def _sort_out_downed_chips_cores(downed_chips, downed_cores):
        """ Translate the down cores and down chips string into a form that \
            spinnman can understand

        :param downed_cores: string representing down cores
        :type downed_cores: str
        :param downed_chips: string representing down chips
        :type: downed_chips: str
        :return: a list of down cores and down chips in processor and \
                core subset format
        ignored_chips = None
        ignored_cores = None
        if downed_chips is not None and downed_chips != "None":
            ignored_chips = CoreSubsets()
            for downed_chip in downed_chips.split(":"):
                x, y = downed_chip.split(",")
                ignored_chips.add_core_subset(CoreSubset(int(x), int(y),
        if downed_cores is not None and downed_cores != "None":
            ignored_cores = CoreSubsets()
            for downed_core in downed_cores.split(":"):
                x, y, processor_id = downed_core.split(",")
                ignored_cores.add_processor(int(x), int(y),
        return ignored_chips, ignored_cores
Пример #2
def get_core_subsets(core_infos):
    """ Convert core information from get_cores_in_state to core_subset objects
    core_subsets = CoreSubsets()
    for (x, y, p) in core_infos:
        core_subsets.add_processor(x, y, p)
    return core_subsets
    def _sort_out_downed_chips_cores(downed_chips, downed_cores):
        """ Translate the down cores and down chips string into a form that \
            spinnman can understand

        :param downed_cores: string representing down cores
        :type downed_cores: str
        :param downed_chips: string representing down chips
        :type: downed_chips: str
        :return: a list of down cores and down chips in processor and \
                core subset format
        ignored_chips = None
        ignored_cores = None
        if downed_chips is not None and downed_chips != "None":
            ignored_chips = CoreSubsets()
            for downed_chip in downed_chips.split(":"):
                x, y = downed_chip.split(",")
                ignored_chips.add_core_subset(CoreSubset(int(x), int(y), []))
        if downed_cores is not None and downed_cores != "None":
            ignored_cores = CoreSubsets()
            for downed_core in downed_cores.split(":"):
                x, y, processor_id = downed_core.split(",")
                ignored_cores.add_processor(int(x), int(y), int(processor_id))
        return ignored_chips, ignored_cores
    def spinnaker_based_data_specification_execution(self,
                                                     dsg_targets, transceiver,
                                                     dse_app_id, app_id):

        :param write_memory_map_report:
        :param dsg_targets:
        :param transceiver:
        :param dse_app_id:
        :param app_id:

        # create a progress bar for end users
        progress_bar = ProgressBar(len(dsg_targets),
                                   "Loading data specifications")

        number_of_cores_used = 0
        core_subset = CoreSubsets()
        for (x, y, p, label) in dsg_targets:

            core_subset.add_processor(x, y, p)

            dse_data_struct_address = transceiver.malloc_sdram(
                x, y, constants.DSE_DATA_STRUCT_SIZE, dse_app_id)

            data_spec_file_path = dsg_targets[x, y, p, label]
            data_spec_file_size = os.path.getsize(data_spec_file_path)

            application_data_file_reader = FileDataReader(data_spec_file_path)

            base_address = transceiver.malloc_sdram(x, y, data_spec_file_size,

            dse_data_struct_data = struct.pack("<4I", base_address,
                                               data_spec_file_size, app_id,

            transceiver.write_memory(x, y, dse_data_struct_address,

            transceiver.write_memory(x, y, base_address,

            # data spec file is written at specific address (base_address)
            # this is encapsulated in a structure with four fields:
            # 1 - data specification base address
            # 2 - data specification file size
            # 3 - future application ID
            # 4 - store data for memory map report (True / False)
            # If the memory map report is going to be produced, the
            # address of the structure is returned in user1
            user_0_address = transceiver.\
                get_user_0_register_address_from_core(x, y, p)

            transceiver.write_memory(x, y, user_0_address,
                                     dse_data_struct_address, 4)


        # Execute the DSE on all the cores"Loading the Data Specification Executor")
        dse_exec = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(spec_sender.__file__),
        file_reader = FileDataReader(dse_exec)
        size = os.stat(dse_exec).st_size
        transceiver.execute_flood(core_subset, file_reader, app_id, size)
            "Waiting for On-chip Data Specification Executor to complete")
        processors_exited = transceiver.get_core_state_count(
            dse_app_id, CPUState.FINISHED)
        while processors_exited < number_of_cores_used:
            processors_errored = transceiver.get_core_state_count(
                dse_app_id, CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION)
            if processors_errored > 0:
                error_cores = helpful_functions.get_cores_in_state(
                    core_subset, CPUState, transceiver)
                if len(error_cores) > 0:
                    error = helpful_functions.get_core_status_string(
                    raise Exception(
                        "Data Specification Execution has failed: {}".format(
            processors_exited = transceiver.get_core_state_count(
                dse_app_id, CPUState.FINISHED)

        transceiver.stop_application(dse_app_id)"On-chip Data Specification Executor completed")

        return {"LoadedApplicationDataToken": True}
Пример #5
class ExecutableTargets(object):
    """ Encapsulate the binaries and cores on which to execute them
    def __init__(self):
        self._targets = dict()
        self._total_processors = 0
        self._all_core_subsets = CoreSubsets()

    def add_binary(self, binary):
        """ Add a binary to the list of things to execute

        :param binary: The binary to add
        if binary not in self._targets:
            self._targets[binary] = CoreSubsets()
            raise exceptions.ConfigurationException(
                "Binary {} already added".format(binary))

    def has_binary(self, binary):
        """ Determine if the binary is already in the set

        :param binary: The binary to find
        :return: True if the binary exists, false otherwise
        return binary in self._targets

    def add_subsets(self, binary, subsets):
        """ Add core subsets to a binary

        :param binary: the path to the binary needed to be executed
        :param subsets: the subset of cores that the binary needs to be loaded\
        if self.has_binary(binary):
            self._targets[binary] = subsets
        for subset in subsets.core_subsets:
            for p in subset.processor_ids:
                self._total_processors += 1
                self._all_core_subsets.add_processor(subset.x, subset.y, p)

    def add_processor(self, binary, chip_x, chip_y, chip_p):
        """ Add a processor to the executable targets

        :param binary: the binary path for executable
        :param chip_x: the coordinate on the machine in terms of x for the chip
        :param chip_y: the coordinate on the machine in terms of y for the chip
        :param chip_p: the processor id to place this executable on
        if not self.has_binary(binary):
        self._targets[binary].add_processor(chip_x, chip_y, chip_p)
        self._all_core_subsets.add_processor(chip_x, chip_y, chip_p)
        self._total_processors += 1

    def get_cores_for_binary(self, binary):
        """ Get the cores that a binary is to run on

        :param binary: The binary to find the cores for
        if self.has_binary(binary):
            return self._targets[binary]
            return None

    def binaries(self):
        """ The binaries of the executables
        return self._targets.keys()

    def total_processors(self):
        """ The total number of cores to be loaded
        return self._total_processors

    def all_core_subsets(self):
        """ All the core subsets for all the binaries
        return self._all_core_subsets
Пример #6
 def test_add_processor_duplicate_processor_different_chip(self):
     proc_list = [0,1,2,3,5,8,13]
     cs = CoreSubset(0,0,proc_list)
     css = CoreSubsets([cs])
Пример #7
 def test_add_processor_duplicate_processor(self):
     proc_list = [0,1,2,3,5,8,13]
     cs = CoreSubset(0,0,proc_list)
     css = CoreSubsets([cs])
     with self.assertRaises(SpinnmanInvalidParameterException):
Пример #8
from spinnman import constants


board_config = BoardTestConfiguration()

n_cores = 20
core_subsets = CoreSubsets(core_subsets=[CoreSubset(0, 0, range(1, 11)),
                                         CoreSubset(1, 1, range(1, 11))])
app_id = 30

down_cores = CoreSubsets()
down_cores.add_processor(0, 0, 5)
down_chips = CoreSubsets(core_subsets=[CoreSubset(0, 1, [])])

def print_enums(name, enum_list):
    string = ""
    for enum_value in enum_list:
        string += + "; "
    print name, string

def print_word_as_binary(name, word, start=0, end=32, fields=None):
    start_fields = set()
    end_fields = set()
    if fields is not None:
        for field in fields: