Пример #1
    def rotate(self, angle=0, pt=None):
        """Rotate ``angle`` radians counterclockwise about Point ``pt``.

        The default pt is the origin, Point(0, 0).

        >>> from sympy.geometry.curve import Curve
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import pi
        >>> Curve((x, x), (x, 0, 1)).rotate(pi/2)
        Curve((-x, x), (x, 0, 1))
        from sympy.matrices import Matrix, rot_axis3
        pt = -Point(pt or (0, 0))
        rv = self.translate(*pt.args)
        f = list(rv.functions)
        f = Matrix(1, 3, f)
        f *= rot_axis3(angle)
        rv = self.func(f[0, :2].tolist()[0], self.limits)
        if pt is not None:
            pt = -pt
            return rv.translate(*pt.args)
        return rv
Пример #2
    def rotate(self, angle=0, pt=None):
        """Rotate ``angle`` radians counterclockwise about Point ``pt``.

        The default pt is the origin, Point(0, 0).

        >>> from sympy.geometry.curve import Curve
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import pi
        >>> Curve((x, x), (x, 0, 1)).rotate(pi/2)
        Curve((-x, x), (x, 0, 1))
        from sympy.matrices import Matrix, rot_axis3
        pt = -Point(pt or (0, 0))
        rv = self.translate(*pt.args)
        f = list(rv.functions)
        f = Matrix(1, 3, f)
        f *= rot_axis3(angle)
        rv = self.func(f[0, :2].tolist()[0], self.limits)
        if pt is not None:
            pt = -pt
            return rv.translate(*pt.args)
        return rv
Пример #3
    def rotate(self, angle=0, pt=None):
        """This function is used to rotate a curve along given point ``pt`` at given angle(in radian).


        angle :
            the angle at which the curve will be rotated(in radian) in counterclockwise direction.
            default value of angle is 0.

        pt : Point
            the point along which the curve will be rotated.
            If no point given, the curve will be rotated around origin.


        Curve :
            returns a curve rotated at given angle along given point.


        >>> from sympy.geometry.curve import Curve
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import pi
        >>> Curve((x, x), (x, 0, 1)).rotate(pi/2)
        Curve((-x, x), (x, 0, 1))

        from sympy.matrices import Matrix, rot_axis3
        if pt:
            pt = -Point(pt, dim=2)
            pt = Point(0, 0)
        rv = self.translate(*pt.args)
        f = list(rv.functions)
        f = Matrix(1, 3, f)
        f *= rot_axis3(angle)
        rv = self.func(f[0, :2].tolist()[0], self.limits)
        if pt is not None:
            pt = -pt
            return rv.translate(*pt.args)
        return rv