Пример #1
 def test_geometry(self):
     g = parse_geometry('222x30')
     self.assertEqual(g, (222, 30))
     g = parse_geometry('222')
     self.assertEqual(g, (222, None))
     g = parse_geometry('x999')
     self.assertEqual(g, (None, 999))
Пример #2
 def test_geometry(self):
     g = parse_geometry("222x30")
     self.assertEqual(g, (222, 30))
     g = parse_geometry("222")
     self.assertEqual(g, (222, None))
     g = parse_geometry("x999")
     self.assertEqual(g, (None, 999))
Пример #3
 def test_geometry(self):
     g = parse_geometry('222x30')
     self.assertEqual(g, (222, 30))
     g = parse_geometry('222')
     self.assertEqual(g, (222, None))
     g = parse_geometry('x999')
     self.assertEqual(g, (None, 999))
def avatar(user, geometry):

    return {
        'user': user,
        'geometry': geometry,
        'geometry_width': parse_geometry(geometry)[0],
        'geometry_height': parse_geometry(geometry)[1],
Пример #5
    def _create_alternative_resolutions(self, source_image, geometry_string,
                                        options, name):
        Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine with multiple output
        sizes.  Appends @<ratio>x to the file name.
        if not options['alternative_resolutions']:

        ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image)
        geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
        file_type = name.split('.')[len(name.split('.')) - 1]

        for resolution in options['alternative_resolutions']:
            resolution_geometry = (int(geometry[0] * resolution), int(geometry[1] * resolution))
            resolution_options = options.copy()
            if 'crop' in options and isinstance(options['crop'], basestring):
                crop = options['crop'].split(" ")
                for i in xrange(len(crop)):
                    s = re.match("(\d+)px", crop[i])
                    if s:
                        crop[i] = "%spx" % int(int(s.group(1)) * resolution)
                resolution_options['crop'] = " ".join(crop)

            thumbnail_name = name.replace(".%s" % file_type,
                                          "@%sx.%s" % (resolution, file_type))
            image = default.engine.create(source_image, resolution_geometry, resolution_options)
            thumbnail = ImageFile(thumbnail_name, default.storage)
            default.engine.write(image, resolution_options, thumbnail)
            size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #6
    def _create_alternative_resolutions(self, source_image, geometry_string,
                                        options, name):
        Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine with multiple output
        sizes.  Appends @<ratio>x to the file name.
        ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image, options)
        geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
        file_name, dot_file_ext = os.path.splitext(name)

        for resolution in settings.THUMBNAIL_ALTERNATIVE_RESOLUTIONS:
            resolution_geometry = (int(geometry[0] * resolution), int(geometry[1] * resolution))
            resolution_options = options.copy()
            if 'crop' in options and isinstance(options['crop'], string_types):
                crop = options['crop'].split(" ")
                for i in range(len(crop)):
                    s = re.match("(\d+)px", crop[i])
                    if s:
                        crop[i] = "%spx" % int(int(s.group(1)) * resolution)
                resolution_options['crop'] = " ".join(crop)

            image = default.engine.create(source_image, resolution_geometry, options)
            thumbnail_name = '%(file_name)s%(suffix)s%(file_ext)s' % {
                'file_name': file_name,
                'suffix': '@%sx' % resolution,
                'file_ext': dot_file_ext
            thumbnail = ImageFile(thumbnail_name, default.storage)
            default.engine.write(image, resolution_options, thumbnail)
            size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #7
def margin(file_, geometry_string):
    Returns the calculated margin for an image and geometry

    if not file_ or (sorl_settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY or isinstance(file_, DummyImageFile)):
        return 'auto'

    margin = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    image_file = default.kvstore.get_or_set(ImageFile(file_))

    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, image_file.ratio)
    ex = x - image_file.x
    margin[3] = ex / 2
    margin[1] = ex / 2

    if ex % 2:
        margin[1] += 1

    ey = y - image_file.y
    margin[0] = ey / 2
    margin[2] = ey / 2

    if ey % 2:
        margin[2] += 1

    return ' '.join(['%dpx' % n for n in margin])
Пример #8
    def _create_thumbnail(self, source_image, geometry_string, options, thumbnail):
        Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine
        ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image)
        geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
        image = default.engine.create(source_image, geometry, options)

        # To RGBA!
        image = image.convert(mode="RGBA")

        # Per pixel calculations.
        # This is slow and could be optimized.. but it works in any case.
        new_data = []
        for item in image.getdata():
            # If px is white, make transparent
            if item[:3] == (255, 255, 255):
                new_data.append((255, 255, 255, 0))

            # All other pixels are "whitened" by TO_GRAY_INTENSITY
            # (given that 0 is white and 1 is original intensity)

            converted_pixel = self.__calc_new_intensity(item)


        default.engine.write(image, options, thumbnail)
        # It's much cheaper to set the size here
        size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #9
    def _create_thumbnail(self, source_image, geometry_string, options,
        Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine
        ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image)
        geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
        image = default.engine.create(source_image, geometry, options)

        # To RGBA!
        image = image.convert(mode='RGBA')

        # Per pixel calculations.
        # This is slow and could be optimized.. but it works in any case.
        new_data = []
        for item in image.getdata():
            # If px is white, make transparent
            if item[:3] == (255, 255, 255):
                new_data.append((255, 255, 255, 0))

            # All other pixels are "whitened" by TO_GRAY_INTENSITY
            # (given that 0 is white and 1 is original intensity)

            converted_pixel = self.__calc_new_intensity(item)


        default.engine.write(image, options, thumbnail)
        # It's much cheaper to set the size here
        size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #10
def margin(file_, geometry_string):
    Returns the calculated margin for an image and geometry

    if not file_ or (sorl_settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY or isinstance(file_, DummyImageFile)):
        return 'auto'

    margin = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    image_file = default.kvstore.get_or_set(ImageFile(file_))

    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, image_file.ratio)
    ex = x - image_file.x
    margin[3] = ex / 2
    margin[1] = ex / 2

    if ex % 2:
        margin[1] += 1

    ey = y - image_file.y
    margin[0] = ey / 2
    margin[2] = ey / 2

    if ey % 2:
        margin[2] += 1

    return ' '.join(['%dpx' % n for n in margin])
Пример #11
    def _create_alternative_resolutions(self, source_image, geometry_string,
                                        options, name):
        Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine with multiple output
        sizes.  Appends @<ratio>x to the file name.
        ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image, options)
        geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
        file_name, dot_file_ext = os.path.splitext(name)

        for resolution in settings.THUMBNAIL_ALTERNATIVE_RESOLUTIONS:
            resolution_geometry = (int(geometry[0] * resolution),
                                   int(geometry[1] * resolution))
            resolution_options = options.copy()
            if 'crop' in options and isinstance(options['crop'], string_types):
                crop = options['crop'].split(" ")
                for i in range(len(crop)):
                    s = re.match("(\d+)px", crop[i])
                    if s:
                        crop[i] = "%spx" % int(int(s.group(1)) * resolution)
                resolution_options['crop'] = " ".join(crop)

            image = default.engine.create(source_image, resolution_geometry,
            thumbnail_name = '%(file_name)s%(suffix)s%(file_ext)s' % {
                'file_name': file_name,
                'suffix': '@%sx' % resolution,
                'file_ext': dot_file_ext
            thumbnail = ImageFile(thumbnail_name, default.storage)
            default.engine.write(image, resolution_options, thumbnail)
            size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, geometry_string, ratio, name, url):
     Pass ImageFile as source
     self.name = name
     self._url = url
     self.size = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
Пример #13
    def get_thumbnail_attributes(self, image_thm, size_str):
        if image_thm:
            margin = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            image_file = default.kvstore.get_or_set(ImageFile(image_thm))
            x, y = parse_geometry(size_str, image_file.ratio)
            ex = x - image_file.x
            margin[3] = ex / 2
            margin[1] = ex / 2
            if ex % 2:
                margin[1] += 1
            ey = y - image_file.y
            margin[0] = ey / 2
            margin[2] = ey / 2
            if ey % 2:
                margin[2] += 1
            margin_str = ' '.join(['%spx' % n for n in margin])

            res_dt = {
                'margin_str': margin_str,
            if settings.LUGATI_FULL_IMAGE_PATH:
                res_dt['thumbnail_url'] = settings.POS_SERVER + image_thm.url
                res_dt['thumbnail_url'] = image_thm.url
            res_dt = {
                'thumbnail_url': '',
                'margin_str': ''
        return res_dt['thumbnail_url'], res_dt['margin_str']
Пример #14
def process_image(image: Image, spec: Tuple[str, dict]) -> Image:
    size = spec[0]
    options = spec[1].copy()

    for key, value in list(ThumbnailBackend.default_options.items()):
        options.setdefault(key, value)

    ratio = engine.get_image_ratio(image, options)
    geometry = parse_geometry(size, ratio)
    return engine.create(image, geometry, options)
Пример #15
 def _create_thumbnail(self, source_image, geometry_string, options, thumbnail):
     Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine
     ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image)
     geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
     image = default.engine.create(source_image, geometry, options)
     default.engine.write(image, options, thumbnail)
     # It's much cheaper to set the size here
     size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #16
 def _create_thumbnail(self, source_image, geometry_string, options, thumbnail):
     Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine
     logger.debug("Creating thumbnail file [%s] at [%s] with [%s]", thumbnail.name, geometry_string, options)
     ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image, options)
     geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
     image = default.engine.create(source_image, geometry, options)
     default.engine.write(image, options, thumbnail)
     # It's much cheaper to set the size here
     size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #17
 def _create_thumbnail(self, source_image, geometry_string, options,
     Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine
     ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image)
     geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
     image = default.engine.create(source_image, geometry, options)
     default.engine.write(image, options, thumbnail)
     # It's much cheaper to set the size here
     size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #18
    def get_thumbnail(self, file_, geometry_string, **options):
        source = ImageFile(file_)

        for key, value in self.default_options.iteritems():
            options.setdefault(key, value)

        for key, attr in self.extra_options:
            value = getattr(settings, attr)
            if value != getattr(default_settings, attr):
                options.setdefault(key, value)

        # Generate a name for the thumbnail
        name = self._get_thumbnail_filename(source, geometry_string, options)

        # See if we've got a hit in the cache
        thumbnail = ImageFile(name, default.storage)
        cached = default.kvstore.get(thumbnail)
        if cached:
            return cached

        # We cannot check if the file exists, as remote storage is slow. If
        # we have reached this point, the image does not exist in our kvstore
        # so create the entry and queue the generation of the image.
        # Note: If the thumbnail file has been deleted, you will need to manually
        # clear the corresponding row from the kvstore to have thumbnail rebuilt.
        job = create_thumbnail.delay(file_, geometry_string, options, name)
        if job:
            geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string)
            # We can't add a source row to the kvstore without the size
            # information being looked up, so add dummy information here
            # We'll need to correct this information when we generate the thumbnail

            # We don't want to do any file access in this thread, so we tell sorlery
            # to proceed as normal and cheekily update the name and storage after
            # the hash has been calculated.
            default.kvstore.set(thumbnail, source)

            # Now we go back and manually update the thumbnail to point at the source image
            # Hopefully someone can suggest a better way to do this ... but the sorl internals
            # don't make it easy to.
            rawvalue = default.kvstore._get_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key))
            rawvaluearr = deserialize(rawvalue)
            rawvaluearr['name'] = file_.name

        thumbnail.name = file_.name
        return thumbnail
Пример #19
    def get_thumbnail(self, file_, geometry_string, **options):
        source = ImageFile(file_)

        for key, value in self.default_options.iteritems():
            options.setdefault(key, value)

        for key, attr in self.extra_options:
            value = getattr(settings, attr)
            if value != getattr(default_settings, attr):
                options.setdefault(key, value)

        # Generate a name for the thumbnail
        name = self._get_thumbnail_filename(source, geometry_string, options)

        # See if we've got a hit in the cache
        thumbnail = ImageFile(name, default.storage)
        cached = default.kvstore.get(thumbnail)
        if cached:
            return cached

        # We cannot check if the file exists, as remote storage is slow. If
        # we have reached this point, the image does not exist in our kvstore
        # so create the entry and queue the generation of the image.
        # Note: If the thumbnail file has been deleted, you will need to manually
        # clear the corresponding row from the kvstore to have thumbnail rebuilt.
        job = create_thumbnail.delay(file_, geometry_string, options, name)
        if job:
            geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string)
            # We can't add a source row to the kvstore without the size
            # information being looked up, so add dummy information here
            # We'll need to correct this information when we generate the thumbnail

            # We don't want to do any file access in this thread, so we tell sorlery
            # to proceed as normal and cheekily update the name and storage after
            # the hash has been calculated.
            default.kvstore.set(thumbnail, source)

            # Now we go back and manually update the thumbnail to point at the source image
            # Hopefully someone can suggest a better way to do this ... but the sorl internals
            # don't make it easy to.
            rawvalue = default.kvstore._get_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key))
            rawvaluearr = deserialize(rawvalue)
            rawvaluearr['name'] = file_.name
            default.kvstore._set_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key), serialize(rawvaluearr))

        thumbnail.name = file_.name
        return thumbnail
Пример #20
    def test_truncated_generation_failure(self):
        Confirm that generating a thumbnail for our "broken" image fails.
        name = 'data/broken.jpeg'
        with open(name, 'rb') as broken_jpeg:

            with self.assertRaises((OSError, IOError,)):
                im = default.engine.get_image(broken_jpeg)

                options = ThumbnailBackend.default_options
                ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(im, options)
                geometry = parse_geometry('120x120', ratio)
                default.engine.create(im, geometry, options)
Пример #21
 def _create_thumbnail(self, source_image, geometry_string, options,
     Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine
     logger.debug('Creating thumbnail file [%s] at [%s] with [%s]',
                  thumbnail.name, geometry_string, options)
     ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image, options)
     geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
     image = default.engine.create(source_image, geometry, options)
     default.engine.write(image, options, thumbnail)
     # It's much cheaper to set the size here
     size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #22
def background_margin(file_, geometry_string):
    Returns the calculated margin for a background image and geometry
    if not file_ or settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY:
        return 'auto'
    margin = [0, 0]
    image_file = default.kvstore.get_or_set(ImageFile(file_))
    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, image_file.ratio)
    ex = x - image_file.x
    margin[0] = ex / 2
    ey = y - image_file.y
    margin[1] = ey / 2
    return ' '.join(['%spx' % n for n in margin])
Пример #23
def background_margin(file_, geometry_string):
    Returns the calculated margin for a background image and geometry
    if not file_ or settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY:
        return 'auto'
    margin = [0, 0]
    image_file = default.kvstore.get_or_set(ImageFile(file_))
    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, image_file.ratio)
    ex = x - image_file.x
    margin[0] = ex / 2
    ey = y - image_file.y
    margin[1] = ey / 2
    return ' '.join(['%spx' % n for n in margin])
Пример #24
    def test_truncated_generation_failure(self):
        Confirm that generating a thumbnail for our "broken" image fails.
        name = 'data/broken.jpeg'
        with open(name, 'rb') as broken_jpeg:

            with self.assertRaises((OSError, IOError,)):
                im = default.engine.get_image(broken_jpeg)

                options = ThumbnailBackend.default_options
                ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(im, options)
                geometry = parse_geometry('120x120', ratio)
                default.engine.create(im, geometry, options)
Пример #25
    def get_thumbnail(self, file_, geometry_string, **options):
        source = ImageFile(file_)
        for key, value in self.default_options.items():
            options.setdefault(key, value)
        name = self._get_thumbnail_filename(source, geometry_string, options)
        thumbnail = ImageFile(name, default.storage)
        cached = default.kvstore.get(thumbnail)
        if cached:
            return cached
        # We don't check if thumbnail exists as sorl-thumbnail does. It becomes
        # very costly for remote storages.
        # Furthermore, I have added following code to reduce/prevent duplicate
        # tasks in celery. It's hacky.

        # Finally, if there is no thumbnail, we create one.
        from .tasks import create_thumbnail
        job = create_thumbnail.delay(source.name, geometry_string, **options)
        # Sometimes thumbnail generation takes quite some time, just return
        # the original image then.
        if job:
            geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string)
            # We can't add a source row to the kvstore without the size
            # information being looked up, so add dummy information here
            # We'll need to correct this information when we generate the thumbnail

            # We don't want to do any file access in this thread, so we tell sorlery
            # to proceed as normal and cheekily update the name and storage after
            # the hash has been calculated.
            default.kvstore.set(thumbnail, source)

            # Now we go back and manually update the thumbnail to point at the source image
            # Hopefully someone can suggest a better way to do this ... but the sorl internals
            # don't make it easy to.
            rawvalue = default.kvstore._get_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key))
            rawvaluearr = deserialize(rawvalue)
            rawvaluearr['name'] = file_.name

        thumbnail.name = file_.name
        return thumbnail
Пример #26
    def get_thumbnail(self, file_, geometry_string, **options):
        source = ImageFile(file_)
        for key, value in self.default_options.items():
            options.setdefault(key, value)
        name = self._get_thumbnail_filename(source, geometry_string, options)
        thumbnail = ImageFile(name, default.storage)
        cached = default.kvstore.get(thumbnail)
        if cached:
            return cached
        # We don't check if thumbnail exists as sorl-thumbnail does. It becomes
        # very costly for remote storages.
        # Furthermore, I have added following code to reduce/prevent duplicate
        # tasks in celery. It's hacky.
        # Finally, if there is no thumbnail, we create one.
        from .tasks import create_thumbnail
        job = create_thumbnail.delay(source.name, geometry_string, **options)
        # Sometimes thumbnail generation takes quite some time, just return
        # the original image then.
        if job:
            geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string)
            # We can't add a source row to the kvstore without the size
            # information being looked up, so add dummy information here
            # We'll need to correct this information when we generate the thumbnail

            # We don't want to do any file access in this thread, so we tell sorlery
            # to proceed as normal and cheekily update the name and storage after
            # the hash has been calculated.
            default.kvstore.set(thumbnail, source)

            # Now we go back and manually update the thumbnail to point at the source image
            # Hopefully someone can suggest a better way to do this ... but the sorl internals
            # don't make it easy to.
            rawvalue = default.kvstore._get_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key))
            rawvaluearr = deserialize(rawvalue)
            rawvaluearr['name'] = file_.name
            default.kvstore._set_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key), serialize(rawvaluearr))
        thumbnail.name = file_.name
        return thumbnail
Пример #27
    def _create_alternative_resolutions(self, source, geometry_string, options, name):
        Creates the thumbnail by using default.engine with multiple output
        sizes.  Appends @<ratio>x to the file name.
        if not options['alternative_resolutions']:
        source_image = default.engine.get_image(source)
        ratio = default.engine.get_image_ratio(source_image, options)
        geometry_orig = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio)
        file_type = name.split('.')[len(name.split('.'))-1]

        for res in options['alternative_resolutions']:
            geometry = (toint(geometry_orig[0]*res), toint(geometry_orig[1]*res))
            thumbnail_name = name.replace(".%s" % file_type,
                                          "@%sx.%s" % (res, file_type))
            source_image = default.engine.get_image(source)
            image = default.engine.create(source_image, geometry, options)
            thumbnail = ImageFile(thumbnail_name, default.storage)
            default.engine.write(image, options, thumbnail)
            size = default.engine.get_image_size(image)
Пример #28
def sorl_margin(file_, geometry_string):
    This is copied from sorl/thumbnail/templatetags/thumbnail.py because of
    problems with importing it.  This should be removed when we remove

    Returns the calculated margin for an image and geometry
    if not file_ or settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY:
        return 'auto'
    margin = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    image_file = default.kvstore.get_or_set(ImageFile(file_))
    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, image_file.ratio)
    ex = x - image_file.x
    margin[3] = ex / 2
    margin[1] = ex / 2
    if ex % 2:
        margin[1] += 1
    ey = y - image_file.y
    margin[0] = ey / 2
    margin[2] = ey / 2
    if ey % 2:
        margin[2] += 1
    return ' '.join([ '%spx' % n for n in margin ])
Пример #29
def sorl_margin(file_, geometry_string):
    This is copied from sorl/thumbnail/templatetags/thumbnail.py because of
    problems with importing it.  This should be removed when we remove

    Returns the calculated margin for an image and geometry
    if not file_ or settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY:
        return 'auto'
    margin = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    image_file = default.kvstore.get_or_set(ImageFile(file_))
    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, image_file.ratio)
    ex = x - image_file.x
    margin[3] = ex / 2
    margin[1] = ex / 2
    if ex % 2:
        margin[1] += 1
    ey = y - image_file.y
    margin[0] = ey / 2
    margin[2] = ey / 2
    if ey % 2:
        margin[2] += 1
    return ' '.join(['%spx' % n for n in margin])
Пример #30
 def __init__(self, geometry_string):
     self.size = parse_geometry(
Пример #31
 def __init__(self, geometry_string):
     self.size = parse_geometry(
Пример #32
def get_placeholder_thumbnail(file_, geometry_string, **options):
    """Return a place holder url for the given geometry string"""
    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio=1)
    url = '//placehold.it/{}x{}'.format(x, y)
    Url = namedtuple('Url', ('url',))
    return Url(url=url)
Пример #33
def get_placeholder_thumbnail(file_, geometry_string, **options):
    """Return a place holder url for the given geometry string"""
    x, y = parse_geometry(geometry_string, ratio=1)
    url = '//placehold.it/{}x{}'.format(x, y)
    Url = namedtuple('Url', ('url', ))
    return Url(url=url)
Пример #34
 def clean_geometry(self):
     data = self.cleaned_data['geometry']
     except ThumbnailParseError, e:
         raise forms.ValidationError(str(e))
Пример #35
    def get_thumbnail(self, file_, geometry_string, **options):
        # Correct way for create source image, This is coped from begining of
        # ThumbnailBackend.get_thumbnail
        if file_:
            source = ImageFile(file_)
        elif settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY:
            return DummyImageFile(geometry_string)
            return None

        for key, value in self.default_options.iteritems():
            options.setdefault(key, value)

        for key, attr in self.extra_options:
            value = getattr(settings, attr)
            if value != getattr(default_settings, attr):
                options.setdefault(key, value)

        # Generate a name for the thumbnail
        name = self._get_thumbnail_filename(source, geometry_string, options)

        # See if we've got a hit in the cache
        thumbnail = ImageFile(name, default.storage)
        cached = default.kvstore.get(thumbnail)
        if cached:
            return cached
        #fixing misssing 'image_info' to be compatible with sorl-thumbnail newewst version
            # We have to check exists() because the Storage backend does not
            # overwrite in some implementations.
            # so we make the assumption that if the thumbnail is not cached, it doesn't exist
                source_image = default.engine.get_image(source)
            except IOError:
                if settings.THUMBNAIL_DUMMY:
                    return DummyImageFile(geometry_string)
                    # if S3Storage says file doesn't exist remotely, don't try to
                    # create it and exit early.
                    # Will return working empty image type; 404'd image
                    logger.warn('Remote file [%s] at [%s] does not exist', file_, geometry_string)
                    return thumbnail

            # We might as well set the size since we have the image in memory
            image_info = default.engine.get_image_info(source_image)
            options['image_info'] = image_info

        # We cannot check if the file exists, as remote storage is slow. If
        # we have reached this point, the image does not exist in our kvstore
        # so create the entry and queue the generation of the image.
        # Note: If the thumbnail file has been deleted, you will need to manually
        # clear the corresponding row from the kvstore to have thumbnail rebuilt.
        job = create_thumbnail.delay(file_, geometry_string, options, name)
        if job:
            geometry = parse_geometry(geometry_string)
            # We can't add a source row to the kvstore without the size
            # information being looked up, so add dummy information here
            # We'll need to correct this information when we generate the thumbnail

            # We don't want to do any file access in this thread, so we tell sorlery
            # to proceed as normal and cheekily update the name and storage after
            # the hash has been calculated.
            default.kvstore.set(thumbnail, source)

            # Now we go back and manually update the thumbnail to point at the source image
            # Hopefully someone can suggest a better way to do this ... but the sorl internals
            # don't make it easy to.
            rawvalue = default.kvstore._get_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key))
            rawvaluearr = deserialize(rawvalue)
            rawvaluearr['name'] = source.name
            default.kvstore._set_raw(add_prefix(thumbnail.key), serialize(rawvaluearr))

        thumbnail.name = source.name
        return thumbnail