Пример #1
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(Kml, self).__init__()
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
     self._networklinkcontrol = None
     self._hint = None
     self._parsetext = True
     self._outputkmz = False
     self._images = []
     self._foundimages = []
     self._namespaces = ['xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"', 'xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2"']
     self._processedstyles = []
Пример #2
    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        0 or 1 top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document`. This property can be set to an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document` or :class:`simplekml.Folder` or to
        remove it completely set it to None


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            kml.document = simplekml.Folder(name = "Top Level Folder")
            kml.save('Document Replacement.kml')
        if self._feature is None:
            self._feature = Document()
        return self._feature
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(Kml, self).__init__()
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
     self._networklinkcontrol = None
     self._hint = None
     self._parsetext = True
     self._outputkmz = False
     self._images = []
     self._foundimages = []
     self._namespaces = ['xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"', 'xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2"']
     self._processedstyles = []
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Creates the Kml document with a [Document] as the top level feature.

        Keyword Arguments:
        name (string)            -- name of placemark (default None)
        visibility (int)         -- whether the feature is shown (default 1)
        open (int)               -- whether open or closed in Places (default 0)
        atomauthor (string)      -- author of the document (default None)
        atomlink (string)        -- URL containing this KML (default None)
        address (string)         -- standard address (default None)
        xaladdressdetails(string)-- address as xAL (default None)
        phonenumber (string)     -- phone number for Maps mobile (default None)
        snippet ([Snippet])      -- short description of feature (default None)
        description (string)     -- description shown in balloon (default None)
        camera ([Camera])        -- camera that views the scene (default None)
        lookat ([LookAt])        -- camera relative to feature (default None)
        timestamp ([TimeStamp])  -- single moment in time (default None)
        timespan ([TimeSpan])    -- period of time (default None)
        region ([Region])        -- bounding box of features (default None)

        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
Пример #5
    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        0 or 1 top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document`. This property can be set to an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document` or :class:`simplekml.Folder` or to
        remove it completely set it to None


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            kml.document = simplekml.Folder(name = "Top Level Folder")
            kml.save('Document Replacement.kml')
        if self._feature is None:
            self._feature = Document()
        return self._feature
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Creates the Kml document with a [Document] as the top level feature.

        Keyword Arguments:
        name (string)            -- name of placemark (default None)
        visibility (int)         -- whether the feature is shown (default 1)
        open (int)               -- whether open or closed in Places (default 0)
        atomauthor (string)      -- author of the document (default None)
        atomlink (string)        -- URL containing this KML (default None)
        address (string)         -- standard address (default None)
        xaladdressdetails(string)-- address as xAL (default None)
        phonenumber (string)     -- phone number for Maps mobile (default None)
        snippet ([Snippet])      -- short description of feature (default None)
        description (string)     -- description shown in balloon (default None)
        camera ([Camera])        -- camera that views the scene (default None)
        lookat ([LookAt])        -- camera relative to feature (default None)
        timestamp ([TimeStamp])  -- single moment in time (default None)
        timespan ([TimeSpan])    -- period of time (default None)
        region ([Region])        -- bounding box of features (default None)

        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
Пример #7
class Kml(Kmlable):
    """The main class that represents a KML file.

    This class represents a KML file, and the compilation of the KML file will
    be done through this class. The base feature is a document, all arguments
    passed to the class on creation are the same as that of a
    :class:`simplekml.Document`. To change any properties after creation you can
    do so through the :attr:`simplekml.Kml.document` property
    (eg. `kml.document.name = "Test"`). For a description of what the
    arguments mean see the KML reference documentation published by Google:

    Simple Example::

        from simplekml import Kml
        kml = Kml(name='KmlUsage')
        kml.newpoint(name="Kirstenbosch", coords=[(18.432314,-33.988862)])  # A simple Point
        kml.save("KmlClass.kml")  # Saving
        kml.savekmz("KmlClass.kmz", format=False)  # Saving as KMZ
        print kml.kml()  # Printing out the kml to screen
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Kml, self).__init__()
        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
        self._networklinkcontrol = None
        self._hint = None
        self._parsetext = True
        self._outputkmz = False
        self._images = []
        self._foundimages = []
        self._namespaces = [
        self._processedstyles = []

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Root KML object>"

    def _getnamespaces(self):
        """Return the namespaces as a string."""
        return " ".join(self._namespaces)

    def addfile(self, path):
        """Adds an file to a KMZ and returns the path contained inside of the KMZ (files/...)

        This is useful for including images in a KMZ that are referenced from description balloons, as these files
        are not automatically included in a KMZ.


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            path = kml.addfile("a/path/to/somefile.file")
            pnt = pnt.newpoint()
            pnt.description = '<img src="' + path +'" alt="picture" width="400" height="300" align="left" />'

        *New in version 1.2.0*
        return os.path.join('files', os.path.split(path)[1]).replace("\\", "/")

    def features(self):
        """Returns a list of all the features that have been attached to the top level document."""
        return self.document.features

    def allfeatures(self):
        """Returns a list of all the features that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub features.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allfeatures

    def geometries(self):
        """Returns a list of all the geometries that have been attached to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.geometries

    def allgeometries(self):
        """Returns a list of all the geometries that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub geometries.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allgeometries

    def containers(self):
        """Returns a list of all the containers that have been attached to to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.containers

    def allcontainers(self):
        """Returns a list of all the containers that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub containers.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allcontainers

    def styles(self):
        """Returns a list of all the styles that have been attached to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.styles

    def allstyles(self):
        """Returns a list of all the styles that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub styles.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allstyles

    def stylemaps(self):
        """Returns a list of all the stylemaps that have been attached to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.stylemaps

    def allstylemaps(self):
        """Returns a list of all the stylemaps that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub stylemaps.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allstylemaps

    def hint(self):
        """Assign a hint attribute to the KML tag.

        Possible values to use are:
          * target=moon
          * target=sky
          * target=mars


            from simplekml import Kml
            kml = Kml()
            kml.hint = 'target=moon'
            print kml.kml()


        .. code-block:: xml

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <kml hint="target=moon" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">
                <Document id="feat_1"/>

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self._hint

    def hint(self, hint):
        self._hint = hint

    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        0 or 1 top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document`. This property can be set to an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document` or :class:`simplekml.Folder` or to
        remove it completely set it to None


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            kml.document = simplekml.Folder(name = "Top Level Folder")
            kml.save('Document Replacement.kml')
        if self._feature is None:
            self._feature = Document()
        return self._feature

    @check(Container, True)
    def document(self, doc):
        self._feature = doc

    def _genkml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if format = True."""
        Kmlable._compiling = True
        self._processedstyles = []
        kml_str = ""
        if self._feature is not None:
            kml_str = self._feature.__str__()
        networklinkcontrol_str = ""
        if self._networklinkcontrol is not None:
            networklinkcontrol_str = self._networklinkcontrol.__str__()
        if self._hint is not None:
            hint = ' hint="{0}"'.format(self._hint)
            hint = ''
        xml_str = u("<kml {0}{2}>{1}{3}</kml>").format(self._getnamespaces(),
                                                       kml_str, hint,
        if format:
            kml_str = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str.encode("utf-8"))
            Kmlable._compiling = False
            return kml_str.toprettyxml(indent="    ",
            Kmlable._compiling = False
            return xml_str

    def parsetext(self, parse=True):
        """Sets the behavior of how text tags are parsed.

        If True the values of the text tags (<name>, <description> and <text>)
        are escaped, so that the values are rendered properly. If False, the
        values are left as is. In both cases the CDATA element is left unchanged.

        *Changed in version 1.1.0*
        self._parsetext = parse

    def kml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if `format = True`.

        PrettyPrinted Example (default)::

            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            pnt = kml.newpoint(name='A Point')
            pnt.coords = [(1.0, 2.0)]
            print kml.kml()

        PrettyPrinted Result:

        .. code-block:: xml

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">
                <Document id="feat_1">
                    <Placemark id="feat_2">
                        <name>A Point</name>
                        <Point id="geom_0">

        Single Line Example::

            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            pnt = kml.newpoint(name='A Point')
            pnt.coords = [(1.0, 2.0)]
            print kml.kml(False)

        Single Line Result:

        .. code-block:: xml

            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2"><Document id="feat_1"><Placemark id="feat_2"><name>A Point</name><Point id="geom_0"><coordinates>1.0,2.0,0.0</coordinates></Point></Placemark></Document></kml>

        Kmlable._currentroot = self
        self._outputkmz = False
        return self._genkml(format)

    def save(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in one long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted" (as formatted xml). This works the same as :func:`simplekml.Kml.kml`


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            #kml.save("Saving.kml", False)  # or this
        Kmlable._currentroot = self
        self._outputkmz = False
        out = self._genkml(format)
        f = codecs.open(path, 'wb', 'utf-8')

    def savekmz(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml as a kmz to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in a long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted". This works the same as :func:`simplekml.Kml.kml`


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            #kml.savekmz("Saving.kml", False)  # or this
        Kmlable._currentroot = self
        self._outputkmz = True
        out = self._genkml(format).encode('utf-8')
        kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        kmz.writestr("doc.kml", out)
        for image in self._images:
            kmz.write(image, os.path.join('files', os.path.split(image)[1]))
        for image in self._foundimages:
            kmz.write(image, os.path.join('files', os.path.split(image)[1]))

    def newdocument(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Document`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as for :class:`simplekml.Document`.
        See :class:`simplekml.Document` for usage.
        return self.document.newdocument(**kwargs)

    def newfolder(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Folder`.

        The folder is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Folder`
        See :class:`simplekml.Folder` for usage.
        return self.document.newfolder(**kwargs)

    def newpoint(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Point`.

        The point is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Point`
        See :class:`simplekml.Point` for usage.
        return self.document.newpoint(**kwargs)

    def newlinestring(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.LineString`.

        The linestring is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as for :class:`simplekml.LineString`
        See :class:`simplekml.LineString` for usage.
        return self.document.newlinestring(**kwargs)

    def newpolygon(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Polygon`.

        The polygon is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Polygon`
        See :class:`simplekml.Polygon` for usage.
        return self.document.newpolygon(**kwargs)

    def newmultigeometry(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`.

        The multigeometry is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as
        for :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`. See :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry` for usage.
        return self.document.newmultigeometry(**kwargs)

    def newgroundoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`.

        The groundoverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newgroundoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newscreenoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`.

        The screenoverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newscreenoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newphotooverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`.

        The photooverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newphotooverlay(**kwargs)

    def newnetworklink(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`.

        The networklink is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`. See :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink` for usage.
        return self.document.newnetworklink(**kwargs)

    def newmodel(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Model`.

        The model is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Model`
        return self.document.newmodel(**kwargs)

    def newschema(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Schema`.

        The schem is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Schema`
        return self.document.newschema(**kwargs)

    def newgxtrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`.

        The gxtrack is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`
        See :class:`simplekml.GxTrack` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxtrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxmultitrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`.

        The gxmultitrack is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`. See :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxmultitrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxtour(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTour`.

        The tour is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTour`
        See :class:`simplekml.GxTour` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxtour(**kwargs)

    def networklinkcontrol(self):
        """Accesses/Creates the :class:`simplekml.NetworkLinkControl`.

        See :class:`simplekml.NetworkLinkControl` for usage example.

        *New in version 1.1.1*
        if self._networklinkcontrol is None:
            self._networklinkcontrol = NetworkLinkControl()
        return self._networklinkcontrol

    def networklinkcontrol(self, networklinkcontrol):
        self._networklinkcontrol = networklinkcontrol
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
     self._networklinkcontrol = None
     self._hint = None
Пример #9
class Kml(object):
    """The main class that represents a KML file.

    This class represents a KML file, and the compilation of the KML file will
    be done through this class. The base feature is a document, all arguments
    passed to the class on creation are the same as that of a
    :class:`simplekml.Document`. To change any properties after creation you can
    do so through the :attr:`simplekml.Kml.document` property
    (eg. `kml.document.name = "Test"`). For a description of what the
    arguments mean see the KML reference documentation published by Google:

    Simple Example::

        from simplekml import Kml
        kml = Kml(name='KmlUsage')
        kml.newpoint(name="Kirstenbosch", coords=[(18.432314,-33.988862)])  # A simple Point
        kml.save("KmlClass.kml")  # Saving
        kml.savekmz("KmlClass.kmz", format=False)  # Saving as KMZ
        print kml.kml()  # Printing out the kml to screen

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
        self._networklinkcontrol = None
        self._hint = None

    def features(self):
        """Returns a list of all the features that have been attached to the top level document."""
        return self.document.features

    def allfeatures(self):
        """Returns a list of all the features that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub features.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allfeatures

    def geometries(self):
        """Returns a list of all the geometries that have been attached to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.geometries

    def allgeometries(self):
        """Returns a list of all the geometries that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub geometries.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allgeometries

    def containers(self):
        """Returns a list of all the containers that have been attached to to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.containers

    def allcontainers(self):
        """Returns a list of all the containers that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub containers.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allcontainers

    def styles(self):
        """Returns a list of all the styles that have been attached to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.styles

    def allstyles(self):
        """Returns a list of all the styles that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub styles.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allstyles

    def stylemaps(self):
        """Returns a list of all the stylemaps that have been attached to the top level document.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.stylemaps

    def allstylemaps(self):
        """Returns a list of all the stylemaps that have been attached to the top level document, and all sub stylemaps.

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self.document.allstylemaps
    def hint(self):
        """Assign a hint attribute to the KML tag.

        Possible values to use are:
          * target=moon
          * target=sky
          * target=mars


            from simplekml import Kml
            kml = Kml()
            kml.hint = 'target=moon'
            print kml.kml()


        .. code-block:: xml

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <kml hint="target=moon" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">
                <Document id="feat_1"/>

        *New in version 1.1.0*
        return self._hint
    def hint(self, hint):
        self._hint = hint

    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        0 or 1 top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document`. This property can be set to an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document` or :class:`simplekml.Folder` or to
        remove it completely set it to None


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            kml.document = simplekml.Folder(name = "Top Level Folder")
            kml.save('Document Replacement.kml')
        if self._feature is None:
            self._feature = Document()
        return self._feature

    @check(Container, True)
    def document(self, doc):
        self._feature = doc

    def _genkml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if format = True."""
        kml_str = ""
        if self._feature is not None:
            kml_str = self._feature.__str__()
        networklinkcontrol_str = ""
        if self._networklinkcontrol is not None:
            networklinkcontrol_str = self._networklinkcontrol.__str__()
        if self._hint is not None:
            hint = ' hint="{0}"'.format(self._hint)
            hint = ''
        xml_str = u("<kml {0}{2}>{1}{3}</kml>").format(Kmlable._getnamespaces(), kml_str, hint, networklinkcontrol_str)
        if format:
           kml_str = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str.encode("utf-8"))
           return kml_str.toprettyxml(indent="    ", newl="\n", encoding="UTF-8").decode("utf-8")
            return xml_str

    def parsetext(self, parse=True):
        """Sets the behavior of how text tags are parsed.

        If True the values of the text tags (<name>, <description> and <text>)
        are escaped, so that the values are rendered properly. If False, the
        values are left as is. In both cases the CDATA element is left unchanged.

        *Changed in version 1.1.0*

    def kml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if `format = True`.

        PrettyPrinted Example (default)::

            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            pnt = kml.newpoint(name='A Point')
            pnt.coords = [(1.0, 2.0)]
            print kml.kml()

        PrettyPrinted Result:

        .. code-block:: xml

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">
                <Document id="feat_1">
                    <Placemark id="feat_2">
                        <name>A Point</name>
                        <Point id="geom_0">

        Single Line Example::

            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            pnt = kml.newpoint(name='A Point')
            pnt.coords = [(1.0, 2.0)]
            print kml.kml(False)

        Single Line Result:

        .. code-block:: xml

            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2"><Document id="feat_1"><Placemark id="feat_2"><name>A Point</name><Point id="geom_0"><coordinates>1.0,2.0,0.0</coordinates></Point></Placemark></Document></kml>

        return self._genkml(format)

    def save(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in one long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted" (as formatted xml). This works the same as :func:`simplekml.Kml.kml`


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            #kml.save("Saving.kml", False)  # or this
        out = self._genkml(format)
        f = codecs.open(path, 'wb', 'utf-8')

    def savekmz(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml as a kmz to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in a long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted". This works the same as :func:`simplekml.Kml.kml`


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            #kml.savekmz("Saving.kml", False)  # or this
        out = self._genkml(format).encode('utf-8')
        kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        kmz.writestr("doc.kml", out)
        for image in Kmlable._getimages():
            kmz.write(image, os.path.join('files', os.path.split(image)[1]))

    def newdocument(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Document`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as for :class:`simplekml.Document`.
        See :class:`simplekml.Document` for usage.
        return self.document.newdocument(**kwargs)

    def newfolder(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Folder`.

        The folder is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Folder`
        See :class:`simplekml.Folder` for usage.
        return self.document.newfolder(**kwargs)

    def newpoint(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Point`.

        The point is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Point`
        See :class:`simplekml.Point` for usage.
        return self.document.newpoint(**kwargs)

    def newlinestring(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.LineString`.

        The linestring is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as for :class:`simplekml.LineString`
        See :class:`simplekml.LineString` for usage.
        return self.document.newlinestring(**kwargs)

    def newpolygon(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Polygon`.

        The polygon is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Polygon`
        See :class:`simplekml.Polygon` for usage.
        return self.document.newpolygon(**kwargs)

    def newmultigeometry(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`.

        The multigeometry is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as
        for :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`. See :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry` for usage.
        return self.document.newmultigeometry(**kwargs)

    def newgroundoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`.

        The groundoverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newgroundoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newscreenoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`.

        The screenoverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newscreenoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newphotooverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`.

        The photooverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newphotooverlay(**kwargs)

    def newnetworklink(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`.

        The networklink is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`. See :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink` for usage.
        return self.document.newnetworklink(**kwargs)

    def newmodel(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Model`.

        The model is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Model`
        return self.document.newmodel(**kwargs)

    def newschema(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Schema`.

        The schem is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Schema`
        return self.document.newschema(**kwargs)

    def newgxtrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`.

        The gxtrack is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`
        See :class:`simplekml.GxTrack` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxtrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxmultitrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`.

        The gxmultitrack is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`. See :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxmultitrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxtour(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTour`.

        The tour is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTour`
        See :class:`simplekml.GxTour` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxtour(**kwargs)

    def networklinkcontrol(self):
        """Accesses/Creates the :class:`simplekml.NetworkLinkControl`.

        See :class:`simplekml.NetworkLinkControl` for usage example.

        *New in version 1.1.1*
        if self._networklinkcontrol is None:
            self._networklinkcontrol = NetworkLinkControl()
        return self._networklinkcontrol

    def networklinkcontrol(self, networklinkcontrol):
        self._networklinkcontrol = networklinkcontrol

    def addfile(self, path):
        """Adds an file to a KMZ and returns the path contained inside of the KMZ (files/...)

        This is useful for including images in a KMZ that are referenced from description balloons, as these files
        are not automatically included in a KMZ.


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            path = kml.addfile("a/path/to/somefile.file")
            pnt = pnt.newpoint()
            pnt.description = '<img src="' + path +'" alt="picture" width="400" height="300" align="left" />'

        *New in version 1.2.0*
        return os.path.join('files', os.path.split(path)[1]).replace("\\", "/")
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
Пример #11
class Kml(object):
    """The main class that represents a KML file.

    This class represents a KML file, and the compilation of the KML file will
    be done through this class. The base feature is a document, all arguments
    passed to the class on creation are the same as that of a
    :class:`simplekml.Document`. To change any properties after creation you can
    do so through the :attr:`simplekml.Kml.document` property
    (eg. `kml.document.name = "Test"`). For a description of what the
    arguments mean see the KML reference documentation published by Google:


        from simplekml import Kml

        kml = Kml(name='KmlUsage')
        kml.newpoint(name="Kirstenbosch", coords=[(18.432314,-33.988862)])  # A simple Point
        kml.save("KmlClass.kml")  # Saving
        kml.savekmz("KmlClass.kmz", format=False)  # Saving as KMZ

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)

    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        A top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document`. This property can be set to an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document` or :class:`simplekml.Folder`
        return self._feature

    def document(self, doc):
        self._feature = doc

    def _genkml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if format = True."""
        kml_str = self._feature.__str__()
        xml_str = u("<kml {0}>{1}</kml>").format(Kmlable._getnamespaces(), kml_str)
        if format:
           kml_str = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str.encode("utf-8"))
           return kml_str.toprettyxml(indent="    ", newl="\n", encoding="UTF-8").decode("utf-8")
            return xml_str

    def parsetext(self, parse=True):
        """Sets the behavior of how text tags are parsed.

        If True the values of the text tags (<name>, <description> and <text>)
        are escaped, so that the values are rendered properly. If False, the
        values are left as is. If the CDATA element is being used to escape
        the text strings, them set this to False.

    def kml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if `format = True`, see :func:`simplekml.Kml.save` for an example."""
        return self._genkml(format)

    def save(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in one long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted" (as formatted xml) as shown below:


        .. code-block:: xml

            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:xal="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0"><Document id="feat_1"><name>KmlUsage</name><Placemark id="feat_2"><name>Kirstenbosch</name><Point id="geom_0"><coordinates>18.432314,-33.988862,0.0</coordinates></Point></Placemark></Document></kml>

        .. code-block:: xml

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:xal="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0">
                <Document id="feat_1">
                    <Placemark id="feat_2">
                        <Point id="geom_0">

        out = self._genkml(format)
        f = codecs.open(path, 'wb', 'utf-8')

    def savekmz(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml as a kmz to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in a long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted" (as formatted xml), see
        :func:`simplekml.Kml.save` for an example.
        out = self._genkml(format).encode('utf-8')
        kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        kmz.writestr("doc.kml", out)
        for image in Kmlable._getimages():
            kmz.write(image, os.path.join('files', os.path.split(image)[1]))

    def newdocument(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Document`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Document`
        return self.document.newdocument(**kwargs)

    def newfolder(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Folder`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Folder`
        return self.document.newfolder(**kwargs)

    def newpoint(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Point`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Point`
        return self.document.newpoint(**kwargs)

    def newlinestring(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.LineString`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.LineString`
        return self.document.newlinestring(**kwargs)

    def newpolygon(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Polygon`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Polygon`
        return self.document.newpolygon(**kwargs)

    def newmultigeometry(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`
        return self.document.newmultigeometry(**kwargs)

    def newgroundoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`
        return self.document.newgroundoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newscreenoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`
        return self.document.newscreenoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newphotooverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`
        return self.document.newphotooverlay(**kwargs)

    def newnetworklink(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`
        return self.document.newnetworklink(**kwargs)

    def newmodel(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Model`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Model`
        return self.document.newmodel(**kwargs)

    def newschema(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Schema`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Schema`
        return self.document.newschema(**kwargs)

    def newgxtrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`
        return self.document.newgxtrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxmultitrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`
        return self.document.newgxmultitrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxtour(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTour`.

        The tour is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTour`
        return self.document.newgxtour(**kwargs)
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self._feature = Document(**kwargs)
Пример #13
class Kml(object):
    """The main class that represents a KML file.

    This class represents a KML file, and the compilation of the KML file will
    be done through this class. The base feature is a document, all arguments
    passed to the class on creation are the same as that of a
    :class:`simplekml.Document`. To change any properties after creation you can
    do so through the :attr:`simplekml.Kml.document` property
    (eg. `kml.document.name = "Test"`). For a description of what the
    arguments mean see the KML reference documentation published by Google:

    Simple Example::

        from simplekml import Kml
        kml = Kml(name='KmlUsage')
        kml.newpoint(name="Kirstenbosch", coords=[(18.432314,-33.988862)])  # A simple Point
        kml.save("KmlClass.kml")  # Saving
        kml.savekmz("KmlClass.kmz", format=False)  # Saving as KMZ
        print kml.kml()  # Printing out the kml to screen

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)

    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        A top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document`. This property can be set to an
        instance of :class:`simplekml.Document` or :class:`simplekml.Folder`


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            kml.document = simplekml.Folder(name = "Top Level Folder")
            kml.save('Document Replacement.kml')
        return self._feature

    @check(Container, True)
    def document(self, doc):
        self._feature = doc

    def _genkml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if format = True."""
        kml_str = self._feature.__str__()
        xml_str = u("<kml {0}>{1}</kml>").format(Kmlable._getnamespaces(), kml_str)
        if format:
           kml_str = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str.encode("utf-8"))
           return kml_str.toprettyxml(indent="    ", newl="\n", encoding="UTF-8").decode("utf-8")
            return xml_str

    def parsetext(self, parse=True):
        """Sets the behavior of how text tags are parsed.

        If True the values of the text tags (<name>, <description> and <text>)
        are escaped, so that the values are rendered properly. If False, the
        values are left as is. If the CDATA element is being used to escape
        the text strings, them set this to False.

    def kml(self, format=True):
        """Returns the kml as a string or "prettyprinted" if `format = True`.

        PrettyPrinted Example (default)::

            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            pnt = kml.newpoint(name='A Point')
            pnt.coords = [(1.0, 2.0)]
            print kml.kml()

        PrettyPrinted Result:

        .. code-block:: xml

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2">
                <Document id="feat_1">
                    <Placemark id="feat_2">
                        <name>A Point</name>
                        <Point id="geom_0">

        Single Line Example::

            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            pnt = kml.newpoint(name='A Point')
            pnt.coords = [(1.0, 2.0)]
            print kml.kml(False)

        Single Line Result:

        .. code-block:: xml

            <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2"><Document id="feat_1"><Placemark id="feat_2"><name>A Point</name><Point id="geom_0"><coordinates>1.0,2.0,0.0</coordinates></Point></Placemark></Document></kml>

        return self._genkml(format)

    def save(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in one long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted" (as formatted xml). This works the same as :func:`simplekml.Kml.kml`


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            #kml.save("Saving.kml", False)  # or this
        out = self._genkml(format)
        f = codecs.open(path, 'wb', 'utf-8')

    def savekmz(self, path, format=True):
        """Save the kml as a kmz to the given file supplied by `path`.

        The KML is saved to a file in a long string if `format=False` else it
        gets saved "prettyprinted". This works the same as :func:`simplekml.Kml.kml`


            import simplekml
            kml = simplekml.Kml()
            #kml.savekmz("Saving.kml", False)  # or this
        out = self._genkml(format).encode('utf-8')
        kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        kmz.writestr("doc.kml", out)
        for image in Kmlable._getimages():
            kmz.write(image, os.path.join('files', os.path.split(image)[1]))

    def newdocument(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Document`.

        The document is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as for :class:`simplekml.Document`.
        See :class:`simplekml.Document` for usage.
        return self.document.newdocument(**kwargs)

    def newfolder(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Folder`.

        The folder is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Folder`
        See :class:`simplekml.Folder` for usage.
        return self.document.newfolder(**kwargs)

    def newpoint(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Point`.

        The point is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Point`
        See :class:`simplekml.Point` for usage.
        return self.document.newpoint(**kwargs)

    def newlinestring(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.LineString`.

        The linestring is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as for :class:`simplekml.LineString`
        See :class:`simplekml.LineString` for usage.
        return self.document.newlinestring(**kwargs)

    def newpolygon(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Polygon`.

        The polygon is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.Polygon`
        See :class:`simplekml.Polygon` for usage.
        return self.document.newpolygon(**kwargs)

    def newmultigeometry(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`.

        The multigeometry is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as
        for :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry`. See :class:`simplekml.MultiGeometry` for usage.
        return self.document.newmultigeometry(**kwargs)

    def newgroundoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`.

        The groundoverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.GroundOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newgroundoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newscreenoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`.

        The screenoverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.ScreenOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newscreenoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newphotooverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`.

        The photooverlay is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay`. See :class:`simplekml.PhotoOverlay` for usage.
        return self.document.newphotooverlay(**kwargs)

    def newnetworklink(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`.

        The networklink is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink`. See :class:`simplekml.NetworkLink` for usage.
        return self.document.newnetworklink(**kwargs)

    def newmodel(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Model`.

        The model is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Model`
        return self.document.newmodel(**kwargs)

    def newschema(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.Schema`.

        The schem is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the
        same as those for :class:`simplekml.Schema`
        return self.document.newschema(**kwargs)

    def newgxtrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`.

        The gxtrack is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTrack`
        See :class:`simplekml.GxTrack` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxtrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxmultitrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`.

        The gxmultitrack is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those
        for :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack`. See :class:`simplekml.GxMultiTrack` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxmultitrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxtour(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new :class:`simplekml.GxTour`.

        The tour is attached to this KML document. The arguments are the same as those for :class:`simplekml.GxTour`
        See :class:`simplekml.GxTour` for usage.
        return self.document.newgxtour(**kwargs)
Пример #14
class Kml(object):
    The main class that represents a KML file.

    This class represents a KML file, and the compilation of the KML file will
    be done through this class. The base feature is a document, all arguments
    passed to the class on creation are the same as that of a [Document]. To
    change any properties after creation you can do so through the `document`
    property (eg. `kml.document.name = "Test"`). For a description of what the
    arguments mean see the KML reference documentation published by Google:

    Keyword Arguments:
    name (string)              -- name of placemark (default None)
    visibility (int)           -- whether the feature is shown (default 1)
    open (int)                 -- whether open or closed in Places (default 0)
    atomauthor (string)        -- author of the document (default None)
    atomlink (string)          -- URL containing this KML (default None)
    address (string)           -- standard address (default None)
    xaladdressdetails (string) -- address as xAL (default None)
    phonenumber (string)       -- phone number for Maps mobile (default None)
    snippet ([Snippet])        -- short description of feature (default None)
    description (string)       -- description shown in balloon (default None)
    camera ([Camera])          -- camera that views the scene (default None)
    lookat ([LookAt])          -- camera relative to feature (default None)
    timestamp ([TimeStamp])    -- single moment in time (default None)
    timespan ([TimeSpan])      -- period of time (default None)
    region ([Region])          -- bounding box of features (default None)

    document ([Document])      -- [Document] or [Folder] (default [Document])

    Public Methods:
    newpoint                   -- Creates a new [Point]
    newlinestring              -- Creates a new [LineString]
    newpolygon                 -- Creates a new [Polygon]
    newmultigeometry           -- Creates a new [MultiGeometry]
    newgroundoverlay           -- Creates a new [GroundOverlay]
    newscreenoverlay           -- Creates a new [ScreenOverlay]
    newphotooverlay            -- Creates a new [PhotoOverlay]
    newnetworklink             -- Creates a new [NetworkLink]
    newmodel                   -- Creates a new [Model]
    newschema                  -- Creates a new [Schema]
    newgxtrack                 -- Creates a new [GxTrack]
    newgxmultitrack            -- Creates a new [GxMultiTrack]
    kml                        -- Returns the generated kml as a string
    save                       -- Saves to a KML file
    savekmz                    -- Saves to a KMZ file

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Creates the Kml document with a [Document] as the top level feature.

        Keyword Arguments:
        name (string)            -- name of placemark (default None)
        visibility (int)         -- whether the feature is shown (default 1)
        open (int)               -- whether open or closed in Places (default 0)
        atomauthor (string)      -- author of the document (default None)
        atomlink (string)        -- URL containing this KML (default None)
        address (string)         -- standard address (default None)
        xaladdressdetails(string)-- address as xAL (default None)
        phonenumber (string)     -- phone number for Maps mobile (default None)
        snippet ([Snippet])      -- short description of feature (default None)
        description (string)     -- description shown in balloon (default None)
        camera ([Camera])        -- camera that views the scene (default None)
        lookat ([LookAt])        -- camera relative to feature (default None)
        timestamp ([TimeStamp])  -- single moment in time (default None)
        timespan ([TimeSpan])    -- period of time (default None)
        region ([Region])        -- bounding box of features (default None)

        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)

    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        A top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of the [Document] class. This property can be set to an
        instance of a container class: [Document] or [Folder]
        return self._feature

    def document(self, doc):
        self._feature = doc

    def _genkml(self, format=True):
        Returns the kml as a string or as a single line or formatted.

        Keyword arguments:
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        kml_tag = 'xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:xal="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0"'
        xmlstr = u"<kml {0}>{1}</kml>".format(kml_tag, self._feature.__str__())
        if format:
            kmlstr = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr.encode("utf-8"))
            return kmlstr.toprettyxml(indent="    ",
            return xmlstr

    def parsetext(self, parse=True):
        Sets the behavior of how text tags are parsed.

        If True the values of the text tags (<name>, <description> and <text>)
        are escaped, so that the values are rendered properly. If False, the
        values are left as is. If the CDATA element is being used to escape
        the text strings, them set this to False.

        Keyword arguments:
        parse (bool) -- whether to parse text values


    def kml(self, format=True):
        Returns a string containing the KML.

        Keyword arguments:
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        return self._genkml(format)

    def save(self, path, format=True):
        Save the kml to the given file supplied by path.

        Keyword arguments:
        path (string) -- the path of the kml file to be saved
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        out = self._genkml(format)
        f = codecs.open(path, 'wb', 'utf-8')

    def savekmz(self, path, format=True):
        Save the kml as a kmz file to the given file supplied by `path`.

        Keyword arguments:
        path (string) -- the path of the kmz file to be saved
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        out = self._genkml(format)
        kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        kmz.writestr("doc.kml", out)
        for image in Kmlable._getimages():
            kmz.write(image, os.path.join('files', os.path.split(image)[1]))

    def newdocument(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Document] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Document] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Document].
        return self.document.newdocument(**kwargs)

    def newfolder(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Folder] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Folder] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Folder].
        return self.document.newfolder(**kwargs)

    def newpoint(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Point] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Point] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Point].
        return self.document.newpoint(**kwargs)

    def newlinestring(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [LineString] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [LineString] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [LineString].
        return self.document.newlinestring(**kwargs)

    def newpolygon(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Polygon] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Polygon] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Polygon].
        return self.document.newpolygon(**kwargs)

    def newmultigeometry(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [MultiGeometry] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [MultiGeometry] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [MultiGeometry].
        return self.document.newmultigeometry(**kwargs)

    def newgroundoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [GroundOverlay] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [GroundOverlay] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [GroundOverlay].
        return self.document.newgroundoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newscreenoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [ScreenOverlay] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [ScreenOverlay] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [ScreenOverlay].
        return self.document.newscreenoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newphotooverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [PhotoOverlay] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [PhotoOverlay] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [PhotoOverlay].
        return self.document.newphotooverlay(**kwargs)

    def newnetworklink(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [NetworkLink] and attaches it to the this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [NetworkLink] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [NetworkLink].
        return self.document.newnetworklink(**kwargs)

    def newmodel(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Model] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Model] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Model].
        return self.document.newmodel(**kwargs)

    def newschema(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Schema] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Schema] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Schema].
        return self.document.newschema(**kwargs)

    def newgxtrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [GxTrack] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [GxTrack] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [GxTrack].
        return self.document.newgxtrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxmultitrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [GxMultiTrack] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [GxMultiTrack] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [GxMultiTrack].
        return self.document.newgxmultitrack(**kwargs)
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, name_as_id=False, **kwargs):
     self._feature = Document(name_as_id, **kwargs)
     self._networklinkcontrol = None
     self._hint = None
class Kml(object):
    The main class that represents a KML file.

    This class represents a KML file, and the compilation of the KML file will
    be done through this class. The base feature is a document, all arguments
    passed to the class on creation are the same as that of a [Document]. To
    change any properties after creation you can do so through the `document`
    property (eg. `kml.document.name = "Test"`). For a description of what the
    arguments mean see the KML reference documentation published by Google:

    Keyword Arguments:
    name (string)              -- name of placemark (default None)
    visibility (int)           -- whether the feature is shown (default 1)
    open (int)                 -- whether open or closed in Places (default 0)
    atomauthor (string)        -- author of the document (default None)
    atomlink (string)          -- URL containing this KML (default None)
    address (string)           -- standard address (default None)
    xaladdressdetails (string) -- address as xAL (default None)
    phonenumber (string)       -- phone number for Maps mobile (default None)
    snippet ([Snippet])        -- short description of feature (default None)
    description (string)       -- description shown in balloon (default None)
    camera ([Camera])          -- camera that views the scene (default None)
    lookat ([LookAt])          -- camera relative to feature (default None)
    timestamp ([TimeStamp])    -- single moment in time (default None)
    timespan ([TimeSpan])      -- period of time (default None)
    region ([Region])          -- bounding box of features (default None)

    document ([Document])      -- [Document] or [Folder] (default [Document])

    Public Methods:
    newpoint                   -- Creates a new [Point]
    newlinestring              -- Creates a new [LineString]
    newpolygon                 -- Creates a new [Polygon]
    newmultigeometry           -- Creates a new [MultiGeometry]
    newgroundoverlay           -- Creates a new [GroundOverlay]
    newscreenoverlay           -- Creates a new [ScreenOverlay]
    newphotooverlay            -- Creates a new [PhotoOverlay]
    newnetworklink             -- Creates a new [NetworkLink]
    newmodel                   -- Creates a new [Model]
    newschema                  -- Creates a new [Schema]
    newgxtrack                 -- Creates a new [GxTrack]
    newgxmultitrack            -- Creates a new [GxMultiTrack]
    kml                        -- Returns the generated kml as a string
    save                       -- Saves to a KML file
    savekmz                    -- Saves to a KMZ file


    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Creates the Kml document with a [Document] as the top level feature.

        Keyword Arguments:
        name (string)            -- name of placemark (default None)
        visibility (int)         -- whether the feature is shown (default 1)
        open (int)               -- whether open or closed in Places (default 0)
        atomauthor (string)      -- author of the document (default None)
        atomlink (string)        -- URL containing this KML (default None)
        address (string)         -- standard address (default None)
        xaladdressdetails(string)-- address as xAL (default None)
        phonenumber (string)     -- phone number for Maps mobile (default None)
        snippet ([Snippet])      -- short description of feature (default None)
        description (string)     -- description shown in balloon (default None)
        camera ([Camera])        -- camera that views the scene (default None)
        lookat ([LookAt])        -- camera relative to feature (default None)
        timestamp ([TimeStamp])  -- single moment in time (default None)
        timespan ([TimeSpan])    -- period of time (default None)
        region ([Region])        -- bounding box of features (default None)

        self._feature = Document(**kwargs)

    def document(self):
        The top level item in the kml document.

        A top level document is required for a kml document, the default is an
        instance of the [Document] class. This property can be set to an
        instance of a container class: [Document] or [Folder]
        return self._feature

    def document(self, doc):
        self._feature = doc

    def _genkml(self, format=True):
        Returns the kml as a string or as a single line or formatted.

        Keyword arguments:
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        kml_tag = 'xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:gx="http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2" xmlns:kml="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:xal="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0"'
        xmlstr = u"<kml {0}>{1}</kml>".format(kml_tag, self._feature.__str__())
        if format:
           kmlstr = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr.encode("utf-8"))
           return kmlstr.toprettyxml(indent="    ", newl="\n", encoding="UTF-8").decode("utf-8")
            return xmlstr

    def parsetext(self, parse=True):
        Sets the behavior of how text tags are parsed.

        If True the values of the text tags (<name>, <description> and <text>)
        are escaped, so that the values are rendered properly. If False, the
        values are left as is. If the CDATA element is being used to escape
        the text strings, them set this to False.

        Keyword arguments:
        parse (bool) -- whether to parse text values


    def kml(self, format=True):
        Returns a string containing the KML.

        Keyword arguments:
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        return self._genkml(format)

    def save(self, path, format=True):
        Save the kml to the given file supplied by path.

        Keyword arguments:
        path (string) -- the path of the kml file to be saved
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        out = self._genkml(format)
        f = codecs.open(path, 'wb', 'utf-8')

    def savekmz(self, path, format=True):
        Save the kml as a kmz file to the given file supplied by `path`.

        Keyword arguments:
        path (string) -- the path of the kmz file to be saved
        format (bool) -- format the resulting kml "prettyprint" (default True)

        out = self._genkml(format)
        kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        kmz.writestr("doc.kml", out)
        for image in Kmlable._getimages():
            kmz.write(image, os.path.join('files', os.path.split(image)[1]))

    def newdocument(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Document] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Document] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Document].
        return self.document.newdocument(**kwargs)

    def newfolder(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Folder] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Folder] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Folder].
        return self.document.newfolder(**kwargs)

    def newpoint(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Point] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Point] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Point].
        return self.document.newpoint(**kwargs)

    def newlinestring(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [LineString] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [LineString] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [LineString].
        return self.document.newlinestring(**kwargs)

    def newpolygon(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Polygon] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Polygon] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Polygon].
        return self.document.newpolygon(**kwargs)

    def newmultigeometry(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [MultiGeometry] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [MultiGeometry] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [MultiGeometry].
        return self.document.newmultigeometry(**kwargs)

    def newgroundoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [GroundOverlay] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [GroundOverlay] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [GroundOverlay].
        return self.document.newgroundoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newscreenoverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [ScreenOverlay] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [ScreenOverlay] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [ScreenOverlay].
        return self.document.newscreenoverlay(**kwargs)

    def newphotooverlay(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [PhotoOverlay] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [PhotoOverlay] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [PhotoOverlay].
        return self.document.newphotooverlay(**kwargs)

    def newnetworklink(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [NetworkLink] and attaches it to the this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [NetworkLink] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [NetworkLink].
        return self.document.newnetworklink(**kwargs)

    def newmodel(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Model] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Model] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Model].
        return self.document.newmodel(**kwargs)

    def newschema(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [Schema] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [Schema] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [Schema].
        return self.document.newschema(**kwargs)

    def newgxtrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [GxTrack] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [GxTrack] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [GxTrack].
        return self.document.newgxtrack(**kwargs)

    def newgxmultitrack(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a new [GxMultiTrack] and attaches it to this KML document.

        Returns an instance of [GxMultiTrack] class.

        Keyword Arguments:
        Same as [GxMultiTrack].
        return self.document.newgxmultitrack(**kwargs)