Пример #1
def _check_multigammaln_array_result(a, d):
    # Test that the shape of the array returned by multigammaln
    # matches the input shape, and that all the values match
    # the value computed when multigammaln is called with a scalar.
    result = multigammaln(a, d)
    assert_array_equal(a.shape, result.shape)
    a1 = a.ravel()
    result1 = result.ravel()
    for i in range(a.size):
        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(result1[i], multigammaln(a1[i], d))
Пример #2
def data_prob(hp, ss):
    Murphy, Eq. 266
    z = _intermediates(hp, ss)
    d = len(ss.sum)
    return (
        -0.5 * ss.n * d * 1.1447298858493991
        + multigammaln(0.5 * z.nu, d)
        - multigammaln(0.5 * hp.nu, d)
        + 0.5 * hp.nu * log(linalg.det(hp.Lambda))
        - 0.5 * z.nu * log(linalg.det(z.Lambda))
        + 0.5 * d * log(hp.kappa / z.kappa)
Пример #3
  def logMarginalLikelihood(s,x):
    d = s.delta.shape[0]
    if not x.shape[0] == d:
      raise ValueError
    scatter = np.dot(x,x.T) 
    (sign,logdetD) = np.linalg.slogdet(s.delta)
    (sign,logdetDS) = np.linalg.slogdet(s.delta+scatter)

    logP = multigammaln((s.nu+n)*.5,d) - multigammaln(s.nu*.5,d)
    logP -= 0.5*(n*d)*np.log(np.pi)
    logP += s.nu*0.5 * logdetD
    logP -= (s.nu+n)*0.5 * logdetDS
    return logP
Пример #4
 def score_data(self, shared):
     \cite{murphy2007conjugate}, Eq. 266
     kappa0, psi0, nu0 = shared.kappa, shared.psi, shared.nu
     post = shared.plus_group(self)
     kappa_n, psi_n, nu_n = post.kappa, post.psi, post.nu
     n = self.count
     D = shared.dim()
     return (
         multigammaln(nu_n / 2., D)
         + nu0 / 2. * np.log(np.linalg.det(psi0))
         - (n * D / 2.) * np.log(math.pi)
         - multigammaln(nu0 / 2., D)
         - nu_n / 2. * np.log(np.linalg.det(psi_n))
         + D / 2. * np.log(kappa0 / kappa_n))
Пример #5
    def _entropy(self, dim, df, log_det_scale):
        dim : int
            Dimension of the scale matrix
        df : int
            Degrees of freedom
        log_det_scale : float
            Logarithm of the determinant of the scale matrix

        As this function does no argument checking, it should not be
        called directly; use 'entropy' instead.

        return (
            0.5 * (dim+1) * log_det_scale +
            0.5 * dim * (dim+1) * _LOG_2 +
            multigammaln(0.5*df, dim) -
            0.5 * (df - dim - 1) * np.sum(
                [psi(0.5*(df + 1 - (i+1))) for i in range(dim)]
            ) + 
            0.5 * df * dim
Пример #6
 def test2(self):
     # A test of the identity
     #     Gamma_2(a) = sqrt(pi) * Gamma(a) * Gamma(a - 0.5)
     a = np.array([2.5, 10.0])
     result = multigammaln(a, 2)
     expected = np.log(np.sqrt(np.pi)) + gammaln(a) + gammaln(a - 0.5)
     assert_almost_equal(result, expected)
Пример #7
    def test_ararg(self):
        d = 5
        a = np.abs(np.random.randn(3, 2)) + d

        tr = multigammaln(a, d)
        assert_array_equal(tr.shape, a.shape)
        for i in range(a.size):
            assert_array_equal(tr.ravel()[i], multigammaln(a.ravel()[i], d))

        d = 5
        a = np.abs(np.random.randn(1, 2)) + d

        tr = multigammaln(a, d)
        assert_array_equal(tr.shape, a.shape)
        for i in range(a.size):
            assert_array_equal(tr.ravel()[i], multigammaln(a.ravel()[i], d))
Пример #8
def invwishart_logpdf(X, S, nu):
    """Compute logpdf of inverse-wishart distribution
        X (p x p matrix): rv value for which to compute logpdf
        S (p x p matrix): scale matrix parameter of inverse-wishart distribution (psd Matrix)
        nu: degrees of freedom  nu > p - 1 where p is the dimension of S
        float: logpdf of X given parameters S and nu
    #pdf is \frac{\left|{\mathbf{S}}\right|^{\frac{\nu}{2}}}{2^{\frac{\nu p}{2}}\Gamma_p(\frac{\nu}{2})} \left|\mathbf{X}\right|^{-\frac{\nu+p+1}{2}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\operatorname{tr}({\mathbf{S}}\mathbf{X}^{-1})}
    p = S.shape[0]    
    assert(len(S.shape) == 2 and
           S.shape[0] == S.shape[1] and
           nu > p - 1)
    if (len(X.shape) != 2 or
        X.shape[0] != X.shape[1] or
        X.shape[0] != S.shape[0]):
        return -np.inf
    nu_h = nu/2
    log_S_term = (nu_h * (log(np.linalg.det(S)) - p * log(2))
                   - multigammaln(nu_h, p))
    log_X_term = -(nu + p + 1) / 2 * log(np.linalg.det(X))
    log_e_term = - np.dot(S.T.flat, inv(X).flat) / 2 #using an efficient formula for trace(dot(.,.))
    return log_S_term + log_X_term + log_e_term
Пример #9
def generalized_ln_poisson(data,expectation):
    When the data set is not integer based, we need a different way to
    calculate the poisson likelihood, so we'll use this version, which
    is appropriate for float data types (using the continuous version
    of the poisson pmf) as well as the standard integer data type for
    the discrete Poisson pmf.

    Returns: the natural logarithm of the value of the continuous form
    of the poisson probability mass function, given detected counts,
    'data' from expected counts 'expectation'.

    if not np.alltrue(data >= 0.0):
        raise ValueError(
            "Template must have all bins >= 0.0! Template generation bug?")

    ln_poisson = 0.0
    if bool(re.match('^int',data.dtype.name)):
        return np.log(poisson.pmf(data,expectation))
    elif bool(re.match('^float',data.dtype.name)):
        return (data*np.log(expectation) - expectation - multigammaln(data+1.0,1))
        raise ValueError(
            "Unknown data dtype: %s. Must be float or int!"%psuedo_data.dtype)
def wishart_pdf(X, S, v, d, chol=False, log_form = False):
    '''Wishart probability density with possible use of the cholesky decomposition of S.
    Returns the same output as scipy.stats.wishart(df=v, scale=S).pdf(X).
    The equation is (Wikipedia or Kevin P. Murphy, 2007):
        {|X|**[0.5(v-d-1)] exp[-0.5tr(inv(S)X)]}/{2**[0.5vd] |S|**[0.5v] [multivariate_gamma_function(0.5v, d)]}
    Thomas Minka (1998) has a different form for the equation, but both are equivalent for the same inputs:
        {1}/{[multivariate_gamma_function(0.5v, d)] |X|**(0.5(d+1))} {|0.5X inv(S)|**(0.5v)} {exp[-0.5tr(inv(S)X)]}
    X: array-like. 
    Positive definite dxd matrix for which the probability function is to be estimated.
    If chol, this must be the matrix L, instead. L is a lower triangular decomposition of X, such that X = LL'.
    Positive definite dxd scale matrix
    If chol, this must be the matrix L2, instead. L2 is a lower triangular decomposition of S, such that S = L2L2'
    v: int or float.
    degrees of freedom for the distribution. v must be >d
    d: int
    dimension of each row or column of X
    If log_form returns the logpdf estimate of X, else it returns the pdf estimate of X
    if chol:
        det_X = chol_log_determinant(X)
        det_S = chol_log_determinant(S)
        iS = lpack.dtrtri(S, lower=1)[0]
        trace = np.einsum('ij,ji', iS.T.dot(iS), X.dot(X.T))

        det_X = np.linalg.slogdet(X)[1]
        det_S = np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1]
        trace = np.trace(np.linalg.inv(S).dot(X))

    p1 = 0.5*(v-d-1)*det_X
    p2 = -0.5*trace
    p3 = -0.5*(v*d)*math.log(2)
    p4 = -0.5*(v)*det_S
    p5 = -spe.multigammaln(0.5*v,d)
    if log_form:
        return p1+p2+p3+p4+p5
        return math.exp(p1+p2+p3+p4+p5)
Пример #11
    def calc_log_z(_mu, _lambda, _kappa, _nu):
        d = len(_mu)
        sign, detr = slogdet(_lambda)
        log_z = (LOG2*(_nu*d/2.0)
                 + (d/2.0)*math.log(2*math.pi/_kappa)
                 + multigammaln(_nu/2, d) - (_nu/2.0)*detr)

        return log_z
Пример #12
def logpbeta(beta,k=1,s=1,w=1,nd=1,logdetw=1,temp=1):
    """The log of the second part of Eq.9 in Rasmussen (2000)"""
    return -1.5*np.log(beta - nd + 1.0) \
        - 0.5*nd/(beta - nd + 1.0) \
        + 0.5*beta*k*nd*np.log(0.5*beta) \
        + 0.5*beta*k*logdetw \
        + 0.5*beta*temp \
        - k*spec.multigammaln(0.5*beta,nd)
Пример #13
def mniw_log_partitionfunction(nu, S, M, K):
    n = M.shape[0]
    return (
        n * nu / 2 * np.log(2)
        + special.multigammaln(nu / 2.0, n)
        - nu / 2 * np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1]
        - n / 2 * np.linalg.slogdet(K)[1]
Пример #14
	def __call__(self, x):
		if x not in self.res:
			res = sps.multigammaln(x, self.d)
			self.res[x] = res
			res = self.res[x]
		return res
def invwishart_pdf(X, S, v, d, chol=False, log_form = False):
    '''Inverse Wishart probability density with possible use of the cholesky decomposition of S and X.
    Returns the output that is comparable to scipy.stats.invwishart(df=v, scale=S).pdf(X). 
    The equation is (Wikipedia or Kevin P. Murphy, 2007):
        {|S|**[0.5v] |X|**[-0.5(v+d+1)] exp[-0.5tr(S inv(X))]}/{2**[0.5vd]  [multivariate_gamma_function(0.5v, d)]}
    X: array-like. 
    Positive definite dxd matrix for which the probability function is to be estimated.
    If chol, this must be the matrix L, instead. L is a lower triangular decomposition of X, such that X = LL'.
    Positive definite dxd scale matrix
    If chol, this must be the matrix L2, instead. L2 is a lower triangular decomposition of S, such that S = L2L2'
    v: int or float.
    degrees of freedom for the distribution. v must be >d
    d: int
    dimension of each row or column of X
    If log_form returns the logpdf estimate of X, else it returns the pdf estimate of X
    if chol:
        det_X = chol_log_determinant(X)
        det_S = chol_log_determinant(S)
        iX = lpack.dtrtri(X, lower=1)[0]
        trace = np.einsum('ij,ji', S.dot(S.T),iX.T.dot(iX))

        det_X = np.linalg.slogdet(X)[1]
        det_S = np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1]
        trace = np.trace(S.dot(np.linalg.inv(X)))

    p1 = -0.5*(v*d)*math.log(2)
    p2 = -spe.multigammaln(0.5*v,d)
    p3 = 0.5*(v)*det_S
    p4 = -0.5*(v+d+1)*det_X
    p5 = -0.5*trace
    if log_form:
        return p1+p2+p3+p4+p5
        return math.exp(p1+p2+p3+p4+p5)
Пример #16
 def logPdf(s,S):
   d = s.delta.shape[0]
   logPdf = -.5*np.trace(s.delta.dot(inv(S)))
   (sign,logdetDelta) = np.linalg.slogdet(s.delta)
   (sign,logdetS) = np.linalg.slogdet(S)
   logPdf += logdetS*(-.5*(s.nu+1.+d))
   logPdf += logdetDelta*(.5*s.nu)
   logPdf -= np.log(2.0)*0.5*s.nu*d
   logPdf -= multigammaln(0.5*s.nu,d) 
   return logPdf
def fullcov_obs_log_likelihood(data, t, s):
    '''Full Covariance model from xuan et al'''
    s += 1
    n = s - t
    x = data[t:s]
    if len(x.shape)==2:
        dim = x.shape[1]
        dim = 1
        x = np.atleast_2d(x).T

    N0 = dim          # weakest prior we can use to retain proper prior
    V0 = np.var(x)*np.eye(dim)
    Vn = V0 + np.array([np.outer(x[i], x[i].T) for i in xrange(x.shape[0])]).sum(0)

    # section 3.2 from Xuan paper:
    return -(dim*n/2)*np.log(np.pi) + (N0/2)*np.linalg.slogdet(V0)[1] - \
        multigammaln(N0/2,dim) + multigammaln((N0+n)/2,dim) - \
Пример #18
 def _compute_moments_and_cgf(phi, mask=True):
     U = utils.m_chol(-phi[0])
     k = np.shape(phi[0])[-1]
     #k = self.dims[0][0]
     logdet_phi0 = utils.m_chol_logdet(U)
     u0 = phi[1][...,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * utils.m_chol_inv(U)
     u1 = -logdet_phi0 + utils.m_digamma(phi[1], k)
     u = [u0, u1]
     g = phi[1] * logdet_phi0 - special.multigammaln(phi[1], k)
     return (u, g)
Пример #19
 def __init__(self, W, v):
     self.d = W.shape[0]
     if W.shape != (self.d, self.d):
         raise TypeError('W must be a square matrix!')
     self.W = W
     self.v = v
     self.logC = -(0.5*self.v*self.d*np.log(2)+\
                   multigammaln(0.5*v, self.d))
     self.Winv = np.linalg.inv(W)
Пример #20
def singular_wishart_density(val, vec, P):
    Density of a singular wishart distribution at X = vec*diag(val)*vec.T
    d,r = vec.shape
    norm = 0.5*r*(r-d)*np.log(np.pi) - 0.5*r*d*np.log(2.0) \
          - special.multigammaln(r/2,r) - 0.5*r*np.log(la.det(P))
    pptn = 0.5*(r-d-1)*np.sum(np.log(val)) \
          - 0.5*np.trace( np.dot(np.dot(vec.T,la.solve(P,vec)),np.diag(val)) )
    pdf = norm + pptn
    return pdf
Пример #21
def analytic_postparam_logevidence_mvnorm_unknown_K_li(D, mu_pr, prec_pr, kappa_pr, nu_pr):
    D_mean = np.mean(D, 0)  
    (n, dim) = D.shape
    (kappa_post, nu_post) = (kappa_pr + n, nu_pr + n)
    mu_post = (mu_pr * kappa_pr + D_mean * n) / (kappa_pr + n)    
    scatter = scatter_matr(D)
    m_mu_pr = (D_mean - mu_pr)
    m_mu_pr.shape = (1, np.prod(m_mu_pr.shape))
    prec_post = prec_pr + scatter + kappa_pr * n /(kappa_pr + n) * m_mu_pr.T.dot(m_mu_pr)
    (sign, ldet_pr) = np.linalg.slogdet(prec_pr)
    (sign, ldet_post) = np.linalg.slogdet(prec_post)
    evid = (-(log(np.pi)*n*dim/2)  + multigammaln(nu_post/2, dim)
                                  - multigammaln(nu_pr / 2, dim) 
                                  + ldet_pr * nu_pr/2
                                  - ldet_post * nu_post/2
                                  + dim/2 * (log(kappa_pr) - log(kappa_post))

    return ((mu_post, prec_post, kappa_post, nu_post), evid)
Пример #22
def test_speed(d, sim):
	xs = np.ceil(np.random.rand(sim)*100) + d
	lg = ln_gamma_d(d=d)
	t0 = time.time()
	y = [lg(x) for x in xs]  # @UnusedVariable
	t1 = time.time()
	string = "lookup            = %.4f msec/sim (sim ,d ) = (%d %d) "%(1000*np.double(t1-t0)/sim, sim, d )
	t0 = time.time()
	yd = [sps.multigammaln(x,d) for x in xs]  # @UnusedVariable
	t1 = time.time()
	string = "sps.multigammaln =  %.4f msec/sim (sim ,d ) = (%d %d) "%(1000*np.double(t1-t0)/sim, sim, d )
def fullcov_obs_log_likelihood(data, t, s):
    '''Full Covariance model from xuan et al'''
    s += 1
    n = s - t
    x = data[t:s]
    if len(x.shape)==2:
        dim = x.shape[1]
        dim = 1
        x = np.atleast_2d(x).T

    N0 = dim          # weakest prior we can use to retain proper prior
    V0 = np.var(x)*np.eye(dim)
    # Improvement over np.outer
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17437523/python-fast-way-to-sum-outer-products
    # Vn = V0 + np.array([np.outer(x[i], x[i].T) for i in xrange(x.shape[0])]).sum(0)
    Vn = V0 + np.einsum('ij,ik->jk', x, x)

    # section 3.2 from Xuan paper:
    return -(dim*n/2)*np.log(np.pi) + (N0/2)*np.linalg.slogdet(V0)[1] - \
        multigammaln(N0/2,dim) + multigammaln((N0+n)/2,dim) - \
Пример #24
    def _logpdf(self, x, dim, df, scale, log_det_scale):
        x : ndarray
            Points at which to evaluate the log of the probability
            density function.
        dim : int
            Dimension of the scale matrix
        df : int
            Degrees of freedom
        scale : ndarray
            Scale matrix
        log_det_scale : float
            Logarithm of the determinant of the scale matrix

        As this function does no argument checking, it should not be
        called directly; use 'logpdf' instead.

        log_det_x = np.zeros(x.shape[-1])
        #scale_x_inv = np.zeros(x.shape)
        x_inv = np.copy(x).T
        if dim > 1:
            _cho_inv_batch(x_inv)  # works in-place
            x_inv = 1./x_inv
        tr_scale_x_inv = np.zeros(x.shape[-1])

        for i in range(x.shape[-1]):
            C, lower = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(x[:,:,i], lower=True)

            log_det_x[i] = 2 * np.sum(np.log(C.diagonal()))

            #scale_x_inv[:,:,i] = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((C, True), scale).T
            tr_scale_x_inv[i] = np.dot(scale, x_inv[i]).trace()

        # Log PDF
        out = (
            (0.5 * df * log_det_scale - 0.5 * tr_scale_x_inv) -
            (0.5 * df * dim * _LOG_2 + 0.5 * (df + dim + 1) * log_det_x) -
            multigammaln(0.5*df, dim)

        return out
Пример #25
    def _logpdf(self, x, dim, df, scale, log_det_scale, C):
        x : ndarray
            Points at which to evaluate the log of the probability
            density function
        dim : int
            Dimension of the scale matrix
        df : int
            Degrees of freedom
        scale : ndarray
            Scale matrix
        log_det_scale : float
            Logarithm of the determinant of the scale matrix
        C : ndarray
            Cholesky factorization of the scale matrix, lower triagular.

        As this function does no argument checking, it should not be
        called directly; use 'logpdf' instead.

        # log determinant of x
        # Note: x has components along the last axis, so that x.T has
        # components alone the 0-th axis. Then since det(A) = det(A'), this
        # gives us a 1-dim vector of determinants
        # TODO slogdet is unavailable as long as Numpy 1.5.x is supported
        # s, log_det_x = np.linalg.slogdet(x.T)

        # Retrieve tr(scale^{-1} x)
        log_det_x = np.zeros(x.shape[-1])
        scale_inv_x = np.zeros(x.shape)
        tr_scale_inv_x = np.zeros(x.shape[-1])
        for i in range(x.shape[-1]):
            log_det_x[i] = np.log(np.linalg.det(x[:,:,i]))
            scale_inv_x[:,:,i] = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((C, True), x[:,:,i])
            tr_scale_inv_x[i] = scale_inv_x[:,:,i].trace()

        # Log PDF
        out = (
            (0.5 * (df - dim - 1) * log_det_x - 0.5 * tr_scale_inv_x) -
            (0.5 * df * dim * _LOG_2 + 0.5 * df * log_det_scale + multigammaln(0.5*df, dim))

        return out
Пример #26
def singular_inverse_wishart_density(val, vec, P):
    Density of a singular inverse wishart distribution at
    X = vec*diag(val)*vec.T
    d,r = vec.shape

    norm = 0.5*r*np.log(la.det(P)) \
            -0.5*r*d*np.log(2.0) \
            -0.5*r*(d-r)*np.log(np.pi) \

    pptn = -0.5*(3*d-r+1)*np.sum(np.log(val)) \
           -0.5*np.trace( np.dot(np.dot(vec.T,np.dot(P,vec)),np.diag(1/val)) )

    pdf = norm + pptn
    return pdf
Пример #27
    def compute_moments_and_cgf(self, phi, mask=True):
        Return moments and cgf for given natural parameters

        .. math::

            \langle u \rangle =
              \phi_2 (-\phi_1)^{-1}
              -\log|-\phi_1| + \psi_k(\phi_2)
            g(\phi) = \phi_2 \log|-\phi_1| - \log \Gamma_k(\phi_2)
        U = linalg.chol(-phi[0])
        k = np.shape(phi[0])[-1]
        #k = self.dims[0][0]
        logdet_phi0 = linalg.chol_logdet(U)
        u0 = phi[1][...,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * linalg.chol_inv(U)
        u1 = -logdet_phi0 + misc.multidigamma(phi[1], k)
        u = [u0, u1]
        g = phi[1] * logdet_phi0 - special.multigammaln(phi[1], k)
        return (u, g)
Пример #28
def wishart_logpdf(X, S, nu):
    """Compute logpdf of wishart distribution
        X (p x p matrix): rv value for which to compute logpdf
        S (p x p matrix): scale matrix parameter of inverse-wishart distribution (psd Matrix)
        nu: degrees of freedom  nu > p - 1 where p is the dimension of S
        float: logpdf of X given parameters S and nu
    p = S.shape[0]    
    assert(len(S.shape) == 2 and
           S.shape[0] == S.shape[1] and
           nu > p - 1)
    if (len(X.shape) != 2 or
        X.shape[0] != X.shape[1] or
        X.shape[0] != S.shape[0]):
        return -np.inf
    nu_h = nu/2
    log_S_term = (nu_h * (log(np.linalg.det(S)) + p * log(2))
                   + multigammaln(nu_h, p))
    log_X_term = (nu - p - 1) / 2 * log(np.linalg.det(X))
    log_e_term = - np.dot(inv(S).T.flat, X.flat) / 2 #using an efficient formula for trace(dot(.,.))
    return log_X_term + log_e_term - log_S_term
Пример #29
 def test_bararg(self):
         multigammaln(0.5, 1.2)
         raise Exception("Expected this call to fail")
     except ValueError:
Пример #30
 def _log_partition_function(self, mu, sigma, kappa, nu):
     D = len(mu)
     chol = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma)
     return nu*D/2*np.log(2) + special.multigammaln(nu/2,D) + D/2*np.log(2*np.pi/kappa) \
             - nu*np.log(chol.diagonal()).sum()
Пример #31
 def compute_fixed_moments(n):
     """ Compute moments for fixed x. """
     u0 = n
     u1 = special.multigammaln(0.5 * n, k)
     return [u0, u1]
Пример #32
def log_B_func(W, dof): 
    """ Bishop's book Eq. B.79 """
    D = W.shape[-1]
    log_part1 = -dof/2. * np.linalg.slogdet(W)[1]
    log_part2 = -(dof*D/2.)*np.log(2.) -multigammaln(dof*0.5, D)
    return log_part1 + log_part2
Пример #33
def var_bound(data, modelState, queryState):
    Determines the variational bounds. Values are mutated in place, but are
    reset afterwards to their initial values. So it's safe to call in a serial

    # Unpack the the structs, for ease of access and efficiency
    W = data.words
    D, _ = W.shape
    means, expMeans, varcs, docLens = queryState.means, queryState.expMeans, queryState.varcs, queryState.docLens
    K, topicMean, sigT, vocab, vocabPrior, A = modelState.K, modelState.topicMean, modelState.sigT, modelState.vocab, modelState.vocabPrior, modelState.A

    # Calculate some implicit  variables
    isigT = la.inv(sigT)

    bound = 0

        pseudoObsMeans = K + NIW_PSEUDO_OBS_MEAN
        pseudoObsVar = K + NIW_PSEUDO_OBS_VAR

        # distribution over topic covariance
        bound -= 0.5 * K * pseudoObsVar * log(NIW_PSI)
        bound -= 0.5 * K * pseudoObsVar * log(2)
        bound -= fns.multigammaln(pseudoObsVar / 2., K)
        bound -= 0.5 * (pseudoObsVar + K - 1) * safe_log_det(sigT)
        bound += 0.5 * NIW_PSI * np.trace(isigT)

        # and its entropy
        # is a constant which we skip

        # distribution over means
        bound -= 0.5 * K * log(1. / pseudoObsMeans) * safe_log_det(sigT)
        bound -= 0.5 / pseudoObsMeans * (topicMean).T.dot(isigT).dot(topicMean)

        # and its entropy
        bound += 0.5 * safe_log_det(sigT)  # +  a constant

    # Distribution over document topics
    bound -= (D * K) / 2. * LN_OF_2_PI
    bound -= D / 2. * la.det(sigT)
    diff = means - topicMean[np.newaxis, :]
    bound -= 0.5 * np.sum(diff.dot(isigT) * diff)
    bound -= 0.5 * np.sum(
        varcs * np.diag(isigT)[np.newaxis, :]
    )  # = -0.5 * sum_d tr(V_d \Sigma^{-1}) when V_d is diagonal only.

    # And its entropy
    #     bound += 0.5 * D * K * LN_OF_2_PI_E + 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(varcs))

    # Distribution over word-topic assignments and words and the formers
    # entropy. This is somewhat jumbled to avoid repeatedly taking the
    # exp and log of the means
    expMeans = np.exp(means - means.max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], out=expMeans)
    R = sparseScalarQuotientOfDot(
        W, expMeans, vocab
    )  # D x V   [W / TB] is the quotient of the original over the reconstructed doc-term matrix
    V = expMeans * (R.dot(vocab.T))  # D x K

    bound += np.sum(docLens * np.log(np.sum(expMeans, axis=1)))
    bound += np.sum(sparseScalarProductOfSafeLnDot(W, expMeans, vocab).data)

    bound += np.sum(means * V)
    bound += np.sum(2 * ssp.diags(docLens, 0) * means.dot(A) * means)
    bound -= 2. * scaledSelfSoftDot(means, docLens)
    bound -= 0.5 * np.sum(docLens[:, np.newaxis] * V *
                          (np.diag(A))[np.newaxis, :])

    bound -= np.sum(means * V)

    return bound
def Gibbs(X, T):
    N, d = X.shape

    # Initialize parameters
    m0 = np.mean(X, 0)
    c0 = 0.1
    a0 = d
    A0 = np.cov(X.T)
    B0 = c0 * d * A0
    alpha0 = 1
    K = 20

    X_c = np.zeros(N).astype(int)
    mu = np.zeros((K, d))
    lamb = np.zeros((K, d, d))
    mu[0, :], lamb[0, :, :] = update_param(X, m0, c0, a0, B0, X_c, 0)
    top_clusters = np.zeros((T, 6))
    num_clusters = np.zeros(T)

    for t in range(T):
        phi = np.zeros((N, K))

        for i in range(N):
            all_clusters = np.array(
                [len(np.where(np.delete(X_c, i) == k)[0]) for k in range(K)])
            clusters = np.where(all_clusters > 0)[0]
            for j in range(len(clusters)):
                if j != clusters[j]:
                    X_c[np.where(X_c == clusters[j])] = j
                    mu[j], mu[clusters[j]] = mu[clusters[j]], mu[j]
                    lamb[j], lamb[clusters[j]] = lamb[clusters[j]], lamb[j]
                phi[i, j] = stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(
                    X[i, :], mean=mu[j], cov=inv(
                        lamb[j])) * all_clusters[clusters[j]] / (alpha0 + N -

            j_max = int(max(X_c) + 1)
            xminusm = (X[i, :] - m0).reshape(d, 1)
            marginal = ((c0 / ((c0 + 1) * np.pi))**(d / 2) *
                        det(B0 + c0 /
                            (1 + c0) * xminusm.dot(xminusm.T))**(-0.5 *
                                                                 (a0 + 1)) /
                        det(B0)**(-0.5 * a0) *
                        np.exp(multigammaln((a0 + 1) / 2, d)) /
                        np.exp(multigammaln(a0 / 2, d)))
            phi[i, j_max] = alpha0 / (alpha0 + N - 1) * marginal
            phi[i] = phi[i] / np.sum(phi[i])
            cluster_list = np.where(phi[i] > 0)[0]
            discrete_dist = stats.rv_discrete(values=(range(len(cluster_list)),
            X_c[i] = discrete_dist.rvs(size=1)[0]
            if X_c[i] == j_max:
                mu[j_max], lamb[j_max] = update_param(X, m0, c0, a0, B0, X_c,
        for j in np.unique(X_c):
            mu[j], lamb[j] = update_param(X, m0, c0, a0, B0, X_c, j)
        top_clusters[t, :] = np.array(
            sorted([len(np.where(X_c == j)[0]) for j in range(K)],
        num_clusters[t] = len(np.unique(X_c))
    return top_clusters, num_clusters
Пример #35
def log_gamma_distrib(a, p):
    return special.multigammaln(a, p)
Пример #36
def var_bound(data, modelState, queryState):
    Determines the variational bounds. Values are mutated in place, but are
    reset afterwards to their initial values. So it's safe to call in a serial

    # Unpack the the structs, for ease of access and efficiency
    W, L, X = data.words, data.links, data.feats
    D, _ = W.shape
    means, varcs, docLens = queryState.means, queryState.varcs, queryState.docLens
    K, topicMean, topicCov, vocab, A = modelState.K, modelState.topicMean, modelState.topicCov, modelState.vocab, modelState.A

    # Calculate some implicit  variables
    itopicCov = la.inv(topicCov)

    bound = 0

    expMeansOut = np.exp(means - means.max(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])
    expMeansIn = np.exp(means - means.max(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :])
    lse_at_k = expMeansIn.sum(axis=0)

        pseudoObsMeans = K + NIW_PSEUDO_OBS_MEAN
        pseudoObsVar = K + NIW_PSEUDO_OBS_VAR

        # distribution over topic covariance
        bound -= 0.5 * K * pseudoObsVar * log(NIW_PSI)
        bound -= 0.5 * K * pseudoObsVar * log(2)
        bound -= fns.multigammaln(pseudoObsVar / 2., K)
        bound -= 0.5 * (pseudoObsVar + K - 1) * safe_log_det(topicCov)
        bound += 0.5 * NIW_PSI * np.trace(itopicCov)

        # and its entropy
        # is a constant which we skip

        # distribution over means
        bound -= 0.5 * K * log(1. / pseudoObsMeans) * safe_log_det(topicCov)
        bound -= 0.5 / pseudoObsMeans * (

        # and its entropy
        bound += 0.5 * safe_log_det(topicCov)  # +  a constant

    # Distribution over document topics
    bound -= (D * K) / 2. * LN_OF_2_PI
    bound -= D / 2. * la.det(topicCov)
    diff = means - topicMean[np.newaxis, :]
    bound -= 0.5 * np.sum(diff.dot(itopicCov) * diff)
    bound -= 0.5 * np.sum(
        varcs * np.diag(itopicCov)[np.newaxis, :]
    )  # = -0.5 * sum_d tr(V_d \Sigma^{-1}) when V_d is diagonal only.

    # And its entropy
    #     bound += 0.5 * D * K * LN_OF_2_PI_E + 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(varcs))

    # Distribution over word-topic assignments and words and the formers
    # entropy, and similaarly for out-links. This is somewhat jumbled to
    # avoid repeatedly taking the exp and log of the means
    W_weights = sparseScalarQuotientOfDot(
        W, expMeansOut, vocab
    )  # D x V   [W / TB] is the quotient of the original over the reconstructed doc-term matrix
    w_top_sums = expMeansOut * (W_weights.dot(vocab.T))  # D x K

    L_weights = sparseScalarQuotientOfNormedDot(L, expMeansOut, expMeansIn,
    l_top_sums = L_weights.dot(expMeansIn) / lse_at_k[
        np.newaxis, :] * expMeansOut

    bound += np.sum(docLens * np.log(np.sum(expMeansOut, axis=1)))
    bound += np.sum(sparseScalarProductOfSafeLnDot(W, expMeansOut, vocab).data)
    # means = np.log(expMeans, out=expMeans)
    #means = safe_log(expMeansOut, out=means)

    bound += np.sum(means * w_top_sums)
    bound += np.sum(2 * ssp.diags(docLens, 0) * means.dot(A) * means)
    bound -= 2. * scaledSelfSoftDot(means, docLens)
    bound -= 0.5 * np.sum(docLens[:, np.newaxis] * w_top_sums *
                          (np.diag(A))[np.newaxis, :])

    bound -= np.sum(means * w_top_sums)

    return bound
Пример #37
 def ssmultigammaln(a, b):
     return ss.multigammaln(a[0], b)
Пример #38
 def log_z(self, S, nu):
     d = S.shape[-1]
     return (-0.5 * nu * np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1] +
             0.5 * nu * d * np.log(2.) + multigammaln(0.5 * nu, d))
Пример #39
 def test1(self):
     # A test of the identity
     #     Gamma_1(a) = Gamma(a)
     a = np.abs(np.random.randn())
     assert_array_equal(multigammaln(a, 1), gammaln(a))
Пример #40
 def compute_fixed_moments(self, n):
     """ Compute moments for fixed x. """
     u0 = np.asanyarray(n)
     u1 = special.multigammaln(0.5*u0, self.k)
     return [u0, u1]
Пример #41
def logB(W0, v0):
    D, _ = W0.shape
    return -((v0 / 2.) * np.log(sp.linalg.det(W0)) +
             (v0 * D / 2.) * np.log(2.) + multigammaln(v0 / 2., D))
Пример #42
    def calc_ELBO_Opti(self, *args):
            Calculates partial (or total) ELBO for the given cluster indices

            maskedData: maskData object

            suffStat: suffStatistics object

            vbParam: vbPar object

            param: Config object (see Config.py)

            K_ind (optional): list
                Cluster indices for which the partial ELBO is being calculated. Defaults to all clusters

        if len(args[0]) < 5:
            maskedData, suffStat, vbParam, param = args[0]
            nfeature, Khat, nchannel = vbParam.muhat.shape
            P = nfeature * nchannel
            # N = vbParam.rhat.shape[0]
            k_ind = np.arange(Khat)
            maskedData, suffStat, vbParam, param, k_ind = args[0]
            nfeature, Khat, nchannel = vbParam.muhat.shape
            P = nfeature * nchannel
            # N = vbParam.rhat.shape[0]

        prior = param.cluster_prior
        fit_term = np.zeros(Khat)
        bmterm = np.zeros(Khat)
        entropy_term = np.zeros(Khat)
        rhatp = vbParam.rhat[:, k_ind]
        muhat = np.transpose(vbParam.muhat, [1, 2, 0])
        Vhat = np.transpose(vbParam.Vhat, [2, 3, 0, 1])
        sumY = np.transpose(suffStat.sumY, [1, 2, 0])
        logdetVhat = np.sum(np.linalg.slogdet(Vhat)[1], axis=1, keepdims=False)

        # fit term

        fterm1temp = np.squeeze(np.sum(np.matmul(
            np.matmul(muhat[k_ind, :, np.newaxis, :], Vhat[k_ind, :, :, :]),
            muhat[k_ind, :, :, np.newaxis]),
                                axis=(1, 2))
        fterm1 = -fterm1temp * vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] * suffStat.Nhat[k_ind] / 2.0

        fterm2 = -2.0 * np.squeeze(
                np.matmul(sumY[k_ind, :, np.newaxis, :], Vhat[k_ind, :, :, :]),
                muhat[k_ind, :, :, np.newaxis]),
        fterm2 *= -vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] / 2.0

        fterm3 = np.sum(suffStat.sumYSq1[:, :, k_ind, :] *
                        vbParam.Vhat[:, :, k_ind, :],
                        axis=(0, 1, 3),
        fterm3 *= -vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] / 2.0

        fterm4 = -nchannel * suffStat.Nhat[k_ind] / 2.0 * (
            nfeature / vbParam.lambdahat[k_ind] - nfeature * np.log(2.0) -
            mult_psi(vbParam.nuhat[k_ind, np.newaxis] / 2.0,
                     nfeature).ravel() + nfeature * np.log(2 * np.pi))

        fterm5 = suffStat.Nhat[k_ind] * logdetVhat[k_ind] / 2.0

        fterm6 = -np.sum(np.trace(np.matmul(
            np.transpose(suffStat.sumYSq2[:, :, k_ind, :], [2, 3, 0, 1]),
            Vhat[k_ind, :, :, :]),
                         keepdims=0) * vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] / 2.0

        fit_term[k_ind] = fterm1 + fterm2 + fterm3 + fterm4 + fterm5 + fterm6

        # BM Term

        bmterm1 = 0.5 * prior.nu * \
            np.sum(np.linalg.slogdet(Vhat[k_ind, :, :, :]/prior.V)[1], axis=1)

        bmterm2 = -0.5 * vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] * (np.sum(np.trace(
            Vhat[k_ind, :, :, :] / prior.V, axis1=2, axis2=3),

        bmterm3 = 0.5 * (vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] * P + P -
                         P * prior.lambda0 / vbParam.lambdahat[k_ind] +
                         P * np.log(prior.lambda0 / vbParam.lambdahat[k_ind]))
        # temp = np.squeeze(np.sum(
        #     np.matmul(np.matmul(muhat[k_ind, :, np.newaxis, :], Vhat[k_ind, :, :, :]), muhat[k_ind, :, :, np.newaxis]),
        #     axis=1, keepdims=False), axis=(1, 2))
        bmterm4 = -0.5 * vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] * prior.lambda0 * fterm1temp

        bmterm5 = nchannel * (
            specsci.multigammaln(vbParam.nuhat[k_ind] / 2.0, nfeature) -
            specsci.multigammaln(prior.nu / 2.0, nfeature) + 0.5 *
            (prior.nu - vbParam.nuhat[k_ind]) *
            mult_psi(vbParam.nuhat[k_ind, np.newaxis] / 2.0, nfeature).ravel())

        bmterm[k_ind] = bmterm1 + bmterm2 + bmterm3 + bmterm4 + bmterm5

        # Entropy term
        entropy_term1 = np.sum(vbParam.rhat *
                               maskedData.weight[:, np.newaxis] *
                               (specsci.digamma(vbParam.ahat) -

        entropy_term2 = np.zeros(Khat)
        entropy_term2[k_ind] = -np.sum(
            maskedData.weight[:, np.newaxis] * rhatp * np.log(rhatp + 1e-200),

        entropy_term = entropy_term1 + entropy_term2

        # Dirichlet terms

        dc_term = - specsci.gammaln(np.sum(vbParam.ahat)) + np.sum(specsci.gammaln(vbParam.ahat)) \
            + specsci.gammaln(Khat * param.cluster_prior.a) - Khat * specsci.gammaln(param.cluster_prior.a) \
            + np.sum(
            (param.cluster_prior.a - vbParam.ahat) * (specsci.digamma(vbParam.ahat) - specsci.digamma(np.sum(vbParam.ahat))))

        # prior term

        pterm = np.log(prior.beta**Khat * np.exp(-prior.beta) /

        self.percluster = fit_term + bmterm + entropy_term2
        self.rest_term = np.sum(entropy_term1) + dc_term + pterm
        self.total = np.sum(self.percluster) + self.rest_term
Пример #43
 def ssmultigammaln(a, b):
     return np.array(ss.multigammaln(a[0], b), config.floatX)
Пример #44
 def log_partition(self):
     return 0.5 * self.nu * self.dim * np.log(2)\
            + multigammaln(self.nu / 2., self.dim)\
            + self.nu * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(self.psi_chol)))
Пример #45
 def test1(self):
     a = np.abs(np.random.randn())
     assert_array_equal(multigammaln(a, 1), gammaln(a))
Пример #46
 def scipy_fun(a):
     return osp_special.multigammaln(a, d)
Пример #47
 def test1(self):
     # A test of the identity
     #     Gamma_1(a) = Gamma(a)
     a = np.abs(np.random.randn())
     assert_array_equal(multigammaln(a, 1), gammaln(a))
Пример #48
 def compute_fixed_moments(n):
     """ Compute moments for fixed x. """
     u0 = np.asanyarray(n)
     u1 = special.multigammaln(0.5*u0, k)
     return [u0, u1]
def multigamma_ln(a, d):
    return special.multigammaln(a, d)
Пример #50
def logB(W, v):
    D = W.shape[0]
    return -0.5*D*v*np.log(2.0) - 0.5*v*np.log(np.linalg.det(W)) - multigammaln(0.5*v, D)
Пример #51
def mniw_log_partitionfunction(nu, S, M, K):
    n = M.shape[0]
    return n*nu/2*np.log(2) + special.multigammaln(nu/2., n) \
        - nu/2*np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1] - n/2*np.linalg.slogdet(K)[1]