Пример #1
def test_function():
    def f():

    assert str(ZeroKernel() * f) == '0'
    assert str(f * ZeroKernel()) == '0'
    assert str(OneKernel() * f) == 'f'
    assert str(f * OneKernel()) == 'f'
    assert str(EQ() * f) == 'EQ() * f'
    assert str(f * EQ()) == 'f * EQ()'
    assert str((EQ() * EQ()) * f) == 'EQ() * EQ() * f'
    assert str(f * (EQ() * EQ())) == 'f * EQ() * EQ()'
    assert str((5 * EQ()) * f) == '5 * EQ() * f'
    assert str(f * (5 * EQ())) == '5 * f * EQ()'

    assert str(ZeroKernel() + f) == 'f'
    assert str(f + ZeroKernel()) == 'f'
    assert str(OneKernel() + f) == '1 + f'
    assert str(f + OneKernel()) == 'f + 1'
    assert str(EQ() + f) == 'EQ() + f'
    assert str(f + EQ()) == 'f + EQ()'
    assert str((EQ() + RQ(1)) + f) == 'EQ() + RQ(1) + f'
    assert str(f + (EQ() + RQ(1))) == 'f + EQ() + RQ(1)'
    assert str((5 + EQ()) + f) == '5 * 1 + EQ() + f'
    assert str(f + (5 + EQ())) == 'f + 5 * 1 + EQ()'

    assert str(OneKernel() * f) == 'f'
    assert str(OneKernel() * TensorProductKernel((lambda x, c: x), f)) == \
           '(<lambda> x f)'
    assert str(OneKernel() *
               TensorProductKernel(f, (lambda x, c: x))) == '(f x <lambda>)'
Пример #2
def test_function():
    def f():

    yield eq, str(ZeroKernel() * f), '0'
    yield eq, str(f * ZeroKernel()), '0'
    yield eq, str(OneKernel() * f), 'f'
    yield eq, str(f * OneKernel()), 'f'
    yield eq, str(EQ() * f), 'EQ() * f'
    yield eq, str(f * EQ()), 'f * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((EQ() * EQ()) * f), 'EQ() * EQ() * f'
    yield eq, str(f * (EQ() * EQ())), 'f * EQ() * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((5 * EQ()) * f), '5 * EQ() * f'
    yield eq, str(f * (5 * EQ())), '5 * f * EQ()'

    yield eq, str(ZeroKernel() + f), 'f'
    yield eq, str(f + ZeroKernel()), 'f'
    yield eq, str(OneKernel() + f), '1 + f'
    yield eq, str(f + OneKernel()), 'f + 1'
    yield eq, str(EQ() + f), 'EQ() + f'
    yield eq, str(f + EQ()), 'f + EQ()'
    yield eq, str((EQ() + RQ(1)) + f), 'EQ() + RQ(1) + f'
    yield eq, str(f + (EQ() + RQ(1))), 'f + EQ() + RQ(1)'
    yield eq, str((5 + EQ()) + f), '5 * 1 + EQ() + f'
    yield eq, str(f + (5 + EQ())), 'f + 5 * 1 + EQ()'

    yield eq, str(OneKernel() * f), 'f'
    yield eq, str(OneKernel() * TensorProductKernel((lambda x, c: x), f)), \
          '(<lambda> x f)'
    yield eq, str(OneKernel() * TensorProductKernel(f, (lambda x, c: x))), \
          '(f x <lambda>)'
Пример #3
def test_compare_noisy_kernel_and_additive_component_kernel():
    def NoisyKernelCopy(k1, k2):
        return AdditiveComponentKernel({
            Component('wiggly'): k1,
            Component('noise'): k2
        }, latent=[Component('wiggly')])

    x = np.random.randn(10, 2)
    k1 = EQ()
    k2 = RQ(1e-2)
    kn1 = NoisyKernel(k1, k2)
    kn2 = NoisyKernelCopy(k1, k2)

    yield ok, allclose(kn1(Latent(x)), k1(x)), 'noisy kernel 1'
    yield ok, allclose(kn1(Latent(x), Observed(x)), k1(x)), 'noisy kernel 2'
    yield ok, allclose(kn1(Observed(x), Latent(x)), k1(x)), 'noisy kernel 3'
    yield ok, allclose(kn1(Observed(x)), (k1 + k2)(x)), 'noisy kernel 4'

    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Latent(x)), k1(x)), 'noisy copy 1'
    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Latent(x), Observed(x)), k1(x)), 'noisy copy 2'
    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Observed(x), Latent(x)), k1(x)), 'noisy copy 3'
    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Observed(x)), (k1 + k2)(x)), 'noisy copy 4'

    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Latent(x), Component('noise')(x)),
                          ZeroKernel()(x)), 'additive 1'
    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Component('noise')(x), Latent(x)),
                          ZeroKernel()(x)), 'additive 2'
    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Observed(x), Component('noise')(x)),
                          k2(x)), 'additive 3'
    yield ok, allclose(kn2(Component('noise')(x), Observed(x)),
                          k2(x)), 'additive 4'

    yield eq, str(NoisyKernel(EQ(), RQ(1))), \
          'NoisyKernel(EQ(), RQ(1))'
Пример #4
def test_grouping():
    # Scales:
    assert str(5 * EQ()) == '5 * EQ()'
    assert str(5 * (5 * EQ())) == '25 * EQ()'

    # Stretches:
    assert str(EQ().stretch(5)) == 'EQ() > 5'
    assert str(EQ().stretch(5).stretch(5)) == 'EQ() > 25'

    # Shifts:
    assert str(Linear().shift(5)) == 'Linear() shift 5'
    assert str(Linear().shift(5).shift(5)) == 'Linear() shift 10'

    # Products:
    assert str((5 * EQ()) * (5 * EQ())) == '25 * EQ()'
    assert str((5 * (EQ() * EQ())) * (5 * EQ() * EQ())) == '25 * EQ() * EQ()'
    assert str((5 * RQ(1)) * (5 * RQ(2))) == '25 * RQ(1) * RQ(2)'

    # Sums:
    assert str((5 * EQ()) + (5 * EQ())) == '10 * EQ()'
    assert str(EQ() + (5 * EQ())) == '6 * EQ()'
    assert str((5 * EQ()) + EQ()) == '6 * EQ()'
    assert str((EQ() + EQ())) == '2 * EQ()'
    assert str((5 * (EQ() * EQ())) + (5 * (EQ() * EQ()))) == '10 * EQ() * EQ()'
    assert str((5 * RQ(1)) + (5 * RQ(2))) == '5 * RQ(1) + 5 * RQ(2)'

    # Reversal:
    assert str(reversed(Linear() + EQ())) == 'Reversed(Linear()) + EQ()'
    assert str(reversed(Linear() * EQ())) == 'Reversed(Linear()) * EQ()'
Пример #5
def test_grouping():
    # Scales:
    yield eq, str(5 * EQ()), '5 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str(5 * (5 * EQ())), '25 * EQ()'

    # Stretches:
    yield eq, str(EQ().stretch(5)), 'EQ() > 5'
    yield eq, str(EQ().stretch(5).stretch(5)), 'EQ() > 25'

    # Shifts:
    yield eq, str(Linear().shift(5)), 'Linear() shift 5'
    yield eq, str(Linear().shift(5).shift(5)), 'Linear() shift 10'

    # Products:
    yield eq, str((5 * EQ()) * (5 * EQ())), '25 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((5 * (EQ() * EQ())) * (5 * EQ() * EQ())), \
          '25 * EQ() * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((5 * RQ(1)) * (5 * RQ(2))), '25 * RQ(1) * RQ(2)'

    # Sums:
    yield eq, str((5 * EQ()) + (5 * EQ())), '10 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str(EQ() + (5 * EQ())), '6 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((5 * EQ()) + EQ()), '6 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((EQ() + EQ())), '2 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((5 * (EQ() * EQ())) + (5 * (EQ() * EQ()))), \
          '10 * EQ() * EQ()'
    yield eq, str((5 * RQ(1)) + (5 * RQ(2))), '5 * RQ(1) + 5 * RQ(2)'

    # Reversal:
    yield eq, str(reversed(Linear() + EQ())), 'Reversed(Linear()) + EQ()'
    yield eq, str(reversed(Linear() * EQ())), 'Reversed(Linear()) * EQ()'
Пример #6
def test_terms():
    k = EQ() + EQ() * Linear() + RQ(1) * RQ(2) + Delta()
    yield eq, k.num_terms, 4
    yield eq, str(k.term(0)), 'EQ()'
    yield eq, str(k.term(1)), 'EQ() * Linear()'
    yield eq, str(k.term(2)), 'RQ(1) * RQ(2)'
    yield eq, str(k.term(3)), 'Delta()'
    yield raises, IndexError, lambda: k.term(4)
    yield raises, IndexError, lambda: EQ().term(1)
Пример #7
def test_terms():
    k = EQ() + EQ() * Linear() + RQ(1) * RQ(2) + Delta()
    assert k.num_terms == 4
    assert str(k.term(0)) == 'EQ()'
    assert str(k.term(1)) == 'EQ() * Linear()'
    assert str(k.term(2)) == 'RQ(1) * RQ(2)'
    assert str(k.term(3)) == 'Delta()'
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Пример #8
def test_product():
    k = (2 * EQ().stretch(10)) * (3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(20))

    assert k.stationary

    # Test equality.
    assert EQ() * Linear() == EQ() * Linear()
    assert EQ() * Linear() == Linear() * EQ()
    assert EQ() * Linear() != EQ() * RQ(1e-1)
    assert EQ() * Linear() != RQ(1e-1) * Linear()

    # Standard tests:
Пример #9
def test_product():
    k = (2 * EQ().stretch(10)) * (3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(20))

    # Verify that the kernel has the right properties.
    assert k.stationary

    # Test equality.
    assert EQ() * Linear() == EQ() * Linear()
    assert EQ() * Linear() == Linear() * EQ()
    assert EQ() * Linear() != EQ() * RQ(1e-1)
    assert EQ() * Linear() != RQ(1e-1) * Linear()

    # Standard tests:
Пример #10
def test_sum():
    k1 = EQ().stretch(2)
    k2 = 3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(5)
    k = k1 + k2

    assert k.stationary

    assert EQ() + Linear() == EQ() + Linear()
    assert EQ() + Linear() == Linear() + EQ()
    assert EQ() + Linear() != EQ() + RQ(1e-1)
    assert EQ() + Linear() != RQ(1e-1) + Linear()

    # Standard tests:
Пример #11
def test_parentheses():
    yield eq, str((reversed(Linear() * Linear() +
                            2 * EQ().stretch(1).periodic(2) +
                            RQ(3).periodic(4))) *
                  (EQ().stretch(1) + EQ())), \
          '(Reversed(Linear()) * Reversed(Linear()) + ' \
          '2 * ((EQ() > 1) per 2) + RQ(3) per 4) * (EQ() > 1 + EQ())'
Пример #12
def test_sum():
    k1 = EQ().stretch(2)
    k2 = 3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(5)
    k = k1 + k2

    # Verify that the kernel has the right properties.
    assert k.stationary

    # Test equality.
    assert EQ() + Linear() == EQ() + Linear()
    assert EQ() + Linear() == Linear() + EQ()
    assert EQ() + Linear() != EQ() + RQ(1e-1)
    assert EQ() + Linear() != RQ(1e-1) + Linear()

    # Standard tests:
Пример #13
def test_product():
    k = (2 * EQ().stretch(10)) * (3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(20))

    assert k.stationary
    assert k.length_scale == 10
    assert k.period == np.inf
    assert k.var == 6

    # Test equality.
    assert EQ() * Linear() == EQ() * Linear()
    assert EQ() * Linear() == Linear() * EQ()
    assert EQ() * Linear() != EQ() * RQ(1e-1)
    assert EQ() * Linear() != RQ(1e-1) * Linear()

    # Standard tests:
Пример #14
def test_basic_arithmetic():
    k1 = EQ()
    k2 = RQ(1e-1)
    k3 = Matern12()
    k4 = Matern32()
    k5 = Matern52()
    k6 = Delta()
    k7 = Linear()
    xs1 = np.random.randn(10, 2), np.random.randn(20, 2)
    xs2 = np.random.randn(), np.random.randn()

    yield ok, allclose(k6(xs1[0]), k6(xs1[0], xs1[0])), 'dispatch'
    yield ok, allclose((k1 * k2)(*xs1), k1(*xs1) * k2(*xs1)), 'prod'
    yield ok, allclose((k1 * k2)(*xs2), k1(*xs2) * k2(*xs2)), 'prod 2'
    yield ok, allclose((k3 + k4)(*xs1), k3(*xs1) + k4(*xs1)), 'sum'
    yield ok, allclose((k3 + k4)(*xs2), k3(*xs2) + k4(*xs2)), 'sum 2'
    yield ok, allclose((5. * k5)(*xs1), 5. * k5(*xs1)), 'prod 3'
    yield ok, allclose((5. * k5)(*xs2), 5. * k5(*xs2)), 'prod 4'
    yield ok, allclose((5. + k7)(*xs1), 5. + k7(*xs1)), 'sum 3'
    yield ok, allclose((5. + k7)(*xs2), 5. + k7(*xs2)), 'sum 4'
    yield ok, allclose(k1.stretch(2.)(*xs1), k1(xs1[0] / 2.,
                                                xs1[1] / 2.)), 'stretch'
    yield ok, allclose(k1.stretch(2.)(*xs2), k1(xs2[0] / 2.,
                                                xs2[1] / 2.)), 'stretch 2'
    yield ok, allclose(
        k1.periodic(1.)(xs1[0], xs1[1] + 5.)), 'periodic'
    yield ok, allclose(
        k1.periodic(1.)(xs2[0], xs2[1] + 5.)), 'periodic 2'
Пример #15
def test_corner_cases():
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        (EQ() + RQ(1))[2]
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        mul(1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        add(1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        stretch(1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        transform(1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        differentiate(1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        select(1, 1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        shift(1, 1)
    assert repr(EQ()) == str(EQ())
    assert EQ().__name__ == 'EQ'
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        WrappedElement(1).display(1, lambda x: x)
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        JoinElement(1, 2).display(1, 2, lambda x: x)
Пример #16
def test_product():
    k = (2 * EQ().stretch(10)) * (3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(20))

    yield eq, k.stationary, True
    yield eq, k.length_scale, 10
    yield eq, k.period, np.inf
    yield eq, k.var, 6

    # Test equality.
    yield eq, EQ() * Linear(), EQ() * Linear()
    yield eq, EQ() * Linear(), Linear() * EQ()
    yield neq, EQ() * Linear(), EQ() * RQ(1e-1)
    yield neq, EQ() * Linear(), RQ(1e-1) * Linear()

    # Standard tests:
    for x in kernel_generator(k):
        yield x
Пример #17
def test_sum():
    k1 = EQ().stretch(2)
    k2 = 3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(5)
    k = k1 + k2

    assert k.stationary
    allclose(k.length_scale, (1 * 2 + 3 * 5) / 4)
    assert k.period == np.inf
    assert k.var == 4

    allclose((EQ() + EQ()).length_scale, 1)
    allclose((EQ().stretch(2) + EQ().stretch(2)).length_scale, 2)

    assert EQ() + Linear() == EQ() + Linear()
    assert EQ() + Linear() == Linear() + EQ()
    assert EQ() + Linear() != EQ() + RQ(1e-1)
    assert EQ() + Linear() != RQ(1e-1) + Linear()

    # Standard tests:
Пример #18
def test_sum():
    k1 = EQ().stretch(2)
    k2 = 3 * RQ(1e-2).stretch(5)
    k = k1 + k2

    yield eq, k.stationary, True
    yield assert_allclose, k.length_scale, (1 * 2 + 3 * 5) / 4
    yield eq, k.period, np.inf
    yield eq, k.var, 4

    yield assert_allclose, (EQ() + EQ()).length_scale, 1
    yield assert_allclose, (EQ().stretch(2) + EQ().stretch(2)).length_scale, 2

    yield eq, EQ() + Linear(), EQ() + Linear()
    yield eq, EQ() + Linear(), Linear() + EQ()
    yield neq, EQ() + Linear(), EQ() + RQ(1e-1)
    yield neq, EQ() + Linear(), RQ(1e-1) + Linear()

    # Standard tests:
    for x in kernel_generator(k):
        yield x
Пример #19
def test_factors():
    k = EQ() * Linear()
    yield eq, k.num_factors, 2
    yield eq, str(k.factor(0)), 'EQ()'
    yield eq, str(k.factor(1)), 'Linear()'
    yield raises, IndexError, lambda: k.factor(2)

    k = (EQ() + EQ()) * Delta() * (RQ(1) + Linear())
    yield eq, k.num_factors, 4
    yield eq, str(k.factor(0)), '2'
    yield eq, str(k.factor(1)), 'EQ()'
    yield eq, str(k.factor(2)), 'Delta()'
    yield eq, str(k.factor(3)), 'RQ(1) + Linear()'
    yield raises, IndexError, lambda: k.factor(4)
    yield raises, IndexError, lambda: EQ().factor(1)
Пример #20
def test_corner_cases():
    yield raises, IndexError, lambda: EQ().stretch(1)[1]
    yield raises, IndexError, lambda: (EQ() + RQ(1))[2]
    yield raises, RuntimeError, lambda: mul(1, 1)
    yield raises, RuntimeError, lambda: add(1, 1)
    yield raises, RuntimeError, lambda: stretch(1, 1)
    yield raises, RuntimeError, lambda: transform(1, 1)
    yield raises, RuntimeError, lambda: differentiate(1, 1)
    yield raises, RuntimeError, lambda: select(1, 1)
    yield raises, RuntimeError, lambda: shift(1, 1)
    yield eq, repr(EQ()), str(EQ())
    yield eq, EQ().__name__, 'EQ'
    yield raises, NotImplementedError, \
          lambda: WrappedElement(1).display(1, lambda x: x)
    yield raises, NotImplementedError, \
          lambda: JoinElement(1, 2).display(1, 2, lambda x: x)
Пример #21
def test_factors():
    k = EQ() * Linear()
    assert k.num_factors == 2
    assert str(k.factor(0)) == 'EQ()'
    assert str(k.factor(1)) == 'Linear()'
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    k = (EQ() + EQ()) * Delta() * (RQ(1) + Linear())
    assert k.num_factors == 4
    assert str(k.factor(0)) == '2'
    assert str(k.factor(1)) == 'EQ()'
    assert str(k.factor(2)) == 'Delta()'
    assert str(k.factor(3)) == 'RQ(1) + Linear()'
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Пример #22
def test_component_kernel():
    x = np.random.randn(10, 2)
    k1 = EQ()
    k2 = RQ(1e-1)
    kzero = ZeroKernel()
    kc = ComponentKernel({
        (Component(1), Component(1)): k1,
        (Component(1), Component(2)): kzero,
        (Component(2), Component(1)): kzero,
        (Component(2), Component(2)): k2

    yield ok, allclose(kc(Component(1)(x)), k1(x))
    yield ok, allclose(kc(Component(2)(x)), k2(x))
    yield ok, allclose(kc(Component(1)(x), Component(2)(x)), kzero(x))
    yield ok, allclose(kc(Component(2)(x), Component(1)(x)), kzero(x))

    yield eq, str(ComponentKernel({Component(1): EQ(),
                                   Component(2): EQ()})), \
          'ComponentKernel(EQ(), EQ())'
Пример #23
def test_rq():
    k = RQ(1e-1)

    # Verify that the kernel has the right properties.
    assert k.alpha == 1e-1
    assert k.stationary
    assert str(k) == 'RQ(0.1)'

    # Test equality.
    assert RQ(1e-1) == RQ(1e-1)
    assert RQ(1e-1) != RQ(2e-1)
    assert RQ(1e-1) != Linear()

    # Standard tests:
Пример #24
def test_multi_conditioning():
    model = Graph()

    p1 = GP(EQ(), graph=model)
    p2 = GP(2 * Exp().stretch(2), graph=model)
    p3 = GP(.5 * RQ(1e-1).stretch(.5), graph=model)

    p = p1 + p2 + p3

    x1 = np.linspace(0, 2, 10)
    x2 = np.linspace(1, 3, 10)
    x3 = np.linspace(0, 3, 10)

    s1, s2 = model.sample(p1(x1), p2(x2))

    post1 = ((p | (p1(x1), s1)) | ((p2 | (p1(x1), s1))(x2), s2))(x3)
    post2 = (p | ((p1(x1), s1), (p2(x2), s2)))(x3)
    post3 = (p | ((p2(x2), s2), (p1(x1), s1)))(x3)

    yield assert_allclose, post1.mean, post2.mean, 'means 1', 1e-6, 1e-6
    yield assert_allclose, post1.mean, post3.mean, 'means 2', 1e-6, 1e-6
    yield assert_allclose, post1.var, post2.var
    yield assert_allclose, post1.var, post3.var
Пример #25
def test_basic_arithmetic():
    k1 = EQ()
    k2 = RQ(1e-1)
    k3 = Matern12()
    k4 = Matern32()
    k5 = Matern52()
    k6 = Delta()
    k7 = Linear()
    xs1 = B.randn(10, 2), B.randn(20, 2)
    xs2 = B.randn(), B.randn()

    approx(k6(xs1[0]), k6(xs1[0], xs1[0]))
    approx((k1 * k2)(*xs1), k1(*xs1) * k2(*xs1))
    approx((k1 * k2)(*xs2), k1(*xs2) * k2(*xs2))
    approx((k3 + k4)(*xs1), k3(*xs1) + k4(*xs1))
    approx((k3 + k4)(*xs2), k3(*xs2) + k4(*xs2))
    approx((5.0 * k5)(*xs1), 5.0 * k5(*xs1))
    approx((5.0 * k5)(*xs2), 5.0 * k5(*xs2))
    approx((5.0 + k7)(*xs1), 5.0 + k7(*xs1))
    approx((5.0 + k7)(*xs2), 5.0 + k7(*xs2))
    approx(k1.stretch(2.0)(*xs1), k1(xs1[0] / 2.0, xs1[1] / 2.0))
    approx(k1.stretch(2.0)(*xs2), k1(xs2[0] / 2.0, xs2[1] / 2.0))
    approx(k1.periodic(1.0)(*xs1), k1.periodic(1.0)(xs1[0], xs1[1] + 5.0))
    approx(k1.periodic(1.0)(*xs2), k1.periodic(1.0)(xs2[0], xs2[1] + 5.0))
Пример #26
def test_rq():
    k = RQ(1e-1)

    # Verify that the kernel has the right properties.
    yield eq, k.alpha, 1e-1
    yield eq, k.stationary, True
    yield eq, k.var, 1
    yield eq, k.length_scale, 1
    yield eq, k.period, np.inf
    yield eq, str(k), 'RQ(0.1)'

    # Test equality.
    yield eq, RQ(1e-1), RQ(1e-1)
    yield neq, RQ(1e-1), RQ(2e-1)
    yield neq, RQ(1e-1), Linear()

    # Standard tests:
    for x in kernel_generator(k):
        yield x
Пример #27
def test_indexing():
    yield eq, str((5 * EQ())[0]), 'EQ()'
    yield eq, str((EQ() + RQ(1.0))[0]), 'EQ()'
    yield eq, str((EQ() + RQ(1.0))[1]), 'RQ(1.0)'
    yield eq, str((EQ() * RQ(1.0))[0]), 'EQ()'
    yield eq, str((EQ() * RQ(1.0))[1]), 'RQ(1.0)'
Пример #28
def test_subtraction_and_negation():
    assert str(-EQ()) == '-1 * EQ()'
    assert str(EQ() - EQ()) == '0'
    assert str(RQ(1) - EQ()) == 'RQ(1) + -1 * EQ()'
    assert str(1 - EQ()) == '1 + -1 * EQ()'
    assert str(EQ() - 1) == 'EQ() + -1 * 1'
Пример #29
def test_indexing():
    assert str((5 * EQ())[0]) == 'EQ()'
    assert str((EQ() + RQ(1.0))[0]) == 'EQ()'
    assert str((EQ() + RQ(1.0))[1]) == 'RQ(1.0)'
    assert str((EQ() * RQ(1.0))[0]) == 'EQ()'
    assert str((EQ() * RQ(1.0))[1]) == 'RQ(1.0)'
Пример #30
def test_subtraction_and_negation():
    yield eq, str(-EQ()), '-1 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str(EQ() - EQ()), '0'
    yield eq, str(RQ(1) - EQ()), 'RQ(1) + -1 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str(1 - EQ()), '1 + -1 * EQ()'
    yield eq, str(EQ() - 1), 'EQ() + -1 * 1'