Пример #1
def run_batch(bsizes):
    bmode_graphics = True
    print "batch mode start"
    if bmode_graphics: pygame.init()
    tests_passed = True

    # truncate the time file
    timefile_name = 'times.csv'
    open(timefile_name, 'w').truncate()

    for sz in bsizes:
        # starting time for this trial
        start_time = time.time()

        (w, h) = (sz, sz)
        screen, board, b1, b2 = None, None, None, None
        if bmode_graphics:
            screen, board, b1, b2 = init((w, h), bgcolor)
        f=open('tests/test_' + str(sz) + '.txt', 'r');tests=eval(f.read());f.close()
        tcnt = 0
        for t in tests:
            segs = t[0]
            isegs = t[1]
            intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
            if intersect:
                if not (s1, s2) in isegs:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
                if s1 or s2:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
            tcnt += 1
            if bmode_graphics:
                for s in segs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, line_color, s[0], s[1])
                for iseg in isegs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[0][0], iseg[0][1])
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[1][0], iseg[1][1])
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0)); pygame.display.flip()
#                 input("Press Enter to continue...")
                # reset the board
                board.fill(bgcolor); screen.blit(board, (0, 0)); pygame.display.flip()
        end_time = time.time()
        # record end time, write the difference
        with open(timefile_name, 'ab') as time_file:
            writer = csv.writer(time_file)
            writer.writerow([sz, end_time-start_time])

    if bmode_graphics: pygame.quit()
    if tests_passed:
        print("All tests passed!")
    print "batch mode end"
Пример #2
def run_batch(bsizes):
    bmode_graphics = True
    print "batch mode start"
    if bmode_graphics: pygame.init()
    tests_passed = True
    for sz in bsizes:
        start_time = time.time()
        (w, h) = (sz, sz)
        screen, board, b1, b2 = None, None, None, None
        if bmode_graphics:
            screen, board, b1, b2 = init((w, h), bgcolor)
        f = open('tests/test_' + str(sz) + '.txt', 'r')
        tests = eval(f.read())
        tcnt = 0
        for t in tests:
            segs = t[0]
            isegs = t[1]
            intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
            if intersect:
                if not (s1, s2) in isegs:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(
                        tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
                if s1 or s2:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(
                        tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
            tcnt += 1
            if bmode_graphics:
                for s in segs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, line_color, s[0], s[1])
                for iseg in isegs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[0][0],
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[1][0],
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0))
                #                 input("Press Enter to continue...")
                # reset the board
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0))
            end_time = time.time()

            run_time = (end_time - start_time)

            print run_time

    if bmode_graphics: pygame.quit()
    if tests_passed:
        print("All tests passed!")
    print "batch mode end"
Пример #3
def run_batch(bsizes):
    bmode_graphics = True
    print "batch mode start"
    if bmode_graphics: pygame.init()
    xvals = []; yvals = []
    tests_passed = True
    times = []
    for sz in bsizes:
        (w, h) = (sz, sz)
        screen, board, b1, b2 = None, None, None, None
        if bmode_graphics:
            screen, board, b1, b2 = init((w, h), bgcolor)
        f=open('tests/test_' + str(sz) + '.txt', 'r');tests=eval(f.read());f.close()
        tcnt = 0
        for t in tests:
            segs = t[0]
            isegs = t[1]
            t1 = time.time() #start time
            intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
            t2 = time.time() #stop time
            if intersect:
                if not (s1, s2) in isegs:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
                if s1 or s2:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
            tcnt += 1
            if bmode_graphics:
                for s in segs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, line_color, s[0], s[1])
                for iseg in isegs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[0][0], iseg[0][1])
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[1][0], iseg[1][1])
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0)); pygame.display.flip()
#                 input("Press Enter to continue...")
                # reset the board
                board.fill(bgcolor); screen.blit(board, (0, 0)); pygame.display.flip()
            val = numpy.mean(times)
            xvals.append(sz); yvals.append(val)
    if bmode_graphics: pygame.quit()
    if tests_passed:
        print("All tests passed!")
        with open('times.csv', 'wb') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            writer.writerows(zip(xvals, yvals))
    print "batch mode end"
Пример #4
def run_batch(bsizes):
    bmode_graphics = True
    print "batch mode start"
    if bmode_graphics:
    tests_passed = True
    for sz in bsizes:
        (w, h) = (sz, sz)
        screen, board, b1, b2 = None, None, None, None
        if bmode_graphics:
            screen, board, b1, b2 = init((w, h), bgcolor)
        f = open("tests/test_" + str(sz) + ".txt", "r")
        tests = eval(f.read())
        tcnt = 0
        for t in tests:
            segs = t[0]
            isegs = t[1]
            intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
            if intersect:
                if not (s1, s2) in isegs:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + " should not intersect, test#" + str(tcnt) + "failed..."
                    tests_passed = False
                if s1 or s2:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + " should not intersect, test#" + str(tcnt) + "failed..."
                    tests_passed = False
            tcnt += 1
            if bmode_graphics:
                for s in segs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, line_color, s[0], s[1])
                for iseg in isegs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[0][0], iseg[0][1])
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[1][0], iseg[1][1])
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0))
                #                 input("Press Enter to continue...")
                # reset the board
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0))

    if bmode_graphics:
    if tests_passed:
        print ("All tests passed!")
    print "batch mode end"
Пример #5
def gen_tests(bsizes):
    for sz in bsizes:
        tests = []
        (w, h) = (sz, sz)
        for n in range(5): # number of tests
            segs = []; isegs = []
            # generate random segments
            nsegs = random.randint(2, 25)
            for n in range(nsegs):
                x1 = random.randint(0, w)
                x2 = random.randint(0, w)
                # do not allow vertical segments
                while x1 == x2:
                    x2 = random.randint(0, w)
                segs.append(((x1, random.randint(0, h)), (x2, random.randint(0, h))))
            intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
            if intersect: isegs.append((s1, s2))
            tests.append([segs, isegs])
        f=open('tests/test_' + str(sz) + '.txt', 'w');f.write(str(tests));f.close()
Пример #6
def gen_tests(bsizes):
    for sz in bsizes:
        tests = []
        (w, h) = (sz, sz)
        for n in range(5): # number of tests
            segs = []; isegs = []
            # generate random segments
            nsegs = random.randint(2, 25)
            for n in range(nsegs):
                x1 = random.randint(0, w)
                x2 = random.randint(0, w)
                # do not allow vertical segments
                while x1 == x2:
                    x2 = random.randint(0, w)
                segs.append(((x1, random.randint(0, h)), (x2, random.randint(0, h))))
            intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
            if intersect: isegs.append((s1, s2))
            tests.append([segs, isegs])
        f=open('tests/test_' + str(sz) + '.txt', 'w');f.write(str(tests));f.close()
Пример #7
 if reset_board:
 if e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
     if in_screen_bounds(e.pos, (w, h)):
         if startpos:
             pygame.draw.line(board, line_color, startpos, e.pos)
             segs.append((startpos, e.pos))
              startpos = e.pos
         intersect = get_button(e.pos, b1, b2)
         if intersect == 1:
             print str(segs)
             # Run the algo
             intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
             print intersect
             if intersect:
                 pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, s1[0], s1[1])
                 pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, s2[0], s2[1])
         elif intersect == 2:
             # reset
             reset_board = True
 elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
     if startpos:
         # erase the prev line
         if prevpos:
             pygame.draw.line(board, bgcolor, startpos, prevpos)
         prevpos = e.pos
         # draw the new line
         pygame.draw.line(board, movingline_color, startpos, e.pos)
Пример #8
 if reset_board:
 if e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
     if in_screen_bounds(e.pos, (w, h)):
         if startpos:
             pygame.draw.line(board, line_color, startpos, e.pos)
             segs.append((startpos, e.pos))
              startpos = e.pos
         intersect = get_button(e.pos, b1, b2)
         if intersect == 1:
             print str(segs)
             # Run the algo
             intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
             print intersect
             if intersect:
                 pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, s1[0], s1[1])
                 pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, s2[0], s2[1])
         elif intersect == 2:
             # reset
             reset_board = True
 elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
     if startpos:
         # erase the prev line
         if prevpos:
             pygame.draw.line(board, bgcolor, startpos, prevpos)
         prevpos = e.pos
         # draw the new line
         pygame.draw.line(board, movingline_color, startpos, e.pos)
Пример #9
def run_batch(bsizes):
    bmode_graphics = True
    print "batch mode start"
    if bmode_graphics: pygame.init()
    xvals = []
    yvals = []
    tests_passed = True
    times = []
    for sz in bsizes:
        (w, h) = (sz, sz)
        screen, board, b1, b2 = None, None, None, None
        if bmode_graphics:
            screen, board, b1, b2 = init((w, h), bgcolor)
        f = open('tests/test_' + str(sz) + '.txt', 'r')
        tests = eval(f.read())
        tcnt = 0
        for t in tests:
            segs = t[0]
            isegs = t[1]
            t1 = time.time()  #start time
            intersect, s1, s2 = any_segments_intersect(segs)
            t2 = time.time()  #stop time
            times.append(t2 - t1)
            if intersect:
                if not (s1, s2) in isegs:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(
                        tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
                if s1 or s2:
                    print str((s1, s2)) + ' should not intersect, test#' + str(
                        tcnt) + 'failed...'
                    tests_passed = False
            tcnt += 1
            if bmode_graphics:
                for s in segs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, line_color, s[0], s[1])
                for iseg in isegs:
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[0][0],
                    pygame.draw.line(board, highlight_color, iseg[1][0],
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0))
                #                 input("Press Enter to continue...")
                # reset the board
                screen.blit(board, (0, 0))
            val = numpy.mean(times)

    if bmode_graphics: pygame.quit()
    if tests_passed:
        print("All tests passed!")
        with open('times.csv', 'wb') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            writer.writerows(zip(xvals, yvals))
    print "batch mode end"