Пример #1
    def test_search_argument_criteria_one_criteria_should_raise_ValueError(
        Test search(self, criteria, filterFp=False)
        sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False)

        criteria = {'type': "example type"}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sfdb.search(criteria, False)
    def test_search_argument_criteria_of_invalid_type_should_raise_TypeError(self):
        Test search(self, criteria, filterFp=False)
        sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False)

        invalid_types = [None, "", list(), int()]
        for invalid_type in invalid_types:
            with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type):
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                    sfdb.search(invalid_type, False)
    def test_search_argument_criteria_key_of_invalid_type_should_raise_TypeError(self):
        Test search(self, criteria, filterFp=False)
        sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False)

        criteria = {
            'type': "example type",
            'value': "example value",
            'regex': []

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            sfdb.search(criteria, False)
Пример #4
    def searchBase(self, id=None, eventType=None, value=None):

            id: TBD
            eventType: TBD
            value: TBD

            list: search results
        retdata = []

        if not id and not eventType and not value:
            return retdata

        if not value:
            value = ''

        regex = ""
        if value.startswith("/") and value.endswith("/"):
            regex = value[1:len(value) - 1]
            value = ""

        value = value.replace('*', '%')
        if value in [None, ""] and regex in [None, ""]:
            value = "%"
            regex = ""

        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        criteria = {
            'scan_id': id or '',
            'type': eventType or '',
            'value': value or '',
            'regex': regex or '',

            data = dbh.search(criteria)
        except Exception:
            return retdata

        for row in data:
            lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]))
            escapeddata = html.escape(row[1])
            escapedsrc = html.escape(row[2])
            retdata.append([lastseen, escapeddata, escapedsrc,
                            row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[10],
                            row[11], row[4], row[13], row[14]])

        return retdata
Пример #5
    def test_search_should_return_a_list(self):
        Test search(self, criteria, filterFp=False)
        sfdb = SpiderFootDb(self.default_options, False)

        criteria = {
            'scan_id': "example scan id",
            'type': "example type",
            'value': "example value",
            'regex': "example regex"

        search_results = sfdb.search(criteria, False)
        self.assertIsInstance(search_results, list)