Пример #1
    def POST(self):
        post_params = web.input()
        item_id = int(post_params['itemID'])
        user_id = post_params['userID']
        price = float(post_params['price'])
        current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
        test = "select * from Bids where (userID = $user_id) and (itemID = $item_id)"
        message = "A bid of $%s has been placed by %s for item %s" % (price,user_id,item_id)
        add_result = ""
        t = sqlitedb.transaction()
            started = sqlitedb.query("select Started from Items where ItemID = $item_id", {'item_id': item_id})
            ends = sqlitedb.query("select Ends from Items where ItemID = $item_id", {'item_id': item_id})
            buyPrice = sqlitedb.query("select Buy_Price from Items where ItemID = $item_id", {'item_id': item_id})[0].Buy_Price
            s = sqlitedb.query("select * from Bids where (ItemID = $item_id) and (Amount >= $buyPrice)",{'item_id': item_id, 'buyPrice': buyPrice})
            if (sqlitedb.isResultEmpty(s)):
                add_result = "done"
                sqlitedb.query("insert into Bids values ($user_id,$currTime,$price,$item_id)",
                    {'user_id':user_id,'currTime':current_time, 'price':price,'item_id':item_id, 'started': started[0].Started, 'ends': ends[0].Ends})
                message = "INSERT FAILED!"
                add_result = ""

        except Exception as e:
            message = str(e)
            add_result = ""

        return render_template('add_bid.html',message = message, add_result = add_result)
Пример #2
 def POST(self):
     global item
     post_params = web.input()
     item_id = post_params['item-id']
     bid_amt = post_params['bid']
     bidder = post_params['bidder']
     current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()   
     # use user testuser1        
     sqlitedb.enterBid(item_id, bid_amt, current_time, bidder)
     return render_template('bid.html', item = item, loggedIn = loggedIn, user = user)
Пример #3
  def GET(self, itemID):
    current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
    item_row = sqlitedb.getItemById(itemID)
    is_open = current_time < item_row.ends
    bids = sqlitedb.getBidsByItemId(itemID)
    winner = str(sqlitedb.getWinnerId(itemID))

    return render_template('view_item.html', 
      item = item_row, 
      is_open = is_open,
      bids = bids,
      winner = winner
Пример #4
def updateCurrentItemMap(item_id):
    global item
    current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()   
    item_found = sqlitedb.getItemById(item_id)
    item['id'] = item_found.id
    item['name'] = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(item_found.name)
    item['current_bid'] = item_found.current_bid
    item['buy_price'] = item_found.buy_price
    item['first_bid'] = item_found.first_bid
    item['num_bids'] = item_found.num_bids
    item['start'] = item_found.start
    item['end'] = item_found.end
    item['user_id'] = item_found.user_id
    item['description'] = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(item_found.description)
    if (string_to_time(str(item_found.end)) < string_to_time(str(current_time)) or (item_found.current_bid >= item_found.buy_price and item_found.buy_price is not None) or string_to_time(str(item_found.start)) < string_to_time(str(current_time))):
        item['isOpen'] = False
        # Need to account if the query does not return anything!
        item['winner'] = sqlitedb.getAuctionWinner(item['id'])
        item['isOpen'] = True
Пример #5
    def POST(self):
        post_params = web.input()
        item_id = post_params['itemid']
        user_id = post_params['userid']
        amount = post_params['amount']
        current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()


        t = sqlitedb.transaction()
            sqlitedb.addBid(item_id, user_id, current_time, amount)
            raise web.seeother('/500?errortype={0}&errorvalue={1}'.format(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))

        return render_template('place_bid.html', itemid = item_id, username = session.get('username', None))
Пример #6
    def GET(self):
        item_id = web.input(itemid=None).itemid
        if item_id is None:
            return render_template('find_auction.html', username = session.get('username', None))
            # check the status of the current auction
            current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
            item = sqlitedb.getItemById(item_id)

            if item is None:
                return render_template('find_auction.html', status = "NOT FOUND", username = session.get('username', None))

            # calculate current price
            current_price = sqlitedb.getCurrentPrice(item_id, current_time)
            if current_price is None:
                current_price = item.First_Bid
            item.Currently = current_price


            # check the current status of the auction
            status = getAuctionStatus(current_time, item.Started, item.Ends, item.Currently, item.Buy_Price)
            if status == "NOT FOUND":
                return render_template('find_auction.html', status = status, username = session.get('username', None))

            # modify values inside item to make it consistent with the current timestamp
            bids = sqlitedb.getBidsByItemID(item_id, current_time)
            categories = sqlitedb.getCategoryByItemID(item_id)
            if status == "OPEN":
                number_of_bids = sqlitedb.getNumberOfBids(item_id, current_time)
                item.Number_of_Bids = number_of_bids
                item.Currently = current_price
                return render_template('find_auction.html', item = item, categories = categories, bids = bids, status = status, username = session.get('username', None))
                winner = sqlitedb.getWinner(item_id)
                return render_template('find_auction.html', item = item, categories = categories, bids = bids, status = status, winner = winner, username = session.get('username', None))
    def querySearchArgs(self,message,itemid,userid,price):
    	t = sqlitedb.transaction()
            bidClosed = sqlitedb.isAuctionClosed(itemid)
            if bidClosed:
                message = "Bid not placed! I'm sory the auction is closed for item id:" + str(itemid)
                return self.getNotOverloaded(itemid,message)
            currentTime = sqlitedb.getTime()
        except Exception as e:
            message = "Bid not placed! " + str(e)
            if str(e)=='constraint failed':
                message = "Bid not placed! You wagered more than the buy price. Just trying to save you money!"
            if str(e)=='foreign key constraint failed':
                message = "Bid not placed!  User " + userid + " does not exist!"
            return self.getNotOverloaded(itemid,message)

        message = userid + ' successfully placed a bid of $' + str(price) +' itemID=' + str(itemid)
        return self.getNotOverloaded(itemid,message)
 def GET(self):
     current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
     return render_template('curr_time.html', time = current_time)
Пример #9
  def POST(self):
    post_params = web.input()

    itemID = post_params['itemID']
    price = post_params['price']
    userID = post_params['userID']
    current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()

    ### Many ways to fail... #######################################

    # (1) All fields must be filled
    if (itemID == '') or (price == '') or (userID == ''):
      return render_template('add_bid.html', 
        message = 'You must fill out every field'

    item_row = sqlitedb.getItemById(itemID)

    # (2) There must be an item with that ID
    if item_row == None:
      return render_template('add_bid.html', 
        message = 'There are no items with that ID'

    # (3) Users can't bid on closed auction items
    if (string_to_time(item_row.ends) <= string_to_time(current_time)):
      return render_template('add_bid.html', 
        message = 'That auction is already closed'

    # (4) UserID must correspond to an existing user in User table
    user_row = sqlitedb.getUserById(userID);
    if user_row == None:
      return render_template('add_bid.html', 
        message = 'There are no users with that ID'

    # (5) Don't accept bids <= current highest bid
    if float(price) <= float(item_row.currently):
      return render_template('add_bid.html', 
        message = 'You must make a bid higher than the current price (currently $' + item_row.currently + ')'

    ### ... but it's possible to succeed :P ########################

    # A bid at the buy_price closes the auction
    if (price >= item_row.buy_price):
      # Update ends to current_time
      sqlitedb.updateItemEndTime(itemID, current_time);
      return render_template(
        message = 'Congratulations! You just closed that auction by making a bid at or above the buy price'

    # Add bid to Bid table in db
    sqlitedb.addBid(itemID, price, userID, current_time)

    return render_template(
      message = 'Success! You\'ve just placed a bid on ' + item_row.name + '(' + itemID + ')'
Пример #10
 def GET(self):
     current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()	
     return render_template('curr_time.html', time = current_time, loggedIn = loggedIn, user = user)
Пример #11
    def POST(self):
        post_params = web.input()
        item_id = post_params['itemID']
        user_id = post_params['userID']
        min_price = post_params['minPrice']
        max_price = post_params['maxPrice']
        category = post_params['category']
        status = post_params['status']
        search_result = [status]
        src1 = ""
        src2 = ""
        src3 = ""
        src4 = ""
        src5 = ""
        src6 = ""
        itemId = ""
        minPrice = ""
        maxPrice = ""
        winnerStr = ""

        currTime = sqlitedb.getTime()
        if (item_id != ""):
            itemId = int(item_id)
            src1 = " (select ItemID from Items where ItemID = $itemId) "
        if (user_id != ""):
            src2 = " (select ItemID from Sales where UserID = $userId) "
        if (min_price != ""):
            minPrice = float(min_price)
            src3 = " (select ItemID from Items where Currently > $minPrice) "
        if (max_price != ""):
            maxPrice = float(max_price)
            src4 = " (select ItemID from Items where Currently < $maxPrice) "
        if (status == "open" ):
            src5 = " (select ItemID from Items where (Started < $currTime) and (Ends > $currTime)) "
        if (status == "close"):
            winnerStr = "select distinct ItemID, UserID as Winner from Bids where UserID in (select UserID from (select UserID, max(Amount) from Bids group by ItemID))"
            src5 = " (select ItemID from Items where ((Started < $currTime) and (Ends < $currTime)) or Currently > Buy_Price)"
        if (status == "notStarted"):
            src5 = " (select ItemID from Items where (Started > $currTime) and (Ends > $currTime)) "
        if (status == "all") :
            src5 = " (select ItemID from Items) "
        if (category != ""):
            src6 = " (select ItemID from Categories where (Category = $category)) "
        arr = [src1,src2,src3,src4,src5,src6]
        query_string = "select distinct * from Items inner join Sales on Items.ItemID = Sales.ItemID where Items.ItemID in"
        first = False
        for i in xrange(len(arr)):
            if first == False and arr[i] != "":
                first = True
                query_string += arr[i]
            elif arr[i] != "":
                query_string += "and Items.ItemID in" + arr[i]

        t = sqlitedb.transaction()
        if (winnerStr != ""):
            cols = "q1.ItemID,Ends,First_Bid,Name,Started,Number_of_Bids,UserID,Buy_Price,Currently,Description,Winner"
            query_string = "select distinct " + cols +  " from (" +query_string + ") q1 inner join (" + winnerStr + ") q2 on q1.ItemID = q2.ItemID"
            result = sqlitedb.query(query_string, {'userId' : user_id, 'itemId': itemId, 'maxPrice':maxPrice, 'minPrice': minPrice, 'currTime':currTime, 'category':category})
            search_result = result
        except Exception as e:
            search_result = []



        return render_template('search.html',search_result = search_result)
Пример #12
 def GET(self):
     current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
     return render_template('curr_time.html', time=current_time)
Пример #13
    def POST(self):
        #transaction and test
        t = sqlitedb.transaction()
            post_params = web.input()
            item_id = int(post_params['itemID'])
            user_id = post_params['userID']
            price = float(post_params['price'])
            current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
            started = sqlitedb.query(
                "select Started from Items where ItemID = $item_id",
                {'item_id': item_id})
            ends = sqlitedb.query(
                "select Ends from Items where ItemID = $item_id",
                {'item_id': item_id})
            buyPrice = sqlitedb.query(
                "select Buy_Price from Items where ItemID = $item_id",
                {'item_id': item_id})[0].Buy_Price
            #current_price =  sqlitedb.query("select Currently from Items where ItemID = $item_id", {'item_id': item_id})[0].Currently
            if (buyPrice != None):
                closed = sqlitedb.query(
                    "select * from Bids where (ItemID = $item_id) and (Amount >= $buyPrice)",
                        'item_id': item_id,
                        'buyPrice': buyPrice
                closed = None
            if (closed is None):
                #add bid to the database
                    "insert into Bids values ($item_id, $user_id, $price, $currTime)",
                        'item_id': item_id,
                        'user_id': user_id,
                        'price': price,
                        'currTime': current_time
                    "update Items set Currently = $currently where ItemID = $item_id",
                        'currently': price,
                        'item_id': item_id

                add_result = "done"
                update_message = 'Hello, %s. Previously added a bid for %d. of price $%d.' % (
                    user_id, item_id, price)
                update_message = "Failed. Try again."
                add_result = ""

        except Exception as e:
            print str(e)
            add_result = ""
            update_message = "Failed. Try again."
        return render_template('add_bid.html',
Пример #14
 def GET(self):
     current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
     add_result = True
     return render_template('add_bid.html')
Пример #15
    def POST(SELF):
        post_params = web.input()
        item_id = post_params['itemID']
        user_id = post_params['userID']
        min_price = post_params['minPrice']
        max_price = post_params['maxPrice']
        category = post_params['category']
        status = post_params['status']
        description = post_params['description']
        line1 = ""
        line2 = ""
        line3 = ""
        line4 = ""
        line5 = ""
        line6 = ""
        line7 = ""
        Item_id = ""
        userId = ""
        minPrice = ""
        maxPrce = ""

        #grab current time
        current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
        print current_time
        #do some query based on the input
            if (item_id != ""):
                Item_id = int(item_id)
                line1 = "(select ItemID from Items where ItemID = $Item_id) "
            if (user_id != ""):
                userId = user_id
                line2 = "(select ItemID from Items where Seller_UserID = $userId) "
            if (min_price != ""):
                minPrice = float(min_price)
                line3 = "(select ItemID from Items where Currently >= $minPrice) "
            if (max_price != ""):
                maxPrce = float(max_price)
                line4 = "(select ItemID from Items where Currently <= $maxPrice) "
            if (category != ""):
                line5 = "(select ItemID from Categories where Category = $category)"
        except Exception as e:
            message = "please write valid input!"
            return render_template('search.html', message=message)
        if (status == "open"):
            line6 = "(select ItemID from Items where (Started <= $current_time) and (Ends >= $current_time) or Currently > Buy_Price)"
        if (status == "all"):
            line6 = "(select ItemID from Items)"
        if (status == "close"):
            line6 = "(select ItemID from Items where (Started < $current_time) and (Ends < $current_time))"
        if (status == "notStarted"):
            line6 = "(select ItemID from Items where (Started > $current_time) and (Ends > $current_time))"
        if (description != ""):
            line7 = "(select ItemID from Items where instr(Description, $description) > 0)"

        res = [line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7]
        query_string = "select distinct * from Items inner join Categories on Items.ItemID = Categories.ItemID where Items.ItemID in "
        isFirst = False
        for i in range(len(res)):
            if isFirst == False and res[i] != "":
                isFirst = True
                query_string += res[i]
            elif res[i] != "":
                query_string += "and Items.ItemID in "
                query_string += res[i]
        query_string += " group by Items.ItemID"
        result = sqlitedb.query(
            query_string, {
                'Item_id': Item_id,
                'userId': userId,
                'minPrice': minPrice,
                'maxPrice': maxPrce,
                'category': category,
                'current_time': current_time,
                'description': description
        #check status
        count = 0
        status = range(len(result))
        itemID = range(len(result))
        counter = 0
        cur_time = string_to_time(sqlitedb.getTime())
        for a in result:
            for b in a:
                count += 1
                if (count % 11 == 1):
                    itemID[counter] = int(a[b])
                if (count % 11 == 6):
                    start = string_to_time(a[b])
                if (count % 11 == 3):
                    end = string_to_time(a[b])
                if (count % 11 == 8):
                    cur = int(a[b])
                if (count % 11 == 9):
                    buyprice = a[b]
            if (cur_time > start and cur_time > end):
                status[counter] = "CLOSE"
            if (buyprice != None):
                buy = int(buyprice)
                if (cur >= buy):
                    status[counter] = "CLOSE"
            if (cur_time > start and cur_time < end):
                status[counter] = "OPEN"
            if (cur_time < start and cur_time < end):
                status[counter] = "NOT START"
            count = 0
            counter += 1

        return render_template('search.html',
Пример #16
 def GET(self):
     current_time = sqlitedb.getTime()
     return render_template('curr_time.html', time = current_time, username = session.get('username', None))