Пример #1
class SMBRawIO(io.RawIOBase):

    FILE_TYPE = None  # 'file', 'dir', or None (for unknown)
    _INVALID_MODE = ''

    def __init__(self,
        tree, fd_path = get_smb_tree(path, **kwargs)
        self.share_access = share_access
        self.fd = Open(tree, fd_path)
        self._mode = mode
        self._name = path
        self._offset = 0
        self._flush = False
        self._buffer_size = buffer_size

        if desired_access is None:
            desired_access = 0

            # While we can open a directory, the values for FilePipePrinterAccessMask also apply to Dirs so just use
            # the same enum to simplify code.
            if 'r' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode:
                desired_access |= FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_READ_DATA | \
                                  FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | \
            if 'w' in self.mode or 'x' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode:
                desired_access |= FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_WRITE_DATA | \
                                  FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | \
        self._desired_access = desired_access

        if file_attributes is None:
            file_attributes = FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY if self.FILE_TYPE == 'dir' \
                else FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
        self._file_attributes = file_attributes

        self._create_options = create_options
        self._create_options |= {
            'dir': CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE,
            'file': CreateOptions.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE,
        }.get(self.FILE_TYPE, 0)

        super(SMBRawIO, self).__init__()

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def closed(self):
        return not self.fd.connected

    def mode(self):
        return self._mode

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def close(self, transaction=None):
        if transaction:
            transaction += self.fd.close(send=False)

    def flush(self):
        if self._flush and self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':

    def open(self, transaction=None):
        if not self.closed:

        share_access = _parse_share_access(self.share_access, self.mode)
        create_disposition = _parse_mode(self.mode, invalid=self._INVALID_MODE)

            # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-wpo/feeb3122-cfe0-4b34-821d-e31c036d763c
            # Impersonation on SMB has little meaning when opening files but is important if using RPC so set to a sane
            # default of Impersonation.
            open_result = self.fd.create(
                send=(transaction is None),
        except SMBResponseException as exc:
            raise SMBOSError(exc.status, self.name)

        if transaction is not None:
            transaction += open_result
        elif 'a' in self.mode and self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            self._offset = self.fd.end_of_file

    def readable(self):
        """ True if file was opened in a read mode. """
        return 'r' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode

    def seek(self, offset, whence=SEEK_SET):
        Move to new file position and return the file position.

        Argument offset is a byte count.  Optional argument whence defaults to
        SEEK_SET or 0 (offset from start of file, offset should be >= 0); other values
        are SEEK_CUR or 1 (move relative to current position, positive or negative),
        and SEEK_END or 2 (move relative to end of file, usually negative, although
        many platforms allow seeking beyond the end of a file).

        Note that not all file objects are seekable.
        seek_offset = {
            SEEK_SET: 0,
            SEEK_CUR: self._offset,
            SEEK_END: self.fd.end_of_file,
        self._offset = seek_offset + offset
        return self._offset

    def seekable(self):
        """ True if file supports random-access. """
        return True

    def tell(self):
        Current file position.

        Can raise OSError for non seekable files.
        return self._offset

    def truncate(self, size):
        Truncate the file to at most size bytes and return the truncated size.

        Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell().
        The current file position is changed to the value of size.
        with SMBFileTransaction(self) as transaction:
            eof_info = FileEndOfFileInformation()
            eof_info['end_of_file'] = size
            set_info(transaction, eof_info)

        self.fd.end_of_file = size
        self._flush = True
        return size

    def writable(self):
        """ True if file was opened in a write mode. """
        return 'w' in self.mode or 'x' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode

    def readall(self):
        Read and return all the bytes from the stream until EOF, using
        multiple calls to the stream if necessary.

        :return: The byte string read from the SMB file.
        data = b""
        remaining_bytes = self.fd.end_of_file - self._offset
        while len(data) < remaining_bytes or self.FILE_TYPE == 'pipe':
                data += self.fd.read(self._offset, self._buffer_size)
            except SMBResponseException as exc:
                if exc.status == NtStatus.STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN:

            if self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
                self._offset += len(data)

        return data

    def readinto(self, b):
        Read bytes into a pre-allocated, writable bytes-like object b, and
        return the number of bytes read.

        :param b: bytes-like object to read the data into.
        :return: The number of bytes read.
        if self._offset >= self.fd.end_of_file and self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            return 0

            file_bytes = self.fd.read(self._offset, len(b))
        except SMBResponseException as exc:
            if exc.status == NtStatus.STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN:
                file_bytes = b""

        b[:len(file_bytes)] = file_bytes

        if self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            self._offset += len(file_bytes)

        return len(file_bytes)

    def write(self, b):
        Write buffer b to file, return number of bytes written.

        Only makes one system call, so not all of the data may be written.
        The number of bytes actually written is returned.
        if isinstance(b, memoryview):
            b = b.tobytes()

        with SMBFileTransaction(self) as transaction:
            transaction += self.fd.write(b, offset=self._offset, send=False)

            # Send the request with an SMB2QueryInfoRequest for FileStandardInformation so we can update the end of
            # file stored internally.
            if self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
                query_info(transaction, FileStandardInformation)

        bytes_written = transaction.results[0]
        if self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            self._offset += bytes_written
            self.fd.end_of_file = transaction.results[1][
            self._flush = True

        return bytes_written
Пример #2
class SMBRawIO(io.RawIOBase):

    FILE_TYPE = None  # 'file', 'dir', or None (for unknown)
    _INVALID_MODE = ''

    def __init__(self, path, mode='r', share_access=None, desired_access=None, file_attributes=None,
                 create_options=0, **kwargs):
        tree, fd_path = get_smb_tree(path, **kwargs)
        self.share_access = share_access
        self.fd = Open(tree, fd_path)
        self._mode = mode
        self._name = path
        self._offset = 0
        self._flush = False
        self.__kwargs = kwargs  # Used in open for DFS referrals

        if desired_access is None:
            desired_access = 0

            # While we can open a directory, the values for FilePipePrinterAccessMask also apply to Dirs so just use
            # the same enum to simplify code.
            if 'r' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode:
                desired_access |= FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_READ_DATA | \
                                  FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | \
            if 'w' in self.mode or 'x' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode:
                desired_access |= FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_WRITE_DATA | \
                                  FilePipePrinterAccessMask.FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | \
        self._desired_access = desired_access

        if file_attributes is None:
            file_attributes = FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY if self.FILE_TYPE == 'dir' \
                else FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
        self._file_attributes = file_attributes

        self._create_options = create_options
        self._create_options |= {
            'dir': CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE,
            'file': CreateOptions.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE,
        }.get(self.FILE_TYPE, 0)

        super(SMBRawIO, self).__init__()

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def closed(self):
        return not self.fd.connected

    def mode(self):
        return self._mode

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def close(self, transaction=None):
        if transaction:
            transaction += self.fd.close(send=False)

    def flush(self):
        if self._flush and self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':

    def open(self, transaction=None):
        if not self.closed:

        share_access = _parse_share_access(self.share_access, self.mode)
        create_disposition = _parse_mode(self.mode, invalid=self._INVALID_MODE)

            # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-wpo/feeb3122-cfe0-4b34-821d-e31c036d763c
            # Impersonation on SMB has little meaning when opening files but is important if using RPC so set to a sane
            # default of Impersonation.
            open_result = self.fd.create(
                send=(transaction is None),
        except (PathNotCovered, ObjectNameNotFound, ObjectPathNotFound) as exc:
            # The MS-DFSC docs status that STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED is used when encountering a link to a different
            # server but Samba seems to return the generic name or path not found.
            if not self.fd.tree_connect.is_dfs_share:
                raise SMBOSError(exc.status, self.name)

            # Path is on a DFS root that is linked to another server.
            client_config = ClientConfig()
            referral = dfs_request(self.fd.tree_connect, self.name[1:])
            info = client_config.lookup_referral([p for p in self.name.split("\\") if p])

            for target in info:
                new_path = self.name.replace(info.dfs_path, target.target_path, 1)

                    tree, fd_path = get_smb_tree(new_path, **self.__kwargs)
                    self.fd = Open(tree, fd_path)

                except SMBResponseException as link_exc:
                    log.warning("Failed to connect to DFS link target %s: %s" % (str(target), link_exc))

                    # Record the target that worked for future reference.
                    info.target_hint = target

                # None of the targets worked so raise the original error.
                raise SMBOSError(exc.status, self.name)


        except SMBResponseException as exc:
            raise SMBOSError(exc.status, self.name)

        if transaction is not None:
            transaction += open_result
        elif 'a' in self.mode and self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            self._offset = self.fd.end_of_file

    def readable(self):
        """ True if file was opened in a read mode. """
        return 'r' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode

    def seek(self, offset, whence=SEEK_SET):
        Move to new file position and return the file position.

        Argument offset is a byte count.  Optional argument whence defaults to
        SEEK_SET or 0 (offset from start of file, offset should be >= 0); other values
        are SEEK_CUR or 1 (move relative to current position, positive or negative),
        and SEEK_END or 2 (move relative to end of file, usually negative, although
        many platforms allow seeking beyond the end of a file).

        Note that not all file objects are seekable.
        seek_offset = {
            SEEK_SET: 0,
            SEEK_CUR: self._offset,
            SEEK_END: self.fd.end_of_file,
        self._offset = seek_offset + offset
        return self._offset

    def seekable(self):
        """ True if file supports random-access. """
        return True

    def tell(self):
        Current file position.

        Can raise OSError for non seekable files.
        return self._offset

    def truncate(self, size):
        Truncate the file to at most size bytes and return the truncated size.

        Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell().
        The current file position is changed to the value of size.
        with SMBFileTransaction(self) as transaction:
            eof_info = FileEndOfFileInformation()
            eof_info['end_of_file'] = size
            set_info(transaction, eof_info)

        self.fd.end_of_file = size
        self._flush = True
        return size

    def writable(self):
        """ True if file was opened in a write mode. """
        return 'w' in self.mode or 'x' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode

    def readall(self):
        Read and return all the bytes from the stream until EOF, using
        multiple calls to the stream if necessary.

        :return: The byte string read from the SMB file.
        data = bytearray()
        while True:
            read_length = min(
                # We always want to be reading a minimum of 64KiB.
                max(self.fd.end_of_file - self._offset, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE),
                self.fd.connection.max_read_size  # We can never read more than this.

            buffer = bytearray(b'\x00' * read_length)
            bytes_read = self.readinto(buffer)
            if not bytes_read:

            data += buffer[:bytes_read]

        return bytes(data)

    def readinto(self, b):
        Read bytes into a pre-allocated, writable bytes-like object b, and
        return the number of bytes read. This may read less bytes than
        requested as it depends on the negotiated read size and SMB credits

        :param b: bytes-like object to read the data into.
        :return: The number of bytes read.
        if self._offset >= self.fd.end_of_file and self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            return 0

        chunk_size, credit_request = _chunk_size(self.fd.connection, len(b), 'read')

        read_msg, recv_func = self.fd.read(self._offset, chunk_size, send=False)
        request = self.fd.connection.send(

            file_bytes = recv_func(request)
        except PipeBroken:
            # A pipe will block until it returns the data available or was closed/broken.
            file_bytes = b""

        b[:len(file_bytes)] = file_bytes

        if self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            self._offset += len(file_bytes)

        return len(file_bytes)

    def write(self, b):
        Write buffer b to file, return number of bytes written.

        Only makes one system call, so not all of the data may be written.
        The number of bytes actually written is returned. This can be less than
        the length of b as it depends on the underlying connection.
        chunk_size, credit_request = _chunk_size(self.fd.connection, len(b), 'write')

        # Python 2 compat, can be removed and just use the else statement.
        if isinstance(b, memoryview):
            data = b[:chunk_size].tobytes()
            data = bytes(b[:chunk_size])

        write_msg, recv_func = self.fd.write(data, offset=self._offset, send=False)
        request = self.fd.connection.send(
        bytes_written = recv_func(request)

        if self.FILE_TYPE != 'pipe':
            self._offset += bytes_written
            self.fd.end_of_file = max(self.fd.end_of_file, self._offset)
            self._flush = True

        return bytes_written