Пример #1
def verified(context, collaborator, test, outpath=None):
    """Export variants which have been verified for an institute
        and write them to an excel file.

        collaborator(str): institute id
        test(bool): True if the function is called for testing purposes
        outpath(str): path to output file

        written_files(int): number of written or simulated files
    written_files = 0
    collaborator = collaborator or 'cust000'
    LOG.info('Exporting verified variants for cust {}'.format(collaborator))

    adapter = context.obj['adapter']
    verified_vars = adapter.verified(institute_id=collaborator)
    LOG.info('FOUND {} verified variants for institute {}'.format(len(verified_vars), collaborator))

    if not verified_vars:
        LOG.warning('There are no verified variants for institute {} in database!'.format(collaborator))
        return None

    document_lines = export_verified_variants(verified_vars)

    today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    document_name = '.'.join(['verified_variants', collaborator, today]) + '.xlsx'

    # If this was a test and lines are created return success
    if test and document_lines:
        written_files +=1
        LOG.info('Success. Verified variants file contains {} lines'.format(len(document_lines)))
        return written_files

    # create workbook and new sheet
    # set up outfolder
    if not outpath:
        outpath = str(os.getcwd())
    workbook = Workbook(os.path.join(outpath,document_name))
    Report_Sheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

    # Write the column header
    row = 0
    for col,field in enumerate(VERIFIED_VARIANTS_HEADER):

    # Write variant lines, after header (start at line 1)
    for row, line in enumerate(document_lines,1): # each line becomes a row in the document
        for col, field in enumerate(line): # each field in line becomes a cell

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(outpath,document_name)):
        LOG.info('Success. Verified variants file of {} lines was written to disk'. format(len(document_lines)))
        written_files += 1

    return written_files
Пример #2
def test_export_verified_variants(case_obj, real_populated_database, variant_objs):
    """Test the function that creates lines with verified variants to be exported"""

    adapter = real_populated_database
    case_id = case_obj['_id']

    # load variants to populated_database
    assert adapter.variants(case_id=case_id, nr_of_variants=-1).count() == 0
    nr_loaded = adapter.load_variants(case_obj=case_obj)
    assert nr_loaded > 0

    valid_status = ['False positive', 'True positive', 'False positive'] # for 3 vars

    test_vars = list(adapter.variant_collection.find().limit(3))
    assert len(test_vars) == 3

    # Make sure that no variant is set as validated:
    assert adapter.variant_collection.find({'validation':{'$exists':True}}).count()==0

    # Set test variant as validated
    for i in range(3):
        # Set validation status of a variant
            {'_id' : test_vars[i]['_id'] },
            {'$set' : {'validation' : valid_status[i] } }

        # insert validation events
            'verb' : 'validate',
            'institute' : test_vars[i]['institute'],
            'variant_id' : test_vars[i]['variant_id'],
            'case' : case_id

    # There should be 3 validated variants now
    assert adapter.variant_collection.find({'validation':{'$exists':True}}).count()==3

    # Call function to get aggregated data (variant + case data):
    cust = case_obj['owner']
    aggregated_vars = adapter.verified(cust)
    assert len(aggregated_vars) == 3 # same number of variants is returned

    unique_callers = set()
    for var_type, var_callers in CALLERS.items():
        for caller in var_callers:

    n_individuals = len(case_obj['individuals'])

    # Call function that creates document lines
    document_lines = export_verified_variants(aggregated_vars, unique_callers)
    assert len(document_lines) == 3 * n_individuals # one line per variant and individual

    for line in document_lines:
        # Make sure that document cells will be the same as in document header
        assert len(line) == len(VERIFIED_VARIANTS_HEADER + list(unique_callers))
Пример #3
def verified_excel_file(store, institute_list, temp_excel_dir):
    """Collect all verified variants in a list on institutes and save them to file
        institute_list(list): a list of institute ids
        temp_excel_dir(os.Path): folder where the temp excel files are written to
        written_files(int): the number of files written to temp_excel_dir
    document_lines = []
    written_files = 0
    today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    LOG.info("Creating verified variant document..")

    for cust in institute_list:
        verif_vars = store.verified(institute_id=cust)
        LOG.info("Found {} verified variants for customer {}".format(
            len(verif_vars), cust))

        if not verif_vars:
        unique_callers = set()
        for var_type, var_callers in CALLERS.items():
            for caller in var_callers:
        cust_verified = export_verified_variants(verif_vars, unique_callers)

        document_name = ".".join([cust, "_verified_variants", today]) + ".xlsx"
        workbook = Workbook(os.path.join(temp_excel_dir, document_name))
        Report_Sheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

        # Write the column header
        row = 0
        for col, field in enumerate(VERIFIED_VARIANTS_HEADER +
            Report_Sheet.write(row, col, field)

        # Write variant lines, after header (start at line 1)
        for row, line in enumerate(
                cust_verified, 1):  # each line becomes a row in the document
            for col, field in enumerate(
                    line):  # each field in line becomes a cell
                Report_Sheet.write(row, col, field)

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(temp_excel_dir, document_name)):
            written_files += 1

    return written_files
Пример #4
def test_export_verified_variants(case_obj, real_populated_database,
    """Test the function that creates lines with verified variants to be exported"""

    adapter = real_populated_database
    case_id = case_obj["_id"]

    # load variants to populated_database
    assert sum(
        1 for i in adapter.variants(case_id=case_id, nr_of_variants=-1)) == 0
    nr_loaded = adapter.load_variants(case_obj=case_obj)
    assert nr_loaded > 0

    valid_status = ["False positive", "True positive",
                    "False positive"]  # for 3 vars

    test_vars = list(adapter.variant_collection.find().limit(3))
    assert len(test_vars) == 3

    # Make sure that no variant is set as validated:
    assert (sum(1 for i in adapter.variant_collection.find(
        {"validation": {
            "$exists": True
        }})) == 0)

    # Set test variant as validated
    for i in range(3):
        # Set validation status of a variant
            {"_id": test_vars[i]["_id"]},
            {"$set": {
                "validation": valid_status[i]

        # insert validation events

    # There should be 3 validated variants now
    assert (sum(1 for i in adapter.variant_collection.find(
        {"validation": {
            "$exists": True
        }})) == 3)

    # Call function to get aggregated data (variant + case data):
    cust = case_obj["owner"]
    aggregated_vars = adapter.verified(cust)
    assert len(aggregated_vars) == 3  # same number of variants is returned

    unique_callers = set()
    for var_type, var_callers in CALLERS.items():
        for caller in var_callers:

    n_individuals = len(case_obj["individuals"])

    # Call function that creates document lines
    document_lines = export_verified_variants(aggregated_vars, unique_callers)
    assert (len(document_lines) == 3 * n_individuals
            )  # one line per variant and individual

    for line in document_lines:
        # Make sure that document cells will be the same as in document header
        assert len(line) == len(VERIFIED_VARIANTS_HEADER +
Пример #5
def verified(collaborator, test, outpath=None):
    """Export variants which have been verified for an institute
        and write them to an excel file.

        collaborator(str): institute id
        test(bool): True if the function is called for testing purposes
        outpath(str): path to output file

        written_files(int): number of written or simulated files
    written_files = 0
    collaborator = collaborator or "cust000"
    LOG.info("Exporting verified variants for cust {}".format(collaborator))

    adapter = store
    verified_vars = adapter.verified(institute_id=collaborator)
    LOG.info("FOUND {} verified variants for institute {}".format(
        len(verified_vars), collaborator))

    if not verified_vars:
            "There are no verified variants for institute {} in database!".
        return None

    unique_callers = set()
    for var_type, var_callers in CALLERS.items():
        for caller in var_callers:

    document_lines = export_verified_variants(verified_vars, unique_callers)

    today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    document_name = ".".join(["verified_variants", collaborator, today
                              ]) + ".xlsx"

    # If this was a test and lines are created return success
    if test and document_lines:
        written_files += 1
        LOG.info("Success. Verified variants file contains {} lines".format(
        return written_files
    if test:
            "Could not create document lines. Verified variants not found for customer {}"

    # create workbook and new sheet
    # set up outfolder
    if not outpath:
        outpath = str(os.getcwd())
    workbook = Workbook(os.path.join(outpath, document_name))
    Report_Sheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

    # Write the column header
    row = 0
    for col, field in enumerate(VERIFIED_VARIANTS_HEADER):
        Report_Sheet.write(row, col, field)

    # Write variant lines, after header (start at line 1)
    for row, line in enumerate(document_lines,
                               1):  # each line becomes a row in the document
        for col, field in enumerate(line):  # each field in line becomes a cell
            Report_Sheet.write(row, col, field)

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(outpath, document_name)):
            "Success. Verified variants file of {} lines was written to disk".
        written_files += 1

    return written_files