def main_ui(): state.compare_states() import e if (e.errors != []): error_stuff() var = raw_input("What do you want to do?: ") if (var == "scan"): state.compare_states() state.show_attached() if (var == "save"): confirm = raw_input("Are you sure, this will overwrite the old state?") if (confirm == "y"): print "ok" current_state = state.make_state() state.save_entire_state(current_state) if (confirm == "n"): print "ok" if (var == "print old"): old_state = state.open_state() state.print_pretty(old_state) if (var == "print new"): state.print_pretty(state.current_state) if (var == "current"): state.show_attached() if (var == "errors"): for error in state.errors: print error print state.errors[error] print "\n" if (var == "add"): pass
def error_stuff(): #print "LOOP" e.print_all i = 0 for error in e.errors: edrive = error["Drive"] print error if (error["Problem"] == "Unknown_drive"): print "\n New Drive detected: %s " % edrive vart = raw_input("Add drive to databse?") if (vart == "y"): state.add_drive_to_state(error["Drive"], state.old_state) state.current_state = state.current_state e.resolve(i) if (error["Problem"] == "No_state"): print "Open, and set a new s_path" ans = raw_input("Would you like to set a new s_path now?") if (ans == "y"): state.s_path = raw_input("Where?") if (ans == "n"): pass q = (raw_input("You can save to the current s_path. y/n")) if (q == "y"): confirm = raw_input("Are you sure, this will overwrite the old state?") if (confirm == "y"): print "ok" current_state = state.make_state() state.save_entire_state(current_state) if (confirm == "n"): print "ok" if (error["Problem"] =="size_mismatch"): cdrive = error ans = raw_input("Use current drive data?") if (ans == "y"): print "Adding drive %s to state" % cdrive state.add_drive_to_state(cdrive, state.old_state) #state.print_pretty(state.current_state) state.save_entire_state(state.current_state) state.open_state() print "state.errors" print state.errors del state.errors[cdrive] main_ui()