Пример #1
def run():
    # auth_id = "Your SmartyStreets Auth ID here"
    # auth_token = "Your SmartyStreets Auth Token here"

    # We recommend storing your secret keys in environment variables instead---it's safer!
    auth_id = os.environ['SMARTY_AUTH_ID']
    auth_token = os.environ['SMARTY_AUTH_TOKEN']

    credentials = StaticCredentials(auth_id, auth_token)

    # The appropriate license values to be used for you subscriptions
    # can be found on the Subscriptions page of the account dashboard.
    # https://www.smartystreets.com/docs/cloud/licensing
    client = ClientBuilder(credentials).with_licenses(
    # client = ClientBuilder(credentials).with_custom_header({'User-Agent': 'smartystreets ([email protected])', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}).build_us_street_api_client()
    # client = ClientBuilder(credentials).with_proxy('localhost:8080', 'user', 'password').build_us_street_api_client()
    # Uncomment the line above to try it with a proxy instead

    # Documentation for input fields can be found at:
    # https://smartystreets.com/docs/us-street-api#input-fields

    lookup = StreetLookup()
    lookup.input_id = "24601"  # Optional ID from your system
    lookup.addressee = "John Doe"
    lookup.street = "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy"
    lookup.street2 = "closet under the stairs"
    lookup.secondary = "APT 2"
    lookup.urbanization = ""  # Only applies to Puerto Rico addresses
    lookup.city = "Mountain View"
    lookup.state = "CA"
    lookup.zipcode = "94043"
    lookup.candidates = 3
    lookup.match = "invalid"  # "invalid" is the most permissive match,
    # this will always return at least one result even if the address is invalid.
    # Refer to the documentation for additional Match Strategy options.

    except exceptions.SmartyException as err:

    result = lookup.result

    if not result:
        print("No candidates. This means the address is not valid.")

    first_candidate = result[0]

    print("There is at least one candidate.")
    print("If the match parameter is set to STRICT, the address is valid.")
        "Otherwise, check the Analysis output fields to see if the address is valid.\n"
    print("ZIP Code: " + first_candidate.components.zipcode)
    print("County: " + first_candidate.metadata.county_name)
    print("Latitude: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.latitude))
    print("Longitude: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.longitude))
Пример #2
def run():
    auth_id = "Your SmartyStreets Auth ID here"
    auth_token = "Your SmartyStreets Auth Token here"

    # We recommend storing your secret keys in environment variables instead---it's safer!
    # auth_id = os.environ['SMARTY_AUTH_ID']
    # auth_token = os.environ['SMARTY_AUTH_TOKEN']

    credentials = StaticCredentials(auth_id, auth_token)

    client = ClientBuilder(credentials).build_us_street_api_client()
    # client = ClientBuilder(credentials).with_proxy('localhost:8080', 'user', 'password').build_us_street_api_client()
    # Uncomment the line above to try it with a proxy instead

    # Documentation for input fields can be found at:
    # https://smartystreets.com/docs/us-street-api#input-fields

    lookup = Lookup()
    lookup.input_id = "24601"  # Optional ID from your system
    lookup.addressee = "John Doe"
    lookup.street = "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy"
    lookup.street2 = "closet under the stairs"
    lookup.secondary = "APT 2"
    lookup.urbanization = ""  # Only applies to Puerto Rico addresses
    lookup.city = "Mountain View"
    lookup.state = "CA"
    lookup.zipcode = "94043"
    lookup.candidates = 3
    lookup.match = "Invalid"  # "invalid" is the most permissive match

    except exceptions.SmartyException as err:

    result = lookup.result

    if not result:
        print("No candidates. This means the address is not valid.")

    first_candidate = result[0]

    print("Address is valid. (There is at least one candidate)\n")
    print("ZIP Code: " + first_candidate.components.zipcode)
    print("County: " + first_candidate.metadata.county_name)
    print("Latitude: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.latitude))
    print("Longitude: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.longitude))
Пример #3
def run():

    auth_id = context.get_context("auth_id")
    auth_token = context.get_context("auth_token")

    # We recommend storing your secret keys in environment variables instead---it's safer!
    # auth_id = os.environ['SMARTY_AUTH_ID']
    # auth_token = os.environ['SMARTY_AUTH_TOKEN']

    credentials = StaticCredentials(auth_id, auth_token)

    # The appropriate license values to be used for you subscriptions
    # can be found on the Subscriptions page of the account dashboard.
    # https://www.smartystreets.com/docs/cloud/licensing
    client = ClientBuilder(credentials).with_licenses(["us-standard-cloud"]).build_us_street_api_client()
    # client = ClientBuilder(credentials).with_custom_header({'User-Agent': 'smartystreets ([email protected])', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}).build_us_street_api_client()
    # client = ClientBuilder(credentials).with_proxy('localhost:8080', 'user', 'password').build_us_street_api_client()
    # Uncomment the line above to try it with a proxy instead

    # Documentation for input fields can be found at:
    # https://smartystreets.com/docs/us-street-api#input-fields

    lookup = StreetLookup()
    lookup.input_id = "24601"  # Optional ID from your system
    lookup.addressee = "John Doe"
    lookup.street = "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy"
    lookup.street2 = "closet under the stairs"
    lookup.secondary = "APT 2"
    lookup.urbanization = ""  # Only applies to Puerto Rico addresses
    lookup.city = "Mountain View"
    lookup.state = "CA"
    lookup.zipcode = "94043"
    lookup.candidates = 3
    lookup.match = "invalid"  # "invalid" is the most permissive match,
                              # this will always return at least one result even if the address is invalid.
                              # Refer to the documentation for additional Match Strategy options.

    except exceptions.SmartyException as err:

    result = lookup.result

    if not result:
        print("No candidates. This means the address is not valid.")

    first_candidate = result[0]

    print("Address is valid. (There is at least one candidate)\n")
    #print("Address = ", json.dumps(first_candidate.components))
    print("ZIP Code: " + first_candidate.components.zipcode)
    print("County: " + first_candidate.metadata.county_name)
    print("Latitude: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.latitude))
    print("Longitude: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.longitude))
    # print("Precision: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.precision))
    # print("Residential: {}".format(first_candidate.metadata.rdi))
    # print("Vacant: {}".format(first_candidate.analysis.dpv_vacant))
    # Complete list of output fields is available here:  https://smartystreets.com/docs/cloud/us-street-api#http-response-output

    sm = SmartyStreetsAdaptor(result)
    res = sm.to_json()
    print("All fields  = \n", json.dumps(res, indent=2, default=str))