Пример #1
    def build_geometry(self, osmid):
        # find all relation parts
        h = self.hierarchy_table.data
        parts = select([h.c.child]).where(h.c.parent == osmid)

        # stick them together
        s = self.segment_table.data
        sel = select([func.st_linemerge(func.st_collect(s.c.geom))])\
                .where(s.c.rels.op('&& ARRAY')(parts))
        return self.thread.conn.scalar(sel)
Пример #2
    def transform_tags(self, osmid, tags):
        outtags, difficulty = _basic_tag_transform(osmid, tags)

        # we don't support hierarchy at the moment
        outtags['top']  = True

        # find all relation parts
        h = self.hierarchy_table.data
        parts = select([h.c.child]).where(h.c.parent == osmid)

        # get the geometry
        s = self.segment_table.data
        sel = select([func.st_linemerge(func.st_collect(s.c.geom))])\
                .where(s.c.rels.op('&& ARRAY')(parts))
        outtags['geom'] = self.thread.conn.scalar(sel)

        outtags['symbol'] = self.symbols.create_write(tags, '', difficulty)

        return outtags
Пример #3
import piecewise.config
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, create_engine, func, select
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import label
import json

aggregator = piecewise.config.read_config(
spatial_bin = filter(lambda x: x.label == 'spatial_join', aggregator.bins)[0]

engine = create_engine(aggregator.database_uri)
metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine
geom = Column(spatial_bin.geometry_column)
spatial_table = Table(spatial_bin.table, metadata,
import sys

with engine.begin() as conn, open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as out:
    centroid = func.st_astext(func.st_centroid(func.st_collect(geom)))
    query = select([func.st_x(centroid),
    (x, y) = conn.execute(query).fetchone()
    out.write("var center = [{lat}, {lon}];".format(lat=y, lon=x))
import piecewise.config
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, create_engine, func, select
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import label
import json

aggregator = piecewise.config.read_config(json.load(open("piecewise_config.json")))
spatial_bin = filter(lambda x: x.label == 'spatial_join', aggregator.bins)[0]

engine = create_engine(aggregator.database_uri)
metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine
geom = Column(spatial_bin.geometry_column)
spatial_table = Table(spatial_bin.table, metadata, Column(spatial_bin.geometry_column))
import sys

with engine.begin() as conn, open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as out:
    centroid = func.st_astext(func.st_centroid(func.st_collect(geom)))
    query = select([func.st_x(centroid), func.st_y(centroid)]).select_from(spatial_table)
    (x, y) = conn.execute(query).fetchone()
    out.write("var center = [{lat}, {lon}];".format(lat=y, lon=x))
def construct_stroke(road_section, junction, delimited_stroke, level=1):
    """Constructs a delimited stroke from road_section, with junction as its starting point.
    If a delimited_stroke is given as input, the next road_section is added to this delimited_stroke."""
    # the delimited stroke dictionary use here is based on type of the input stroke
    if type(delimited_stroke) == DelimitedStrokeRef:
        delimited_strokes = delimited_strokes_ref
        delimited_strokes = delimited_strokes_target
    road_section.delimited_stroke = delimited_stroke

    # determine which from which junction the next road section should be added
    if junction == road_section.begin_junction:
        next_junction = road_section.end_junction
        next_junction = road_section.begin_junction

    # if the next_junction is the same as the begin_junction of the delimited stroke, it is a loop and can be returned
    if next_junction.id == delimited_stroke.begin_junction_id:
        delimited_stroke.end_junction_id = next_junction.id
        return delimited_stroke

    # if the degree of the next junction is 2, the road section that is not equal to the input is added
    # to the delimited stroke
    if next_junction.degree == 2:
        for next_road_section in next_junction.road_sections:
            if next_road_section != road_section:
                delimited_stroke.geom = session.query(
                return construct_stroke(next_road_section, next_junction,
                                        delimited_stroke, level)

    # only strokes at level 1, are extended with sections that have good continuity
    if level == 1:
        if next_junction.type_k3 == 2:
            current_angle = angle_at_junction(road_section, next_junction)
            if current_angle != next_junction.angle_k3:

                # select the next section that has good continuity
                for next_road_section in next_junction.road_sections:
                    if next_road_section != road_section and next_road_section.delimited_stroke is None:
                        next_angle = angle_at_junction(next_road_section,
                        if next_angle != next_junction.angle_k3:
                            # if the next section is a loop, it is not added to the delimited stroke
                            if next_road_section.begin_junction == next_road_section.end_junction:
                                delimited_stroke.end_junction_id = next_junction.id
                                return delimited_stroke

                            # merge the selected section with the existing delimited stroke to extend it
                            delimited_stroke.geom = session.query(
                            return construct_stroke(next_road_section,
                                                    delimited_stroke, level)

    # if the stroke is not extended, the end junction is set
    delimited_stroke.end_junction_id = next_junction.id
    return delimited_stroke