Пример #1
    def get_tracks(track):
            song = from_spotify_url(
                "https://open.spotify.com/track/" + track["id"],

            if generate_m3u:
                file_path = _get_converted_file_path(song, output_format)

                return song, f"{file_path}\n"

            return song, None
        except (LookupError, ValueError):
            return None, None
        except OSError:
            if generate_m3u:
                file_path = (str(
                        [artist["name"] for artist in track["artists"]],
                    )) + "." + output_format
                             if output_format is not None else "mp3")

                if len(file_path) > 256:
                    file_path = (str(
                            track["name"], [track["artists"][0]["name"]])) +
                                 "." + output_format
                                 if output_format is not None else "mp3")

                return None, f"{file_path}\n"

            return None, None
Пример #2
def search_and_get_best_match(
    song_name: str,
    song_artists: List[str],
    song_duration: int,
    isrc: str,
) -> Optional[str]:
    `str` `song_name` : name of song

    `list<str>` `song_artists` : list containing name of contributing artists

    `str` `song_album_name` : name of song's album

    `int` `song_duration` : duration of the song

    `str` `isrc` :  code for identifying sound recordings and music video recordings

    RETURNS `str` : link of the best match

    # if isrc is not None then we try to find song with it
    if isrc is not None:
        isrc_results = Search(isrc).results

        if isrc_results and len(isrc_results) == 1:
            isrc_result = isrc_results[0]

            if isrc_result is not None and isrc_result.watch_url is not None:
                return isrc_result.watch_url

    song_title = _create_song_title(song_name, song_artists).lower()

    # Query YTM by songs only first, this way if we get correct result on the first try
    # we don't have to make another request to ytmusic api that could result in us
    # getting rate limited sooner
    results = Search(song_title).results

    if results is None:
        print("Couldn't find the song on YouTube")
        return None

    # Order results
    results = _order_yt_results(results, song_name, song_artists,

    # No matches found
    if len(results) == 0:
        return None

    result_items = list(results.items())

    # Sort results by highest score
    sorted_results = sorted(result_items, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

    # ! In theory, the first 'TUPLE' in sorted_results should have the highest match
    # ! value, we send back only the link
    return sorted_results[0][0]
Пример #3
def _order_yt_results(
    results: List[YouTube],
    song_name: str,
    song_artists: List[str],
    song_duration: int,
) -> dict:

    # Assign an overall avg match value to each result
    links_with_match_value = {}

    for result in results:
        # ! skip results without videoId, this happens if you are country restricted or
        # ! video is unavailabe
        if result.video_id is None:

        lower_song_name = song_name.lower()
        lower_result_name = result.title.lower()

        sentence_words = lower_song_name.replace("-", " ").split(" ")

        common_word = False

        # ! check for common word
        for word in sentence_words:
            if word != "" and word in lower_result_name:
                common_word = True

        # ! if there are no common words, skip result
        if common_word is False:

        # Find artist match
        # ! match  = (no of artist names in result) / (no. of artist names on spotify) * 100
        artist_match_number = 0

        # ! we use fuzzy matching because YouTube spellings might be mucked up
        # ! i.e if video
        for artist in song_artists:
            # ! something like _match_percentage('rionos', 'aiobahn, rionos Motivation
            # ! (remix)' would return 100, so we're absolutely corrent in matching
            # ! artists to song name.
            if _match_percentage(unidecode(artist.lower()),
                                 unidecode(result.title).lower(), 85):
                artist_match_number += 1

        # ! Skip if there are no artists in common, (else, results like 'Griffith Swank -
        # ! Madness' will be the top match for 'Ruelle - Madness')
        if artist_match_number == 0:

        artist_match = (artist_match_number / len(song_artists)) * 100
        song_title = _create_song_title(song_name, song_artists).lower()
        name_match = round(
                              unidecode(song_title), 60),

        # skip results with name match of 0, these are obviously wrong
        # but can be identified as correct later on due to other factors
        # such as time_match or artist_match
        if name_match == 0:

        # Find duration match
        # ! time match = 100 - (delta(duration)**2 / original duration * 100)
        # ! difference in song duration (delta) is usually of the magnitude of a few
        # ! seconds, we need to amplify the delta if it is to have any meaningful impact
        # ! wen we calculate the avg match value
        delta = result.length - song_duration  # ! check this
        non_match_value = (delta**2) / song_duration * 100

        time_match = 100 - non_match_value

        average_match = (artist_match + name_match + time_match) / 3

        # the results along with the avg Match
        links_with_match_value[result.watch_url] = average_match

    return links_with_match_value
def search_and_get_best_match(
    song_name: str,
    song_artists: List[str],
    song_album_name: str,
    song_duration: int,
    isrc: str,
) -> Optional[str]:
    `str` `song_name` : name of song

    `list<str>` `song_artists` : list containing name of contributing artists

    `str` `song_album_name` : name of song's album

    `int` `song_duration` : duration of the song

    `str` `isrc` :  code for identifying sound recordings and music video recordings

    RETURNS `str` : link of the best match

    # if isrc is not None then we try to find song with it
    if isrc is not None:
        isrc_results = _query_and_simplify(isrc, "songs")

        if len(isrc_results) == 1:
            isrc_result = isrc_results[0]

            name_match = _match_percentage(isrc_result["name"].lower(),

            delta = isrc_result["length"] - song_duration
            non_match_value = (delta**2) / song_duration * 100

            time_match = 100 - non_match_value

            if (isrc_result is not None and "link" in isrc_result
                    and name_match > 90 and time_match > 90):
                return isrc_result["link"]

    song_title = _create_song_title(song_name, song_artists).lower()

    # Query YTM by songs only first, this way if we get correct result on the first try
    # we don't have to make another request to ytmusic api that could result in us
    # getting rate limited sooner
    song_results = _query_and_simplify(song_title, "songs")

    # Order results
    songs = _order_ytm_results(song_results, song_name, song_artists,
                               song_album_name, song_duration)

    # song type results are always more accurate than video type, so if we get score of 80 or above
    # we are almost 100% sure that this is the correct link
    if len(songs) != 0:
        # get the result with highest score
        best_result = max(songs, key=lambda k: songs[k])

        if songs[best_result] >= 80:
            return best_result

    # We didn't find the correct song on the first try so now we get video type results
    # add them to song_results, and get the result with highest score
    video_results = _query_and_simplify(_create_song_title(
        song_name, song_artists).lower(),

    # Order video results
    videos = _order_ytm_results(video_results, song_name, song_artists,
                                song_album_name, song_duration)

    # Merge songs and video results
    results = {**songs, **videos}

    # No matches found
    if not results:
        return None

    result_items = list(results.items())

    # Sort results by highest score
    sorted_results = sorted(result_items, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

    # ! In theory, the first 'TUPLE' in sorted_results should have the highest match
    # ! value, we send back only the link
    return sorted_results[0][0]
def _order_ytm_results(
    results: List[dict],
    song_name: str,
    song_artists: List[str],
    song_album_name: str,
    song_duration: int,
) -> dict:

    # Assign an overall avg match value to each result
    links_with_match_value = {}

    for result in results:
        # ! skip results without videoId, this happens if you are country restricted or
        # ! video is unavailabe
        if result == {}:

        # ! If there are no common words b/w the spotify and YouTube Music name, the song
        # ! is a wrong match (Like Ruelle - Madness being matched to Ruelle - Monster, it
        # ! happens without this conditional)

        # ! most song results on youtube go by $artist - $song_name, so if the spotify name
        # ! has a '-', this function would return True, a common '-' is hardly a 'common
        # ! word', so we get rid of it. Lower-caseing all the inputs is to get rid of the
        # ! troubles that arise from pythons handling of differently cased words, i.e.
        # ! 'Rhino' == 'rhino' is false though the word is same... so we lower-case both
        # ! sentences and replace any hypens(-)
        lower_song_name = song_name.lower()
        lower_result_name = result["name"].lower()

        sentence_words = lower_song_name.replace("-", " ").split(" ")

        common_word = any(
            # ! check for common word
            word != "" and word in lower_result_name
            for word in sentence_words)

        # ! if there are no common words, skip result
        if not common_word:

        # Find artist match
        # ! match  = (no of artist names in result) / (no. of artist names on spotify) * 100
        artist_match_number = 0.0

        # ! we use fuzzy matching because YouTube spellings might be mucked up
        if result["type"] == "song":
            for artist in song_artists:
                artist_match_number += _match_percentage(
            # ! i.e if video
            for artist in song_artists:
                # ! something like _match_percentage('rionos', 'aiobahn, rionos Motivation
                # ! (remix)' would return 100, so we're absolutely corrent in matching
                # ! artists to song name.
                artist_match_number += _match_percentage(

            # we didn't find artist in the video title, so we fallback to
            # detecting song artist in the channel name
            # I am not sure if this won't create false positives
            if artist_match_number == 0:
                for artist in song_artists:
                    artist_match_number += _match_percentage(

        artist_match = artist_match_number / len(song_artists)
        if artist_match < 70:

        song_title = _create_song_title(song_name, song_artists).lower()

        # Find name match and drop results below 60%
        # this needs more testing
        if result["type"] == "song":
            name_match = round(
                                  str(unidecode(song_name)), 60),
            name_match = round(
                                  str(unidecode(song_title)), 60),

        # skip results with name match of 0, these are obviously wrong
        # but can be identified as correct later on due to other factors
        # such as time_match or artist_match
        if name_match == 0:

        # Find album match
        # ! We assign an arbitrary value of 0 for album match in case of video results
        # ! from YouTube Music
        album_match = 0.0
        album = None

        if result["type"] == "song":
            album = result.get("album")
            if album:
                album_match = _match_percentage(album, song_album_name)

        # Find duration match
        # ! time match = 100 - (delta(duration)**2 / original duration * 100)
        # ! difference in song duration (delta) is usually of the magnitude of a few
        # ! seconds, we need to amplify the delta if it is to have any meaningful impact
        # ! wen we calculate the avg match value
        delta = result["length"] - song_duration
        non_match_value = (delta**2) / song_duration * 100

        time_match = 100 - non_match_value

        if result["type"] == "song":
            if album is None:
                # Don't add album_match to average_match if song_name == result and
                # result album name != song_album_name
                average_match = (artist_match + name_match + time_match) / 3
            elif (_match_percentage(album.lower(), result["name"].lower()) > 95
                  and album.lower() != song_album_name.lower()):
                average_match = (artist_match + name_match + time_match) / 3
                # Add album to average_match if song_name == result album
                # and result album name == song_album_name
                average_match = (artist_match + album_match + name_match +
                                 time_match) / 4
            average_match = (artist_match + name_match + time_match) / 3
        # Don't add album_match to average_match if we don't have information about the album
        # name in the metadata

        # the results along with the avg Match
        links_with_match_value[result["link"]] = average_match

    return links_with_match_value