Пример #1
    def convert(self):
        if self.air_by_date: return self # scene numbering does not apply to air-by-date
        if self.season_number == None: return self  # can't work without a season
        if len(self.episode_numbers) == 0: return self  # need at least one episode

        # convert scene numbered releases before storing to cache
        indexer_id = helpers.searchDBForShow(self.series_name)
        if indexer_id:
            new_episode_numbers = []
            new_season_numbers = []
            for epNo in self.episode_numbers:
                (s, e) = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(indexer_id, self.season_number, epNo)

            # need to do a quick sanity check here.  It's possible that we now have episodes
            # from more than one season (by tvdb numbering), and this is just too much
            # for sickbeard, so we'd need to flag it.
            new_season_numbers = list(set(new_season_numbers))  # remove duplicates
            if len(new_season_numbers) > 1:
                raise InvalidNameException("Scene numbering results episodes from "
                                           "seasons %s, (i.e. more than one) and "
                                           "sickbeard does not support this.  "
                                           "Sorry." % (str(new_season_numbers)))

            # I guess it's possible that we'd have duplicate episodes too, so lets
            # eliminate them
            new_episode_numbers = list(set(new_episode_numbers))

            self.episode_numbers = new_episode_numbers
            self.season_number = new_season_numbers[0]

        return self
Пример #2
def processFile(fileName, downloadDir=None, nzbName=None):

    returnStr = ''

    folderName = None
    if downloadDir != None:
        folderName = downloadDir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
    returnStr += logHelper("Processing file "+fileName+" (with folder name "+str(folderName)+" and NZB name "+str(nzbName)+")", logger.DEBUG)

    finalNameList = []

    for curName in (fileName, folderName, nzbName):
        if curName != None:
            for curSceneName in helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(curName):
                if curSceneName not in finalNameList:

    showResults = None
    result = None
    for curName in finalNameList:
            returnStr += logHelper("Attempting to parse name "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            myParser = FileParser(curName)
            result = myParser.parse()
        except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not result.seriesname:
            returnStr += logHelper("Filename "+curName+" has no series name, unable to use this name for processing", logger.DEBUG)

            t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
            showObj = t[result.seriesname]
            showInfo = (int(showObj["id"]), showObj["seriesname"])
        except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

            returnStr += logHelper("TVDB didn't respond, trying to look up the show in the DB instead: "+str(e), logger.DEBUG)

            showInfo = helpers.searchDBForShow(result.seriesname)
        # if we didn't get anything from TVDB or the DB then try the next option
        if showInfo == None:

        # find the show in the showlist
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, showInfo[0])
        except exceptions.MultipleShowObjectsException:
            raise #TODO: later I'll just log this, for now I want to know about it ASAP
        if showResults != None:
            returnStr += logHelper("Found the show in our list, continuing", logger.DEBUG)
Пример #3
    def _get_show_id(self, series_name):
        """Find and return show ID by searching exceptions, then DB"""

        show_names = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(series_name)

        logger.log(u"show_names: " + str(show_names), logger.DEBUG)

        for show_name in show_names:
            exception = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(show_name)
            if exception is not None:
                return exception

        for show_name in show_names:
            found_info = helpers.searchDBForShow(show_name)
            if found_info is not None:
                return (found_info[0])

        return None
Пример #4
    def _get_show_id(self, series_name):
        """Find and return show ID by searching exceptions, then DB"""

        show_names = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(series_name)

        logger.log(u"show_names: " + str(show_names), logger.DEBUG)

        for show_name in show_names:
            exception = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(show_name)
            if exception is not None:
                return exception

        for show_name in show_names:
            found_info = helpers.searchDBForShow(show_name)
            if found_info is not None:

        return None
Пример #5
    def convert(self):
        if self.air_by_date:
            return self  # scene numbering does not apply to air-by-date
        if self.season_number == None:
            return self  # can't work without a season
        if len(self.episode_numbers) == 0:
            return self  # need at least one episode

        # convert scene numbered releases before storing to cache
        indexer_id = helpers.searchDBForShow(self.series_name)
        if indexer_id:
            new_episode_numbers = []
            new_season_numbers = []
            for epNo in self.episode_numbers:
                (s, e) = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(
                    indexer_id, self.season_number, epNo)

            # need to do a quick sanity check here.  It's possible that we now have episodes
            # from more than one season (by tvdb numbering), and this is just too much
            # for sickbeard, so we'd need to flag it.
            new_season_numbers = list(
                set(new_season_numbers))  # remove duplicates
            if len(new_season_numbers) > 1:
                raise InvalidNameException(
                    "Scene numbering results episodes from "
                    "seasons %s, (i.e. more than one) and "
                    "sickbeard does not support this.  "
                    "Sorry." % (str(new_season_numbers)))

            # I guess it's possible that we'd have duplicate episodes too, so lets
            # eliminate them
            new_episode_numbers = list(set(new_episode_numbers))

            self.episode_numbers = new_episode_numbers
            self.season_number = new_season_numbers[0]

        return self
Пример #6
    def _addCacheEntry(self,

        myDB = self._getDB()

        parse_result = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(curName, True)
            except InvalidNameException:
                    u"Unable to parse the filename " + curName +
                    " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not parse_result:
                u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name,
            return None

        if not parse_result.series_name:
                u"No series name retrieved from " + name +
                ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        indexer_lang = None

        if indexer_id:
            # if we have only the indexer_id, use the database
            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id)
            if showObj:
                self.indexer = int(showObj.indexer)
                indexer_lang = showObj.lang
                    u"We were given a Indexer ID " + str(indexer_id) +
                    " but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving indexer_id empty",
                indexer_id = 0

        # if no indexerID then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name
        if not indexer_id:
            # check the name cache and see if we already know what show this is
                u"Checking the cache to see if we already know the Indexer ID of "
                + parse_result.series_name, logger.DEBUG)
            indexer_id = name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(

            # remember if the cache lookup worked or not so we know whether we should bother updating it later
            if indexer_id == None:
                    u"No cache results returned, continuing on with the search",
                from_cache = False
                    u"Cache lookup found " + repr(indexer_id) + ", using that",
                from_cache = True

            # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database
            if indexer_id == None:
                logger.log(u"Trying to look the show up in the show database",
                showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
                if showResult:
                        u"" + parse_result.series_name +
                        " was found to be show " + showResult[2] + " (" +
                        str(showResult[1]) + ") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                    indexer_id = showResult[1]

            # if the DB lookup fails then do a comprehensive regex search
            if indexer_id == None:
                    u"Couldn't figure out a show name straight from the DB, trying a regex search instead",
                for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                    if show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(name, curShow, False):
                            u"Successfully matched " + name + " to " +
                            curShow.name + " with regex", logger.DEBUG)
                        indexer_id = curShow.indexerid
                        indexer_lang = curShow.lang

            # if indexer_id was anything but None (0 or a number) then
            if not from_cache:
                name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, indexer_id)

            # if we came out with indexer_id = None it means we couldn't figure it out at all, just use 0 for that
            if indexer_id == None:
                indexer_id = 0

            # if we found the show then retrieve the show object
            if indexer_id:
                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList,
                except (MultipleShowObjectsException):
                    showObj = None
                if showObj:
                    self.indexer = int(showObj.indexer)
                    indexer_lang = showObj.lang

        # if we weren't provided with season/episode information then get it from the name that we parsed
        if not season:
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
        if not episodes:
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
        if (parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports) and indexer_id:
                lINDEXER_API_PARMS = sickbeard.indexerApi(
                if not (indexer_lang == "" or indexer_lang == "en"
                        or indexer_lang == None):
                    lINDEXER_API_PARMS['language'] = indexer_lang

                t = sickbeard.indexerApi(

                epObj = None
                if parse_result.air_by_date:
                    epObj = t[indexer_id].airedOn(parse_result.air_date)[0]
                elif parse_result.sports:
                    epObj = t[indexer_id].airedOn(parse_result.sports_date)[0]

                if epObj is None:
                    return None

                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except sickbeard.indexer_episodenotfound:
                    u"Unable to find episode with date " +
                    str(parse_result.air_date) + " for show " +
                    parse_result.series_name + ", skipping", logger.WARNING)
                return None
            except sickbeard.indexer_error, e:
                    u"Unable to contact " +
                    sickbeard.indexerApi(self.indexer).name + ": " + ex(e),
                return None
Пример #7
def doIt(downloaderDir, nzbName=None):
    returnStr = ""

    downloadDir = ''

    # if they passed us a real dir then assume it's the one we want
    if os.path.isdir(downloaderDir):
        downloadDir = os.path.abspath(downloaderDir)
    # if they've got a download dir configured then use it
    elif sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR != '' and os.path.isdir(sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR):
        downloadDir = os.path.join(sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, os.path.abspath(downloaderDir).split(os.path.sep)[-1])

        returnStr += logHelper("Trying to use folder "+downloadDir, logger.DEBUG)

    # if we didn't find a real dir then quit
    if not os.path.isdir(downloadDir):
        returnStr += logHelper("Unable to figure out what folder to process. If your downloader and Sick Beard aren't on the same PC make sure you fill out your TV download dir in the config.", logger.DEBUG)
        return returnStr

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_shows")
    for sqlShow in sqlResults:
        if downloadDir.startswith(os.path.abspath(sqlShow["location"])+os.sep):
            returnStr += logHelper("You're trying to post process a show that's already been moved to its show dir", logger.ERROR)
            return returnStr

    returnStr += logHelper("Final folder name is " + downloadDir, logger.DEBUG)
    # TODO: check if it's failed and deal with it if it is
    if downloadDir.startswith('_FAILED_'):
        returnStr += logHelper("The directory name indicates it failed to extract, cancelling", logger.DEBUG)
        return returnStr
    # find the file we're dealing with
    biggest_file = findMainFile(downloadDir)
    if biggest_file == None:
        returnStr += logHelper("Unable to find the biggest file - is this really a TV download?", logger.DEBUG)
        return returnStr
    returnStr += logHelper("The biggest file in the dir is: " + biggest_file, logger.DEBUG)
    # use file name, folder name, and NZB name (in that order) to try to figure out the episode info
    result = None
    nameList = [downloadDir.split(os.path.sep)[-1], biggest_file]
    if nzbName != None:
    showResults = None
    for curName in nameList:
            myParser = FileParser(curName)
            result = myParser.parse()
        except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

            t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,
            showObj = t[result.seriesname]
            showInfo = (int(showObj["id"]), showObj["seriesname"])
        except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

            returnStr += logHelper("TVDB didn't respond, trying to look up the show in the DB instead", logger.DEBUG)

            showInfo = helpers.searchDBForShow(result.seriesname)
        # if we didn't get anything from TVDB or the DB then try the next option
        if showInfo == None:

        # find the show in the showlist
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, showInfo[0])
        except exceptions.MultipleShowObjectsException:
            raise #TODO: later I'll just log this, for now I want to know about it ASAP
        if showResults != None:
            returnStr += logHelper("Found the show in our list, continuing", logger.DEBUG)
Пример #8
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, season=None, episodes=None, tvdb_id=0, tvrage_id=0, quality=None, extraNames=[]):
        myDB = self._getDB()
        epInfo = None
        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = FileParser(curName)
                epInfo = myParser.parse()
            except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
                logger.log("Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
        if not epInfo:
            logger.log("Giving up because I'm unable to figure out what show/etc this is: "+name, logger.DEBUG)
            return False
        if not epInfo.seriesname:
            logger.log("No series name retrieved from "+name+", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        # if we need tvdb_id or tvrage_id then search the DB for them
        if not tvdb_id or not tvrage_id:
            # if we have only the tvdb_id, use the database
            if tvdb_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                    logger.log("We were given a TVDB id "+str(tvdb_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvrage_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvrage_id = 0 
            # if we have only a tvrage_id then use the database
            elif tvrage_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainTVRageShow(sickbeard.showList, tvrage_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvdb_id = showObj.tvdbid
                    logger.log("We were given a TVRage id "+str(tvrage_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvdb_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = 0 
            # if they're both empty then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name

                showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(epInfo.seriesname)
                if showResult:
                    logger.log(epInfo.seriesname+" was found to be show "+showResult[1]+" ("+str(showResult[0])+") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = showResult[0]
                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                    if not showObj:
                        logger.log("This should never have happened, post a bug about this!", logger.ERROR)
                        raise Exception("BAD STUFF HAPPENED")
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
        if not season:
            season = epInfo.seasonnumber
        if not episodes:
            episodes = epInfo.episodenumbers

        episodeText = "|"+"|".join(map(str, episodes))+"|"
        # get the current timestamp
        curTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple()))
        if not quality:
            # if we don't know what quality it is and it looks like itouch quality, skip it
            if "itouch" in name.lower():
                return False
            elif any(x in name.lower() for x in ("720p", "1080p", "x264")):
                quality = HD
            elif any(x in name.lower() for x in ("xvid", "divx")):
                quality = SD
                logger.log("Unable to figure out the quality of "+name+", assuming SD", logger.DEBUG)
                quality = SD
        myDB.action("INSERT INTO "+self.providerName+" (name, season, episodes, tvrid, tvdbid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                    [name, season, episodeText, tvrage_id, tvdb_id, url, curTimestamp, quality])
Пример #9
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, season=None, episodes=None, tvdb_id=0, tvrage_id=0, quality=None, extraNames=[]):

        myDB = self._getDB()

        parse_result = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(curName)
            except InvalidNameException:
                logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not parse_result:
            logger.log(u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: "+name, logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        if not parse_result.series_name:
            logger.log(u"No series name retrieved from "+name+", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        tvdb_lang = None

        # if we need tvdb_id or tvrage_id then search the DB for them
        if not tvdb_id or not tvrage_id:

            # if we have only the tvdb_id, use the database
            if tvdb_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                    tvdb_lang = showObj.lang
                    logger.log(u"We were given a TVDB id "+str(tvdb_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvrage_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvrage_id = 0

            # if we have only a tvrage_id then use the database
            elif tvrage_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainTVRageShow(sickbeard.showList, tvrage_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvdb_id = showObj.tvdbid
                    tvdb_lang = showObj.lang
                    logger.log(u"We were given a TVRage id "+str(tvrage_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvdb_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = 0

            # if they're both empty then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name

                # check the name cache and see if we already know what show this is
                logger.log(u"Checking the cache to see if we already know the tvdb id of "+parse_result.series_name, logger.DEBUG)
                tvdb_id = name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(parse_result.series_name)
                # remember if the cache lookup worked or not so we know whether we should bother updating it later
                if tvdb_id == None:
                    logger.log(u"No cache results returned, continuing on with the search", logger.DEBUG)
                    from_cache = False
                    logger.log(u"Cache lookup found "+repr(tvdb_id)+", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                    from_cache = True
                # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database
                if tvdb_id == None:
                    logger.log(u"Trying to look the show up in the show database", logger.DEBUG)
                    showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
                    if showResult:
                        logger.log(parse_result.series_name+" was found to be show "+showResult[1]+" ("+str(showResult[0])+") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                        tvdb_id = showResult[0]

                # if the DB lookup fails then do a comprehensive regex search
                if tvdb_id == None:
                    logger.log(u"Couldn't figure out a show name straight from the DB, trying a regex search instead", logger.DEBUG)
                    for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                        if show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(name, curShow, False):
                            logger.log(u"Successfully matched "+name+" to "+curShow.name+" with regex", logger.DEBUG)
                            tvdb_id = curShow.tvdbid
                            tvdb_lang = curShow.lang

                # if tvdb_id was anything but None (0 or a number) then 
                if not from_cache:
                    name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, tvdb_id)

                # if we came out with tvdb_id = None it means we couldn't figure it out at all, just use 0 for that
                if tvdb_id == None:
                    tvdb_id = 0

                # if we found the show then retrieve the show object
                if tvdb_id:
                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                    if showObj:
                        tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                        tvdb_lang = showObj.lang

        # if we weren't provided with season/episode information then get it from the name that we parsed
        if not season:
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
        if not episodes:
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
        if parse_result.air_by_date and tvdb_id:
                # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                # change the language value elsewhere
                ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                if not (tvdb_lang == "" or tvdb_lang == "en" or tvdb_lang == None):
                    ltvdb_api_parms['language'] = tvdb_lang

                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(**ltvdb_api_parms)
                epObj = t[tvdb_id].airedOn(parse_result.air_date)[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound:
                logger.log(u"Unable to find episode with date "+str(parse_result.air_date)+" for show "+parse_result.series_name+", skipping", logger.WARNING)
                return False
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_error, e:
                logger.log(u"Unable to contact TVDB: "+ex(e), logger.WARNING)
                return False
Пример #10
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, season=None, episodes=None, tvdb_id=0, tvrage_id=0, quality=None, extraNames=[]):
        myDB = self._getDB()
        epInfo = None
        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = FileParser(curName)
                epInfo = myParser.parse()
            except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
                logger.log("Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
        if not epInfo:
            logger.log("Giving up because I'm unable to figure out what show/etc this is: "+name, logger.DEBUG)
            return False
        if not epInfo.seriesname:
            logger.log("No series name retrieved from "+name+", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        # if we need tvdb_id or tvrage_id then search the DB for them
        if not tvdb_id or not tvrage_id:
            # if we have only the tvdb_id, use the database
            if tvdb_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                    logger.log("We were given a TVDB id "+str(tvdb_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvrage_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvrage_id = 0 
            # if we have only a tvrage_id then use the database
            elif tvrage_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainTVRageShow(sickbeard.showList, tvrage_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvdb_id = showObj.tvdbid
                    logger.log("We were given a TVRage id "+str(tvrage_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvdb_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = 0 
            # if they're both empty then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name

                showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(epInfo.seriesname)
                if showResult:
                    logger.log(epInfo.seriesname+" was found to be show "+showResult[1]+" ("+str(showResult[0])+") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = showResult[0]
                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                    if not showObj:
                        logger.log("This should never have happened, post a bug about this!", logger.ERROR)
                        raise Exception("BAD STUFF HAPPENED")
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
        if not season:
            season = epInfo.seasonnumber
        if not episodes:
            episodes = epInfo.episodenumbers

        # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
        if season == -1 and tvdb_id:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(**sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
                epObj = t[tvdb_id].airedOn(episodes[0])[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, e:
                logger.log("Unable to find episode with date "+str(episodes[0])+" for show "+epInfo.seriesname+", skipping", logger.WARNING)
                return False
Пример #11
def processFile(fileName, downloadDir=None, nzbName=None, multi_file=False):

    returnStr = ''

    folderName = None
    if downloadDir != None:
        folderName = downloadDir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]

    returnStr += logHelper(u"Processing file "+fileName+" (with folder name "+str(folderName)+" and NZB name "+str(nzbName)+")", logger.DEBUG)

    finalNameList = []

    for curName in (fileName, folderName, nzbName):
        if curName != None:
            for curSceneName in sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(curName):
                if curSceneName not in finalNameList:

    showResults = None
    result = None

    tvdb_id = None
    season = None
    episodes = []

    # first try looking up every name in our history
    for curName in finalNameList:

        historyResult = findInHistory(curName)
        if historyResult:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Result from history: "+str(historyResult)+" from "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            (tvdb_id, season, episodes) = historyResult
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)

    # if we're parsing a multi-file folder then the folder name doesn't reflect the correct episode so ignore it
    if multi_file and episodes:
        returnStr += logHelper(u"Multi-file dir "+downloadDir+" doesn't reflect all episode names, only using name & season", logger.DEBUG)
        episodes = []

    # if that didn't work then try manually parsing and searching them on TVDB
    for curName in finalNameList:

        # if we already have the info from the history then don't bother with this
        if tvdb_id != None and season != None and episodes != []:

        # if we're doing a multi-file dir and we already got the tvdb_id/season but no episodes then assume it's right and carry it forward 
        # otherwise, reset it every time
        if not (tvdb_id and season and not episodes and multi_file):
            tvdb_id = None
            season = None
        episodes = []

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Attempting to parse name "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            myParser = FileParser(curName)
            result = myParser.parse()

            season = result.seasonnumber if result.seasonnumber != None else 1
            episodes = result.episodenumbers

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Ended up with season "+str(season)+" and episodes "+str(episodes), logger.DEBUG)

        except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not result.seriesname:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Filename "+curName+" has no series name, unable to use this name for processing", logger.DEBUG)

        if not episodes:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to find an episode number in the filename "+curName+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)

        # reverse-lookup the scene exceptions
        returnStr += logHelper(u"Checking scene exceptions for "+result.seriesname, logger.DEBUG)
        sceneID = None
        for exceptionID in sceneExceptions:
            for curException in sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                if result.seriesname == curException:
                    sceneID = exceptionID
            if sceneID:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id "+str(sceneID)+", using that", logger.DEBUG)

        if sceneID:
            tvdb_id = sceneID

        showObj = None
            t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)

            # get the tvdb object from either the scene exception ID or the series name
            if tvdb_id:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Looking up ID "+str(tvdb_id)+" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[tvdb_id]
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Looking up name "+result.seriesname+" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[result.seriesname]

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Got tvdb_id "+str(showObj["id"])+" and series name "+showObj["seriesname"].decode('utf-8')+" from TVDB", logger.DEBUG)

            showInfo = (int(showObj["id"]), showObj["seriesname"])

        except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to look up show on TVDB: "+str(e).decode('utf-8'), logger.DEBUG)
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Looking up show in DB instead", logger.DEBUG)
            showInfo = helpers.searchDBForShow(result.seriesname)

        if showInfo:
            tvdb_id = showInfo[0]

        if showInfo and season == None:
            myDB = db.DBConnection()
            numseasonsSQlResult = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT season) as numseasons FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and season != 0", [tvdb_id])
            numseasons = numseasonsSQlResult[0][0]
            if numseasons == 1 and season == None:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Don't have a season number, but this show appears to only have 1 season, setting seasonnumber to 1...", logger.DEBUG)
                season = 1

        # if it is an air-by-date show and we successfully found it on TVDB, convert the date into a season/episode
        if season == -1 and showObj:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Looks like this is an air-by-date show, attempting to parse...", logger.DEBUG)
                epObj = showObj.airedOn(episodes[0])[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, e:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to find episode with date "+str(episodes[0])+" for show "+showObj["seriesname"]+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)
Пример #12
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, quality=None):
        indexerid = None
        in_cache = False

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
            myParser = NameParser()
            parse_result = myParser.parse(name).convert()
        except InvalidNameException:
            logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + name + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        if not parse_result:
            logger.log(u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name, logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        if not parse_result.series_name:
            logger.log(u"No series name retrieved from " + name + ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        cacheResult = sickbeard.name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(parse_result.series_name)
        if cacheResult:
            in_cache = True
            indexerid = int(cacheResult)

        if not indexerid:
            showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
            if showResult:
                indexerid = int(showResult[0])

        showObj = None
        if indexerid:
            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexerid)

        if not showObj:
            logger.log(u"No match for show: [" + parse_result.series_name + "], not caching ...", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        season = episodes = None
        if parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports:
            myDB = db.DBConnection()

            airdate = parse_result.air_date.toordinal() or parse_result.sports_event_date.toordinal()
            sql_results = myDB.select(
                "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND indexer = ? AND airdate = ?",
                [indexerid, showObj.indexer, airdate])
            if sql_results > 0:
                season = int(sql_results[0]["season"])
                episodes = [int(sql_results[0]["episode"])]
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        if season and episodes:
            # store episodes as a seperated string
            episodeText = "|" + "|".join(map(str, episodes)) + "|"

            # get the current timestamp
            curTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple()))

            # get quality of release
            if quality is None:
                quality = Quality.sceneQuality(name)

            if not isinstance(name, unicode):
                name = unicode(name, 'utf-8')

            logger.log(u"Added RSS item: [" + name + "] to cache: [" + self.providerID + "]", logger.DEBUG)

            if not in_cache:
                sickbeard.name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, indexerid)

            return [
                "INSERT INTO [" + self.providerID + "] (name, season, episodes, indexerid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                [name, season, episodeText, indexerid, url, curTimestamp, quality]]
Пример #13
class ProperFinder():
    def __init__(self):
        self.amActive = False
        self.updateInterval = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

        check_propers_interval = {'15m': 15, '45m': 45, '90m': 90, '4h': 4*60, 'daily': 24*60}
        for curInterval in ('15m', '45m', '90m', '4h', 'daily'):
            if sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL == curInterval:
                self.updateInterval = datetime.timedelta(minutes = check_propers_interval[curInterval])

    def run(self, force=False):

        if not sickbeard.DOWNLOAD_PROPERS:

        # look for propers every night at 1 AM
        updateTime = datetime.time(hour=1)

        logger.log(u"Checking proper time", logger.DEBUG)

        hourDiff = datetime.datetime.today().time().hour - updateTime.hour
        dayDiff = (datetime.date.today() - self._get_lastProperSearch()).days

        if sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL == "daily" and not force:
            # if it's less than an interval after the update time then do an update
            if not (hourDiff >= 0 and hourDiff < self.updateInterval.seconds / 3600 or dayDiff >= 1):

        logger.log(u"Beginning the search for new propers")

        self.amActive = True

        propers = self._getProperList()

        if propers:


        msg = u"Completed the search for new propers, next check "
        if sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL == "daily":
            logger.log(u"%sat 1am tomorrow" % msg)
            logger.log(u"%sin ~%s" % (msg, sickbeard.CHECK_PROPERS_INTERVAL))

        self.amActive = False

    def _getProperList(self):
        propers = {}

        # for each provider get a list of the
        origThreadName = threading.currentThread().name
        providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive()]
        for curProvider in providers:
            threading.currentThread().name = origThreadName + " :: [" + curProvider.name + "]"

            search_date = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)

            logger.log(u"Searching for any new PROPER releases from " + curProvider.name)
                curPropers = curProvider.findPropers(search_date)
            except exceptions.AuthException, e:
                logger.log(u"Authentication error: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)

            # if they haven't been added by a different provider than add the proper to the list
            for x in curPropers:
                name = self._genericName(x.name)
                if not name in propers:
                    logger.log(u"Found new proper: " + x.name, logger.DEBUG)
                    x.provider = curProvider
                    propers[name] = x

        # reset thread name back to original
        threading.currentThread().name = origThreadName

        # take the list of unique propers and get it sorted by
        sortedPropers = sorted(propers.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('date'), reverse=True)
        finalPropers = []
        for curProper in sortedPropers:
            in_cache = False

                myParser = NameParser(False)
                parse_result = myParser.parse(curProper.name)
            except InvalidNameException:
                logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + curProper.name + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

            if not parse_result.series_name:

            cacheResult = sickbeard.name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(parse_result.series_name)
            if cacheResult:
                in_cache = True
                curProper.indexerid = int(cacheResult)
            elif cacheResult == 0:
                return None

            if not curProper.indexerid:
                showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
                if showResult:
                    curProper.indexerid = int(showResult[0])

            if not curProper.indexerid:
                for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                    if show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(curProper.name, curShow, False):
                        curProper.indexerid = curShow.indexerid

            showObj = None
            if curProper.indexerid:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, curProper.indexerid)

            if not showObj:
                sickbeard.name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, 0)

            if not in_cache:
                sickbeard.name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, curProper.indexerid)

            # scene numbering -> indexer numbering
            parse_result = parse_result.convert(showObj)

            if not parse_result.episode_numbers:
                    u"Ignoring " + curProper.name + " because it's for a full season rather than specific episode",

            # populate our Proper instance
            if parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports:
                curProper.season = -1
                curProper.episode = parse_result.air_date or parse_result.sports_event_date
                curProper.season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
                curProper.episode = parse_result.episode_numbers[0]

            curProper.quality = Quality.nameQuality(curProper.name)

            # for each show in our list
            for curShow in sickbeard.showList:

                genericName = self._genericName(parse_result.series_name)

                # get the scene name masks
                sceneNames = set(show_name_helpers.makeSceneShowSearchStrings(curShow))

                # for each scene name mask
                for curSceneName in sceneNames:

                    # if it matches
                    if genericName == self._genericName(curSceneName):
                            u"Successful match! Result " + parse_result.series_name + " matched to show " + curShow.name,

                        # set the indexerid in the db to the show's indexerid
                        curProper.indexerid = curShow.indexerid

                        # set the indexer in the db to the show's indexer
                        curProper.indexer = curShow.indexer

                        # since we found it, break out

                # if we found something in the inner for loop break out of this one
                if curProper.indexerid != -1:

            if not show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(curProper.name):
                logger.log(u"Proper " + curProper.name + " isn't a valid scene release that we want, igoring it",

            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, curProper.indexerid)
            if not showObj:
                logger.log(u"Unable to find the show with indexerID " + str(curProper.indexerid), logger.ERROR)

            if showObj.rls_ignore_words and search.filter_release_name(curProper.name, showObj.rls_ignore_words):
                logger.log(u"Ignoring " + curProper.name + " based on ignored words filter: " + showObj.rls_ignore_words,

            if showObj.rls_require_words and not search.filter_release_name(curProper.name, showObj.rls_require_words):
                logger.log(u"Ignoring " + curProper.name + " based on required words filter: " + showObj.rls_require_words,

            # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
            if (parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports_event_date) and curProper.indexerid:
                    u"Looks like this is an air-by-date or sports show, attempting to convert the date to season/episode",
                airdate = curProper.episode.toordinal()
                myDB = db.DBConnection()
                sql_result = myDB.select(
                    "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and indexer = ? and airdate = ?",
                    [curProper.indexerid, curProper.indexer, airdate])

                if sql_result:
                    curProper.season = int(sql_result[0][0])
                    curProper.episodes = [int(sql_result[0][1])]
                    logger.log(u"Unable to find episode with date " + str(
                        curProper.episode) + " for show " + parse_result.series_name + ", skipping", logger.WARNING)

            # check if we actually want this proper (if it's the right quality)
            sqlResults = db.DBConnection().select(
                "SELECT status FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ?",
                [curProper.indexerid, curProper.season, curProper.episode])
            if not sqlResults:
            oldStatus, oldQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int(sqlResults[0]["status"]))

            # only keep the proper if we have already retrieved the same quality ep (don't get better/worse ones)
            if oldStatus not in (DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED) or oldQuality != curProper.quality:

            # if the show is in our list and there hasn't been a proper already added for that particular episode then add it to our list of propers
            if curProper.indexerid != -1 and (curProper.indexerid, curProper.season, curProper.episode) not in map(
                    operator.attrgetter('indexerid', 'season', 'episode'), finalPropers):
                logger.log(u"Found a proper that we need: " + str(curProper.name))

        return finalPropers
Пример #14
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, season=None, episodes=None, indexer_id=0, quality=None, extraNames=[]):

        myDB = self._getDB()

        parse_result = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(curName)
            except InvalidNameException:
                logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + curName + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not parse_result:
            logger.log(u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name, logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        if not parse_result.series_name:
            logger.log(u"No series name retrieved from " + name + ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        indexer_lang = None

        if indexer_id:
            # if we have only the indexer_id, use the database
            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id)
            if showObj:
                self.indexer = int(showObj.indexer)
                indexer_lang = showObj.lang
                logger.log(u"We were given a Indexer ID " + str(indexer_id) + " but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving indexer_id empty",logger.DEBUG)
                indexer_id = 0

        # if no indexerID then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name
        if not indexer_id:
            from_cache = False

            # check the name cache and see if we already know what show this is
                u"Checking the cache for Indexer ID of " + parse_result.series_name,

            # remember if the cache lookup worked or not so we know whether we should bother updating it later
            indexer_id = name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(parse_result.series_name)
            if indexer_id:
                logger.log(u"Cache lookup found " + repr(indexer_id) + ", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                from_cache = True

            # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database
            if not indexer_id:
                    u"Checking the database for Indexer ID of " + str(parse_result.series_name),

                showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
                if showResult:
                        u"" + parse_result.series_name + " was found to be show " + showResult[2] + " (" + str(
                            showResult[1]) + ") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                    indexer_id = showResult[1]

            # if the database failed, try looking up the show name from scene exceptions list
            if not indexer_id:
                    u"Checking the scene exceptions list for Indexer ID of " + parse_result.series_name,
                sceneResult = sickbeard.scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(parse_result.series_name)
                if sceneResult:
                        u"" + str(parse_result.series_name) + " was found in scene exceptions list with Indexer ID: " + str(sceneResult), logger.DEBUG)
                    indexer_id = sceneResult

            # if the DB lookup fails then do a comprehensive regex search
            if not indexer_id:
                    u"Checking the shows list for Indexer ID of " + str(parse_result.series_name),
                for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                    if show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(name, curShow, False):
                        logger.log(u"Successfully matched " + name + " to " + curShow.name + " from shows list",
                        indexer_id = curShow.indexerid
                        indexer_lang = curShow.lang

            # if the database failed, try looking up the show name from scene exceptions list
            if not indexer_id:
                    u"Checking Indexers for Indexer ID of " + parse_result.series_name,

                # check indexers
                try:indexerResult = helpers.searchIndexerForShowID(parse_result.series_name)
                except:indexerResult = None

                if indexerResult:
                        u"" + str(parse_result.series_name) + " was found on " + str(sickbeard.indexerApi(indexerResult[0]).name) + " with Indexer ID: " + str(indexerResult[1]), logger.DEBUG)
                    indexer_id = indexerResult[1]

            # if indexer_id was anything but None (0 or a number) then
            if not from_cache:
                name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, indexer_id)

            # if we came out with indexer_id = None it means we couldn't figure it out at all, just use 0 for that
            if indexer_id == None:
                indexer_id = 0

            # if we found the show then retrieve the show object
            if indexer_id:
                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id)
                except (MultipleShowObjectsException):
                    showObj = None
                if showObj:
                    self.indexer = int(showObj.indexer)
                    indexer_lang = showObj.lang

        # if we weren't provided with season/episode information then get it from the name that we parsed
        if not season:
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
        if not episodes:
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
        if (parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports) and indexer_id:
                lINDEXER_API_PARMS = sickbeard.indexerApi(self.indexer).api_params.copy()
                if not (indexer_lang == "" or indexer_lang == "en" or indexer_lang == None):
                    lINDEXER_API_PARMS['language'] = indexer_lang

                t = sickbeard.indexerApi(self.indexer).indexer(**lINDEXER_API_PARMS)

                epObj = None
                if parse_result.air_by_date:
                    epObj = t[indexer_id].airedOn(parse_result.air_date)[0]
                elif parse_result.sports:
                    epObj = t[indexer_id].airedOn(parse_result.sports_date)[0]

                if epObj is None:
                    return None

                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except sickbeard.indexer_episodenotfound:
                logger.log(u"Unable to find episode with date " + str(
                    parse_result.air_date) + " for show " + parse_result.series_name + ", skipping", logger.WARNING)
                return None
            except sickbeard.indexer_error, e:
                logger.log(u"Unable to contact " + sickbeard.indexerApi(self.indexer).name + ": " + ex(e),
                return None
Пример #15
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        name: A string which we want to analyze to determine show info from (unicode)
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name "+repr(name))
        to_return = (None, None, [])
        if not name:
            return to_return

        trimprefix = ['^sof-','^euhd-','^amb-','^itg-','^idtv-','^zzgtv-','^itn-','^tcpa-','^tvp-']
        for regex in trimprefix:
            name = re.sub(regex, "", name)
        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
        self._log("Parsed "+name+" into "+str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'), logger.DEBUG)

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers 

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)
        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(parse_result.series_name)

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)
        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search('(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)', parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None
        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on "+cur_name, logger.DEBUG)
            scene_id = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
            if scene_id:
                self._log(u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id "+str(scene_id)+u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                return (scene_id, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up "+cur_name+u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id "+str(db_result[0]), logger.DEBUG)
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)
        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
                self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception):
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **ltvdb_api_parms)

                    self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError):

            except (IOError):
            self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id "+str(showObj["id"]), logger.DEBUG)
            return (int(showObj["id"]), season, episodes)
        return to_return
Пример #16
 def test_searchDBForShow(self):
     self.assertIsNone(helpers.searchDBForShow('Testing Show'))
     TvShow(show_name='Testing Show').save(force_insert=True)
     self.assertIsNotNone(helpers.searchDBForShow('Testing Show'))
Пример #17
def processFile(fileName, downloadDir=None, nzbName=None):

    returnStr = ''

    folderName = None
    if downloadDir != None:
        folderName = downloadDir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
    returnStr += logHelper("Processing file "+fileName+" (with folder name "+str(folderName)+" and NZB name "+str(nzbName)+")", logger.DEBUG)

    finalNameList = []

    for curName in (fileName, folderName, nzbName):
        if curName != None:
            for curSceneName in helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(curName):
                if curSceneName not in finalNameList:

    showResults = None
    result = None
    tvdb_id = None
    season = None
    episodes = []
    # first try looking up every name in our history
    for curName in finalNameList:

        historyResult = findInHistory(curName)
        if historyResult:
            returnStr += logHelper("Result from history: "+str(historyResult)+" from "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            (tvdb_id, season, episode) = historyResult
            episodes = [episode]
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)

    # if that didn't work then try manually parsing and searching them on TVDB
    for curName in finalNameList:
        # if we already have the info from the history then don't bother with this
        if tvdb_id != None and season != None and episodes != []:

        # set all search stuff to defaults so we don't carry results over from the last iteration
        tvdb_id = None
        season = None
        episodes = []
            returnStr += logHelper("Attempting to parse name "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            myParser = FileParser(curName)
            result = myParser.parse()
            season = result.seasonnumber
            episodes = result.episodenumbers
        except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not result.seriesname:
            returnStr += logHelper("Filename "+curName+" has no series name, unable to use this name for processing", logger.DEBUG)

        # reverse-lookup the scene exceptions
        sceneID = None
        for exceptionID in sceneExceptions:
            if curName == sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                sceneID = exceptionID

            if result.seriesname == "CSI":
                result.seriesname = "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"
                returnStr += logHelper("Override CSI to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation", logger.DEBUG)

            returnStr += logHelper("Looking up name "+result.seriesname+" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
            t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)

            # get the tvdb object from either the scene exception ID or the series name
            if sceneID:
                showObj = t[sceneID]
                showObj = t[result.seriesname]
            showInfo = (int(showObj["id"]), showObj["seriesname"])
        except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to look up show on TVDB: "+str(e), logger.DEBUG)
            returnStr += logHelper("Looking up show in DB instead", logger.DEBUG)
            showInfo = helpers.searchDBForShow(result.seriesname)

        if showInfo:
            tvdb_id = showInfo[0]

        # if we couldn't get the necessary info from either of the above methods, try the next name
        if tvdb_id == None or season == None or episodes == []:

        # find the show in the showlist
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, showInfo[0])
        except exceptions.MultipleShowObjectsException:
            raise #TODO: later I'll just log this, for now I want to know about it ASAP

        if showResults != None:
            returnStr += logHelper("Found the show in our list, continuing", logger.DEBUG)
Пример #18
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url):

        cacheDB = self._getDB()
        parse_result = None
        from_cache = False
        indexer_id = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        while (True):
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(name)
            except InvalidNameException:
                    u"Unable to parse the filename " + name +
                    " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
                return None

            if not parse_result:
                    u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " +
                    name, logger.DEBUG)
                return None

            if not parse_result.series_name:
                    u"No series name retrieved from " + name +
                    ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
                return None

                u"Checking the cahe for show:" + str(parse_result.series_name),

            # remember if the cache lookup worked or not so we know whether we should bother updating it later
            cache_id = name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(
            if cache_id:
                    u"Cache lookup found Indexer ID:" + repr(indexer_id) +
                    ", using that for " + parse_result.series_name,
                from_cache = True
                indexer_id = cache_id

            # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database
                u"Checking the database for show:" +
                str(parse_result.series_name), logger.DEBUG)

            showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
            if showResult:
                    u"Database lookup found Indexer ID:" + str(showResult[1]) +
                    ", using that for " + parse_result.series_name,
                indexer_id = showResult[1]

        # if we didn't find a Indexer ID return None
        if not indexer_id:
            return None

        # if the show isn't in out database then return None
            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id)
            return None

        if not showObj:
            return None

        # if we weren't provided with season/episode information then get it from the name that we parsed
        season = None
        episodes = None
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            sql_results = myDB.select(
                "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND airdate = ?",
            if sql_results > 0:
                season = int(sql_results[0]["season"])
                episodes = [int(sql_results[0]["episode"])]
        elif parse_result.sports:
            sql_results = myDB.select(
                "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND airdate = ?",
            if sql_results > 0:
                season = int(sql_results[0]["season"])
                episodes = [int(sql_results[0]["episode"])]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        if not (season and episodes):
            return None

        # convert scene numbered releases before storing to cache
        convertedEps = {}
        for curEp in episodes:
            epObj = showObj.getEpisode(season, curEp, sceneConvert=True)
            if not epObj:
                return None
            if not epObj.season in convertedEps:
                convertedEps[epObj.season] = []

        # get the current timestamp
        curTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple()))

        # get quality of release
        quality = Quality.sceneQuality(name)

        if not isinstance(name, unicode):
            name = unicode(name, 'utf-8')

        for season, episodes in convertedEps.items():
            episodeText = "|" + "|".join(map(str, episodes)) + "|"
                "INSERT INTO [" + self.providerID +
                "] (name, season, episodes, indexerid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                    name, season, episodeText, indexer_id, url, curTimestamp,
Пример #19
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        name: A string which we want to analyze to determine show info from (unicode)
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name " + repr(name))

        to_return = (None, None, [])

        if not name:
            return to_return

        trimprefix = [
            '^sof-', '^euhd-', '^amb-', '^itg-', '^idtv-', '^zzgtv-', '^itn-',
            '^tcpa-', '^tvp-'
        for regex in trimprefix:
            name = re.sub(regex, "", name)

        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
            "Parsed " + name + " into " + str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'),

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)

        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)

        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search(
                    '(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)',
                    parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None

        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on " + cur_name,
            scene_id = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
            if scene_id:
                    u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id " + str(scene_id) +
                    u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                return (scene_id, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up " + cur_name + u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                    u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(db_result[0]),
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                self._log(u"Looking up name " + cur_name + u" on TVDB",
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception):
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                        u"Looking up name " + cur_name +
                        u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError):

            except (IOError):

                u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(showObj["id"]),
            return (int(showObj["id"]), season, episodes)

        return to_return
Пример #20
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.

        name: A string which we want to analyze to determine show info from (unicode)

        Returns a (indexer_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name " + repr(name))

        to_return = (None, None, [])

        if not name:
            return to_return

        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)

        self._log("Parsed " + name + " into " + str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'), logger.DEBUG)

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)

        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(parse_result.series_name)

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)

        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group

            # remember whether it's a proper
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search('(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)', parse_result.extra_info,
                                           re.I) != None

            # if the result is complete then remember that for later
            if parse_result.series_name and parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.episode_numbers and parse_result.release_group:
                test_name = os.path.basename(name)
                if test_name == self.nzb_name:
                    self.good_results[self.NZB_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.folder_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FOLDER_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.file_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FILE_NAME] = True
                    logger.log(u"Nothing was good, found " + repr(test_name) + " and wanted either " + repr(
                        self.nzb_name) + ", " + repr(self.folder_name) + ", or " + repr(self.file_name))
                logger.log(u"Parse result not sufficient(all following have to be set). Will not save release name",
                logger.log("Parse result(series_name): " + str(parse_result.series_name), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.log("Parse result(season_number): " + str(parse_result.season_number), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.log("Parse result(episode_numbers): " + str(parse_result.episode_numbers), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.log("Parse result(release_group): " + str(parse_result.release_group), logger.DEBUG)

        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on " + cur_name, logger.DEBUG)
            scene_id = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
            if scene_id:
                self._log(u"Scene exception lookup got a indexer id " + str(scene_id) + ", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                return (scene_id, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up " + cur_name + u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                self._log(u"Lookup successful, using " + sickbeard.indexerApi(db_result[0]).name + " id " + str(
                return (int(db_result[1]), season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name on the Indexer
        for cur_name in name_list:
            foundInfo = helpers.searchIndexerForShowID(cur_name, self.indexer)
            if foundInfo:
                indexer_id = foundInfo[1]
                    u"Lookup successful, using " + sickbeard.indexerApi(self.indexer).name + " id " + str(indexer_id),
                return (indexer_id, season, episodes)

        return to_return
Пример #21
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name " + repr(name))

        to_return = (None, None, [])

        if not name:
            return to_return

        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
            "Parsed " + name + " into " + str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'),

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)

        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)

        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search(
                    '(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)',
                    parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None

        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on " + cur_name,
            for exceptionID in common.sceneExceptions:
                # for each exception name
                for curException in common.sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                    if cur_name.lower() in (curException.lower(),
                                                    '.', ' ')):
                            u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id " +
                            str(exceptionID) + u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                        return (exceptionID, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up " + cur_name + u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                    u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(db_result[0]),
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                self._log(u"Looking up name " + cur_name + u" on TVDB",
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception), e:
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                        u"Looking up name " + cur_name +
                        u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

Пример #22
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name "+repr(name))
        to_return = (None, None, [])
        if not name:
            return to_return
        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
        self._log("Parsed "+name+" into "+str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'), logger.DEBUG)

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers 

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)
        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(parse_result.series_name)

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)
        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search('(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)', parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None
        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on "+cur_name, logger.DEBUG)
            for exceptionID in common.sceneExceptions:
                # for each exception name
                for curException in common.sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                    if cur_name.lower() in (curException.lower(), sceneHelpers.sanitizeSceneName(curException).lower().replace('.',' ')):
                        self._log(u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id "+str(exceptionID)+u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                        return (exceptionID, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up "+cur_name+u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id "+str(db_result[0]), logger.DEBUG)
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)
        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
                self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception), e:
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **ltvdb_api_parms)

                    self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

Пример #23
    def _addCacheEntry(self,

        myDB = self._getDB()

        parse_result = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(curName)
            except InvalidNameException:
                    u"Unable to parse the filename " + curName +
                    " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not parse_result:
                u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name,
            return False

        if not parse_result.series_name:
                u"No series name retrieved from " + name +
                ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        # if we need tvdb_id or tvrage_id then search the DB for them
        if not tvdb_id or not tvrage_id:

            # if we have only the tvdb_id, use the database
            if tvdb_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                    tvdb_lang = showObj.lang
                        u"We were given a TVDB id " + str(tvdb_id) +
                        " but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvrage_id empty",
                    tvrage_id = 0

            # if we have only a tvrage_id then use the database
            elif tvrage_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainTVRageShow(
                    sickbeard.showList, tvrage_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvdb_id = showObj.tvdbid
                    tvdb_lang = showObj.lang
                        u"We were given a TVRage id " + str(tvrage_id) +
                        " but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvdb_id empty",
                    tvdb_id = 0

            # if they're both empty then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name

                showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
                if showResult:
                        parse_result.series_name + " was found to be show " +
                        showResult[1] + " (" + str(showResult[0]) +
                        ") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = showResult[0]

                        u"Couldn't figure out a show name straight from the DB, trying a regex search instead",
                    for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                        if sceneHelpers.isGoodResult(name, curShow, False):
                                u"Successfully matched " + name + " to " +
                                curShow.name + " with regex", logger.DEBUG)
                            tvdb_id = curShow.tvdbid
                            tvdb_lang = curShow.lang

                if tvdb_id:

                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList,
                    if not showObj:
                            u"This should never have happened, post a bug about this!",
                        raise Exception("BAD STUFF HAPPENED")
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                    tvdb_lang = showObj.lang

        if not season:
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
        if not episodes:
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
        if parse_result.air_by_date and tvdb_id:
                # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                # change the language value elsewhere
                ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                if not (tvdb_lang == "" or tvdb_lang == "en"
                        or tvdb_lang == None):
                    ltvdb_api_parms['language'] = tvdb_lang

                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(**ltvdb_api_parms)
                epObj = t[tvdb_id].airedOn(parse_result.air_date)[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, e:
                    u"Unable to find episode with date " +
                    str(parse_result.air_date) + " for show " +
                    parse_result.series_name + ", skipping", logger.WARNING)
                return False
Пример #24
    def _addCacheEntry(self,

        myDB = self._getDB()

        parse_result = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(curName)
            except InvalidNameException:
                    u"Unable to parse the filename " + curName +
                    " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not parse_result:
                u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name,
            return False

        if not parse_result.series_name:
                u"No series name retrieved from " + name +
                ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        tvdb_lang = None

        # if we need tvdb_id or tvrage_id then search the DB for them
        if not tvdb_id or not tvrage_id:

            # if we have only the tvdb_id, use the database
            if tvdb_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                    tvdb_lang = showObj.lang
                        u"We were given a TVDB id " + str(tvdb_id) +
                        " but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvrage_id empty",
                    tvrage_id = 0

            # if we have only a tvrage_id then use the database
            elif tvrage_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainTVRageShow(
                    sickbeard.showList, tvrage_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvdb_id = showObj.tvdbid
                    tvdb_lang = showObj.lang
                        u"We were given a TVRage id " + str(tvrage_id) +
                        " but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvdb_id empty",
                    tvdb_id = 0

            # if they're both empty then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name

                # check the name cache and see if we already know what show this is
                    u"Checking the cache to see if we already know the tvdb id of "
                    + parse_result.series_name, logger.DEBUG)
                tvdb_id = name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(

                # remember if the cache lookup worked or not so we know whether we should bother updating it later
                if tvdb_id == None:
                        u"No cache results returned, continuing on with the search",
                    from_cache = False
                        u"Cache lookup found " + repr(tvdb_id) +
                        ", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                    from_cache = True

                # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database
                if tvdb_id == None:
                        u"Trying to look the show up in the show database",
                    showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(
                    if showResult:
                            parse_result.series_name +
                            " was found to be show " + showResult[1] + " (" +
                            str(showResult[0]) + ") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                        tvdb_id = showResult[0]

                # if the DB lookup fails then do a comprehensive regex search
                if tvdb_id == None:
                        u"Couldn't figure out a show name straight from the DB, trying a regex search instead",
                    for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                        if show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(
                                name, curShow, False):
                                u"Successfully matched " + name + " to " +
                                curShow.name + " with regex", logger.DEBUG)
                            tvdb_id = curShow.tvdbid
                            tvdb_lang = curShow.lang

                # if tvdb_id was anything but None (0 or a number) then
                if not from_cache:

                # if we came out with tvdb_id = None it means we couldn't figure it out at all, just use 0 for that
                if tvdb_id == None:
                    tvdb_id = 0

                # if we found the show then retrieve the show object
                if tvdb_id:
                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList,
                    if showObj:
                        tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                        tvdb_lang = showObj.lang

        # if we weren't provided with season/episode information then get it from the name that we parsed
        if not season:
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
        if not episodes:
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
        if parse_result.air_by_date and tvdb_id:
                # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                # change the language value elsewhere
                ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                if not (tvdb_lang == "" or tvdb_lang == "en"
                        or tvdb_lang == None):
                    ltvdb_api_parms['language'] = tvdb_lang

                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(**ltvdb_api_parms)
                epObj = t[tvdb_id].airedOn(parse_result.air_date)[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound:
                    u"Unable to find episode with date " +
                    str(parse_result.air_date) + " for show " +
                    parse_result.series_name + ", skipping", logger.WARNING)
                return False
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_error, e:
                logger.log(u"Unable to contact TVDB: " + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
                return False
Пример #25
    def get_show_by_name(self, name, showList, fileName, useTvdb=False):
        if not name:
            self._log(u"Not trying to get the tvdbid. No name given", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        self._log(u"Trying to get the tvdbid for " + name, logger.DEBUG)

        name_orig = name
        name = helpers.sanitizeSceneName(name)
        cacheDB = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
        cacheDB.action("DELETE FROM scene_names WHERE tvdb_id = ?", [0])

        self._log(u"Checking the cache to see if we allready know the tvdb_id of " + name, logger.DEBUG)
        tvdb_id = sickbeard.name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(name)
        if tvdb_id is None:
            from_cache = False
            self._log(u"No cache results returned, continuing on with the search", logger.DEBUG)
            logger.log(u"Cache lookup found "+repr(tvdb_id)+", using that", logger.DEBUG)
            from_cache = True
        #checking scene exception list
        if tvdb_id is None:
            if name in sickbeard.scene_exceptions.exception_tvdb:
                self._log(u"Found " + name + " in the exception list", logger.DEBUG)
                tvdb_id = sickbeard.scene_exceptions.exception_tvdb[name]
                self._log(u"Did NOT find " + name + " in the exception list", logger.DEBUG)
        # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database
        if tvdb_id is None:
            logger.log(u"Trying to look up the show in the show database", logger.DEBUG)
            showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(name_orig)
            if showResult:
                logger.log(name+" was found to be show "+showResult[1]+" ("+str(showResult[0])+") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                tvdb_id = showResult[0]

        # if the DB lookup fails then do a comprehensive regex search
        if tvdb_id is None:
            logger.log(u"Couldn't figure out a show name straight from the DB, trying a regex search instead", logger.DEBUG)
            for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                if sickbeard.show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(fileName, curShow):
                    logger.log(u"Successfully matched "+fileName+" to "+curShow.name+" with regex", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = curShow.tvdbid
        if tvdb_id is None and useTvdb:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
                showObj = t[name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception):
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **ltvdb_api_parms)
                    showObj = t[name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError):

                return None
            except (IOError):
                return None
                tvdb_id = int(showObj["id"])
                #if show:
                #    return show
        # if tvdb_id was anything but None (0 or a number) then
        if not from_cache:
            if tvdb_id > 0:
                sickbeard.name_cache.addNameToCache(name, tvdb_id)
        # if we came out with tvdb_id = None it means we couldn't figure it out at all, just use 0 for that
        if tvdb_id is None:
            tvdb_id = 0
        if tvdb_id:
            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
            if showObj:
                return showObj
        return None
Пример #26
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.

        name: A string which we want to analyze to determine show info from (unicode)

        Returns a (indexer_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name " + repr(name))

        to_return = (None, None, [])

        if not name:
            return to_return

        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)

            "Parsed " + name + " into " + str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'),

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)

        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)

        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group

            # remember whether it's a proper
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search(
                    '(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)',
                    parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None

            # if the result is complete then remember that for later
            if parse_result.series_name and parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.episode_numbers and parse_result.release_group:
                test_name = os.path.basename(name)
                if test_name == self.nzb_name:
                    self.good_results[self.NZB_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.folder_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FOLDER_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.file_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FILE_NAME] = True
                    logger.log(u"Nothing was good, found " + repr(test_name) +
                               " and wanted either " + repr(self.nzb_name) +
                               ", " + repr(self.folder_name) + ", or " +
                    u"Parse result not sufficient(all following have to be set). Will not save release name",
                    "Parse result(series_name): " +
                    str(parse_result.series_name), logger.DEBUG)
                    "Parse result(season_number): " +
                    str(parse_result.season_number), logger.DEBUG)
                    "Parse result(episode_numbers): " +
                    str(parse_result.episode_numbers), logger.DEBUG)
                    "Parse result(release_group): " +
                    str(parse_result.release_group), logger.DEBUG)

        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on " + cur_name,
            scene_id = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
            if scene_id:
                    u"Scene exception lookup got a Indexer ID " +
                    str(scene_id) + ", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                return (scene_id, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up " + cur_name + u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                    u"Lookup successful, using " +
                    sickbeard.indexerApi(db_result[0]).name + " id " +
                    str(db_result[1]), logger.DEBUG)
                return (int(db_result[1]), season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name on the Indexer
        for cur_name in name_list:
            foundInfo = helpers.searchIndexerForShowID(cur_name, self.indexer)
            if foundInfo:
                indexer_id = foundInfo[1]
                    u"Lookup successful, using " +
                    sickbeard.indexerApi(self.indexer).name + " id " +
                    str(indexer_id), logger.DEBUG)
                return (indexer_id, season, episodes)

        return to_return
Пример #27
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url):

        cacheDB = self._getDB()
        parse_result = None
        from_cache = False
        indexer_id = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(name)
            except InvalidNameException:
                logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + name + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
                return None

            if not parse_result:
                logger.log(u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name, logger.DEBUG)
                return None

            if not parse_result.series_name:
                logger.log(u"No series name retrieved from " + name + ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
                return None

                u"Checking the cahe for show:" + str(parse_result.series_name),

            # remember if the cache lookup worked or not so we know whether we should bother updating it later
            cache_id = name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(parse_result.series_name)
            if cache_id:
                logger.log(u"Cache lookup found Indexer ID:" + repr(indexer_id) + ", using that for " + parse_result.series_name, logger.DEBUG)
                from_cache = True
                indexer_id = cache_id

            # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database
                u"Checking the database for show:" + str(parse_result.series_name),

            showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
            if showResult:
                    u"Database lookup found Indexer ID:" + str(showResult[1]) + ", using that for " + parse_result.series_name, logger.DEBUG)
                indexer_id = showResult[1]

        # if we didn't find a Indexer ID return None
        if not indexer_id:
            return None

        # if the show isn't in out database then return None
        try:showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id)
        except:return None

        if not showObj:
            return None

        # if we weren't provided with season/episode information then get it from the name that we parsed
        season = None
        episodes = None
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            sql_results = myDB.select("SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND airdate = ?",
                                      [showObj.indexerid, parse_result.air_date.toordinal()])
            if sql_results > 0:
                season = int(sql_results[0]["season"])
                episodes = [int(sql_results[0]["episode"])]
        elif parse_result.sports:
            sql_results = myDB.select("SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND airdate = ?",
                                      [showObj.indexerid, parse_result.sports_date.toordinal()])
            if sql_results > 0:
                season = int(sql_results[0]["season"])
                episodes = [int(sql_results[0]["episode"])]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        if not (season and episodes):
            return None

        # convert scene numbered releases before storing to cache
        convertedEps = {}
        for curEp in episodes:
            epObj = showObj.getEpisode(season, curEp, sceneConvert=True)
            if not epObj:
                return None
            if not epObj.season in convertedEps:
                convertedEps[epObj.season] = []

        # get the current timestamp
        curTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple()))

        # get quality of release
        quality = Quality.sceneQuality(name)

        if not isinstance(name, unicode):
            name = unicode(name, 'utf-8')

        for season, episodes in convertedEps.items():
            episodeText = "|" + "|".join(map(str, episodes)) + "|"
                "INSERT INTO [" + self.providerID + "] (name, season, episodes, indexerid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                [name, season, episodeText, indexer_id, url, curTimestamp, quality])
Пример #28
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        name: A string which we want to analyze to determine show info from (unicode)
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name "+repr(name))
        to_return = (None, None, [])
        if not name:
            return to_return
        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
        self._log("Parsed "+name+" into "+str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'), logger.DEBUG)

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers 

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)
        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(parse_result.series_name)

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)
        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            # remember whether it's a proper
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search('(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)', parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None
            # if the result is complete then remember that for later
            if parse_result.series_name and parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.episode_numbers and parse_result.release_group:
                test_name = os.path.basename(name)
                if test_name == self.nzb_name:
                    self.good_results[self.NZB_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.folder_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FOLDER_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.file_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FILE_NAME] = True
                    logger.log(u"Nothing was good, found "+repr(test_name)+" and wanted either "+repr(self.nzb_name)+", "+repr(self.folder_name)+", or "+repr(self.file_name))
                logger.log("Parse result not suficent(all folowing have to be set). will not save release name", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.log("Parse result(series_name): " + str(parse_result.series_name), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.log("Parse result(season_number): " + str(parse_result.season_number), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.log("Parse result(episode_numbers): " + str(parse_result.episode_numbers), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.log("Parse result(release_group): " + str(parse_result.release_group), logger.DEBUG)
        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on "+cur_name, logger.DEBUG)
            scene_id = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
            if scene_id:
                self._log(u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id "+str(scene_id)+u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                return (scene_id, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up "+cur_name+u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id "+str(db_result[0]), logger.DEBUG)
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)
        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
                self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception):
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **ltvdb_api_parms)

                    self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError):

            except (IOError):
            self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id "+str(showObj["id"]), logger.DEBUG)
            return (int(showObj["id"]), season, episodes)
        return to_return
Пример #29
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, season=None, episodes=None, tvdb_id=0, tvrage_id=0, quality=None, extraNames=[]):

        myDB = self._getDB()

        parse_result = None

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
        for curName in [name] + extraNames:
                myParser = NameParser()
                parse_result = myParser.parse(curName)
            except InvalidNameException:
                logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not parse_result:
            logger.log(u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: "+name, logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        if not parse_result.series_name:
            logger.log(u"No series name retrieved from "+name+", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return False

        # if we need tvdb_id or tvrage_id then search the DB for them
        if not tvdb_id or not tvrage_id:

            # if we have only the tvdb_id, use the database
            if tvdb_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid
                    logger.log(u"We were given a TVDB id "+str(tvdb_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvrage_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvrage_id = 0

            # if we have only a tvrage_id then use the database
            elif tvrage_id:
                showObj = helpers.findCertainTVRageShow(sickbeard.showList, tvrage_id)
                if showObj:
                    tvdb_id = showObj.tvdbid
                    logger.log(u"We were given a TVRage id "+str(tvrage_id)+" but it doesn't match a show we have in our list, so leaving tvdb_id empty", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = 0

            # if they're both empty then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name

                showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
                if showResult:
                    logger.log(parse_result.series_name+" was found to be show "+showResult[1]+" ("+str(showResult[0])+") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG)
                    tvdb_id = showResult[0]

                    logger.log(u"Couldn't figure out a show name straight from the DB, trying a regex search instead", logger.DEBUG)
                    for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                        if sceneHelpers.isGoodResult(name, curShow, False):
                            logger.log(u"Successfully matched "+name+" to "+curShow.name+" with regex", logger.DEBUG)
                            tvdb_id = curShow.tvdbid

                if tvdb_id:

                    showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)
                    if not showObj:
                        logger.log(u"This should never have happened, post a bug about this!", logger.ERROR)
                        raise Exception("BAD STUFF HAPPENED")
                    tvrage_id = showObj.tvrid

        if not season:
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
        if not episodes:
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers
        if parse_result.air_by_date and tvdb_id:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(**sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
                epObj = t[tvdb_id].airedOn(parse_result.air_date)[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, e:
                logger.log(u"Unable to find episode with date "+str(parse_result.air_date)+" for show "+parse_result.series_name+", skipping", logger.WARNING)
                return False
Пример #30
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        name: A string which we want to analyze to determine show info from (unicode)
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name " + repr(name))

        to_return = (None, None, [])

        if not name:
            return to_return

        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
            "Parsed " + name + " into " + str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'),

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)

        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)

        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group

            # remember whether it's a proper
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search(
                    '(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)',
                    parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None

            # if the result is complete then remember that for later
            if parse_result.series_name and parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.episode_numbers and parse_result.release_group:
                test_name = os.path.basename(name)
                if test_name == self.nzb_name:
                    self.good_results[self.NZB_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.folder_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FOLDER_NAME] = True
                elif test_name == self.file_name:
                    self.good_results[self.FILE_NAME] = True
                    logger.log(u"Nothing was good, found " + repr(test_name) +
                               " and wanted either " + repr(self.nzb_name) +
                               ", " + repr(self.folder_name) + ", or " +
                    "Parse result not suficent(all folowing have to be set). will not save release name",
                    "Parse result(series_name): " +
                    str(parse_result.series_name), logger.DEBUG)
                    "Parse result(season_number): " +
                    str(parse_result.season_number), logger.DEBUG)
                    "Parse result(episode_numbers): " +
                    str(parse_result.episode_numbers), logger.DEBUG)
                    "Parse result(release_group): " +
                    str(parse_result.release_group), logger.DEBUG)

        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on " + cur_name,
            scene_id = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
            if scene_id:
                    u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id " + str(scene_id) +
                    u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                return (scene_id, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up " + cur_name + u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                    u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(db_result[0]),
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                self._log(u"Looking up name " + cur_name + u" on TVDB",
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception):
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                        u"Looking up name " + cur_name +
                        u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError):

            except (IOError):

                u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(showObj["id"]),
            return (int(showObj["id"]), season, episodes)

        return to_return
Пример #31
def processFile(fileName, downloadDir=None, nzbName=None):

    returnStr = ''

    folderName = None
    if downloadDir != None:
        folderName = downloadDir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
    returnStr += logHelper("Processing file "+fileName+" (with folder name "+str(folderName)+" and NZB name "+str(nzbName)+")", logger.DEBUG)

    finalNameList = []

    for curName in (fileName, folderName, nzbName):
        if curName != None:
            for curSceneName in sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(curName):
                if curSceneName not in finalNameList:

    showResults = None
    result = None
    tvdb_id = None
    season = None
    episodes = []
    # first try looking up every name in our history
    for curName in finalNameList:

        historyResult = findInHistory(curName)
        if historyResult:
            returnStr += logHelper("Result from history: "+str(historyResult)+" from "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            (tvdb_id, season, episode) = historyResult
            episodes = [episode]
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)

    # if that didn't work then try manually parsing and searching them on TVDB
    for curName in finalNameList:
        # if we already have the info from the history then don't bother with this
        if tvdb_id != None and season != None and episodes != []:

        # set all search stuff to defaults so we don't carry results over from the last iteration
        tvdb_id = None
        season = None
        episodes = []
            returnStr += logHelper("Attempting to parse name "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            myParser = FileParser(curName)
            result = myParser.parse()

            season = result.seasonnumber
            episodes = result.episodenumbers
        except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not result.seriesname:
            returnStr += logHelper("Filename "+curName+" has no series name, unable to use this name for processing", logger.DEBUG)

        if not episodes:
            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to find an episode number in the filename "+curName+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)

        # reverse-lookup the scene exceptions
        sceneID = None
        for exceptionID in sceneExceptions:
            if curName == sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                sceneID = exceptionID

            returnStr += logHelper("Looking up name "+result.seriesname+" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
            t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)

            # get the tvdb object from either the scene exception ID or the series name
            if sceneID:
                showObj = t[sceneID]
                showObj = t[result.seriesname]
            showInfo = (int(showObj["id"]), showObj["seriesname"])
        except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to look up show on TVDB: "+str(e), logger.DEBUG)
            returnStr += logHelper("Looking up show in DB instead", logger.DEBUG)
            showInfo = helpers.searchDBForShow(result.seriesname)

        if showInfo:
            tvdb_id = showInfo[0]

        # if it is an air-by-date show and we successfully found it on TVDB, convert the date into a season/episode
        if season == -1 and showObj:
                epObj = showObj.airedOn(episodes[0])[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, e:
                returnStr += logHelper("Unable to find episode with date "+str(episodes[0])+" for show "+showObj["seriesname"]+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)
Пример #32
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file_name=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.

        name: A string which we want to analyze to determine show info from (unicode)

        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes], quality) tuple. tvdb_id, season, quality may be None and episodes may be [].
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name " + repr(name))

        to_return = (None, None, [], None)

        if not name:
            return to_return

        name = helpers.remove_non_release_groups(helpers.remove_extension(name))

        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(False)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
        self._log(u"Parsed " + name + " into " + str(parse_result).decode('utf-8', 'xmlcharrefreplace'), logger.DEBUG)

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        to_return = (None, season, episodes, None)

        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = show_name_helpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(parse_result.series_name)

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes, None)

        # try finding name in DB
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up " + cur_name + u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(db_result[0]), logger.DEBUG)
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes, None)

        # try finding name in scene exceptions
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on " + cur_name, logger.DEBUG)
            scene_id = scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name(cur_name)
            if scene_id:
                self._log(u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id " + str(scene_id) + u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                return (scene_id, season, episodes, None)

        # try finding name on TVDB
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)

                self._log(u"Looking up name " + cur_name + u" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception):
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **ltvdb_api_parms)

                    self._log(u"Looking up name " + cur_name + u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError):

            except (IOError):

            self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(showObj["id"]), logger.DEBUG)
            return (int(showObj["id"]), season, episodes, None)

        return to_return
Пример #33
    def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, quality=None):
        indexerid = None
        in_cache = False

        # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it
            myParser = NameParser()
            parse_result = myParser.parse(name)
        except InvalidNameException:
                u"Unable to parse the filename " + name +
                " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        if not parse_result:
                u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name,
            return None

        if not parse_result.series_name:
                u"No series name retrieved from " + name +
                ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG)
            return None

        cacheResult = sickbeard.name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(
        if cacheResult:
            in_cache = True
            indexerid = int(cacheResult)
        elif cacheResult == 0:
            return None

        if not indexerid:
            showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name)
            if showResult:
                indexerid = int(showResult[0])

        if not indexerid:
            for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                if show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(name, curShow, False):
                    indexerid = curShow.indexerid

        showObj = None
        if indexerid:
            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexerid)

        if not showObj:
                u"No match for show: [" + parse_result.series_name +
                "], not caching ...", logger.DEBUG)
            sickbeard.name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, 0)
            return None

        # scene -> indexer numbering
        parse_result = parse_result.convert(showObj)

        season = episodes = None
        if parse_result.air_by_date or parse_result.sports:
            myDB = db.DBConnection()

            airdate = parse_result.air_date.toordinal(
            ) or parse_result.sports_event_date.toordinal()
            sql_results = myDB.select(
                "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND indexer = ? AND airdate = ?",
                [indexerid, showObj.indexer, airdate])
            if sql_results > 0:
                season = int(sql_results[0]["season"])
                episodes = [int(sql_results[0]["episode"])]
            season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        if season and episodes:
            # store episodes as a seperated string
            episodeText = "|" + "|".join(map(str, episodes)) + "|"

            # get the current timestamp
            curTimestamp = int(

            # get quality of release
            if quality is None:
                quality = Quality.sceneQuality(name)

            if not isinstance(name, unicode):
                name = unicode(name, 'utf-8')

                u"Added RSS item: [" + name + "] to cache: [" +
                self.providerID + "]", logger.DEBUG)

            if not in_cache:

            return [
                "INSERT INTO [" + self.providerID +
                "] (name, season, episodes, indexerid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                    name, season, episodeText, indexerid, url, curTimestamp,