Пример #1
    def __init__(self, imgName, stripWidth=None, rects=None, colors=None, colorKey=None):
        """ Loads sprites from file
		Param imgFile:		Path of image file
		Param stripWidth: 	Width or strips to get sprites
		Param rects:		List of rectangles to get sprites
		Param colors:		Tuple (colorFrom, colorTo)
		Param colorKey:		Transparent color
        ### FILE ###
        # Get image
        img = SpriteManager.getInstance().getSprite(imgName=imgName)
        # If colors defined => replace color
        if colors is not None:
            img.replaceColor(colors[0], colors[1])

            ### SPRITES ###
            # If stripWidth defined => get sprites by width
        if stripWidth is not None:
            sprites = img.loadStrip(width=stripWidth, colorKey=colorKey)
            # If rects defined => get sprites by rects
        elif rects is not None:
            sprites = img.imagesAt(rects=rects, colorKey=colorKey)
            # Otherwise => sprite = full image
            sprites = [img]

        content = [Bunch(surface=s, posX=0, posY=0) for s in sprites]
        super(SpritesTypeVisualEffect, self).__init__(content=content)
Пример #2
	def __init__(self, screen):
		""" Init state common to all levels """
		# Init sounds
		self.sound = SoundManager(SOUND_DIR)
		# Init sprites
		self.sprites = SpriteManager.getInstance(IMAGE_DIR)

		self.screen = screen
		self.gameDim = self.screen.getGameDim()
		# Parse directory to get levels
		self.levels = [lvl for lvl in os.listdir(LVL_DIR) if lvl.endswith(LVL_FORMAT)]
		self.currentLvl = 0