Пример #1
    def _call_single(self, X, A):
        # Reshape kernels for efficient message-passing
        kernel = tf.reshape(self.kernel, (-1, self.attn_heads * self.channels))
        attn_kernel_self = ops.transpose(self.attn_kernel_self, (2, 1, 0))
        attn_kernel_neighs = ops.transpose(self.attn_kernel_neighs, (2, 1, 0))

        # Prepare message-passing
        indices = A.indices
        N = tf.shape(X, out_type=indices.dtype)[0]
        indices = ops.sparse_add_self_loops(indices, N)
        targets, sources = indices[:, -2], indices[:, -1]

        # Update node features
        X = ops.dot(X, kernel)
        X = tf.reshape(X, (-1, self.attn_heads, self.channels))

        # Compute attention
        attn_for_self = tf.reduce_sum(X * attn_kernel_self, -1)
        attn_for_self = tf.gather(attn_for_self, targets)
        attn_for_neighs = tf.reduce_sum(X * attn_kernel_neighs, -1)
        attn_for_neighs = tf.gather(attn_for_neighs, sources)

        attn_coef = attn_for_self + attn_for_neighs
        attn_coef = tf.nn.leaky_relu(attn_coef, alpha=0.2)
        attn_coef = ops.unsorted_segment_softmax(attn_coef, targets, N)
        attn_coef = self.dropout(attn_coef)
        attn_coef = attn_coef[..., None]

        # Update representation
        output = attn_coef * tf.gather(X, sources)
        output = ops.scatter_sum(output, targets, N)

        return output, attn_coef
Пример #2
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
        x, a, e = inputs

        # Parameters
        N = tf.shape(x)[-2]
        F = tf.shape(x)[-1]
        F_ = self.channels

        # Filter network
        kernel_network = e
        for layer in self.kernel_network_layers:
            kernel_network = layer(kernel_network)

        # Convolution
        mode = ops.autodetect_mode(x, a)
        if mode == modes.BATCH:
            kernel = K.reshape(kernel_network, (-1, N, N, F_, F))
            output = kernel * a[..., None, None]
            output = tf.einsum("abcde,ace->abd", output, x)
            # Enforce sparse representation
            if not K.is_sparse(a):
                warnings.warn("Casting dense adjacency matrix to SparseTensor."
                              "This can be an expensive operation. ")
                a = tf.sparse.from_dense(a)

            target_shape = (-1, F, F_)
            if mode == modes.MIXED:
                target_shape = (tf.shape(x)[0], ) + target_shape
            kernel = tf.reshape(kernel_network, target_shape)
            index_i = a.indices[:, 1]
            index_j = a.indices[:, 0]
            messages = tf.gather(x, index_j, axis=-2)
            messages = tf.einsum("...ab,...abc->...ac", messages, kernel)
            output = ops.scatter_sum(messages, index_i, N)

        if self.root:
            output += K.dot(x, self.root_kernel)
        if self.use_bias:
            output = K.bias_add(output, self.bias)
        if mask is not None:
            output *= mask[0]
        output = self.activation(output)

        return output
Пример #3
    def call(self, inputs):
        features = inputs[0]
        fltr = inputs[1]

        # Enforce sparse representation
        if not K.is_sparse(fltr):
            fltr = ops.dense_to_sparse(fltr)

        # Propagation
        targets = fltr.indices[:, -2]
        sources = fltr.indices[:, -1]
        messages = tf.gather(features, sources)
        aggregated = ops.scatter_sum(targets, messages, N=tf.shape(features)[0])
        hidden = (1.0 + self.eps) * features + aggregated

        # MLP
        output = self.mlp(hidden)

        return output
Пример #4
    def _call_single(self, inputs):
        X = inputs[0]  # (N, F)
        A = inputs[1]  # (N, N)
        E = inputs[2]  # (n_edges, S)
        assert K.ndim(
            E) == 2, 'In single mode, E must have shape (n_edges, S).'

        # Enforce sparse representation
        if not K.is_sparse(A):
            A = ops.dense_to_sparse(A)

        # Parameters
        N = tf.shape(X)[-2]
        F = K.int_shape(X)[-1]
        F_ = self.channels

        # Filter network
        kernel_network = E
        for l in self.kernel_network_layers:
            kernel_network = l(kernel_network)  # (n_edges, F * F_)
        target_shape = (-1, F, F_)
        kernel = tf.reshape(kernel_network, target_shape)

        # Propagation
        index_i = A.indices[:, -2]
        index_j = A.indices[:, -1]
        messages = tf.gather(X, index_j)
        messages = ops.dot(messages[:, None, :], kernel)[:, 0, :]
        aggregated = ops.scatter_sum(messages, index_i, N)

        # Update
        output = aggregated
        if self.root:
            output += ops.dot(X, self.root_kernel)
        if self.use_bias:
            output = K.bias_add(output, self.bias)
        if self.activation is not None:
            output = self.activation(output)

        return output
Пример #5
    def _call_single(self, inputs):
        x, a, e = inputs
        if K.ndim(e) != 2:
            raise ValueError('In single mode, E must have shape '
                             '(n_edges, n_edge_features).')

        # Enforce sparse representation
        if not K.is_sparse(a):
            a = ops.dense_to_sparse(a)

        # Parameters
        N = tf.shape(x)[-2]
        F = K.int_shape(x)[-1]
        F_ = self.channels

        # Filter network
        kernel_network = e
        for layer in self.kernel_network_layers:
            kernel_network = layer(kernel_network)  # (n_edges, F * F_)
        target_shape = (-1, F, F_)
        kernel = tf.reshape(kernel_network, target_shape)

        # Propagation
        index_i = a.indices[:, -2]
        index_j = a.indices[:, -1]
        messages = tf.gather(x, index_j)
        messages = ops.dot(messages[:, None, :], kernel)[:, 0, :]
        aggregated = ops.scatter_sum(messages, index_i, N)

        # Update
        output = aggregated
        if self.root:
            output += ops.dot(x, self.root_kernel)
        if self.use_bias:
            output = K.bias_add(output, self.bias)
        if self.activation is not None:
            output = self.activation(output)

        return output