Пример #1
    def init(self,
             builder: "Builder",
             theme: Theme = None,
             dirs: List[str] = None) -> None:
        # create a chain of paths to search
        if theme:
            # the theme's own dir and its bases' dirs
            pathchain = theme.get_theme_dirs()
            # the loader dirs: pathchain + the parent directories for all themes
            loaderchain = pathchain + [path.join(p, '..') for p in pathchain]
        elif dirs:
            pathchain = list(dirs)
            loaderchain = list(dirs)
            pathchain = []
            loaderchain = []

        # prepend explicit template paths
        self.templatepathlen = len(builder.config.templates_path)
        if builder.config.templates_path:
            cfg_templates_path = [
                path.join(builder.confdir, tp)
                for tp in builder.config.templates_path
            pathchain[0:0] = cfg_templates_path
            loaderchain[0:0] = cfg_templates_path

        # store it for use in newest_template_mtime
        self.pathchain = pathchain

        # make the paths into loaders
        self.loaders = [SphinxFileSystemLoader(x) for x in loaderchain]

        use_i18n = builder.app.translator is not None
        extensions = ['jinja2.ext.i18n'] if use_i18n else []
        self.environment = SandboxedEnvironment(loader=self,
        self.environment.filters['tobool'] = _tobool
        self.environment.filters['toint'] = _toint
        self.environment.filters['todim'] = _todim
        self.environment.filters['slice_index'] = _slice_index
        self.environment.globals['debug'] = contextfunction(pformat)
        self.environment.globals['warning'] = warning
        self.environment.globals['accesskey'] = contextfunction(accesskey)
        self.environment.globals['idgen'] = idgen
        if use_i18n: