Пример #1
    def user_node(self, request):
        """Returns the storage node root for the user"""
        # warning:
        # the client expects a string body not a json body
        # except when the node is 'null'

        # If we're not using a node assignment backend then return fallback.
        if self.nodes is None:
            return self.return_fallback()

        # Look up the user and see if they already have a node assigned.
        self.auth.get_user_info(request.user, ['syncNode'])

        if not request.user.get('userid'):
            return HTTPNotFound()

        if request.user.get('syncNode'):
            syncnode = 'https://%s/' % request.user.get('syncNode')
            return text_response(syncnode)

        # Assign a new node using the backend.
        # This assumes it will remember the assignment, and optimally that
        # it will cache it in the user's syncNode property for our reference.
            new_node = self.nodes.get_best_node('sync', user=request.user)
        except NodeAlreadyWrittenError, e:
            new_node = e.node
    def delete_user(self, request):
        """Deletes the user."""

        if not hasattr(request, 'user_password'):
            raise HTTPBadRequest()

        res = self.auth.delete_user(request.user, request.user_password)
        return text_response(int(res))
Пример #3
    def delete_user(self, request):
        """Deletes the user."""

        if not hasattr(request, 'user_password'):
            raise HTTPBadRequest()

        res = self.auth.delete_user(request.user, request.user_password)
        return text_response(int(res))
Пример #4
    def _heartbeat(self, request):
        """Performs a health check on the server.

        Returns a 200 on success, a 503 on failure. Application based on
        SyncServerApp can implement _check_server to add their own tests.

        It is enabled by default at __heartbeat__ but does not perform
        any test on the infra unless _check_server is overriden.
        # calls the check if any - this will raise a 503 if anything's wrong
        return text_response('')
    def change_password(self, request):
        """Changes the user's password

        Takes a classical authentication or a reset code
        # the body is in plain text utf8 string
        new_password = request.body.decode('utf8')

        if not valid_password(request.user.get('username'), new_password):
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Password should be at least 8 '
                                 'characters and not the same as your '

        key = request.headers.get('X-Weave-Password-Reset')

        if key is not None:
            user_id = self.auth.get_user_id(request.user)

            if user_id is None:
                raise HTTPNotFound()

            if not self.reset.verify_reset_code(request.user, key):
                log_cef('Invalid Reset Code submitted',

                raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_INVALID_RESET_CODE)

            if not self.auth.admin_update_password(request.user, new_password,
                raise HTTPInternalServerError('Password change failed '
            # classical auth
            self.app.auth.authenticate_user(request, self.app.config,

            if request.user['userid'] is None:
                log_cef('User Authentication Failed', 5, request.environ,
                        self.app.config, request.user['username'],
                raise HTTPUnauthorized()

            if not self.auth.update_password(
                    request.user, request.user_password, new_password):
                raise HTTPInternalServerError('Password change failed '

        return text_response('success')
Пример #6
    def delete_password_reset(self, request, **data):
        """Forces a password reset clear"""
        if self.reset is None:
            logger.debug('reset attempted, but no resetcode library installed')
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable()

        self._check_captcha(request, data)
        log_cef("User requested password reset clear", 9, request.environ,
                self.app.config, request.user.get('username'),
        return text_response('success')
    def delete_password_reset(self, request, **data):
        """Forces a password reset clear"""
        if self.reset is None:
            logger.debug('reset attempted, but no resetcode library installed')
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable()

        self._check_captcha(request, data)
        log_cef("User requested password reset clear",
                9, request.environ, self.app.config,
                request.user.get('username'), PASSWD_RESET_CLR)
        return text_response('success')
Пример #8
    def change_password(self, request):
        """Changes the user's password

        Takes a classical authentication or a reset code
        # the body is in plain text utf8 string
        new_password = request.body.decode('utf8')

        if not valid_password(request.user.get('username'), new_password):
            raise HTTPBadRequest('Password should be at least 8 '
                                 'characters and not the same as your '

        key = request.headers.get('X-Weave-Password-Reset')

        if key is not None:
            user_id = self.auth.get_user_id(request.user)

            if user_id is None:
                raise HTTPNotFound()

            if not self.reset.verify_reset_code(request.user, key):
                log_cef('Invalid Reset Code submitted', 5, request.environ,
                        self.app.config, request.user['username'],
                        'InvalidResetCode', submitedtoken=key)

                raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_INVALID_RESET_CODE)

            if not self.auth.admin_update_password(request.user,
                                                   new_password, key):
                raise HTTPInternalServerError('Password change failed '
            # classical auth
            self.app.auth.authenticate_user(request, self.app.config,

            if request.user['userid'] is None:
                log_cef('User Authentication Failed', 5, request.environ,
                        self.app.config, request.user['username'],
                raise HTTPUnauthorized()

            if not self.auth.update_password(request.user,
                raise HTTPInternalServerError('Password change failed '

        return text_response('success')
Пример #9
    def password_reset(self, request, **data):
        """Sends an e-mail for a password reset request."""
        if self.reset is None:
            self.logger.debug('reset attempted, but no resetcode library '
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable()

        request.response.headers.add('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY')
        user_id = self.auth.get_user_id(request.user)
        if user_id is None:
            # user not found
            raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_INVALID_USER)

        self.auth.get_user_info(request.user, ['mail'])
        if request.user.get('mail') is None:
            raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS)

        self._check_captcha(request, data)

            # the request looks fine, let's generate the reset code
            code = self.reset.generate_reset_code(request.user)

            urlgen = URLGenerator(self.app.mapper, request.environ)
            data = {'user_name': request.user['username'],
                    'code': code,
                    'host': request.host_url,
                    'url': urlgen(controller="user",
            body = render_mako('password_reset_mail.mako', **data)

            sender = request.config['smtp.sender']
            host = request.config['smtp.host']
            port = int(request.config['smtp.port'])
            user = request.config.get('smtp.user')
            password = request.config.get('smtp.password')

            subject = 'Resetting your Services password'
            res, msg = send_email(sender, request.user['mail'], subject, body,
                                  host, port, user, password)

            if not res:
                raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(msg)
        except AlreadySentError:
            #backend handled the reset code email. Keep going

        return text_response('success')
Пример #10
    def change_email(self, request):
        """Changes the user e-mail"""

        # the body is in plain text
        email = request.body

        if not valid_email(email):
            raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS)

        if not hasattr(request, 'user_password'):
            raise HTTPBadRequest()

        if not self.auth.update_field(request.user, request.user_password,
                                      'mail', email):
            raise HTTPInternalServerError('User update failed.')

        return text_response(email)
    def change_email(self, request):
        """Changes the user e-mail"""

        # the body is in plain text
        email = request.body

        if not valid_email(email):
            raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS)

        if not hasattr(request, 'user_password'):
            raise HTTPBadRequest()

        if not self.auth.update_field(request.user, request.user_password,
                                      'mail', email):
            raise HTTPInternalServerError('User update failed.')

        return text_response(email)
    def password_reset(self, request, **data):
        """Sends an e-mail for a password reset request."""
        if self.reset is None:
            logger.debug('reset attempted, but no resetcode library installed')
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable()

        user_id = self.auth.get_user_id(request.user)
        if user_id is None:
            # user not found
            raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_INVALID_USER)

        self.auth.get_user_info(request.user, ['mail'])
        if request.user.get('mail') is None:
            raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS)

        self._check_captcha(request, data)

            # the request looks fine, let's generate the reset code
            code = self.reset.generate_reset_code(request.user)

            data = {
                'host': request.host_url,
                'user_name': request.user['username'],
                'code': code
            body = render_mako('password_reset_mail.mako', **data)

            sender = request.config['smtp.sender']
            host = request.config['smtp.host']
            port = int(request.config['smtp.port'])
            user = request.config.get('smtp.user')
            password = request.config.get('smtp.password')

            subject = 'Resetting your Services password'
            res, msg = send_email(sender, request.user['mail'], subject, body,
                                  host, port, user, password)

            if not res:
                raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(msg)
        except AlreadySentError:
            #backend handled the reset code email. Keep going

        return text_response('success')
    def test_response_conversions(self):
        data = {'some': 'data'}
        resp = text_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, "{'some': 'data'}")
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'text/plain')

        data = "abc"
        resp = whoisi_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/whoisi')

        request = Request({})
        request.accept = 'application/whoisi'
        resp = convert_response(request, data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/whoisi')

        resp = newlines_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '"a"\n"b"\n"c"\n')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/newlines')

        request = Request({})
        request.accept = 'application/newlines'
        resp = convert_response(request, data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '"a"\n"b"\n"c"\n')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/newlines')

        data = {'some': 'data'}
        resp = json_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '{"some": "data"}')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/json')

        request = Request({})
        resp = convert_response(request, data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '{"some": "data"}')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/json')
Пример #14
    def test_response_conversions(self):
        data = {'some': 'data'}
        resp = text_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, "{'some': 'data'}")
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'text/plain')

        data = "abc"
        resp = whoisi_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/whoisi')

        request = Request({})
        request.accept = 'application/whoisi'
        resp = convert_response(request, data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/whoisi')

        resp = newlines_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '"a"\n"b"\n"c"\n')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/newlines')

        request = Request({})
        request.accept = 'application/newlines'
        resp = convert_response(request, data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '"a"\n"b"\n"c"\n')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/newlines')

        data = {'some': 'data'}
        resp = json_response(data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '{"some": "data"}')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/json')

        request = Request({})
        resp = convert_response(request, data)
        self.assertEquals(resp.body, '{"some": "data"}')
        self.assertEquals(resp.content_type, 'application/json')
Пример #15
 def return_fallback(self):
     if self.fallback_node is None:
         msg = "No fallback node has been configured. "\
               "Please set nodes.fallback_node in your config file."
         raise BackendError(msg)
     return text_response(self.fallback_node)
Пример #16
 def user_exists(self, request):
     if request.user.get('username') is None:
         raise HTTPNotFound()
     uid = self.auth.get_user_id(request.user)
     return text_response(int(uid is not None))
Пример #17
 def index(self, request, **kw):
     """Show a simple "It Works!" page at the root."""
     return text_response("It Works!")
 def user_exists(self, request):
     if request.user.get('username') is None:
         raise HTTPNotFound()
     uid = self.auth.get_user_id(request.user)
     return text_response(int(uid is not None))
 def index(self, request, **kw):
     """Show a simple "It Works!" page at the root."""
     return text_response("It Works!")
Пример #20
            new_node = e.node
        except Exception:
            self.logger.error("Node assignment failed")
            return json_response(None)

        if new_node is None:
            return json_response(None)

        if new_node != "null":
            if not new_node.startswith('http'):
                new_node = 'https://' + new_node
            if not new_node.endswith('/'):
                new_node = new_node + '/'

        return text_response(new_node)

    def password_reset(self, request, **data):
        """Sends an e-mail for a password reset request."""
        if self.reset is None:
            self.logger.debug('reset attempted, but no resetcode library '
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable()

        request.response.headers.add('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY')
        user_id = self.auth.get_user_id(request.user)
        if user_id is None:
            # user not found
            raise HTTPJsonBadRequest(ERROR_INVALID_USER)

        self.auth.get_user_info(request.user, ['mail'])