Пример #1
def make_topic(slug):
    ts = TopicSet({'slug': slug})
    if ts.count() > 0:
    t = Topic({
        'slug': slug,
        'titles': [{
            'text': slug,
            'primary': True,
            'lang': 'en'
    return t
Пример #2
def choose_existing_topic_for_title(title):
	Returns the best existing topic to match with `title` or None if none matches.
    existing_topics = TopicSet.load_by_title(title)
    if existing_topics.count() == 0:
        return None

    from functools import cmp_to_key

    def is_title_primary(title, topic):
        all_primary_titles = [
            topic.get_primary_title(lang) for lang in topic.title_group.langs
        return title in all_primary_titles

    def compare(t1, t2):
        if is_title_primary(title, t1) == is_title_primary(title, t2):
            # If both or neither match primary title, prefer greater number of sources
            return getattr(t1, "numSources", 0) - getattr(t2, "numSources", 0)
            # Prefer matches to primary title
            return 1 if is_title_primary(title, t1) else -1

    return max(list(existing_topics), key=cmp_to_key(compare))
def add_langs_to_topics(topic_list: list, use_as_typed=True, backwards_compat_lang_fields: dict = None) -> list:
	adds primary en and he to each topic in topic_list and returns new topic_list
	:param list topic_list: list of topics where each item is dict of form {'slug': required, 'asTyped': optional}
	:param dict backwards_compat_lang_fields: of shape {'en': str, 'he': str}. Defines lang fields for backwards compatibility. If None, ignore.
	:param bool use_as_typed:
	new_topic_list = []
	if len(topic_list) > 0:
		topic_set = {topic.slug: topic for topic in TopicSet({'$or': [{'slug': topic['slug']} for topic in topic_list]})}
		for topic in topic_list:
			topic_obj = topic_set.get(topic['slug'], None)
			if topic_obj is None:
			new_topic = topic.copy()
			tag_lang = 'en'
			if use_as_typed:
				tag_lang = 'he' if is_hebrew(new_topic['asTyped']) else 'en'
				new_topic[tag_lang] = new_topic['asTyped']
			if not use_as_typed or tag_lang == 'en':
				new_topic['he'] = topic_obj.get_primary_title('he')
			if not use_as_typed or tag_lang == 'he':
				new_topic['en'] = topic_obj.get_primary_title('en')

			if backwards_compat_lang_fields is not None:
				for lang in ('en', 'he'):
					new_topic[backwards_compat_lang_fields[lang]] = new_topic[lang]
			new_topic_list += [new_topic]

	return new_topic_list