v` argument that augment the Krylov
    subspace. If the solution lies close to the span of these vectors,
    the algorithm converges faster. This can be useful if several very
    similar matrices need to be inverted one after another, such as in
    Newton-Krylov iteration where the Jacobian matrix often changes
    little in the nonlinear steps.

    .. [1] A.H. Baker and E.R. Jessup and T. Manteuffel, "A Technique for
             Accelerating the Convergence of Restarted GMRES", SIAM J. Matrix
             Anal. Appl. 26, 962 (2005).
    .. [2] A.H. Baker, "On Improving the Performance of the Linear Solver
             restarted GMRES", PhD thesis, University of Colorado (2003).

    >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
    >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import lgmres
    >>> A = csc_matrix([[3, 2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 5, 1]], dtype=float)
    >>> b = np.array([2, 4, -1], dtype=float)
    >>> x, exitCode = lgmres(A, b)
    >>> print(exitCode)            # 0 indicates successful convergence
    >>> np.allclose(A.dot(x), b)
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)

    if not np.isfinite(b).all():
        raise ValueError("RHS must contain only finite numbers")

    matvec = A.matvec
    psolve = M.matvec

    if outer_v is None:
        outer_v = []

    axpy, dot, scal = None, None, None
    nrm2 = get_blas_funcs('nrm2', [b])

    b_norm = nrm2(b)
    if b_norm == 0:
        b_norm = 1

    for k_outer in xrange(maxiter):
        r_outer = matvec(x) - b

        # -- callback
        if callback is not None:

        # -- determine input type routines
        if axpy is None:
            if np.iscomplexobj(r_outer) and not np.iscomplexobj(x):
                x = x.astype(r_outer.dtype)
            axpy, dot, scal, nrm2 = get_blas_funcs(
                ['axpy', 'dot', 'scal', 'nrm2'], (x, r_outer))
            trtrs = get_lapack_funcs('trtrs', (x, r_outer))

        # -- check stopping condition
        r_norm = nrm2(r_outer)
        if r_norm <= tol * b_norm or r_norm <= tol:

        # -- inner LGMRES iteration
        v0 = -psolve(r_outer)
        inner_res_0 = nrm2(v0)

        if inner_res_0 == 0:
            rnorm = nrm2(r_outer)
            raise RuntimeError("Preconditioner returned a zero vector; "
                               "|v| ~ %.1g, |M v| = 0" % rnorm)

        v0 = scal(1.0 / inner_res_0, v0)

            Q, R, B, vs, zs, y = _fgmres(matvec,
                                         atol=tol * b_norm / r_norm,
            y *= inner_res_0
            if not np.isfinite(y).all():
                # Overflow etc. in computation. There's no way to
                # recover from this, so we have to bail out.
                raise LinAlgError()
        except LinAlgError:
            # Floating point over/underflow, non-finite result from
            # matmul etc. -- report failure.
            return postprocess(x), k_outer + 1

        # -- GMRES terminated: eval solution
        dx = zs[0] * y[0]
        for w, yc in zip(zs[1:], y[1:]):
            dx = axpy(w, dx, dx.shape[0], yc)  # dx += w*yc

        # -- Store LGMRES augmentation vectors
        nx = nrm2(dx)
        if nx > 0:
            if store_outer_Av:
                q = Q.dot(R.dot(y))
                ax = vs[0] * q[0]
                for v, qc in zip(vs[1:], q[1:]):
                    ax = axpy(v, ax, ax.shape[0], qc)
                outer_v.append((dx / nx, ax / nx))
                outer_v.append((dx / nx, None))

        # -- Retain only a finite number of augmentation vectors
        while len(outer_v) > outer_k:
            del outer_v[0]

        # -- Apply step
        x += dx
        # didn't converge ...
        return postprocess(x), maxiter

    return postprocess(x), 0
Пример #17
def _cholesky(a,
    """Common code for cholesky() and cho_factor()."""

    a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a) if check_finite else asarray(a)
    a1 = atleast_2d(a1)

    # Dimension check
    if a1.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('Input array needs to be 2 dimensional but received '
                         'a {}d-array.'.format(a1.ndim))
    # Squareness check
    if a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Input array is expected to be square but has '
                         'the shape: {}.'.format(a1.shape))

    # Quick return for square empty array
    if a1.size == 0:
        return a1.copy(), lower

    #if not is_hermitian():
    #    raise LinAlgError("Expected symmetric or hermitian matrix")

    overwrite_a = overwrite_a or _datacopied(a1, a)

    # if the pivot flag is false, return the result
    if not full_pivot:
        potrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('potrf', ), (a1, ))
        c, info = potrf(a1, lower=lower, overwrite_a=overwrite_a, clean=clean)
        if info > 0:
            raise LinAlgError(
                "%d-th leading minor of the array is not positive "
                "definite" % info)
        if info < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'LAPACK reported an illegal value in {}-th argument'
                'on entry to "POTRF".'.format(-info))
        return c, lower
    else:  # if the pivot flag is true, return the result plus rank and pivot

        pstrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('pstrf', ), (a1, ))
        c, pivot, rank, info = pstrf(a1,
                                     tol=pivot_tol)  #

        if info > 0:
            if rank == 0:
                raise LinAlgError(
                    "%d-th leading minor of the array is not positive "
                    "semidefinite" % info)
                raise LinAlgError("The array is rank deficient with "
                                  "computed rank %d" % info)

        if info < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'LAPACK reported an illegal value in {}-th argument'
                'on entry to "PSTRF".'.format(-info))
        return c, lower, rank, pivot
Пример #18
def lgmres(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=1000, M=None, callback=None,
           inner_m=30, outer_k=3, outer_v=None, store_outer_Av=True,
           prepend_outer_v=False, res = "both"):
    Solve a matrix equation using the LGMRES algorithm.

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid some problems
    in the convergence in restarted GMRES, and often converges in fewer

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
    x0  : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    res: string, optional
        choose between relative, absolute or both (scipy default) to terminate
        the algo
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
        steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
    M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}, optional
        Preconditioner for A.  The preconditioner should approximate the
        inverse of A.  Effective preconditioning dramatically improves the
        rate of convergence, which implies that fewer iterations are needed
        to reach a given error tolerance.
    callback : function, optional
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
    inner_m : int, optional
        Number of inner GMRES iterations per each outer iteration.
    outer_k : int, optional
        Number of vectors to carry between inner GMRES iterations.
        According to [1]_, good values are in the range of 1...3.
        However, note that if you want to use the additional vectors to
        accelerate solving multiple similar problems, larger values may
        be beneficial.
    outer_v : list of tuples, optional
        List containing tuples ``(v, Av)`` of vectors and corresponding
        matrix-vector products, used to augment the Krylov subspace, and
        carried between inner GMRES iterations. The element ``Av`` can
        be `None` if the matrix-vector product should be re-evaluated.
        This parameter is modified in-place by `lgmres`, and can be used
        to pass "guess" vectors in and out of the algorithm when solving
        similar problems.
    store_outer_Av : bool, optional
        Whether LGMRES should store also A*v in addition to vectors `v`
        in the `outer_v` list. Default is True.
    prepend_outer_v : bool, optional 
        Whether to put outer_v augmentation vectors before Krylov iterates.
        In standard LGMRES, prepend_outer_v=False.

    x : array or matrix
        The converged solution.
    info : int
        Provides convergence information:

            - 0  : successful exit
            - >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
            - <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid the
    slowing of convergence in restarted GMRES, due to alternating
    residual vectors. Typically, it often outperforms GMRES(m) of
    comparable memory requirements by some measure, or at least is not
    much worse.

    Another advantage in this algorithm is that you can supply it with
    'guess' vectors in the `outer_v` argument that augment the Krylov
    subspace. If the solution lies close to the span of these vectors,
    the algorithm converges faster. This can be useful if several very
    similar matrices need to be inverted one after another, such as in
    Newton-Krylov iteration where the Jacobian matrix often changes
    little in the nonlinear steps.

    .. [1] A.H. Baker and E.R. Jessup and T. Manteuffel, "A Technique for
             Accelerating the Convergence of Restarted GMRES", SIAM J. Matrix
             Anal. Appl. 26, 962 (2005).
    .. [2] A.H. Baker, "On Improving the Performance of the Linear Solver
             restarted GMRES", PhD thesis, University of Colorado (2003).

    >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
    >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import lgmres
    >>> A = csc_matrix([[3, 2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 5, 1]], dtype=float)
    >>> b = np.array([2, 4, -1], dtype=float)
    >>> x, exitCode = lgmres(A, b)
    >>> print(exitCode)            # 0 indicates successful convergence
    >>> np.allclose(A.dot(x), b)
    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,M,x0,b)

    if not np.isfinite(b).all():
        raise ValueError("RHS must contain only finite numbers")

    matvec = A.matvec
    psolve = M.matvec

    if outer_v is None:
        outer_v = []

    axpy, dot, scal = None, None, None
    nrm2 = get_blas_funcs('nrm2', [b])

    b_norm = nrm2(b)
    if b_norm == 0:
        b_norm = 1

    for k_outer in xrange(maxiter):
        r_outer = matvec(x) - b

        # -- callback
        if callback is not None:

        # -- determine input type routines
        if axpy is None:
            if np.iscomplexobj(r_outer) and not np.iscomplexobj(x):
                x = x.astype(r_outer.dtype)
            axpy, dot, scal, nrm2 = get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'scal', 'nrm2'],
                                                   (x, r_outer))
            trtrs = get_lapack_funcs('trtrs', (x, r_outer))

        # -- check stopping condition
        r_norm = nrm2(r_outer)
        if res == "both":
            if r_norm <= tol * b_norm or r_norm <= tol:
        elif res == "absolute":
            if r_norm <= tol:
        elif res == "relative":
            if r_norm <= tol * b_norm:
            raise ValueError("res must be absolute, relative or both")

        # -- inner LGMRES iteration
        v0 = -psolve(r_outer)
        inner_res_0 = nrm2(v0)

        if inner_res_0 == 0:
            rnorm = nrm2(r_outer)
            raise RuntimeError("Preconditioner returned a zero vector; "
                               "|v| ~ %.1g, |M v| = 0" % rnorm)

        v0 = scal(1.0/inner_res_0, v0)

            Q, R, B, vs, zs, y = _fgmres(matvec,
            y *= inner_res_0
            if not np.isfinite(y).all():
                # Overflow etc. in computation. There's no way to
                # recover from this, so we have to bail out.
                raise LinAlgError()
        except LinAlgError:
            # Floating point over/underflow, non-finite result from
            # matmul etc. -- report failure.
            return postprocess(x), k_outer + 1

        # -- GMRES terminated: eval solution
        dx = zs[0]*y[0]
        for w, yc in zip(zs[1:], y[1:]):
            dx = axpy(w, dx, dx.shape[0], yc)  # dx += w*yc

        # -- Store LGMRES augmentation vectors
        nx = nrm2(dx)
        if nx > 0:
            if store_outer_Av:
                q = Q.dot(R.dot(y))
                ax = vs[0]*q[0]
                for v, qc in zip(vs[1:], q[1:]):
                    ax = axpy(v, ax, ax.shape[0], qc)
                outer_v.append((dx/nx, ax/nx))
                outer_v.append((dx/nx, None))

        # -- Retain only a finite number of augmentation vectors
        while len(outer_v) > outer_k:
            del outer_v[0]

        # -- Apply step
        x += dx
        # didn't converge ...
        return postprocess(x), maxiter

    return postprocess(x), 0
Пример #19
# Licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
# http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (C) 2014 Tuomas Sivula
# All rights reserved.

from __future__ import division
import sys
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from sklearn.covariance import GraphLassoCV

# LAPACK qr routine
dgeqrf_routine = linalg.get_lapack_funcs('geqrf')

from util import (invert_normal_params, olse, get_last_fit_sample,
                  suppress_stdout, load_stan, copy_fit_samples)

class Worker(object):
    """Worker responsible of calculations for each site.
    index : integer
        The index of this site
    stan_model : StanModel
        The StanModel instance responsible for the MCMC sampling.
Пример #20
def lgmres(A,
    Solve a matrix equation using the LGMRES algorithm.

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid some problems
    in the convergence in restarted GMRES, and often converges in fewer

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
    x0  : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
        steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
    M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}, optional
        Preconditioner for A.  The preconditioner should approximate the
        inverse of A.  Effective preconditioning dramatically improves the
        rate of convergence, which implies that fewer iterations are needed
        to reach a given error tolerance.
    callback : function, optional
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
    inner_m : int, optional
        Number of inner GMRES iterations per each outer iteration.
    outer_k : int, optional
        Number of vectors to carry between inner GMRES iterations.
        According to [1]_, good values are in the range of 1...3.
        However, note that if you want to use the additional vectors to
        accelerate solving multiple similar problems, larger values may
        be beneficial.
    outer_v : list of tuples, optional
        List containing tuples ``(v, Av)`` of vectors and corresponding
        matrix-vector products, used to augment the Krylov subspace, and
        carried between inner GMRES iterations. The element ``Av`` can
        be `None` if the matrix-vector product should be re-evaluated.
        This parameter is modified in-place by `lgmres`, and can be used
        to pass "guess" vectors in and out of the algorithm when solving
        similar problems.
    store_outer_Av : bool, optional
        Whether LGMRES should store also A*v in addition to vectors `v`
        in the `outer_v` list. Default is True.

    x : array or matrix
        The converged solution.
    info : int
        Provides convergence information:

            - 0  : successful exit
            - >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
            - <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid the
    slowing of convergence in restarted GMRES, due to alternating
    residual vectors. Typically, it often outperforms GMRES(m) of
    comparable memory requirements by some measure, or at least is not
    much worse.

    Another advantage in this algorithm is that you can supply it with
    'guess' vectors in the `outer_v` argument that augment the Krylov
    subspace. If the solution lies close to the span of these vectors,
    the algorithm converges faster. This can be useful if several very
    similar matrices need to be inverted one after another, such as in
    Newton-Krylov iteration where the Jacobian matrix often changes
    little in the nonlinear steps.

    .. [1] A.H. Baker and E.R. Jessup and T. Manteuffel,
             SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 26, 962 (2005).
    .. [2] A.H. Baker, PhD thesis, University of Colorado (2003).

    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)

    if not np.isfinite(b).all():
        raise ValueError("RHS must contain only finite numbers")

    matvec = A.matvec
    psolve = M.matvec

    if outer_v is None:
        outer_v = []

    axpy, dot, scal = None, None, None
    nrm2 = get_blas_funcs('nrm2', [b])

    b_norm = nrm2(b)
    if b_norm == 0:
        b_norm = 1

    for k_outer in xrange(maxiter):
        r_outer = matvec(x) - b

        # -- callback
        if callback is not None:

        # -- determine input type routines
        if axpy is None:
            if np.iscomplexobj(r_outer) and not np.iscomplexobj(x):
                x = x.astype(r_outer.dtype)
            axpy, dot, scal, nrm2 = get_blas_funcs(
                ['axpy', 'dot', 'scal', 'nrm2'], (x, r_outer))
            trtrs = get_lapack_funcs('trtrs', (x, r_outer))

        # -- check stopping condition
        r_norm = nrm2(r_outer)
        if r_norm <= tol * b_norm or r_norm <= tol:

        # -- inner LGMRES iteration
        vs0 = -psolve(r_outer)
        inner_res_0 = nrm2(vs0)

        if inner_res_0 == 0:
            rnorm = nrm2(r_outer)
            raise RuntimeError("Preconditioner returned a zero vector; "
                               "|v| ~ %.1g, |M v| = 0" % rnorm)

        vs0 = scal(1.0 / inner_res_0, vs0)
        vs = [vs0]
        ws = []
        y = None

        # H is stored in QR factorized form
        Q = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=vs0.dtype)
        R = np.zeros((1, 0), dtype=vs0.dtype)

        eps = np.finfo(vs0.dtype).eps

        breakdown = False

        for j in xrange(1, 1 + inner_m + len(outer_v)):
            # -- Arnoldi process:
            #    Build an orthonormal basis V and matrices W and H such that
            #        A W = V H
            #    Columns of W, V, and H are stored in `ws`, `vs` and `hs`.
            #    The first column of V is always the residual vector, `vs0`;
            #    V has *one more column* than the other of the three matrices.
            #    The other columns in V are built by feeding in, one
            #    by one, some vectors `z` and orthonormalizing them
            #    against the basis so far. The trick here is to
            #    feed in first some augmentation vectors, before
            #    starting to construct the Krylov basis on `v0`.
            #    It was shown in [BJM]_ that a good choice (the LGMRES choice)
            #    for these augmentation vectors are the `dx` vectors obtained
            #    from a couple of the previous restart cycles.
            #    Note especially that while `vs0` is always the first
            #    column in V, there is no reason why it should also be
            #    the first column in W. (In fact, below `vs0` comes in
            #    W only after the augmentation vectors.)
            #    The rest of the algorithm then goes as in GMRES, one
            #    solves a minimization problem in the smaller subspace
            #    spanned by W (range) and V (image).

            #     ++ evaluate
            v_new = None
            if j < len(outer_v) + 1:
                z, v_new = outer_v[j - 1]
            elif j == len(outer_v) + 1:
                z = vs0
                z = vs[-1]

            if v_new is None:
                v_new = psolve(matvec(z))
                # Note: v_new is modified in-place below. Must make a
                # copy to ensure that the outer_v vectors are not
                # clobbered.
                v_new = v_new.copy()

            #     ++ orthogonalize
            v_new_norm = nrm2(v_new)

            hcur = np.zeros(j + 1, dtype=Q.dtype)
            for i, v in enumerate(vs):
                alpha = dot(v, v_new)
                hcur[i] = alpha
                v_new = axpy(v, v_new, v.shape[0], -alpha)  # v_new -= alpha*v
            hcur[-1] = nrm2(v_new)

            with np.errstate(over='ignore', divide='ignore'):
                # Careful with denormals
                alpha = 1 / hcur[-1]

            if np.isfinite(alpha):
                v_new = scal(alpha, v_new)

            if not (hcur[-1] > eps * v_new_norm):
                # v_new essentially in the span of previous vectors,
                # or we have nans. Bail out after updating the QR
                # solution.
                breakdown = True


            # -- GMRES optimization problem

            # Add new column to H=Q*R, padding other columns with zeros

            Q2 = np.zeros((j + 1, j + 1), dtype=Q.dtype, order='F')
            Q2[:j, :j] = Q
            Q2[j, j] = 1

            R2 = np.zeros((j + 1, j - 1), dtype=R.dtype, order='F')
            R2[:j, :] = R

            Q, R = qr_insert(Q2,
                             j - 1,

            # Transformed least squares problem
            # || Q R y - inner_res_0 * e_1 ||_2 = min!
            # Since R = [R'; 0], solution is y = inner_res_0 (R')^{-1} (Q^H)[:j,0]

            # Residual is immediately known
            inner_res = abs(Q[0, -1]) * inner_res_0

            # -- check for termination
            if inner_res <= tol * inner_res_0 or breakdown:

        if not np.isfinite(R[j - 1, j - 1]):
            # nans encountered, bail out
            return postprocess(x), k_outer + 1

        # -- Get the LSQ problem solution
        # The problem is triangular, but the condition number may be
        # bad (or in case of breakdown the last diagonal entry may be
        # zero), so use lstsq instead of trtrs.
        y, _, _, _, = lstsq(R[:j, :j], Q[0, :j].conj())
        y *= inner_res_0

        if not np.isfinite(y).all():
            # Floating point over/underflow, non-finite result from
            # matmul etc. -- report failure.
            return postprocess(x), k_outer + 1

        # -- GMRES terminated: eval solution
        dx = ws[0] * y[0]
        for w, yc in zip(ws[1:], y[1:]):
            dx = axpy(w, dx, dx.shape[0], yc)  # dx += w*yc

        # -- Store LGMRES augmentation vectors
        nx = nrm2(dx)
        if nx > 0:
            if store_outer_Av:
                q = Q.dot(R.dot(y))
                ax = vs[0] * q[0]
                for v, qc in zip(vs[1:], q[1:]):
                    ax = axpy(v, ax, ax.shape[0], qc)
                outer_v.append((dx / nx, ax / nx))
                outer_v.append((dx / nx, None))

        # -- Retain only a finite number of augmentation vectors
        while len(outer_v) > outer_k:
            del outer_v[0]

        # -- Apply step
        x += dx
        # didn't converge ...
        return postprocess(x), maxiter

    return postprocess(x), 0
Пример #21
def make_interp_spline(x,
    """Compute the (coefficients of) interpolating B-spline.

    x : array_like, shape (n,)
    y : array_like, shape (n, ...)
    k : int, optional
        B-spline degree. Default is cubic, k=3.
    t : array_like, shape (nt + k + 1,), optional.
        The number of knots needs to agree with the number of datapoints and
        the number of derivatives at the edges. Specifically, ``nt - n`` must
        equal ``len(deriv_l) + len(deriv_r)``.
    bc_type : 2-tuple or None
        Boundary conditions.
        Default is None, which means choosing the boundary conditions
        automatically. Otherwise, it must be a length-two tuple where the first
        element sets the boundary conditions at ``x[0]`` and the second
        element sets the boundary conditions at ``x[-1]``. Each of these must
        be an iterable of pairs ``(order, value)`` which gives the values of
        derivatives of specified orders at the given edge of the interpolation
        Alternatively, the following string aliases are recognized:

        * ``"clamped"``: The first derivatives at the ends are zero. This is
           equivalent to ``bc_type=([(1, 0.0)], [(1, 0.0)])``.
        * ``"natural"``: The second derivatives at ends are zero. This is
          equivalent to ``bc_type=([(2, 0.0)], [(2, 0.0)])``.
        * ``"not-a-knot"`` (default): The first and second segments are the same
          polynomial. This is equivalent to having ``bc_type=None``.

    axis : int, optional
        Interpolation axis. Default is 0.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        Whether to check that the input arrays contain only finite numbers.
        Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
        (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
        Default is True.

    b : a BSpline object of the degree ``k`` and with knots ``t``.


    Use cubic interpolation on Chebyshev nodes:

    >>> def cheb_nodes(N):
    ...     jj = 2.*np.arange(N) + 1
    ...     x = np.cos(np.pi * jj / 2 / N)[::-1]
    ...     return x

    >>> x = cheb_nodes(20)
    >>> y = np.sqrt(1 - x**2)

    >>> from scipy.interpolate import BSpline, make_interp_spline
    >>> b = make_interp_spline(x, y)
    >>> np.allclose(b(x), y)

    Note that the default is a cubic spline with a not-a-knot boundary condition

    >>> b.k

    Here we use a 'natural' spline, with zero 2nd derivatives at edges:

    >>> l, r = [(2, 0.0)], [(2, 0.0)]
    >>> b_n = make_interp_spline(x, y, bc_type=(l, r))  # or, bc_type="natural"
    >>> np.allclose(b_n(x), y)
    >>> x0, x1 = x[0], x[-1]
    >>> np.allclose([b_n(x0, 2), b_n(x1, 2)], [0, 0])

    Interpolation of parametric curves is also supported. As an example, we
    compute a discretization of a snail curve in polar coordinates

    >>> phi = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, 40)
    >>> r = 0.3 + np.cos(phi)
    >>> x, y = r*np.cos(phi), r*np.sin(phi)  # convert to Cartesian coordinates

    Build an interpolating curve, parameterizing it by the angle

    >>> from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
    >>> spl = make_interp_spline(phi, np.c_[x, y])

    Evaluate the interpolant on a finer grid (note that we transpose the result
    to unpack it into a pair of x- and y-arrays)

    >>> phi_new = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, 100)
    >>> x_new, y_new = spl(phi_new).T

    Plot the result

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
    >>> plt.plot(x_new, y_new, '-')
    >>> plt.show()

    See Also
    BSpline : base class representing the B-spline objects
    CubicSpline : a cubic spline in the polynomial basis
    make_lsq_spline : a similar factory function for spline fitting
    UnivariateSpline : a wrapper over FITPACK spline fitting routines
    splrep : a wrapper over FITPACK spline fitting routines

    # convert string aliases for the boundary conditions
    if bc_type is None or bc_type == 'not-a-knot':
        deriv_l, deriv_r = None, None
    elif isinstance(bc_type, str):
        deriv_l, deriv_r = bc_type, bc_type
            deriv_l, deriv_r = bc_type
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("Unknown boundary condition: %s" % bc_type)

    y = np.asarray(y)

    axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, y.ndim)

    # special-case k=0 right away
    if k == 0:
        if any(_ is not None for _ in (t, deriv_l, deriv_r)):
            raise ValueError("Too much info for k=0: t and bc_type can only "
                             "be None.")
        x = _as_float_array(x, check_finite)
        t = np.r_[x, x[-1]]
        c = np.asarray(y)
        c = np.rollaxis(c, axis)
        c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=_get_dtype(c.dtype))
        return BSpline.construct_fast(t, c, k, axis=axis)

    # special-case k=1 (e.g., Lyche and Morken, Eq.(2.16))
    if k == 1 and t is None:
        if not (deriv_l is None and deriv_r is None):
            raise ValueError(
                "Too much info for k=1: bc_type can only be None.")
        x = _as_float_array(x, check_finite)
        t = np.r_[x[0], x, x[-1]]
        c = np.asarray(y)
        c = np.rollaxis(c, axis)
        c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=_get_dtype(c.dtype))
        return BSpline.construct_fast(t, c, k, axis=axis)

    x = _as_float_array(x, check_finite)
    y = _as_float_array(y, check_finite)
    k = operator.index(k)

    # come up with a sensible knot vector, if needed
    if t is None:
        if deriv_l is None and deriv_r is None:
            if k == 2:
                # OK, it's a bit ad hoc: Greville sites + omit
                # 2nd and 2nd-to-last points, a la not-a-knot
                t = (x[1:] + x[:-1]) / 2.
                t = np.r_[(x[0], ) * (k + 1), t[1:-1], (x[-1], ) * (k + 1)]
                t = _not_a_knot(x, k)
            t = _augknt(x, k)

    t = _as_float_array(t, check_finite)

    y = np.rollaxis(y, axis)  # now internally interp axis is zero

    if x.ndim != 1 or np.any(x[1:] < x[:-1]):
        raise ValueError("Expect x to be a 1-D sorted array_like.")
    if np.any(x[1:] == x[:-1]):
        raise ValueError("Expect x to not have duplicates")
    if k < 0:
        raise ValueError("Expect non-negative k.")
    if t.ndim != 1 or np.any(t[1:] < t[:-1]):
        raise ValueError("Expect t to be a 1-D sorted array_like.")
    if x.size != y.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Shapes of x {} and y {} are incompatible'.format(
            x.shape, y.shape))
    if t.size < x.size + k + 1:
        raise ValueError('Got %d knots, need at least %d.' %
                         (t.size, x.size + k + 1))
    if (x[0] < t[k]) or (x[-1] > t[-k]):
        raise ValueError('Out of bounds w/ x = %s.' % x)

    # Here : deriv_l, r = [(nu, value), ...]
    deriv_l = _convert_string_aliases(deriv_l, y.shape[1:])
    deriv_l_ords, deriv_l_vals = _process_deriv_spec(deriv_l)
    nleft = deriv_l_ords.shape[0]

    deriv_r = _convert_string_aliases(deriv_r, y.shape[1:])
    deriv_r_ords, deriv_r_vals = _process_deriv_spec(deriv_r)
    nright = deriv_r_ords.shape[0]

    # have `n` conditions for `nt` coefficients; need nt-n derivatives
    n = x.size
    nt = t.size - k - 1

    if nt - n != nleft + nright:
        raise ValueError("The number of derivatives at boundaries does not "
                         "match: expected %s, got %s+%s" %
                         (nt - n, nleft, nright))

    # set up the LHS: the collocation matrix + derivatives at boundaries
    kl = ku = k
    ab = np.zeros((2 * kl + ku + 1, nt), dtype=np.float_, order='F')
    _bspl._colloc(x, t, k, ab, offset=nleft)
    if nleft > 0:
        _bspl._handle_lhs_derivatives(t, k, x[0], ab, kl, ku, deriv_l_ords)
    if nright > 0:
                                      offset=nt - nright)

    # set up the RHS: values to interpolate (+ derivative values, if any)
    extradim = prod(y.shape[1:])
    rhs = np.empty((nt, extradim), dtype=y.dtype)
    if nleft > 0:
        rhs[:nleft] = deriv_l_vals.reshape(-1, extradim)
    rhs[nleft:nt - nright] = y.reshape(-1, extradim)
    if nright > 0:
        rhs[nt - nright:] = deriv_r_vals.reshape(-1, extradim)

    # solve Ab @ x = rhs; this is the relevant part of linalg.solve_banded
    if check_finite:
        ab, rhs = map(np.asarray_chkfinite, (ab, rhs))
    gbsv, = get_lapack_funcs(('gbsv', ), (ab, rhs))
    lu, piv, c, info = gbsv(kl,

    if info > 0:
        raise LinAlgError("Collocation matix is singular.")
    elif info < 0:
        raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal gbsv' %

    c = np.ascontiguousarray(c.reshape((nt, ) + y.shape[1:]))
    return BSpline.construct_fast(t, c, k, axis=axis)
Пример #22
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import f  #fisher
from . import dv, zero_finding
import lmfit
LinAlgError = np.linalg.LinAlgError

from .base_functions import (_fold_exp, _coh_gaussian, _fold_exp_and_coh)
import scipy.linalg as linalg
posv = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('posv'))

def direct_solve(a, b):
    c, x, info = posv(a, b, lower=False, overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=False)
    return x

alpha = 0.001

def solve_mat(A, b_mat, method='ridge'):
    Returns the solution for the least squares problem |Ax - b_i|^2.
    if method == 'fast':
        #return linalg.solve(A.T.dot(A), A.T.dot(b_mat), sym_pos=True)
        return direct_solve(A.T.dot(A), A.T.dot(b_mat))

    elif method == 'ridge':
Пример #23
def gmres_householder(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restrt=None, maxiter=None,
                      xtype=None, M=None, callback=None, residuals=None):
    Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES)
        GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the
        system Ax = b
        Householder reflections are used for orthogonalization

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n, 1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm
        of the initial preconditioned residual
    restrt : {None, int}
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : {None, int}
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.
        - For robustness, Householder reflections are used to orthonormalize
          the Krylov Space
          Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm each iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10, 10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x, flag) = gmres(A, b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='householder')
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    if restrt is not None:
        restrt = int(restrt)
    if maxiter is not None:
        maxiter = int(maxiter)

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Get fast access to underlying LAPACK routine
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A*np.array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b/entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - np.ravel(A*x)

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = np.ravel(M*r)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:
    # Check for nan, inf
    # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
    #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
    #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we use the preconditioned residual
    # because this is left preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Calculate vector w, which defines the Householder reflector
        #    Take shortcut in calculating,
        #    w = r + sign(r[1])*||r||_2*e_1
        w = r
        beta = mysign(w[0])*normr
        w[0] = w[0] + beta
        w[:] = w / norm(w)

        # Preallocate for Krylov vectors, Householder reflectors and
        # Hessenberg matrix
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner)
        # Givens Rotations
        Q = np.zeros((4*max_inner,), dtype=xtype)
        # upper Hessenberg matrix (made upper tri with Givens Rotations)
        H = np.zeros((max_inner, max_inner), dtype=xtype)
        # Householder reflectors
        W = np.zeros((max_inner+1, dimen), dtype=xtype)
        W[0, :] = w

        # Multiply r with (I - 2*w*w.T), i.e. apply the Householder reflector
        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = np.zeros((dimen,), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = -beta

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            # Calculate Krylov vector in two steps
            # (1) Calculate v = P_j = (I - 2*w*w.T)v, where k = inner
            v = -2.0*np.conjugate(w[inner])*w
            v[inner] = v[inner] + 1.0
            # (2) Calculate the rest, v = P_1*P_2*P_3...P_{j-1}*ej.
            # for j in range(inner-1,-1,-1):
            #    v -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, np.ravel(W), dimen, inner-1, -1, -1)

            # Calculate new search direction
            v = np.ravel(A*v)

            # Apply preconditioner
            v = np.ravel(M*v)
            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(v).any() or isinf(v).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

            # Factor in all Householder orthogonal reflections on new search
            # direction
            # for j in range(inner+1):
            #    v -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, np.ravel(W), dimen, 0, inner+1, 1)

            # Calculate next Householder reflector, w
            #  w = v[inner+1:] + sign(v[inner+1])*||v[inner+1:]||_2*e_{inner+1)
            #  Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for the
            #  last inner iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do not need
            #  to calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            #  nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to
            #  zero anything out.
            if inner != dimen-1:
                if inner < (max_inner-1):
                    w = W[inner+1, :]
                vslice = v[inner+1:]
                alpha = norm(vslice)
                if alpha != 0:
                    alpha = mysign(vslice[0])*alpha
                    # do not need the final reflector for future calculations
                    if inner < (max_inner-1):
                        w[inner+1:] = vslice
                        w[inner+1] += alpha
                        w[:] = w / norm(w)

                    # Apply new reflector to v
                    #  v = v - 2.0*w*(w.T*v)
                    v[inner+1] = -alpha
                    v[inner+2:] = 0.0

            if inner > 0:
                # Apply all previous Givens Rotations to v
                amg_core.apply_givens(Q, v, dimen, inner)

            # Calculate the next Givens rotation, where j = inner Note that if
            # max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for the last inner
            # iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do not need to
            # calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            # nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to zero
            # anything out.
            if inner != dimen-1:
                if v[inner+1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(v[inner], v[inner+1])
                    Qblock = np.array([[c, s], [-np.conjugate(s), c]],
                    Q[(inner*4): ((inner+1)*4)] = np.ravel(Qblock).copy()

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g, the RHS for the linear system
                    # in the Krylov Subspace.  Note that this dot does a matrix
                    # multiply, not an actual dot product where a conjugate
                    # transpose is taken
                    g[inner:inner+2] = np.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner+2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to v
                    v[inner] = np.dot(Qblock[0, :], v[inner:inner+2])
                    v[inner+1] = 0.0

            # Write to upper Hessenberg Matrix,
            #   the LHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace
            H[:, inner] = v[0:max_inner]

            niter += 1

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner-1:
                normr = np.abs(g[inner+1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to the iterates
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space, V.  Solve inner+1 x inner+1
        # system.  Apparently this is the best way to solve a triangular system
        # in the magical world of scipy
        # piv = arange(inner+1)
        # y = lu_solve((H[0:(inner+1), 0:(inner+1)], piv), g[0:(inner+1)],
        #             trans=0)
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner+1), 0:(inner+1)], g[0:(inner+1)])

        # Use Horner like Scheme to map solution, y, back to original space.
        # Note that we do not use the last reflector.
        update = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=xtype)
        # for j in range(inner,-1,-1):
        #    update[j] += y[j]
        #    # Apply j-th reflector, (I - 2.0*w_j*w_j.T)*upadate
        #    update -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), update)*W[j,:]
        amg_core.householder_hornerscheme(update, np.ravel(W), np.ravel(y),
                                          dimen, inner, -1, -1)

        x[:] = x + update
        r = b - np.ravel(A*x)

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = np.ravel(M*r)
        normr = norm(r)
        # Check for nan, inf
        # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
        #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
        #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

        # Allow user access to the iterates
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = np.max(np.abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Пример #24
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.linalg import LinAlgError
from scipy._lib._util import _asarray_validated
from ..fixes import _check_info

_d = np.empty(0, np.float64)
_z = np.empty(0, np.complex128)
dgemm = linalg.get_blas_funcs('gemm', (_d, ))
zgemm = linalg.get_blas_funcs('gemm', (_z, ))
dgemv = linalg.get_blas_funcs('gemv', (_d, ))
ddot = linalg.get_blas_funcs('dot', (_d, ))
_I = np.cast['F'](1j)

# linalg.svd and linalg.pinv2
dgesdd, dgesdd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesdd', 'gesdd_lwork'),
                                               (_d, ))
zgesdd, zgesdd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesdd', 'gesdd_lwork'),
                                               (_z, ))
dgesvd, dgesvd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesvd', 'gesvd_lwork'),
                                               (_d, ))
zgesvd, zgesvd_lwork = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('gesvd', 'gesvd_lwork'),
                                               (_z, ))

def _svd_lwork(shape, dtype=np.float64):
    """Set up SVD calculations on identical-shape float64/complex128 arrays."""
    if dtype == np.float64:
        gesdd_lwork, gesvd_lwork = dgesdd_lwork, dgesvd_lwork
        assert dtype == np.complex128
        gesdd_lwork, gesvd_lwork = zgesdd_lwork, zgesvd_lwork
Пример #25
def make_interp_spline(x, y, k=3, t=None, bc_type=None, axis=0,
    """Compute the (coefficients of) interpolating B-spline.

    x : array_like, shape (n,)
    y : array_like, shape (n, ...)
    k : int, optional
        B-spline degree. Default is cubic, k=3.
    t : array_like, shape (nt + k + 1,), optional.
        The number of knots needs to agree with the number of datapoints and
        the number of derivatives at the edges. Specifically, ``nt - n`` must
        equal ``len(deriv_l) + len(deriv_r)``.
    bc_type : 2-tuple or None
        Boundary conditions.
        Default is None, which means choosing the boundary conditions
        automatically. Otherwise, it must be a length-two tuple where the first
        element sets the boundary conditions at ``x[0]`` and the second
        element sets the boundary conditions at ``x[-1]``. Each of these must
        be an iterable of pairs ``(order, value)`` which gives the values of
        derivatives of specified orders at the given edge of the interpolation
        Alternatively, the following string aliases are recognized:

        * ``"clamped"``: The first derivatives at the ends are zero. This is
           equivalent to ``bc_type=([(1, 0.0)], [(1, 0.0)])``.
        * ``"natural"``: The second derivatives at ends are zero. This is
          equivalent to ``bc_type=([(2, 0.0)], [(2, 0.0)])``.
        * ``"not-a-knot"`` (default): The first and second segments are the same
          polynomial. This is equivalent to having ``bc_type=None``.

    axis : int, optional
        Interpolation axis. Default is 0.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        Whether to check that the input arrays contain only finite numbers.
        Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
        (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
        Default is True.

    b : a BSpline object of the degree ``k`` and with knots ``t``.


    Use cubic interpolation on Chebyshev nodes:

    >>> def cheb_nodes(N):
    ...     jj = 2.*np.arange(N) + 1
    ...     x = np.cos(np.pi * jj / 2 / N)[::-1]
    ...     return x

    >>> x = cheb_nodes(20)
    >>> y = np.sqrt(1 - x**2)

    >>> from scipy.interpolate import BSpline, make_interp_spline
    >>> b = make_interp_spline(x, y)
    >>> np.allclose(b(x), y)

    Note that the default is a cubic spline with a not-a-knot boundary condition

    >>> b.k

    Here we use a 'natural' spline, with zero 2nd derivatives at edges:

    >>> l, r = [(2, 0.0)], [(2, 0.0)]
    >>> b_n = make_interp_spline(x, y, bc_type=(l, r))  # or, bc_type="natural"
    >>> np.allclose(b_n(x), y)
    >>> x0, x1 = x[0], x[-1]
    >>> np.allclose([b_n(x0, 2), b_n(x1, 2)], [0, 0])

    Interpolation of parametric curves is also supported. As an example, we
    compute a discretization of a snail curve in polar coordinates

    >>> phi = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, 40)
    >>> r = 0.3 + np.cos(phi)
    >>> x, y = r*np.cos(phi), r*np.sin(phi)  # convert to Cartesian coordinates

    Build an interpolating curve, parameterizing it by the angle

    >>> from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
    >>> spl = make_interp_spline(phi, np.c_[x, y])

    Evaluate the interpolant on a finer grid (note that we transpose the result
    to unpack it into a pair of x- and y-arrays)

    >>> phi_new = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, 100)
    >>> x_new, y_new = spl(phi_new).T

    Plot the result

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
    >>> plt.plot(x_new, y_new, '-')
    >>> plt.show()

    See Also
    BSpline : base class representing the B-spline objects
    CubicSpline : a cubic spline in the polynomial basis
    make_lsq_spline : a similar factory function for spline fitting
    UnivariateSpline : a wrapper over FITPACK spline fitting routines
    splrep : a wrapper over FITPACK spline fitting routines

    # convert string aliases for the boundary conditions
    if bc_type is None or bc_type == 'not-a-knot':
        deriv_l, deriv_r = None, None
    elif isinstance(bc_type, string_types):
        deriv_l, deriv_r = bc_type, bc_type
            deriv_l, deriv_r = bc_type
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("Unknown boundary condition: %s" % bc_type)

    y = np.asarray(y)

    if not -y.ndim <= axis < y.ndim:
        raise ValueError("axis {} is out of bounds".format(axis))
    if axis < 0:
        axis += y.ndim

    # special-case k=0 right away
    if k == 0:
        if any(_ is not None for _ in (t, deriv_l, deriv_r)):
            raise ValueError("Too much info for k=0: t and bc_type can only "
                             "be None.")
        x = _as_float_array(x, check_finite)
        t = np.r_[x, x[-1]]
        c = np.asarray(y)
        c = np.rollaxis(c, axis)
        c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=_get_dtype(c.dtype))
        return BSpline.construct_fast(t, c, k, axis=axis)

    # special-case k=1 (e.g., Lyche and Morken, Eq.(2.16))
    if k == 1 and t is None:
        if not (deriv_l is None and deriv_r is None):
            raise ValueError("Too much info for k=1: bc_type can only be None.")
        x = _as_float_array(x, check_finite)
        t = np.r_[x[0], x, x[-1]]
        c = np.asarray(y)
        c = np.rollaxis(c, axis)
        c = np.ascontiguousarray(c, dtype=_get_dtype(c.dtype))
        return BSpline.construct_fast(t, c, k, axis=axis)

    x = _as_float_array(x, check_finite)
    y = _as_float_array(y, check_finite)
    k = operator.index(k)

    # come up with a sensible knot vector, if needed
    if t is None:
        if deriv_l is None and deriv_r is None:
            if k == 2:
                # OK, it's a bit ad hoc: Greville sites + omit
                # 2nd and 2nd-to-last points, a la not-a-knot
                t = (x[1:] + x[:-1]) / 2.
                t = np.r_[(x[0],)*(k+1),
                t = _not_a_knot(x, k)
            t = _augknt(x, k)

    t = _as_float_array(t, check_finite)

    y = np.rollaxis(y, axis)    # now internally interp axis is zero

    if x.ndim != 1 or np.any(x[1:] <= x[:-1]):
        raise ValueError("Expect x to be a 1-D sorted array_like.")
    if k < 0:
        raise ValueError("Expect non-negative k.")
    if t.ndim != 1 or np.any(t[1:] < t[:-1]):
        raise ValueError("Expect t to be a 1-D sorted array_like.")
    if x.size != y.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('x and y are incompatible.')
    if t.size < x.size + k + 1:
        raise ValueError('Got %d knots, need at least %d.' %
                         (t.size, x.size + k + 1))
    if (x[0] < t[k]) or (x[-1] > t[-k]):
        raise ValueError('Out of bounds w/ x = %s.' % x)

    # Here : deriv_l, r = [(nu, value), ...]
    deriv_l = _convert_string_aliases(deriv_l, y.shape[1:])
    deriv_l_ords, deriv_l_vals = _process_deriv_spec(deriv_l)
    nleft = deriv_l_ords.shape[0]

    deriv_r = _convert_string_aliases(deriv_r, y.shape[1:])
    deriv_r_ords, deriv_r_vals = _process_deriv_spec(deriv_r)
    nright = deriv_r_ords.shape[0]

    # have `n` conditions for `nt` coefficients; need nt-n derivatives
    n = x.size
    nt = t.size - k - 1

    if nt - n != nleft + nright:
        raise ValueError("The number of derivatives at boundaries does not "
                         "match: expected %s, got %s+%s" % (nt-n, nleft, nright))

    # set up the LHS: the collocation matrix + derivatives at boundaries
    kl = ku = k
    ab = np.zeros((2*kl + ku + 1, nt), dtype=np.float_, order='F')
    _bspl._colloc(x, t, k, ab, offset=nleft)
    if nleft > 0:
        _bspl._handle_lhs_derivatives(t, k, x[0], ab, kl, ku, deriv_l_ords)
    if nright > 0:
        _bspl._handle_lhs_derivatives(t, k, x[-1], ab, kl, ku, deriv_r_ords,

    # set up the RHS: values to interpolate (+ derivative values, if any)
    extradim = prod(y.shape[1:])
    rhs = np.empty((nt, extradim), dtype=y.dtype)
    if nleft > 0:
        rhs[:nleft] = deriv_l_vals.reshape(-1, extradim)
    rhs[nleft:nt - nright] = y.reshape(-1, extradim)
    if nright > 0:
        rhs[nt - nright:] = deriv_r_vals.reshape(-1, extradim)

    # solve Ab @ x = rhs; this is the relevant part of linalg.solve_banded
    if check_finite:
        ab, rhs = map(np.asarray_chkfinite, (ab, rhs))
    gbsv, = get_lapack_funcs(('gbsv',), (ab, rhs))
    lu, piv, c, info = gbsv(kl, ku, ab, rhs,
            overwrite_ab=True, overwrite_b=True)

    if info > 0:
        raise LinAlgError("Collocation matix is singular.")
    elif info < 0:
        raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal gbsv' % -info)

    c = np.ascontiguousarray(c.reshape((nt,) + y.shape[1:]))
    return BSpline.construct_fast(t, c, k, axis=axis)
Пример #26
def make_interp_spline(x, y, degrees=3):
    """Construct an interpolating B-spline.

    x : array_like broadcastable to (n_0, n_1, ..., n_(xdim-1), xdim) or arguments to ``numpy.meshgrid`` to construct same.
    y : array_like, shape (n_0, n_1, ..., n_(xdim-1),) + yshape
    degrees : ndarray, shape=(xdim,), dtype=np.intc
        Degree of interpolant for each axis (or broadcastable). Optional, 
        default is 3.

    b : NDSpline object
        An interpolating `NDSpline`.

    See Also
    make_lsq_spline, make_interp_spline_from_tidy

    if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):  # mesh
        if x.ndim == 1:
            x = x[..., None]
        xdim = x.shape[-1]
    elif not isinstance(x, str) and len(x):  # vectors
        xdim = len(x)
        x = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*x, indexing='ij'), axis=-1)
        raise ValueError("Don't know how to interpret x")

    if not np.all(y.shape[:xdim] == x.shape[:xdim]):
        raise ValueError("Expected y.shape to start with %s, got %s." %
                         (repr(x.shape[:xdim]), repr(y.shape[:xdim])))

    yshape = y.shape[xdim:]
    ydim = prod(yshape)

    # generally, x.shape = (n_0, n_1, ..., n_(xdim-1), xdim)
    # and y.sahpe = (n_0, n_1, ..., n_(xdim-1), ydim)

    degrees = np.broadcast_to(degrees, (xdim, ))

    # broadcasting does not play nicely with xdim as last axis for some reason
    bcs = np.broadcast_to(0, (xdim, 2, 2))
    deriv_specs = np.asarray((bcs[:, :, 0] > 0), dtype=np.int)
    nak_spec = np.asarray((bcs[:, :, 0] <= 0), dtype=np.bool)

    knots = []
    coefficients = np.pad(y.reshape(x.shape[:-1] + (ydim, )),
                          np.r_[deriv_specs, np.c_[0, 0]], 'constant')

    axis = 0
    check_finite = True

    for i in np.arange(xdim):
        all_other_ax_shape = np.asarray(np.r_[coefficients.shape[:i],
                                              y.shape[i + 1:xdim]],
        x_line_sel = ((0, ) * (i) + (slice(None, None), ) + (0, ) *
                      (xdim - i - 1) + (i, ))
        x_slice = x[x_line_sel]
        k = degrees[i]

        left_nak, right_nak = nak_spec[i, :]
        both_nak = left_nak and right_nak

        # Here : deriv_l, r = [(nu, value), ...]
        deriv_l_ords, deriv_r_ords = bcs[i, :, 0].astype(np.int_)

        x_slice = _as_float_array(x_slice, check_finite)
        # should there be a general check for k <= deriv_spec ?

        if k == 0:
            # all derivatives are fully defined, can only set 0-th derivative,
            # special case for nearest-neighbor, causal/anti-causal zero-order
            # hold
            if not both_nak:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Too much info for k=0: t and bc_type can only "
                    "be notaknot.")

            left_zero, right_zero = (bcs[i, :, 1] == 0)

            if left_zero and right_zero:
                t = np.r_[x_slice[0], (x_slice[:-1] + x_slice[1:]) / 2.,
            elif not left_zero and right_zero:
                t = np.r_[x_slice, x_slice[-1]]
            elif left_zero and not right_zero:
                t = np.r_[x_slice[0], x_slice]
                raise ValueError(
                    "Set deriv_spec = 0, with up to one side = -1 for k=0")

        # special-case k=1 (e.g., Lyche and Morken, Eq.(2.16))
        if k == 1:
            # all derivatives are fully defined, can only set 0-th derivative,
            # aka not-a-knot boundary conditions to both sides
            if not both_nak:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Too much info for k=1: bc_type can only be notaknot.")

        if k == 2:
            # it's possible this may be the best behavior for all even k > 0
            if both_nak:
                # special, ad-hoc case using greville sites
                t = (x_slice[1:] + x_slice[:-1]) / 2.
                t = np.r_[(x_slice[0], ) * (k + 1), t[1:-1],
                          (x_slice[-1], ) * (k + 1)]

            elif left_nak or right_nak:
                raise ValueError(
                    "For k=2, can set both sides or neither side to notaknot")
                t = x_slice

        elif k != 0:
            t = _not_a_knot(x_slice, k, left_nak, right_nak)

        t = _as_float_array(t, check_finite)

        if left_nak:
            deriv_l_ords = np.array([])
            deriv_l_vals = np.array([])
            nleft = 0
            deriv_l_ords = np.array([bcs[i - 1, 0, 0]], dtype=np.int_)
            deriv_l_vals = np.broadcast_to(bcs[i - 1, 0, 1], ydim)
            nleft = 1

        if right_nak:
            deriv_r_ords = np.array([])
            deriv_r_vals = np.array([])
            nright = 0
            deriv_r_ords = np.array([bcs[i - 1, 1, 0]], dtype=np.int_)
            deriv_r_vals = np.broadcast_to(bcs[i - 1, 1, 1], ydim)
            nright = 1

        # have `n` conditions for `nt` coefficients; need nt-n derivatives
        n = x_slice.size
        nt = t.size - k - 1

        # this also catches if deriv_spec > k-1, possibly?
        if np.clip(nt - n, 0, np.inf).astype(int) != nleft + nright:
            raise ValueError(
                "The number of derivatives at boundaries does not "
                "match: expected %s, got %s+%s" % (nt - n, nleft, nright))

        # set up the LHS: the collocation matrix + derivatives at boundaries
        kl = ku = k
        ab = np.zeros((2 * kl + ku + 1, nt), dtype=np.float_, order='F')
        _sci_bspl._colloc(x_slice, t, k, ab, offset=nleft)
        if nleft > 0:
            _sci_bspl._handle_lhs_derivatives(t, k, x_slice[0], ab, kl, ku,
        if nright > 0:
                                              offset=nt - nright)


        if k >= 2:
            if x_slice.ndim != 1 or np.any(x_slice[1:] <= x_slice[:-1]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Expect x_slice to be a 1-D sorted array_like.")
            if k < 0:
                raise ValueError("Expect non-negative k.")
            if t.ndim != 1 or np.any(t[1:] < t[:-1]):
                raise ValueError("Expect t to be a 1-D sorted array_like.")
            if t.size < x_slice.size + k + 1:
                raise ValueError('Got %d knots, need at least %d.' %
                                 (t.size, x_slice.size + k + 1))
            if (x_slice[0] < t[k]) or (x_slice[-1] > t[-k]):
                raise ValueError('Out of bounds w/ x_slice = %s.' % x_slice)

        for idx in np.ndindex(*all_other_ax_shape):
            offset_axes_remaining_sel = (tuple(idx[i:] +
                                               deriv_specs[i + 1:, 0]))
            y_line_sel = (
                idx[:i] +
                (slice(deriv_specs[i, 0], -deriv_specs[i, 1] or None), ) +
                offset_axes_remaining_sel + (Ellipsis, ))
            coeff_line_sel = (idx[:i] + (slice(None, None), ) +
                              offset_axes_remaining_sel + (Ellipsis, ))
            y_slice = coefficients[y_line_sel]

            # special-case k=0 right away
            if k == 0:
                c = np.asarray(y_slice)

            # special-case k=1 (e.g., Lyche and Morken, Eq.(2.16))
            elif k == 1:
                c = np.asarray(y_slice)

                y_slice = _as_float_array(y_slice, check_finite)
                k = operator.index(k)

                if x_slice.size != y_slice.shape[0]:
                    raise ValueError('x_slice and y_slice are incompatible.')

                # set up the RHS: values to interpolate (+ derivative values, if any)
                rhs = np.empty((nt, ydim), dtype=y_slice.dtype)
                if nleft > 0:
                    rhs[:nleft] = deriv_l_vals.reshape(-1, ydim)
                rhs[nleft:nt - nright] = y_slice.reshape(-1, ydim)
                if nright > 0:
                    rhs[nt - nright:] = deriv_r_vals.reshape(-1, ydim)

                # solve Ab @ x_slice = rhs; this is the relevant part of linalg.solve_banded
                if check_finite:
                    ab, rhs = map(np.asarray_chkfinite, (ab, rhs))
                gbsv, = get_lapack_funcs(('gbsv', ), (ab, rhs))
                lu, piv, c, info = gbsv(kl,

                if info > 0:
                    raise LinAlgError("Collocation matix is singular.")
                elif info < 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'illegal value in %d-th argument of internal gbsv' %

                c = np.ascontiguousarray(c.reshape((nt, ) + y_slice.shape[1:]))

            coefficients[coeff_line_sel] = c
    coefficients = coefficients.reshape(coefficients.shape[:xdim] + yshape)
    return NDSpline(
Пример #27
    def admm(self, z, y, gamma):
        """Alternating direction method of multipliers."""
        # Optimization:
        # This has been reasonably optimized already and performs ~3x
        # faster than a naive translation of the matlab version.

        # Two major changes are a custom function for calculating
        # the norm of a 1d vector and accessing the lapack solver
        # directly.

        # However it still isn't as fast as matlab (~1/3rd the
        # speed).

        # There are two complexity sources:
        # 1. the matrix solver. I can't see how this can get any
        #    faster (tested with Intel MKL on Canopy).
        # 2. the test for convergence. This is the dominant source
        #    now (~3x the time of the solver)

        # One simple speedup (~2x faster) is to only test
        # convergence every n iterations (n~10). However this breaks
        # output comparison with the matlab code. This might not
        # actually be a problem.

        # Further avenues for optimization:
        # - write in cython and import as compiled module, e.g.
        #   http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/numpy_tutorial.html
        # - use two cores, with one core performing the admm and
        #   the other watching for convergence.

        a = (gamma / self.rho)
        q = self.dmd.q

        # precompute cholesky decomposition
        C = linalg.cholesky(self.Prho, lower=False)
        # link directly to LAPACK fortran solver for positive
        # definite symmetric system with precomputed cholesky decomp:
        potrs, = linalg.get_lapack_funcs(('potrs',), arrays=(C, q))

        # simple norm of a 1d vector, called directly from BLAS
        norm, = linalg.get_blas_funcs(('nrm2',), arrays=(q,))

        # square root outside of the loop
        root_n = np.sqrt(self.n)

        for ADMMstep in xrange(self.max_admm_iter):
            # ## x-minimization step (alpha minimisation)
            u = z - (1. / self.rho) * y
            qs = q + (self.rho / 2.) * u
            # Solve P x = qs, using fact that P is hermitian and
            # positive definite and assuming P is well behaved (no
            # inf or nan).
            xnew = potrs(C, qs, lower=False, overwrite_b=False)[0]
            # ##

            # ## z-minimization step (beta minimisation)
            v = xnew + (1 / self.rho) * y
            # Soft-thresholding of v
            # zero for |v| < a
            # v - a for v > a
            # v + a for v < -a
            # n.b. This doesn't actually do this because v is
            # complex. This is the same as the matlab source. You might
            # want to use np.sign, but this won't work because v is complex.
            abs_v = np.abs(v)
            znew = ((1 - a / abs_v) * v) * (abs_v > a)
            # ##

            # ## Lagrange multiplier update step
            y = y + self.rho * (xnew - znew)
            # ##

            # ## Test convergence of admm
            # Primal and dual residuals
            res_prim = norm(xnew - znew)
            res_dual = self.rho * norm(znew - z)

            # Stopping criteria
            eps_prim = root_n * self.eps_abs \
                        + self.eps_rel * max(norm(xnew), norm(znew))
            eps_dual = root_n * self.eps_abs + self.eps_rel * norm(y)

            if (res_prim < eps_prim) & (res_dual < eps_dual):
                return z
                z = znew

        return z
Пример #28
def fgmres(A,
    """Flexible Generalized Minimum Residual Method (fGMRES).

    fGMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the
    system Ax = b.  fGMRES is flexible in the sense that the right
    preconditioner (M) can vary from iteration to iteration.

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criteria, let r=r_k
           ||r||     < tol ||b||
        if ||b||=0, then set ||b||=1 for these tests.
    restrt : None, int
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : None, int
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
        - defaults to min(n,40) if restart=None
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
        M need not be stationary for fgmres
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residual history in the 2-norm, including the initial residual
    reorth : boolean
        If True, then a check is made whether to re-orthogonalize the Krylov
        space each GMRES iteration

    xk, info
    xk : an updated guess after k iterations to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.

    fGMRES allows for non-stationary preconditioners, as opposed to GMRES

    For robustness, Householder reflections are used to orthonormalize
    the Krylov Space
    Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm each iteration
    Flexibility implies that the right preconditioner, M, can
    vary from iteration to iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import fgmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = fgmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print(f'{norm(b - A*x):.6}')

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    n = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._fgmres')

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    # If no restarts,
    #     then set max_inner=maxiter and max_outer=n
    # If restarts are set,
    #     then set max_inner=restart and max_outer=maxiter
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > n:
            warn('Setting restrt to maximum allowed, n.')
            restrt = n
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > n:
            warn('Setting maxiter to maximum allowed, n.')
            maxiter = n
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(n, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if n == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A @ np.array([1.0], dtype=x.dtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A @ x

    normr = norm(r)
    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  # initial residual

    # Check initial guess if b != 0,
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0  # reset so that tol is unscaled

    if normr < tol * normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails,
    # we cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin fGMRES
    for _outer in range(max_outer):

        # Calculate vector w, which defines the Householder reflector
        #    Take shortcut in calculating,
        #    w = r + sign(r[1])*||r||_2*e_1
        w = r
        beta = _mysign(w[0]) * normr
        w[0] += beta
        w /= norm(w)

        # Preallocate for Krylov vectors, Householder reflectors and Hessenberg
        # matrix
        # Space required is O(n*max_inner)
        # Givens Rotations
        Q = np.zeros((4 * max_inner, ), dtype=x.dtype)
        # upper Hessenberg matrix (made upper tri with Givens Rotations)
        H = np.zeros((max_inner, max_inner), dtype=x.dtype)
        W = np.zeros((max_inner, n), dtype=x.dtype)  # Householder reflectors
        # For fGMRES, preconditioned vectors must be stored
        # No Horner-like scheme exists that allow us to avoid this
        Z = np.zeros((n, max_inner), dtype=x.dtype)
        W[0, :] = w

        # Multiply r with (I - 2*w*w.T), i.e. apply the Householder reflector
        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = np.zeros((n, ), dtype=x.dtype)
        g[0] = -beta

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            # Calculate Krylov vector in two steps
            # (1) Calculate v = P_j = (I - 2*w*w.T)v, where k = inner
            v = -2.0 * np.conjugate(w[inner]) * w
            v[inner] += 1.0
            # (2) Calculate the rest, v = P_1*P_2*P_3...P_{j-1}*ej.
            # for j in range(inner-1,-1,-1):
            #    v = v - 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, np.ravel(W), n, inner - 1, -1, -1)

            # Apply preconditioner
            v = M @ v
            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(v).any() or isinf(v).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)
            Z[:, inner] = v

            # Calculate new search direction
            v = A @ v

            # Factor in all Householder orthogonal reflections on new search
            # direction
            # for j in range(inner+1):
            #    v = v - 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, np.ravel(W), n, 0, inner + 1, 1)

            # Calculate next Householder reflector, w
            #  w = v[inner+1:] + sign(v[inner+1])*||v[inner+1:]||_2*e_{inner+1)
            #  Note that if max_inner = n, then this is unnecessary for
            #  the last inner iteration, when inner = n-1.  Here we do
            #  not need to calculate a Householder reflector or Givens
            #  rotation because nnz(v) is already the desired length,
            #  i.e. we do not need to zero anything out.
            if inner != n - 1:
                if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                    w = W[inner + 1, :]
                vslice = v[inner + 1:]
                alpha = norm(vslice)
                if alpha != 0:
                    alpha = _mysign(vslice[0]) * alpha
                    # do not need the final reflector for future calculations
                    if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                        w[inner + 1:] = vslice
                        w[inner + 1] += alpha
                        w /= norm(w)

                    # Apply new reflector to v
                    #  v = v - 2.0*w*(w.T*v)
                    v[inner + 1] = -alpha
                    v[inner + 2:] = 0.0

            if inner > 0:
                # Apply all previous Givens Rotations to v
                amg_core.apply_givens(Q, v, n, inner)

            # Calculate the next Givens rotation, where j = inner Note that if
            # max_inner = n, then this is unnecessary for the last inner
            # iteration, when inner = n-1.  Here we do not need to
            # calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            # nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to zero
            # anything out.
            if inner != n - 1:
                if v[inner + 1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(v[inner], v[inner + 1])
                    Qblock = np.array([[c, s], [-np.conjugate(s), c]],
                    Q[(inner * 4):((inner + 1) * 4)] = np.ravel(Qblock).copy()

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g, the RHS for the linear system
                    # in the Krylov Subspace.  Note that this dot does a matrix
                    # multiply, not an actual dot product where a conjugate
                    # transpose is taken
                    g[inner:inner + 2] = np.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner + 2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to v
                    v[inner] = np.dot(Qblock[0, :], v[inner:inner + 2])
                    v[inner + 1] = 0.0

            # Write to upper Hessenberg Matrix,
            #   the LHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace
            H[:, inner] = v[0:max_inner]

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner - 1:
                normr = np.abs(g[inner + 1])
                if normr < tol * normb:
                if residuals is not None:

                if callback is not None:
                    y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner + 1), 0:(inner + 1)],
                                        g[0:(inner + 1)])
                    update = np.dot(Z[:, 0:inner + 1], y)
                    callback(x + update)

            niter += 1

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space, V.  Solve inner+1 x inner+1
        # system.  Apparently this is the best way to solve a triangular system
        # in the magical world of scipy
        # piv = arange(inner+1)
        # y = lu_solve((H[0:(inner+1),0:(inner+1)], piv),
        #              g[0:(inner+1)], trans=0)
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner + 1), 0:(inner + 1)], g[0:(inner + 1)])

        # No Horner like scheme exists because the preconditioner can change
        # each iteration # Hence, we must store each preconditioned vector
        update = np.dot(Z[:, 0:inner + 1], y)
        x = x + update
        r = b - A @ x

        # Allow user access to the iterates
        if callback is not None:

        normr = norm(r)
        if residuals is not None:

        # Has fGMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = np.max(np.abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol * normb:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Пример #29
def gmres_householder(A,
    Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES)
        GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the
        system Ax = b
        Householder reflections are used for orthogonalization

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n, 1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm
        of the initial preconditioned residual
    restrt : {None, int}
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : {None, int}
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback( ||rk||_2 ), where rk is the current preconditioned residual
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.
        - For robustness, Householder reflections are used to orthonormalize
          the Krylov Space
          Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm each iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10, 10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x, flag) = gmres(A, b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='householder')
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    if restrt is not None:
        restrt = int(restrt)
    if maxiter is not None:
        maxiter = int(maxiter)

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Get fast access to underlying LAPACK routine
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = ravel(A * array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - ravel(A * x)

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = ravel(M * r)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:
    # Check for nan, inf
    # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
    #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
    #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol * normb:
        if callback is not None:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we use the preconditioned residual
    # because this is left preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol * normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Calculate vector w, which defines the Householder reflector
        #    Take shortcut in calculating,
        #    w = r + sign(r[1])*||r||_2*e_1
        w = r
        beta = mysign(w[0]) * normr
        w[0] = w[0] + beta
        w[:] = w / norm(w)

        # Preallocate for Krylov vectors, Householder reflectors and
        # Hessenberg matrix
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner)
        # Givens Rotations
        Q = zeros((4 * max_inner, ), dtype=xtype)
        # upper Hessenberg matrix (made upper tri with Givens Rotations)
        H = zeros((max_inner, max_inner), dtype=xtype)
        # Householder reflectors
        W = zeros((max_inner + 1, dimen), dtype=xtype)
        W[0, :] = w

        # Multiply r with (I - 2*w*w.T), i.e. apply the Householder reflector
        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = zeros((dimen, ), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = -beta

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            # Calculate Krylov vector in two steps
            # (1) Calculate v = P_j = (I - 2*w*w.T)v, where k = inner
            v = -2.0 * conjugate(w[inner]) * w
            v[inner] = v[inner] + 1.0
            # (2) Calculate the rest, v = P_1*P_2*P_3...P_{j-1}*ej.
            # for j in range(inner-1,-1,-1):
            #    v -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, ravel(W), dimen, inner - 1, -1, -1)

            # Calculate new search direction
            v = ravel(A * v)

            # Apply preconditioner
            v = ravel(M * v)
            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(v).any() or isinf(v).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

            # Factor in all Householder orthogonal reflections on new search
            # direction
            # for j in range(inner+1):
            #    v -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, ravel(W), dimen, 0, inner + 1, 1)

            # Calculate next Householder reflector, w
            #  w = v[inner+1:] + sign(v[inner+1])*||v[inner+1:]||_2*e_{inner+1)
            #  Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for the
            #  last inner iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do not need
            #  to calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            #  nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to
            #  zero anything out.
            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                    w = W[inner + 1, :]
                vslice = v[inner + 1:]
                alpha = norm(vslice)
                if alpha != 0:
                    alpha = mysign(vslice[0]) * alpha
                    # do not need the final reflector for future calculations
                    if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                        w[inner + 1:] = vslice
                        w[inner + 1] += alpha
                        w[:] = w / norm(w)

                    # Apply new reflector to v
                    #  v = v - 2.0*w*(w.T*v)
                    v[inner + 1] = -alpha
                    v[inner + 2:] = 0.0

            if inner > 0:
                # Apply all previous Givens Rotations to v
                amg_core.apply_givens(Q, v, dimen, inner)

            # Calculate the next Givens rotation, where j = inner Note that if
            # max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for the last inner
            # iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do not need to
            # calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            # nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to zero
            # anything out.
            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if v[inner + 1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(v[inner], v[inner + 1])
                    Qblock = array([[c, s], [-conjugate(s), c]], dtype=xtype)
                    Q[(inner * 4):((inner + 1) * 4)] = ravel(Qblock).copy()

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g, the RHS for the linear system
                    # in the Krylov Subspace.  Note that this dot does a matrix
                    # multiply, not an actual dot product where a conjugate
                    # transpose is taken
                    g[inner:inner + 2] = dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner + 2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to v
                    v[inner] = dot(Qblock[0, :], v[inner:inner + 2])
                    v[inner + 1] = 0.0

            # Write to upper Hessenberg Matrix,
            #   the LHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace
            H[:, inner] = v[0:max_inner]

            niter += 1

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner - 1:
                normr = abs(g[inner + 1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to residual
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space, V.  Solve inner+1 x inner+1
        # system.  Apparently this is the best way to solve a triangular system
        # in the magical world of scipy
        # piv = arange(inner+1)
        # y = lu_solve((H[0:(inner+1), 0:(inner+1)], piv), g[0:(inner+1)],
        #             trans=0)
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner + 1), 0:(inner + 1)], g[0:(inner + 1)])

        # Use Horner like Scheme to map solution, y, back to original space.
        # Note that we do not use the last reflector.
        update = zeros(x.shape, dtype=xtype)
        # for j in range(inner,-1,-1):
        #    update[j] += y[j]
        #    # Apply j-th reflector, (I - 2.0*w_j*w_j.T)*upadate
        #    update -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), update)*W[j,:]
        amg_core.householder_hornerscheme(update, ravel(W), ravel(y), dimen,
                                          inner, -1, -1)

        x[:] = x + update
        r = b - ravel(A * x)

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = ravel(M * r)
        normr = norm(r)
        # Check for nan, inf
        # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
        #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
        #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

        # Allow user access to residual
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = max(abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Пример #30
def _get_lapack_funcs(dtype, names):
    from scipy import linalg
    assert dtype in (np.float64, np.complex128)
    x = np.empty(0, dtype)
    return linalg.get_lapack_funcs(names, (x,))
Пример #31
def lgmres(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=1000, M=None, callback=None,
           inner_m=30, outer_k=3, outer_v=None, store_outer_Av=True):
    Solve a matrix equation using the LGMRES algorithm.

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid some problems
    in the convergence in restarted GMRES, and often converges in fewer

    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
        The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
    b : {array, matrix}
        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
    x0  : {array, matrix}
        Starting guess for the solution.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when either the relative
        or the absolute residual is below `tol`.
    maxiter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
        steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
    M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}, optional
        Preconditioner for A.  The preconditioner should approximate the
        inverse of A.  Effective preconditioning dramatically improves the
        rate of convergence, which implies that fewer iterations are needed
        to reach a given error tolerance.
    callback : function, optional
        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
        as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
    inner_m : int, optional
        Number of inner GMRES iterations per each outer iteration.
    outer_k : int, optional
        Number of vectors to carry between inner GMRES iterations.
        According to [1]_, good values are in the range of 1...3.
        However, note that if you want to use the additional vectors to
        accelerate solving multiple similar problems, larger values may
        be beneficial.
    outer_v : list of tuples, optional
        List containing tuples ``(v, Av)`` of vectors and corresponding
        matrix-vector products, used to augment the Krylov subspace, and
        carried between inner GMRES iterations. The element ``Av`` can
        be `None` if the matrix-vector product should be re-evaluated.
        This parameter is modified in-place by `lgmres`, and can be used
        to pass "guess" vectors in and out of the algorithm when solving
        similar problems.
    store_outer_Av : bool, optional
        Whether LGMRES should store also A*v in addition to vectors `v`
        in the `outer_v` list. Default is True.

    x : array or matrix
        The converged solution.
    info : int
        Provides convergence information:

            - 0  : successful exit
            - >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
            - <0 : illegal input or breakdown

    The LGMRES algorithm [1]_ [2]_ is designed to avoid the
    slowing of convergence in restarted GMRES, due to alternating
    residual vectors. Typically, it often outperforms GMRES(m) of
    comparable memory requirements by some measure, or at least is not
    much worse.

    Another advantage in this algorithm is that you can supply it with
    'guess' vectors in the `outer_v` argument that augment the Krylov
    subspace. If the solution lies close to the span of these vectors,
    the algorithm converges faster. This can be useful if several very
    similar matrices need to be inverted one after another, such as in
    Newton-Krylov iteration where the Jacobian matrix often changes
    little in the nonlinear steps.

    .. [1] A.H. Baker and E.R. Jessup and T. Manteuffel,
             SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 26, 962 (2005).
    .. [2] A.H. Baker, PhD thesis, University of Colorado (2003).

    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,M,x0,b)

    if not np.isfinite(b).all():
        raise ValueError("RHS must contain only finite numbers")

    matvec = A.matvec
    psolve = M.matvec

    if outer_v is None:
        outer_v = []

    axpy, dot, scal = None, None, None
    nrm2 = get_blas_funcs('nrm2', [b])

    b_norm = nrm2(b)
    if b_norm == 0:
        b_norm = 1

    for k_outer in xrange(maxiter):
        r_outer = matvec(x) - b

        # -- callback
        if callback is not None:

        # -- determine input type routines
        if axpy is None:
            if np.iscomplexobj(r_outer) and not np.iscomplexobj(x):
                x = x.astype(r_outer.dtype)
            axpy, dot, scal, nrm2 = get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'scal', 'nrm2'],
                                                   (x, r_outer))
            trtrs = get_lapack_funcs('trtrs', (x, r_outer))

        # -- check stopping condition
        r_norm = nrm2(r_outer)
        if r_norm <= tol * b_norm or r_norm <= tol:

        # -- inner LGMRES iteration
        vs0 = -psolve(r_outer)
        inner_res_0 = nrm2(vs0)

        if inner_res_0 == 0:
            rnorm = nrm2(r_outer)
            raise RuntimeError("Preconditioner returned a zero vector; "
                               "|v| ~ %.1g, |M v| = 0" % rnorm)

        vs0 = scal(1.0/inner_res_0, vs0)
        vs = [vs0]
        ws = []
        y = None

        # H is stored in QR factorized form
        Q = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=vs0.dtype)
        R = np.zeros((1, 0), dtype=vs0.dtype)

        eps = np.finfo(vs0.dtype).eps

        for j in xrange(1, 1 + inner_m + len(outer_v)):
            # -- Arnoldi process:
            #    Build an orthonormal basis V and matrices W and H such that
            #        A W = V H
            #    Columns of W, V, and H are stored in `ws`, `vs` and `hs`.
            #    The first column of V is always the residual vector, `vs0`;
            #    V has *one more column* than the other of the three matrices.
            #    The other columns in V are built by feeding in, one
            #    by one, some vectors `z` and orthonormalizing them
            #    against the basis so far. The trick here is to
            #    feed in first some augmentation vectors, before
            #    starting to construct the Krylov basis on `v0`.
            #    It was shown in [BJM]_ that a good choice (the LGMRES choice)
            #    for these augmentation vectors are the `dx` vectors obtained
            #    from a couple of the previous restart cycles.
            #    Note especially that while `vs0` is always the first
            #    column in V, there is no reason why it should also be
            #    the first column in W. (In fact, below `vs0` comes in
            #    W only after the augmentation vectors.)
            #    The rest of the algorithm then goes as in GMRES, one
            #    solves a minimization problem in the smaller subspace
            #    spanned by W (range) and V (image).

            #     ++ evaluate
            v_new = None
            if j < len(outer_v) + 1:
                z, v_new = outer_v[j-1]
            elif j == len(outer_v) + 1:
                z = vs0
                z = vs[-1]

            if v_new is None:
                v_new = psolve(matvec(z))
                # Note: v_new is modified in-place below. Must make a
                # copy to ensure that the outer_v vectors are not
                # clobbered.
                v_new = v_new.copy()

            #     ++ orthogonalize
            hcur = np.zeros(j+1, dtype=Q.dtype)
            for i, v in enumerate(vs):
                alpha = dot(v, v_new)
                hcur[i] = alpha
                v_new = axpy(v, v_new, v.shape[0], -alpha)  # v_new -= alpha*v
            hcur[-1] = nrm2(v_new)

            with np.errstate(over='ignore', divide='ignore'):
                # Careful with denormals
                alpha = 1/hcur[-1]

            if np.isfinite(alpha):
                v_new = scal(alpha, v_new)
                # v_new either zero (solution in span of previous
                # vectors) or we have nans.  If we already have
                # previous vectors in R, we can discard the current
                # vector and bail out.
                if j > 1:
                    j -= 1


            # -- GMRES optimization problem

            # Add new column to H=Q*R, padding other columns with zeros

            Q2 = np.zeros((j+1, j+1), dtype=Q.dtype, order='F')
            Q2[:j,:j] = Q
            Q2[j,j] = 1

            R2 = np.zeros((j+1, j-1), dtype=R.dtype, order='F')
            R2[:j,:] = R

            Q, R = qr_insert(Q2, R2, hcur, j-1, which='col',
                             overwrite_qru=True, check_finite=False)

            # Transformed least squares problem
            # || Q R y - inner_res_0 * e_1 ||_2 = min!
            # Since R = [R'; 0], solution is y = inner_res_0 (R')^{-1} (Q^H)[:j,0]

            # Residual is immediately known
            inner_res = abs(Q[0,-1]) * inner_res_0

            # -- check for termination
            if inner_res <= tol * inner_res_0:

        # -- Get the LSQ problem solution
        y, info = trtrs(R[:j,:j], Q[0,:j].conj())
        if info != 0:
            # Zero diagonal -> exact solution, but we handled that above
            raise RuntimeError("QR solution failed")
        y *= inner_res_0

        if not np.isfinite(y).all():
            # Floating point over/underflow, non-finite result from
            # matmul etc. -- report failure.
            return postprocess(x), k_outer + 1

        # -- GMRES terminated: eval solution
        dx = ws[0]*y[0]
        for w, yc in zip(ws[1:], y[1:]):
            dx = axpy(w, dx, dx.shape[0], yc)  # dx += w*yc

        # -- Store LGMRES augmentation vectors
        nx = nrm2(dx)
        if nx > 0:
            if store_outer_Av:
                q = Q.dot(R.dot(y))
                ax = vs[0]*q[0]
                for v, qc in zip(vs[1:], q[1:]):
                    ax = axpy(v, ax, ax.shape[0], qc)
                outer_v.append((dx/nx, ax/nx))
                outer_v.append((dx/nx, None))

        # -- Retain only a finite number of augmentation vectors
        while len(outer_v) > outer_k:
            del outer_v[0]

        # -- Apply step
        x += dx
        # didn't converge ...
        return postprocess(x), maxiter

    return postprocess(x), 0
Пример #32
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg

from pystan import StanModel

from .cython_util import (

# LAPACK positive definite inverse routine
dpotri_routine = linalg.get_lapack_funcs('potri')

# Precalculated constant
_LOG_2PI = np.log(2*np.pi)

def invert_normal_params(A, b=None, out_A=None, out_b=None, cho_form=False):
    """Invert moment parameters into natural parameters or vice versa.

    Switch between moment parameters (S,m) and natural parameters (Q,r) of
    a multivariate normal distribution. Providing (S,m) yields (Q,r) and vice

    A : ndarray