def fill_user_form(user, version=None): monkey_patch_sst() keys = user.keys() # for 1.8 and possibly lower, country needs to be filled before region_id # is a dropdown keys.sort() for key in keys: (vtype, value) = user[key] print 'fill', key, vtype, value try: el = a.get_element(id=key) except AssertionError: continue # before 1.9 region was a text field #if version < (1, 9, 0, 0) and key == 'region_id': # el = a.get_element(id='region') # a.write_textfield(el, value) if vtype == 'text': a.write_textfield(el, value) elif vtype == 'password': a.write_textfield(el, value, check=False) elif vtype == 'option': a.wait_for(a.assert_displayed, el) a.set_dropdown_value(el, value)
def check_2f_for_url(url): # are we redirected? go_to(url) wait_for(assert_title, 'Log in') login() go_to(url) # should be redirected assert_url('/two_factor_auth?next=%s' % quote(url)) logout()
def test_YUI3_unit_tests(self): # Load the page and then wait for #suite to contain # 'done'. Read the results in '#test_results'. go_to(self.test_url) wait_for(assert_text, 'suite', 'done') results = json.loads(get_element(id='test_results').text) if results['failed'] != 0: message = '%d test(s) failed.\n\n%s' % ( results['failed'], yui3.get_failed_tests_message(results))
def wait_for_product_saved(self): a.wait_for(a.get_element_by_xpath, "//div[@id='messages']//span[%s]" "|" "//div[@id='messages']//li[%s]" % ( # 1.5 and higher xpath_contains_text('product has been saved'), # 1.4 xpath_contains_text('Product was successfully saved.')), )
def login_to_test_account(): from sst import actions login(settings.TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, settings.TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD) # Wait for the reload wait_for(exists_element, id='ubuntu-header') if exists_element(tag='span', css_class='error', text="Password didn't match."): if is_production(): actions._raise("This test requires a test account to be present") register_account(settings.TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, "Test Account", settings.TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD)
def login_to_isdqa_account(): from sst import actions global _LAST_EMAIL, _LAST_PASSWORD login(settings.SSO_TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, settings.SSO_TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD) # Wait for the reload wait_for(exists_element, id='ubuntu-header') if exists_element(tag='span', css_class='error', text="Password didn't match."): actions._raise("This test requires a test account to be present") _LAST_EMAIL = settings.SSO_TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL _LAST_PASSWORD = settings.SSO_TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD
def wait_click_url(ps=None, flash='#', attempts=10, index=0, element=None, css_select=None, *args, **kwargs): """ clicks url AND waits for url to change ps: logging message of your choosing type ps: string flash: accentuates your print statement in the console type flash: string index: will return the elment you specify by index type index: int attempts: number of tries, seperated by a 1 second sleep to get the elements type attempts: int xpath: an xpath like you would pass into get_element_by_xpath() type xpath: string css_select: a css selector like you would pass into get_element_by_css() type css_select: string *args, **kwargs: any element pair you would pass into get_element() e.g tag='some_tag_type', css_class='some_class_name' """ chk_url = get_current_url() counter = 1 while chk_url == get_current_url(): if element: wait_for(click_element, element) elif css_select: try: wait_for(click_element, get_elements_by_css(css_select)[index]) except Exception as e: if counter > 2: test_print('ERROR: "{0}". Attempt {1} of {2}'.format(e, counter, attempts)) else: try: wait_for(click_element, get_elements(*args, **kwargs)[index]) except Exception as e: if counter > 2: test_print('ERROR: "{0}". Attempt {1} of {2}'.format(e, counter, attempts)) if counter == attempts: raise Exception('Error: The url did not change after {0} attempts'.format(attempts)) break else: sleep(1) counter += 1 if ps: test_print(ps, flash)
def test_wait_for_returns_result_of_wrapped_call(self): actions.set_wait_timeout(0.3) self.assertEquals(actions.wait_for(lambda: 2), 2) self.assertEquals(actions.wait_for(lambda: True), True) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, actions.wait_for, lambda: None) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, actions.wait_for, lambda: False)
skip_production, ) config.set_base_url_from_env() skip_production() # XXX: skip if staging until the test can be made to reliably pass if is_staging(): skip() resulting_teams = ast.literal_eval(resulting_teams) go_to(urls.CONSUMER) wait_for(assert_title, 'Django OpenID Example Consumer') toggle_checkbox('id_teams') write_textfield('id_request_teams', team_names) click_button(get_element(value='Begin')) login_from_redirect() wait_for(assert_title, 'Django OpenID Example Consumer') assert_text_contains(get_element(tag='div', css_class='message success'), 'OpenID authentication succeeded') # Check the results of the team requests from the list in the .csv for i, team in enumerate(resulting_teams): assert_text(get_elements_by_xpath("//li")[i], team)
add_device, enter_otp, ) config.set_base_url_from_env() # Create a new account # (We're going to lockout this account so always create a new one) helpers.register_account() # Add an authentication device add_device('add_two_devices') # Change the preference to always require 2 factor authentication and save helpers.set_twofactor_to_always_required() # Logout and attempt to log back in helpers.logout_and_in() # Enter an incorrect otp 18 times to trigger account suspension for _ in range(18): # Check we are on the 2-factor login page wait_for(assert_displayed, 'id_oath_token') # Enter an incorrect password and submit enter_otp('12345678') # The account is now suspended assert_element(tag='h1', text='Account suspended')
email_address = helpers.register_account(displayname="Fred Jones", verify=True) helpers.logout() # Request the password reset. go_to(urls.HOME) assert_title('Log in') click_link('forgotpw-link') write_textfield('id_email', email_address) # Even though the recaptcha field is ignored for our tests, we do # want to verify that it is on the page. write_textfield('recaptcha_response_field', 'ignored') click_button(get_element(name='continue')) assert_element(**{'data-qa-id': 'forgot_password_step_2'}) # Fetch and verify the confirmation link. link = mail.get_verification_link_for_address(email_address) go_to(link) # Reset the password and verify that we're logged in. assert_title('Reset password') write_textfield('id_password', "Other008") write_textfield('id_passwordconfirm', "Other008") click_button(get_element(name='continue')) assert_element(**edit_account_anchor) # Now confirm that we can log in with the new password. helpers.logout() helpers.login(email_address, 'Other008') wait_for(assert_element, **edit_account_anchor)
# confirm device renamed assert_device('rename_device_new') assert_no_device(name) # sad paths # rename escapes content name = '<script>alert("rename_device");</script>' rename_device('rename_device_new', name) assert_device(name) assert_no_device('rename_device_new') # try to rename to empty string rename_device(name, '') # rename should have failed assert_url_contains('/device-rename/\d+', regex=True) # check error message assert_text('name-error', 'This field is required.') # cancel and go back click_link(get_element(tag='a', text_regex='[cC]ancel')) # spaces get trimmed rename_device(name, ' ') # rename should have failed assert_url_contains('/device-rename/\d+', regex=True) # check error message wait_for(assert_text, 'name-error', 'The name must contain at least one non-whitespace character.') # cancel and go back click_link(get_element(tag='a', text_regex='[cC]ancel'))
write_textfield, wait_for, ) from sst import config as sst_config from u1testutils import mail from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers if 'allow_unverified' in sst_config.flags: skip("allow_unverified means this test is irrelevant") config.set_base_url_from_env() email_address_for_token = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() token = helpers.register_account(email_address_for_token) # Now we create a second account and try to use the original # verification code/token. another_email = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() helpers.logout() helpers.register_account(another_email, verify=False) write_textfield(get_element(name='confirmation_code'), token) sleep(1) # we have no idea why this is needed but bad things happen if omitted click_button(get_element(css_class='btn')) # We are still on the 'Enter confirmation code' page, and have been told # that the confirmation code we used is unknown. wait_for(assert_title_contains, 'Enter confirmation code') exists_element(id='confirmation_code_error')
# Interacting with external sites can take a long time set_wait_timeout(20) config.set_base_url_from_env() helpers.skip_unless_staging_or_production() helpers.login_to_test_account() go_to("") click_link(get_element(text="OpenID log in")) def openid_link_is_visible(): return get_element(href="#openid", title="OpenID").is_displayed() wait_for(openid_link_is_visible) click_link(get_element(href="#openid", title="OpenID")) wait_for(lambda: get_element(tag='input', id='openid-url').is_displayed()) input = get_element(tag='input', id='openid-url') input.clear() input.send_keys(get_base_url()) submit_button = get_element_by_css( 'div.buttons.selected button[type=submit]') click_button(submit_button) wait_for(get_element, type='submit', name='yes', css_class='btn') click_button(get_element(type='submit', name='yes', css_class='btn')) wait_for(assert_url_contains, '')
assert_title, assert_element, go_to, wait_for, ) from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import urls from identityprovider.utils import get_current_brand config.set_base_url_from_env() go_to(urls.HOME) wait_for(assert_title, 'Log in') if get_current_brand() == 'ubuntuone': links = ( ('Terms of use', ''), ('Privacy', ''), ('Login support', ''), ('Choose your language', urls.get_base_url() + '/set_language'), ) else: links = ( ('Login support', ''), ('Find out more', urls.get_base_url() + '/+description'), ('Source code for this service', ''), ('AGPL', ''),
from u1testutils import mail from u1testutils.sso import mail as sso_mail from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers check_flags('allow_unverified') config.set_base_url_from_env() edit_account_anchor = {'data-qa-id': 'edit_account'} email_address = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() password = "******" helpers.register_account(email_address, password=password) wait_for(assert_element, **edit_account_anchor) helpers.logout() link = sso_mail.get_verification_link_for_address(email_address) go_to(link) wait_for(assert_title, "Log in") helpers.login(email_address, password) go_to(link) click_button(get_element(name='continue')) wait_for(assert_element, **edit_account_anchor)
from acceptance import helpers, urls config.set_base_url_from_env() # Some external sites have extraordinary wait times set_wait_timeout(20) email_address = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() account_password = '******' go_to(urls.NEW_ACCOUNT) assert_title('Create account') helpers.register_account(email_address, password=account_password) wait_for(assert_element, **{'data-qa-id': 'edit_account'}) # Depending whether we're on Production or Staging different tests if get_base_url() == '': # Production # shop go_to('') wait_for(assert_title, 'Canonical Store') click_link(get_element(href="")) wait_for(get_element, id='id_email') write_textfield('id_email', email_address) write_textfield('id_password', account_password) click_button(get_element(name='continue')) click_button(get_element(name='yes')) wait_for(get_element, name='email_address') assert_element(value=email_address)
helpers.logout() helpers.register_account(email_b_id, password=PASSWORD) vcode_y = helpers.add_email(email_c_id) # try x from a, should fail helpers.logout() helpers.login(email_a_id, PASSWORD) # Trying and failing to use token X completely invalidates token X, even for # account B (which now owns the token) later in this test. # helpers.try_to_validate_email(email_c_id, vcode_x) # fails(assert_title, 'Complete email address validation') # try y from a, should fail helpers.try_to_validate_email(email_c_id, vcode_y, finish_validation=False) fails(assert_title, 'Complete email address validation') # both x & y should work for b, but using one should kill the other. # try x from b, should work helpers.logout() helpers.login(email_b_id, PASSWORD) helpers.try_to_validate_email(email_c_id, vcode_x, finish_validation=False) wait_for(assert_title, 'Complete email address validation') # now, y from b should fail, because address C was already verified (but would # normally work) helpers.try_to_validate_email(email_c_id, vcode_y, finish_validation=False) fails(assert_title, 'Complete email address validation')
wait_for, write_textfield, ) from u1testutils import mail from u1testutils.sso import mail as sso_mail from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers, urls config.set_base_url_from_env() NAME = 'Some Name' # Register the primary account. primary_email = helpers.register_account(displayname=NAME) # Register a secondary email, and grab the link from the email sent to # the secondary address. secondary_email = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() go_to(urls.EMAILS) wait_for(assert_title_contains, "'s email addresses") write_textfield('id_newemail', secondary_email) click_button(get_element(name='continue')) link = sso_mail.get_verification_link_for_address(secondary_email) # Follow the link from the email to ensure it verifies the secondary # address. go_to(link) click_button(get_element(name='continue')) wait_for(assert_element, **{'data-qa-id': 'edit_account'})
# 2) Check you cannot login with the wrong password, then click the 'Forgot # Password' and ensure it is prepopulated from sst.actions import ( assert_text_contains, assert_title, click_link, get_element, wait_for, ) from u1testutils import mail from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers config.set_base_url_from_env() primary_email_id = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() secondary_email_id = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() helpers.register_account(primary_email_id) helpers.logout() helpers.login(primary_email_id, 'BOGUS') assert_text_contains('content', "Password didn't match") click_link('forgotpw-link') wait_for(assert_title, 'Reset password') assert get_element(id='id_email').get_attribute('value') == primary_email_id
write_textfield, wait_for, ) from u1testutils.sso import mail from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers config.set_base_url_from_env() # Register a new account and request a password reset. email_address = helpers.register_account(displayname="Fred Jones", verify=True) helpers.request_password_reset(email_address) # Fetch and verify the confirmation code. link = mail.get_verification_link_for_address(email_address) go_to(link) # Reset the password and verify that we're logged in. assert_title('Reset password') write_textfield('id_password', "Admin007") write_textfield('id_passwordconfirm', "Admin007") click_button(get_element(name='continue')) assert_element(**{'data-qa-id': 'edit_account'}) # Now try to use the link a second time. helpers.logout() go_to(link) wait_for(assert_title, "Unauthorized confirmation code")
# Interacting with external sites can take a long time set_wait_timeout(20) config.set_base_url_from_env() helpers.skip_unless_staging_or_production() helpers.login_to_test_account() go_to("") if exists_element(id='more-options-link'): get_element(id='more-options-link').click() def openid_input_is_displayed(): return get_element(id='openid_identifier').is_displayed() wait_for(openid_input_is_displayed) write_textfield('openid_identifier', get_base_url()) click_button('submit-button') wait_for(get_element, type='submit', name='yes', css_class='btn') click_button(get_element(type='submit', name='yes', css_class='btn')) wait_for(assert_url_contains, '') if exists_element(type="submit", value="Confirm and Create New Account"): click_button(get_element(type="submit", value="Confirm and Create New Account")) wait_for(assert_title, "Ask Ubuntu - Stack Exchange") go_to(urls.HOME) link = get_elements_by_css('#visited-sites tbody td a')[0]
from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers, urls from identityprovider.utils import get_current_brand if get_current_brand() == 'ubuntuone': skip( 'The ubuntuone brand does client side validation' ) config.set_base_url_from_env() # Create and verify account A helpers.register_account() # Add and verify 2nd email go_to(urls.EMAILS) wait_for(assert_title_contains, "'s email addresses") write_textfield('id_newemail', address) click_button(get_element(name='continue')) # Check the outcome if valid: wait_for(assert_title, 'Validate your email address') mail.delete_msgs_sent_to(address) else: wait_for(assert_title, 'Add an email') assert_text_contains(get_element(name='newemailform'), 'Invalid email.')
assert_text_contains, assert_title, fails, go_to, wait_for, ) from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers, urls config.set_base_url_from_env() # No account required, so jump straight to the form. go_to(urls.ENTER_TOKEN) wait_for(assert_title, 'Enter confirmation code') helpers.try_to_validate_email(address, code, finish_validation=False) wait_for(assert_title, 'Enter confirmation code') error1_msg = 'This field is required.' error2_msg = 'Required field.' if error1: assert_text_contains('content', error1_msg) else: fails(assert_text_contains, 'content', error1_msg) if error2: assert_text_contains('content', error2_msg) else:
skip_production, ) config.set_base_url_from_env() skip_production() # XXX: skip if staging until the test can be made to reliably pass if is_staging(): skip() toggled_elements = ast.literal_eval(toggled_elements) disabled_elements = ast.literal_eval(disabled_elements) returned_sreg = ast.literal_eval(returned_sreg) go_to(urls.CONSUMER) wait_for(assert_title, 'Django OpenID Example Consumer') toggle_checkbox('id_sreg') set_radio_value(radio_nickname) set_radio_value(radio_fullname) set_radio_value(radio_email) set_radio_value(radio_language) click_button(get_element(value='Begin')) wait_for(assert_title, 'Log in') write_textfield('id_email', settings.SSO_TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL) write_textfield('id_password', settings.SSO_TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD) click_button(get_element_by_css('*[data-qa-id="ubuntu_login_button"]')) wait_for(assert_title_contains, 'Authenticate to') # Check the elements specified in the .csv list if toggled_elements is not None:
from sst.actions import ( assert_text_contains, assert_title, assert_title_contains, click_button, get_element, go_to, wait_for, write_textfield, ) from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers, urls config.set_base_url_from_env() # Create and verify account A helpers.register_account() # Add and verify 2nd email go_to(urls.EMAILS) wait_for(assert_title_contains, "'s email addresses") write_textfield('id_newemail', '') click_button(get_element(name='continue')) # Check for error message wait_for(assert_title, 'Add an email') assert_text_contains(get_element(name='newemailform'), 'Required field.')
from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import helpers, urls config.set_base_url_from_env() go_to(urls.NEW_ACCOUNT) assert_title('Create account') email_address = mail.make_unique_test_email_address() helpers.fill_registration_form(email_address) click_button(get_element(name='continue')) if 'allow_unverified' not in sst_config.flags: assert_title_contains('Account creation mail sent') assert_text_contains( get_element(id='content'), r'just emailed .* \(from .*\) to confirm your address\.', regex=True) vcode = sso_mail.get_verification_code_for_address(email_address) write_textfield(get_element(name='confirmation_code'), vcode) click_button(get_element(css_class='btn')) # We know that the confirmation code worked if we are now looking at the # logged-in details page for the user. wait_for(assert_element, **{'data-qa-id': 'edit_account'})
r'just emailed .* \(from .*\) to confirm your address\.', regex=True) vcode = sso_mail.get_verification_code_for_address(email_address) # regression check for #920105 # check we cannot submit an empty code click_button(get_element(css_class='btn')) # we should not have moved pages assert_title_contains('Account creation mail sent') # fill in an invalid code write_textfield(get_element(name='confirmation_code'), 'XXXXXX') click_button(get_element(css_class='btn')) # we should now be at a different page, as the form reuses the enter_token view # to handle submission wait_for(assert_title, "Enter confirmation code") # regression check for #920105 # check the email is filled in assert_text(get_element(name='email'), email_address) write_textfield(get_element(name='confirmation_code'), vcode) click_button(get_element(css_class='btn')) # Check we still can actually confirm the account wait_for(assert_element, **{'data-qa-id': 'edit_account'})
a.assert_title_contains('Home page') user = common.User(data.user) user.login() # search for tv a.write_textfield('search', 'tv') common.click_button_by_title('Search') # click it common.click_button_by_title('Add to Cart', multiple=True) common.click_button_by_title('Proceed to Checkout', multiple=True) a.wait_for(a.assert_displayed, 'checkout-step-billing') a.click_button(a.get_element_by_xpath( "//div[@id='checkout-step-billing']" "//button[@title='Continue']")) # in 1.4 it doesn't automatically proceed to shipping method # because Use Billing Address is not active if common.get_version() < (1, 5, 0, 0): check = a.get_element_by_xpath("//input[@id='shipping:same_as_billing']") a.wait_for(a.assert_displayed, check) # we need the right continue button, so roll by hand button = a.get_element_by_xpath( "//form[@id='co-shipping-form']//button[@title='Continue']")
# 3) Check the following links on the login page to ensure they are all # working: # Login support, Find out more, Source code for this service, AGPL, Terms of # Service, Privacy Policy, ubuntu logo {} # This tests only the Ubuntu logo. from sst.actions import ( assert_title, get_element, go_to, wait_for, ) from u1testutils.sst import config from acceptance import urls config.set_base_url_from_env() go_to(urls.HOME) wait_for(assert_title, 'Log in') el = get_element(id='footer-logo') link = el.find_element_by_tag_name('a') wait_for(assert_title, "The world's most popular free OS | Ubuntu")