Пример #1
def do_cookie_check(cookie):
    multi_parameters = cookie.split(settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER)
    # Check for inappropriate format in provided parameter(s).
    if len([s
            for s in multi_parameters if "=" in s]) != (len(multi_parameters)):
    # Grab the value of parameter.
    value = re.findall(r'=(.*)', cookie)
    value = ''.join(value)
    # Replace the value of parameter with INJECT tag
    # Check if single paramerter is supplied.
    if len(multi_parameters) == 1:
        # Ignoring the anti-CSRF parameter(s).
        if checks.ignore_anticsrf_parameter(cookie):
            return cookie
        # Ignoring the Google analytics cookie parameter.
        if checks.ignore_google_analytics_cookie(cookie):
            return cookie
        # Check for empty values (in provided parameters).
        if checks.is_empty(multi_parameters, http_request_method="cookie"):
            return cookie
        # Check if defined the INJECT_TAG
        if settings.INJECT_TAG not in cookie:
            if len(value) == 0:
                cookie = cookie + settings.INJECT_TAG
                cookie = cookie.replace(value, value + settings.INJECT_TAG)
        return cookie

    # Check if multiple parameters are supplied.
        cookies_list = []
        all_params = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(multi_parameters)
        all_params = all_params.split(settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER)
        # Check if not defined the "INJECT_HERE" tag in parameter
        if settings.INJECT_TAG not in cookie:
            # Check for empty values (in provided parameters).
            if checks.is_empty(multi_parameters, http_request_method="cookie"):
                return cookie
            for param in range(0, len(all_params)):
                if param == 0:
                    old = re.findall(r'=(.*)', all_params[param])
                    old = ''.join(old)
                    old = value
                # Grab the value of cookie.
                value = re.findall(r'=(.*)', all_params[param])
                value = ''.join(value)
                # Ignoring the anti-CSRF parameter(s)..
                if checks.ignore_anticsrf_parameter(all_params[param]):
                # Ignoring the Google analytics cookie parameter.
                if checks.ignore_google_analytics_cookie(all_params[param]):
                # Replace the value of parameter with INJECT tag
                # Skip testing the parameter(s) with empty value(s).
                if menu.options.skip_empty:
                    if len(value) != 0:
                        all_params[param] = all_params[param].replace(
                            value, value + settings.INJECT_TAG)
                        all_params[param - 1] = all_params[param - 1].replace(
                            value, "").replace(settings.INJECT_TAG, "")
                        cookie = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(all_params)
                        cookie = cookies_list
                    if len(value) == 0:
                            param] = all_params[param] + settings.INJECT_TAG
                        all_params[param] = all_params[param].replace(
                            value, value + settings.INJECT_TAG)
                    all_params[param - 1] = all_params[param - 1].replace(
                        value, "").replace(settings.INJECT_TAG, "")
                    cookie = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(all_params)
                    cookie = cookies_list

            for param in range(0, len(multi_parameters)):
                # Grab the value of parameter.
                value = re.findall(r'=(.*)', multi_parameters[param])
                value = ''.join(value)
            cookie = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(multi_parameters)

        return cookie
Пример #2
def do_cookie_check(cookie):
  http_request_method = "cookie"
  multi_parameters = cookie.split(settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER)

  # Check for inappropriate format in provided parameter(s).
  if len([s for s in multi_parameters if "=" in s]) != (len(multi_parameters)):
  #Grab the value of parameter.
  value = re.findall(r'=(.*)', cookie)
  value = ''.join(value)
  # Replace the value of parameter with INJECT tag
  inject_value = value.replace(value, settings.INJECT_TAG)
  # Check if single paramerter is supplied.
  if len(multi_parameters) == 1:
    # Ignoring the anti-CSRF parameter(s).
    if checks.ignore_anticsrf_parameter(cookie):
      return cookie
    # Ignoring the Google analytics cookie parameter.
    if checks.ignore_google_analytics_cookie(cookie):
      return cookie
    # Check for empty values (in provided parameters).
    checks.is_empty(multi_parameters, http_request_method)
    # Check if defined the INJECT_TAG
    if settings.INJECT_TAG not in cookie:
      if len(value) == 0:
        cookie = cookie + settings.INJECT_TAG
        cookie = cookie.replace(value, inject_value)
    return cookie

  # Check if multiple parameters are supplied.
    cookies_list = []
    all_params = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(multi_parameters)
    all_params = all_params.split(settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER)
    # Check if not defined the "INJECT_HERE" tag in parameter
    if settings.INJECT_TAG not in cookie:
      # Check for empty values (in provided parameters).
      checks.is_empty(multi_parameters, http_request_method)
      for param in range(0, len(all_params)):
        if param == 0 :
            old = re.findall(r'=(.*)', all_params[param])
            old = ''.join(old)
        else :
          old = value
        # Grab the value of cookie.
        value = re.findall(r'=(.*)', all_params[param])
        value = ''.join(value)
        # Ignoring the anti-CSRF parameter(s)..
        if checks.ignore_anticsrf_parameter(all_params[param]):
        # Ignoring the Google analytics cookie parameter.
        if checks.ignore_google_analytics_cookie(all_params[param]):
        # Replace the value of parameter with INJECT tag
        inject_value = value.replace(value, settings.INJECT_TAG)
        # Skip testing the parameter(s) with empty value(s).
        if menu.options.skip_empty:
          if len(value) == 0:   
            provided_value = re.findall(r'(.*)=', all_params[param])
            provided_value = ''.join(provided_value)
            all_params[param] = all_params[param].replace(value, inject_value)
            all_params[param-1] = all_params[param-1].replace(inject_value, old)
            cookie = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(all_params)
            cookie = cookies_list
          if len(value) == 0:        
            all_params[param] = all_params[param] + settings.INJECT_TAG
            all_params[param] = all_params[param].replace(value, inject_value)  
          all_params[param-1] = all_params[param-1].replace(inject_value, old)
          cookie = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(all_params)
          cookie = cookies_list

      for param in range(0, len(multi_parameters)):
        # Grab the value of parameter.
        value = re.findall(r'=(.*)', multi_parameters[param])
        value = ''.join(value)
      cookie = settings.COOKIE_DELIMITER.join(multi_parameters) 

    return cookie