Пример #1
    def setup_class(cls):

        sp = np.array([40491.3940640059, 232455.530262537])
        # s_scale is same as before
        cls.s_scale = s_scale = np.array([2.443955e-06, 0.007945455])

        cls.exog = patsy.dmatrix('fuel + drive', data=df_autos)

        x_spline = df_autos[['weight', 'hp']].values
        bs = BSplines(x_spline, df=[12, 10], degree=[3, 3],
                      variable_names=['weight', 'hp'],

        alpha0 = 1 / s_scale * sp / 2
        gam_bs = GLMGam.from_formula('city_mpg ~ fuel + drive', df_autos,
                                     smoother=bs, family=family.Poisson(),

        cls.res1a = gam_bs.fit(use_t=False)

        cls.res1b = gam_bs.fit(method='newton', use_t=True)
        cls.res1 = cls.res1a._results
        cls.res2 = results_mpg_bs_poisson.mpg_bs_poisson

        cls.rtol_fitted = 1e-8
        cls.covp_corrfact = 1  # not needed
Пример #2
def test_partial_plot():
    # verify that plot and partial_values method agree
    # the model only has one component so partial values is the same as
    # fittedvalues
    # Generate a plot to visualize analyze the result.

    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "prediction_from_mgcv.csv")

    data_from_r = pd.read_csv(file_path)

    # dataset used to train the R model
    x = data_from_r.x.values
    y = data_from_r.y.values
    se_from_mgcv = data_from_r.y_est_se  # noqa: F841
    df = [10]
    degree = [6]
    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=degree, df=df)

    alpha = 0.03
    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, smoother=bsplines, alpha=alpha)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(maxiter=10000, method='bfgs')
    fig = res_glm_gam.plot_partial(0)
    xp, yp = fig.axes[0].get_children()[0].get_data()
    # Note xp and yp are sorted by x
    sort_idx = np.argsort(x)
    hat_y, se = res_glm_gam.partial_values(0)
    # assert that main plot line is the prediction
    assert_allclose(xp, x[sort_idx])
    assert_allclose(yp, hat_y[sort_idx])
Пример #3
    def setup_class(cls):

        sp = np.array([0.830689464223685, 425.361212061649])
        cls.s_scale = s_scale = np.array([2.443955e-06, 0.007945455])

        x_spline = df_autos[['weight', 'hp']].values
        # We need asarray to remove the design_info
        # If design_info is attached,
        #     then exog_linear will also be transformed in predict.
        cls.exog = np.asarray(patsy.dmatrix('fuel + drive', data=df_autos))
        bs = BSplines(x_spline, df=[12, 10], degree=[3, 3],
                      variable_names=['weight', 'hp'],
        # TODO alpha needs to be list
        alpha0 = 1 / s_scale * sp / 2
        gam_bs = GLMGam(df_autos['city_mpg'], exog=cls.exog, smoother=bs,
        cls.res1a = gam_bs.fit(use_t=True)

        cls.res1b = gam_bs.fit(method='newton', use_t=True)
        cls.res1 = cls.res1a._results
        cls.res2 = results_mpg_bs.mpg_bs

        cls.rtol_fitted = 1e-8
        cls.covp_corrfact = 1  # not needed

        # for checking that alpha model attribute is unchanged, same as alpha0
        cls.alpha = [169947.78222669504, 26767.58046340008]
Пример #4
def test_partial_values2():
    n = 1000
    x = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, 2))
    x = x - x.mean()
    y = x[:, 0] * x[:, 0] + np.random.normal(0, .01, n)
    y -= y.mean()
    alpha = 0.0
    # BUG: mask is incorrect if exog is not None, start_idx missing
    # bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=[3] * 2, df=[10] * 2)
    # glm_gam = GLMGam(y, exog=np.ones((len(y), 1)), smoother=bsplines,
    #                  alpha=alpha)
    bsplines = BSplines(x,
                        degree=[3] * 2,
                        df=[10] * 2,
                        include_intercept=[True, False])
    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, smoother=bsplines, alpha=alpha)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='pirls',
    glm = GLM(y, bsplines.basis)  # noqa: F841

    # case with constant column in exog is currently wrong
    # ex = np.column_stack((np.zeros((len(y), 1)), bsplines.smoothers[0].basis,
    #                       np.zeros_like(bsplines.smoothers[1].basis) ))
    ex = np.column_stack((bsplines.smoothers[0].basis,

    y_est = res_glm_gam.predict(ex, transform=False)
    y_partial_est, se = res_glm_gam.partial_values(0)

    assert_allclose(y_est, y_partial_est, atol=0.05)
    assert se.min() < 100
Пример #5
def test_partial_values():
    # this test is only approximate because we don't use the same spline
    # basis functions (knots) as mgcv
    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "prediction_from_mgcv.csv")

    data_from_r = pd.read_csv(file_path)

    # dataset used to train the R model
    x = data_from_r.x.values
    y = data_from_r.y.values
    se_from_mgcv = data_from_r.y_est_se
    df = [10]
    degree = [6]
    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=degree, df=df, include_intercept=True)

    # TODO: alpha found by trial and error to pass assert
    alpha = 0.025 / 115 * 500
    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, smoother=bsplines, alpha=alpha)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(maxiter=10000, method='bfgs')
    # TODO: if IRLS is used res_glm_gam has not partial_values.

    univ_bsplines = bsplines.smoothers[0]  # noqa: F841
    hat_y, se = res_glm_gam.partial_values(0)

    assert_allclose(hat_y, data_from_r["y_est"], rtol=0, atol=0.008)
    # TODO: bug missing scale
    bug_fact = np.sqrt(res_glm_gam.scale) * 0.976  # this is = 0.106
    assert_allclose(se, se_from_mgcv * bug_fact, rtol=0, atol=0.008)
Пример #6
def test_gam_discrete():
    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "prediction_from_mgcv.csv")
    data_from_r = pd.read_csv(file_path)
    # dataset used to train the R model
    x = data_from_r.x.values
    y = data_from_r.ybin.values

    df = [10]
    degree = [5]
    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=degree, df=df, include_intercept=True)

    # y_mgcv is obtained from R with the following code
    # g = gam(y~s(x, k = 10, bs = "cr"), data = data, scale = 80)
    y_mgcv = data_from_r.ybin_est

    alpha = 0.00002
    # gp = UnivariateGamPenalty(alpha=alpha, univariate_smoother=bsplines)
    # lg_gam = LogitGam(y, bsplines.basis, penal=gp)
    lg_gam = LogitGam(y, bsplines, alpha=alpha)
    res_lg_gam = lg_gam.fit(maxiter=10000)
    y_gam = np.dot(bsplines.basis, res_lg_gam.params)
    y_gam = sigmoid(y_gam)
    y_mgcv = sigmoid(y_mgcv)

    # plt.plot(x, y_gam, label='gam')
    # plt.plot(x, y_mgcv, label='mgcv')
    # plt.plot(x, y, '.', label='y')
    # plt.ylim(-0.4, 1.4)
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()

    assert_allclose(y_gam, y_mgcv, rtol=1.e-10, atol=1.e-1)
Пример #7
def test_multivariate_gam_cv():
    # SMOKE test
    # no test is performed. It only checks that there isn't any runtime error

    def cost(x1, x2):
        return np.linalg.norm(x1 - x2) / len(x1)

    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "prediction_from_mgcv.csv")
    data_from_r = pd.read_csv(file_path)
    # dataset used to train the R model
    x = data_from_r.x.values
    y = data_from_r.y.values

    df = [10]
    degree = [5]
    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=degree, df=df)
    # y_mgcv is obtained from R with the following code
    # g = gam(y~s(x, k = 10, bs = "cr"), data = data, scale = 80)

    alphas = [0.0251]
    alphas = [2]
    cv = KFold(3)

    gp = MultivariateGamPenalty(bsplines, alpha=alphas)  # noqa: F841
    gam_cv = MultivariateGAMCV(smoother=bsplines,
    gam_cv_res = gam_cv.fit()  # noqa: F841
Пример #8
def test_gam_glm():
    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "prediction_from_mgcv.csv")
    data_from_r = pd.read_csv(file_path)
    # dataset used to train the R model
    x = data_from_r.x.values
    y = data_from_r.y.values

    df = [10]
    degree = [3]
    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=degree, df=df, include_intercept=True)
    # y_mgcv is obtained from R with the following code
    # g = gam(y~s(x, k = 10, bs = "cr"), data = data, scale = 80)
    y_mgcv = np.asarray(data_from_r.y_est)

    alpha = 0.1  # chosen by trial and error

    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, smoother=bsplines, alpha=alpha)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='bfgs',
    y_gam0 = np.dot(bsplines.basis, res_glm_gam.params)
    y_gam = np.asarray(res_glm_gam.fittedvalues)
    assert_allclose(y_gam, y_gam0, rtol=1e-10)

    # plt.plot(x, y_gam, '.', label='gam')
    # plt.plot(x, y_mgcv, '.', label='mgcv')
    # plt.plot(x, y, '.', label='y')
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()

    assert_allclose(y_gam, y_mgcv, atol=1.e-2)
Пример #9
def test_cov_params():

    n = 1000
    x = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, 2))
    x = x - x.mean()
    y = x[:, 0] * x[:, 0] + np.random.normal(0, .01, n)
    y -= y.mean()

    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=[3] * 2, df=[10] * 2, constraints='center')
    alpha = [0, 0]
    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, smoother=bsplines, alpha=alpha)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='pirls', max_start_irls=0,
                              disp=0, maxiter=5000)
    glm = GLM(y, bsplines.basis)
    res_glm = glm.fit()

    assert_allclose(res_glm.cov_params(), res_glm_gam.cov_params(),

    alpha = 1e-13
    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, smoother=bsplines, alpha=alpha)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='pirls', max_start_irls=0,
                              disp=0, maxiter=5000)

    assert_allclose(res_glm.cov_params(), res_glm_gam.cov_params(),

    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='bfgs', max_start_irls=0,
                              disp=0, maxiter=5000, maxfun=5000)

    assert_allclose(res_glm.cov_params(), res_glm_gam.cov_params(),
                    rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
Пример #10
def test_multivariate_gam_1d_data():
    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "prediction_from_mgcv.csv")
    data_from_r = pd.read_csv(file_path)
    # dataset used to train the R model
    x = data_from_r.x.values
    y = data_from_r.y

    df = [10]
    degree = [3]
    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=degree, df=df)
    # y_mgcv is obtained from R with the following code
    # g = gam(y~s(x, k = 10, bs = "cr"), data = data, scale = 80)
    y_mgcv = data_from_r.y_est

    # alpha is by manually adjustment to reduce discrepancy in fittedvalues
    alpha = [0.0168 * 0.0251 / 2 * 500]
    gp = MultivariateGamPenalty(bsplines, alpha=alpha)    # noqa: F841

    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, exog=np.ones((len(y), 1)), smoother=bsplines,
    # "nm" converges to a different params, "bfgs" params are close to pirls
    # res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='nm', max_start_irls=0,
    #                           disp=1, maxiter=10000, maxfun=5000)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='pirls', max_start_irls=0,
                              disp=1, maxiter=10000)
    y_gam = res_glm_gam.fittedvalues

    # plt.plot(x, y_gam, '.', label='gam')
    # plt.plot(x, y_mgcv, '.', label='mgcv')
    # plt.plot(x, y, '.', label='y')
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()

    assert_allclose(y_gam, y_mgcv, atol=0.01)
Пример #11
def test_multivariate_gam_cv_path():
    def sample_metric(y1, y2):
        return np.linalg.norm(y1 - y2) / len(y1)

    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    file_path = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "prediction_from_mgcv.csv")

    data_from_r = pd.read_csv(file_path)

    # dataset used to train the R model
    x = data_from_r.x.values
    y = data_from_r.y.values
    se_from_mgcv = data_from_r.y_est_se  # noqa: F841
    y_mgcv = data_from_r.y_mgcv_gcv  # noqa: F841

    df = [10]
    degree = [6]

    bsplines = BSplines(x, degree=degree, df=df, include_intercept=True)

    gam = GLMGam
    alphas = [np.linspace(0, 2, 10)]
    k = 3
    cv = KFold(k_folds=k, shuffle=True)

    # Note: kfold cv uses random shuffle
    gam_cv = MultivariateGAMCVPath(smoother=bsplines,
    gam_cv_res = gam_cv.fit()  # noqa: F841

    glm_gam = GLMGam(y, smoother=bsplines, alpha=gam_cv.alpha_cv)
    res_glm_gam = glm_gam.fit(method='irls',
    y_est = res_glm_gam.predict(bsplines.basis)

    # plt.plot(x, y, '.', label='y')
    # plt.plot(x, y_est, '.', label='y est')
    # plt.plot(x, y_mgcv, '.', label='y mgcv')
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.show()

    # The test compares to result obtained with GCV and not KFOLDS CV.
    # This is because MGCV does not support KFOLD CV
    assert_allclose(data_from_r.y_mgcv_gcv, y_est, atol=1.e-1, rtol=1.e-1)

    # Note: kfold cv uses random shuffle
    alpha_cv, res_cv = glm_gam.select_penweight_kfold(alphas=alphas, k_folds=3)
    assert_allclose(alpha_cv, gam_cv.alpha_cv, rtol=1e-12)
Пример #12
def test_glm_pirls_compatibility():

    n = 500
    x1 = np.linspace(-3, 3, n)
    x2 = np.random.rand(n)

    x = np.vstack([x1, x2]).T
    y1 = np.sin(x1) / x1
    y2 = x2 * x2
    y0 = y1 + y2
    y = y0 + np.random.normal(0, .3, n)
    y -= y.mean()
    y0 -= y0.mean()

    # TODO: we have now alphas == alphas_glm
    alphas = [5.75] * 2
    alphas_glm = [1.2] * 2  # noqa: F841
    # using constraints avoids singular exog.
    cs = BSplines(x, df=[10, 10], degree=[3, 3], constraints='center')

    gam_pirls = GLMGam(y, smoother=cs, alpha=alphas)
    gam_glm = GLMGam(y, smoother=cs, alpha=alphas)

    gam_res_glm = gam_glm.fit(method='nm',
    gam_res_glm = gam_glm.fit(start_params=gam_res_glm.params,
    gam_res_pirls = gam_pirls.fit()

    y_est_glm = np.dot(cs.basis, gam_res_glm.params)
    y_est_glm -= y_est_glm.mean()
    y_est_pirls = np.dot(cs.basis, gam_res_pirls.params)
    y_est_pirls -= y_est_pirls.mean()

    # plt.plot(y_est_pirls)
    # plt.plot(y_est_glm)
    # plt.plot(y, '.')
    # plt.show()
    assert_allclose(y_est_glm, y_est_pirls, atol=5e-5)
def test_bsplines(x, df, degree):
    bspline = BSplines(x, df, degree)
Пример #14
def decompose(x, transform=True):
    # Decompose data into trend, seasonality and randomness
    # Accepts a pandas series object with a datetime index
    if (transform and min(x.dropna()) >= 0):
        # Transforms data and finds the lambda that maximizes the log likelihood
        # R version has above method and method that minimizes the coefficient of variation ("guerrero")
        x_transformed, var_lambda = boxcox(na_contiguous(x), lmbda=None)
        x_transformed = pd.Series(x_transformed, index=na_contiguous(x).index)

        x_transformed = x
        var_lambda = np.nan
        transform = False

    # Seasonal data
    # In R code, we find the number of samples per unit time below (should be 1 every time)
    # Here I take the datetime index differences, take their inverses, and store in a list to be evaluated
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36583859/compute-time-difference-of-datetimeindex
    idx = x_transformed.index
    #samples = np.unique([int(1/(idx[n]-idx[n - 1]).days) for n in range(1,len(idx))])
    # Filter out Nulls for this exercise
    #samples = samples[~np.isnan(samples)]
    #if len(samples) == 1 and samples.item() > 1:

    # Just use the R code instead
    # This is supposed to be "> 1" but all data results in a frequency of 1
    # All frequency results in R equal 4, meaning this code block gets evaluated every time in R
    # So this code block should always be evaluated as well
    if int(rstats.frequency(x_transformed).item()) == 1:
        # Decompose
        stl = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(na_contiguous(x_transformed))
        #stl = rstats.stl(na_contiguous(x_transformed),s_window='periodic')
        # When I try to use above function, I get this:
        R[write to console]: Error in (function (x, s.window, s.degree = 0, t.window = NULL, t.degree = 1,  : 
  series is not periodic or has less than two periods
        trend = stl.trend
        seasonality = stl.seasonal
        remainder = x_transformed - trend - seasonality

        # Nonseasonal data
        trend = pd.Series(np.nan, index=x_transformed.index)
        time_index = pd.Index([i for i in range(1, len(x_transformed) + 1)])
        # Python specific
        bs = BSplines(time_index, df=[12, 10], degree=[3, 3])
        cs = CyclicCubicSplines(time_index, df=[3, 3])
        alpha = np.array([218.338888])
        gam = GLMGam(x_transformed, smoother=cs, alpha=alpha).fit()
        #trend.loc[~x_transformed.isnull()] = gam.fittedvalues

        # R Code
        fmla = Formula('x ~ s(tt)')
        env = fmla.environment
        env['tt'] = time_index
        env['x'] = x_transformed
        trend.loc[~x_transformed.isnull()] = rstats.fitted(rmgcv.gam(fmla))
        seasonality = pd.Series(np.nan, index=x_transformed.index)
        remainder = x_transformed - trend

    return_dct = {
        'x': x_transformed,
        'trend': trend,
        'seasonality': seasonality,
        'remainder': remainder,
        'transform': transform,
        'lambda': var_lambda,

    return return_dct