Пример #1
def asyncgen_manager():
    if hasattr(sys, 'get_asyncgen_hooks'):
        old_asyncgen_hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()

        def _init_async_gen(agen):
            if not is_safe_generator(agen) and not finalize.is_finalized(agen):
                # Inspect the code of the generator to see if it might be safe 
                raise RuntimeError("Async generator with async finalization must be wrapped by\n"
                                   "async with curio.meta.finalize(agen) as agen:\n"
                                   "    async for n in agen:\n"
                                   "         ...\n"
                                   "See PEP 533 for further discussion.")

        if hasattr(sys, 'get_asyncgen_hooks'):
Пример #2
    def test_asyncgen_hooks(self):
        old = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()

        firstiter = lambda *a: None
        hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
        self.assertIs(hooks.firstiter, firstiter)
        self.assertIs(hooks[0], firstiter)
        self.assertIs(hooks.finalizer, None)
        self.assertIs(hooks[1], None)

        finalizer = lambda *a: None
        hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
        self.assertIs(hooks.firstiter, firstiter)
        self.assertIs(hooks[0], firstiter)
        self.assertIs(hooks.finalizer, finalizer)
        self.assertIs(hooks[1], finalizer)

        cur = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
Пример #3
 def end(self, session):
     # Non-coroutine hooks are done now. Anything they wanted to do, they did in end()
     # However, coroutine hooks cannot proceed independently, we must loop them manually
     # so that they can make progress in parallel.
     # Therefore, if some hooks' coroutines haven't finished and would like to await more runs,
     # we let them do this by looping manually.
     # The coroutines have finished, but there may be some asynchronous generators (asyncgens)
     # somewhere that haven't been cleaned up yet.
     # Moreover, additional asyncgens may be created when we finish these ones, so we must loop
     # here.
     while self._alive_asyncgens:
         for asyncgen in self._alive_asyncgens:
     # Now all asyncgens are finished.
     # We are ending the loop, hence we are no longer in charge of finalizing new asyncgens.
     if self._original_sys_asyncgen_hooks:
     logging.debug('Ending hook 6.')
Пример #4
 def run_forever_35_36(self):
     # from Python 3.5/3.6 asyncio.base_events
     old_thread_id = self._thread_id
     old_running_loop = events._get_running_loop()
     self._thread_id = threading.get_ident()
     if self._asyncgens is not None:
         old_agen_hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
         while True:
             if self._stopping:
         self._stopping = False
         self._thread_id = old_thread_id
         if self._asyncgens is not None:
Пример #5
 def test_asyncgen_hooks(self):
     old = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
     firstiter = lambda *a: None
     hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
     self.assertIs(hooks.firstiter, firstiter)
     self.assertIs(hooks[0], firstiter)
     self.assertIs(hooks.finalizer, None)
     self.assertIs(hooks[1], None)
     finalizer = lambda *a: None
     hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
     self.assertIs(hooks.firstiter, firstiter)
     self.assertIs(hooks[0], firstiter)
     self.assertIs(hooks.finalizer, finalizer)
     self.assertIs(hooks[1], finalizer)
     cur = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
Пример #6
 def stop_slave_loop(self):
Пример #7
    def run_forever(self, app_context):
        """Set up the asyncio event loop, integrate it with the Winforms
        event loop, and start the application.

        This largely duplicates the setup behavior of the default Proactor
        run_forever implementation.

        :param app_context: The WinForms.ApplicationContext instance
            controlling the lifecycle of the app.
        # Python 3.8 added an implementation of run_forever() in
        # ProactorEventLoop. The only part that actually matters is the
        # refactoring that moved the initial call to stage _loop_self_reading;
        # it now needs to be created as part of run_forever; otherwise the
        # event loop locks up, because there won't be anything for the
        # select call to process.
        if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):

        # Remember the application context.
        self.app_context = app_context

        # Register a custom user window message.
        self.msg_id = user32.RegisterWindowMessageA("Python asyncio tick")
        # Add a message filter to listen for the asyncio tick message
        # FIXME: Actually install the message filter.
        # msg_filter = AsyncIOTickMessageFilter(self, self.msg_id)
        # WinForms.Application.AddMessageFilter(msg_filter)

        # Setup the Proactor.
        # The code between the following markers should be exactly the same as
        # the official CPython implementation, up to the start of the
        # `while True:` part of run_forever() (see BaseEventLoop.run_forever()
        # in Lib/ascynio/base_events.py)
        # === START BaseEventLoop.run_forever() setup ===
        if self.is_running():
            raise RuntimeError('This event loop is already running')
        if events._get_running_loop() is not None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Cannot run the event loop while another loop is running')
        self._thread_id = threading.get_ident()
            self._old_agen_hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
        except AttributeError:
            # Python < 3.6 didn't have sys.get_asyncgen_hooks();
            # No action required for those versions.

        # === END BaseEventLoop.run_forever() setup ===

        # Rather than going into a `while True:` loop, we're going to use the
        # Winforms event loop to queue a tick() message that will cause a
        # single iteration of the asyncio event loop to be executed. Each time
        # we do this, we queue *another* tick() message in 5ms time. In this
        # way, we'll get a continuous stream of tick() calls, without blocking
        # the Winforms event loop.

        # Queue the first asyncio tick.

        # Start the Winforms event loop.
Пример #8
# sys.settrace(test)
print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", sys.gettrace())


def firstiter():
    print('from firstiter.')

def finalizer():
    print('from finalizer.')

sys.set_asyncgen_hooks(firstiter, finalizer)






s1 = sys.intern('hello!哈哈')
s2 = 'hello!哈哈'
Пример #9
    def _run_coro(self):
        Run the kernel
        assert self._selector is not None, 'Kernel has been shut down'

        njobs = 0

        # Motto:  "What happens in the kernel stays in the kernel"

        # ---- Kernel State
        current = None  # Currently running task
        selector = self._selector  # Event selector
        ready = self._ready  # Ready queue
        tasks = self._tasks  # Task table
        sleeping = self._sleeping  # Sleeping task queue
        wake_queue = self._wake_queue  # External wake queue
        warn_if_task_blocks_for = self._warn_if_task_blocks_for

        # ---- Bound methods
        selector_register = selector.register
        selector_unregister = selector.unregister
        selector_modify = selector.modify
        selector_select = selector.select
        selector_getkey = selector.get_key

        ready_popleft = ready.popleft
        ready_append = ready.append
        time_monotonic = time.monotonic
        _wake = self._wake

        # ---- In-kernel task used for processing signals and futures

        # Initialize the loopback socket and launch the kernel task if needed
        def _init_loopback_task():
            task = Task(_kernel_task(), taskid=0, daemon=True)
            self._kernel_task_id = task.id
            self._tasks[task.id] = task

        # Internal task that monitors the loopback socket--allowing the kernel to
        # awake for non-I/O events.  Also processes incoming signals.  This only
        # launches if needed to wait for external events (futures, signals, etc.)
        async def _kernel_task():
            wake_queue_popleft = wake_queue.popleft
            wait_sock = self._wait_sock

            while True:
                await _read_wait(wait_sock)
                data = wait_sock.recv(1000)

                # Process any waking tasks.  These are tasks that have been awakened
                # externally to the event loop (e.g., by separate threads, Futures, etc.)
                while wake_queue:
                    task, future = wake_queue_popleft()
                    # If the future associated with wakeup no longer matches
                    # the future stored on the task, wakeup is abandoned.
                    # It means that a timeout or cancellation event occurred
                    # in the time interval between the call to self._wake()
                    # and the subsequent processing of the waking task
                    if future and task.future is not future:
                    task.future = None
                    task.state = 'READY'
                    task.cancel_func = None

                # Any non-null bytes received here are assumed to be received signals.
                # See if there are any pending signal sets and unblock if needed
                if not self._signal_sets:

                sigs = (n for n in data if n in self._signal_sets)
                for signo in sigs:
                    for sigset in self._signal_sets[signo]:
                        if sigset.waiting:
                            _reschedule_task(sigset.waiting, value=signo)
                            sigset.waiting = None

        # ---- Task Support Functions

        # Create a new task. Putting it on the ready queue
        def _new_task(coro, daemon=False):
            nonlocal njobs
            task = Task(coro, daemon)
            tasks[task.id] = task
            if not daemon:
                njobs += 1
            return task

        # Reschedule a task, putting it back on the ready queue so that it can run.
        # value and exc specify a value or exception to send into the underlying
        # coroutine when it is rescheduled.
        def _reschedule_task(task, value=None, exc=None):
            task.next_value = value
            task.next_exc = exc
            task.state = 'READY'
            task.cancel_func = None

        # Cleanup task.  This is called after the underlying coroutine has
        # terminated.  value and exc give the return value or exception of
        # the coroutine.  This wakes any tasks waiting to join.
        def _cleanup_task(task, value=None, exc=None):
            nonlocal main_task, main_value, main_exc, njobs
            task.next_value = value
            task.next_exc = exc
            task.timeout = None

            if not task.daemon:
                njobs -= 1

            if task.joining:
                for wtask in task.joining.pop(len(task.joining)):
                task.joining = None
            task.terminated = True

            del tasks[task.id]

            # If the task just cleaned up was the main task, we set
            # its return values.  This will cause the kernel loop to yield
            if task == main_task:
                main_value = value
                main_exc = exc
                main_task = None

        # Set a timeout or sleep event on the current task
        def _set_timeout(clock, sleep_type='timeout'):
            item = (clock, current.id, sleep_type)
            heapq.heappush(sleeping, item)
            setattr(current, sleep_type, clock)

        # ---- I/O Support functions

        def _register_event(fileobj, event, task):
                key = selector_getkey(fileobj)
                mask, (rtask, wtask) = key.events, key.data
                if event == EVENT_READ and rtask:
                    raise CurioError(
                        "Multiple tasks can't wait to read on the same file descriptor %r"
                        % fileobj)
                if event == EVENT_WRITE and wtask:
                    raise CurioError(
                        "Multiple tasks can't wait to write on the same file descriptor %r"
                        % fileobj)
                selector_modify(fileobj, mask | event,
                                (task, wtask) if event == EVENT_READ else
                                (rtask, task))
            except KeyError:
                selector_register(fileobj, event,
                                  (task, None) if event == EVENT_READ else
                                  (None, task))

        def _unregister_event(fileobj, event):
            key = selector_getkey(fileobj)
            mask, (rtask, wtask) = key.events, key.data
            mask &= ~event
            if not mask:
                selector_modify(fileobj, mask,
                                (None, wtask) if event == EVENT_READ else
                                (rtask, None))

        # ---- Traps
        # These implement the low-level functionality that is
        # triggered by coroutines.  They are never invoked directly
        # and there is no public API outside the kernel.  Instead,
        # coroutines use a statement such as
        #   yield (_blocking_trap_io, sock, EVENT_READ, 'READ_WAIT')
        # to invoke a specific trap.
        # There are two calling conventions we use for implementing these:
        # 1) Blocking trap handlers return the new values for
        #       (task.state, task.cancel_func)
        #    They don't have any way to pass values/exceptions back to the
        #    invoker.
        # 2) Nonblocking trap handlers act like regular function calls -- whatever
        #    they return or raise will be passed back to the invoker.

        # Wait for I/O

        def _trap_io(fileobj, event, state):
            # See comment about deferred unregister in run().  If the requested
            # I/O operation is *different* than the last I/O operation that was
            # performed by the task, we need to unregister the last I/O resource used
            # and register a new one with the selector.
            if current._last_io != (fileobj, event):
                if current._last_io:
                    _register_event(fileobj, event, current)
                except CurioError as e:
                    _reschedule_task(current, exc=e)
                    return (current.state, None)

            # This step indicates that we have managed any deferred I/O management
            # for the task.  Otherwise the run() method will perform an unregistration step.
            current._last_io = None
            return (state, lambda: _unregister_event(fileobj, event))

        # Wait on a Future
        def _trap_future_wait(future, event):
            if self._kernel_task_id is None:

            current.future = future

            # Discussion: Each task records the future that it is
            # currently waiting on.  The completion callback below only
            # attempts to wake the task if its stored Future is exactly
            # the same one that was stored above.  Due to support for
            # cancellation and timeouts, it's possible that a task might
            # abandon its attempt to wait for a Future and go on to
            # perform other operations, including waiting for different
            # Future in the future (got it?).  However, a running thread
            # or process still might go on to eventually complete the
            # earlier work.  In that case, it will trigger the callback,
            # find that the task's current Future is now different, and
            # discard the result.

                lambda fut, task=current: _wake(task, fut))

            # An optional threading.Event object can be passed and set to
            # start a worker thread.   This makes it possible to have a lock-free
            # Future implementation where worker threads only start after the
            # callback function has been set above.
            if event:

            return ('FUTURE_WAIT',
                    lambda task=current: setattr(task, 'future',
                                                 future.cancel() and None))

        # Add a new task to the kernel
        def _trap_spawn(coro, daemon):
            task = _new_task(
                coro, daemon
                | current.daemon)  # Inherits daemonic status from parent
            task.parentid = current.id
            _copy_tasklocal(current, task)
            return task

        # Reschedule one or more tasks from a kernel sync
        def _trap_ksync_reschedule_tasks(ksync, n):
            tasks = ksync.pop(n)
            for task in tasks:

        # Trap that returns a function for rescheduling tasks from synchronous code
        def _trap_ksync_reschedule_function(ksync):
            def _reschedule(n):
                tasks = ksync.pop(n)
                for task in tasks:

            return _reschedule

        # Join with a task
        def _trap_join_task(task):
            if task.terminated:
                return _trap_sleep(0, False)
                if task.joining is None:
                    task.joining = KSyncQueue()
                return _trap_wait_ksync(task.joining, 'TASK_JOIN')

        # Cancel a task
        def _trap_cancel_task(task, exc=TaskCancelled, val=None):
            if task.cancelled:

            task.cancelled = True

            # Cancelling a task also cancels any currently pending timeout.
            # If a task is being cancelled, the delivery of a timeout is
            # somewhat immaterial--the task is already being cancelled.
            task.timeout = None

            # Set the cancellation exception
            task.cancel_pending = exc(exc.__name__ if val is None else val)

            # If the task doesn't allow the delivery of a cancellation exception right now
            # we're done.  It's up to the task to check for it later
            if not task.allow_cancel:

            # If the task doesn't have a cancellation function set, it means the task
            # is on the ready-queue.  It's not safe to deliver a cancellation exception
            # to it right now.  Instead, we simply return.  It will get cancelled
            # the next time it performs a blocking operation
            if not task.cancel_func:

            # Cancel and reschedule the task
            _reschedule_task(task, exc=task.cancel_pending)
            task.cancel_pending = None

        # Wait on a queue
        def _trap_wait_ksync(ksync, state):
            return (state, ksync.add(current))

        # Sleep for a specified period. Returns value of monotonic clock.
        # absolute flag indicates whether or not an absolute or relative clock
        # interval has been provided
        def _trap_sleep(clock, absolute):
            # We used to have a special case where sleep periods <= 0 would
            # simply reschedule the task to the end of the ready queue without
            # actually putting it on the sleep queue first. But this meant
            # that if a task looped while calling sleep(0), it would allow
            # other *ready* tasks to run, but block ever checking for I/O or
            # timeouts, so sleeping tasks would never wake up. That's not what
            # we want; sleep(0) should mean "please give other stuff a chance
            # to run". So now we always go through the whole sleep machinery.
            if not absolute:
                clock += time_monotonic()
            _set_timeout(clock, 'sleep')
            return ('TIME_SLEEP',
                    lambda task=current: setattr(task, 'sleep', None))

        # Watch signals
        def _trap_sigwatch(sigset):
            # Initialize the signal handling part of the kernel if not done already
            # Note: This only works if running in the main thread
            if self._kernel_task_id is None:

            if self._signal_sets is None:


        # Unwatch signals
        def _trap_sigunwatch(sigset):

        # Wait for a signal
        def _trap_sigwait(sigset):
            sigset.waiting = current
            return ('SIGNAL_WAIT', lambda: setattr(sigset, 'waiting', None))

        # Set a timeout to be delivered to the calling task
        def _trap_set_timeout(timeout):
            old_timeout = current.timeout
            if timeout is None:
                # If no timeout period is given, leave the current timeout in effect
                if old_timeout and current.timeout > old_timeout:
                    current.timeout = old_timeout

            return old_timeout

        # Clear a previously set timeout
        def _trap_unset_timeout(previous):
            # Here's an evil corner case.  Suppose the previous timeout in effect
            # has already expired?  If so, then we need to arrange for a timeout
            # to be generated.  However, this has to happen on the *next* blocking
            # call, not on this trap.  That's because the "unset" timeout feature
            # is usually done in the finalization stage of the previous timeout
            # handling.  If we were to raise a TaskTimeout here, it would get mixed
            # up with the prior timeout handling and all manner of head-explosion
            # will occur.

            now = time_monotonic()
            if previous and previous >= 0 and previous < now:
                # Perhaps create a TaskTimeout pending exception here.
                current.timeout = previous
                # But there's one other evil corner case.  It's possible that
                # a timeout could be reset while a TaskTimeout exception
                # is pending.  If that happens, it means that the task has
                # left the timeout block.   We should probably take away the
                # pending exception.
                if isinstance(current.cancel_pending, TaskTimeout):
                    current.cancel_pending = None

        # Return the running kernel
        def _trap_get_kernel():
            return self

        # Return the currently running task
        def _trap_get_current():
            return current

        # Return the current value of the kernel clock
        def _trap_clock():
            return time_monotonic()

        # Create the traps tables
        traps = [None] * len(Traps)
        for trap in Traps:
            traps[trap] = locals()[trap.name]

        # Initialize the loopback task (if not already initialized)
        if self._kernel_task_id is None:

        # If there are tasks on the ready queue already, must cancel
        # any prior pending I/O before re-entering the kernel loop
        for task in self._ready:
            if task._last_io:
                task._last_io = None

        # Return values for the send() method
        main_value = None
        main_exc = None
        main_task = None

        # Some support for async-generators
        def _init_async_gen(agen):
            from . import meta

            if agen.ag_code not in _safe_async_generators:
                _safe_async_generators[agen.ag_code] = meta._is_safe_generator(

            if not _safe_async_generators[
                    agen.ag_code] and not agen in finalize._finalized:
                # Inspect the code of the generator to see if it might be safe
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Async generator with async finalization must be wrapped by\n"
                    "async with finalize(agen) as agen:\n"
                    "    async for n in agen:\n"
                    "         ...\n"
                    "See PEP 533 for further discussion.")

        if hasattr(sys, 'set_asyncgen_hooks'):

        # ------------------------------------------------------------
        # Main Kernel Loop
        # ------------------------------------------------------------
        while True:
            # If no main task is known, we yield in order to receive it
            if njobs == 0:
                coro, poll_timeout = yield (main_value, main_exc)
                main_value = main_exc = None
                main_task = _new_task(coro) if coro else None
                # If a task was created and a timeout was given, we impose a deadline on the task
                if main_task and poll_timeout:
                    current = main_task
                    _set_timeout(poll_timeout + time_monotonic())
                del coro

            # Wait for an I/O event (or timeout)
            if ready:
                timeout = 0
            elif sleeping:
                timeout = sleeping[0][0] - time_monotonic()
                if poll_timeout is not None and timeout > poll_timeout:
                    timeout = poll_timeout
                if njobs == 0:
                    timeout = poll_timeout
                    timeout = None

                events = selector_select(timeout)
            except OSError as e:
                # If there is nothing to select, windows throws an
                # OSError, so just set events to an empty list.
                log.error('Exception %r from selector_select ignored ' % e,
                events = []

            # Reschedule tasks with completed I/O
            for key, mask in events:
                rtask, wtask = key.data
                intfd = isinstance(key.fileobj, int)
                if mask & EVENT_READ:
                    # Discussion: If the associated fileobj is
                    # *not* a bare integer file descriptor, we
                    # keep a record of the last I/O event in
                    # _last_io and leave the task registered on
                    # the event loop.  If it performs the same I/O
                    # operation again, it will get a speed boost
                    # from not having to re-register its
                    # event. However, it's not safe to use this
                    # optimization with bare integer fds.  These
                    # fds often get reused and there is a
                    # possibility that a fd will get closed and
                    # reopened on a different resource without it
                    # being detected by the kernel.  For that case,
                    # its critical that we not leave the fd on the
                    # event loop.
                    rtask._last_io = None if intfd else (key.fileobj,
                    mask &= ~EVENT_READ
                    rtask = None
                if mask & EVENT_WRITE:
                    wtask._last_io = None if intfd else (key.fileobj,
                    mask &= ~EVENT_WRITE
                    wtask = None

                # Unregister the task if fileobj is not an integer fd (see
                # note above).
                if intfd:
                    if mask:
                        selector_modify(key.fileobj, mask, (rtask, wtask))

            # Process sleeping tasks (if any)
            if sleeping:
                current_time = time_monotonic()
                while sleeping and sleeping[0][0] <= current_time:
                    tm, taskid, sleep_type = heapq.heappop(sleeping)
                    # When a task wakes, verify that the timeout value matches that stored
                    # on the task. If it differs, it means that the task completed its
                    # operation, was cancelled, or is no longer concerned with this
                    # sleep operation.  In that case, we do nothing
                    if taskid in tasks:
                        task = tasks[taskid]
                        if sleep_type == 'sleep':
                            if tm == task.sleep:
                                task.sleep = None
                                _reschedule_task(task, value=current_time)
                            if tm == task.timeout:
                                task.timeout = None
                                # If cancellation is allowed and the task is blocked, reschedule it
                                if task.allow_cancel and task.cancel_func:
                                        task, exc=TaskTimeout(current_time))
                                    # Task is on the ready queue or can't be cancelled right now,
                                    # mark it as pending cancellation
                                    task.cancel_pending = TaskTimeout(

            # --------
            # Run ready tasks
            # --------
            # We only run the tasks that were already in the queue when we
            # started the loop. Any new tasks that are rescheduled onto the
            # ready queue while we're going will have to wait until the next
            # iteration of the outer loop, after we've checked for I/O and
            # sleepers. This avoids various potential pathologies that could
            # otherwise occur where tasks repeatedly reschedule themselves so
            # the queue never empties and we end up never checking for I/O.
            for _ in range(len(ready)):
                current = ready_popleft()
                    if warn_if_task_blocks_for:
                        task_start = time_monotonic()
                    current.state = 'RUNNING'
                    current.cycles += 1
                    with _enable_tasklocal_for(current):
                        if current.next_exc is None:
                            trap = current._send(current.next_value)
                            current.next_value = None
                            trap = current._throw(current.next_exc)
                            current.next_exc = None

                        # If the trap is nonblocking, then handle it
                        # immediately without
                        # rescheduling. Nonblocking trap handlers have
                        # a different API than blocking trap handlers
                        # -- they just return or raise whatever the
                        # trap should return or raise.
                        trapfunc = traps[trap[0]]
                        while not trapfunc.blocking:
                                next_value = trapfunc(*trap[1:])
                            except Exception as next_exc:
                                trap = current._throw(next_exc)
                                trap = current._send(next_value)
                            trapfunc = traps[trap[0]]

                        # Execute a blocking trap
                        assert trapfunc.blocking

                        # If there is a cancellation pending and delivery is allowed,
                        # reschedule the task with the pending exception
                        if current.allow_cancel and current.cancel_pending:
                            current.cancel_pending = None
                            current.state, current.cancel_func = trapfunc(

                except StopIteration as e:
                    if current.cancel_pending:
                        _cleanup_task(current, exc=current.cancel_pending)
                        current.state = 'CANCELLED'
                        _cleanup_task(current, value=e.value)
                        current.state = 'TERMINATED'

                except (CancelledError, TaskExit) as e:
                    current.exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                    current.state = 'CANCELLED'
                    _cleanup_task(current, exc=e)

                except Exception as e:
                    current.exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                    current.state = 'CRASHED'
                    exc = TaskError('Task Crashed')
                    exc.__cause__ = e
                    _cleanup_task(current, exc=exc)
                    if self._log_errors:
                        log.error('Curio: Task Crash: %s' % current,

                except:  # (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
                    current.state = 'TERMINATED'

                    if warn_if_task_blocks_for:
                        duration = time_monotonic() - task_start
                        if duration > warn_if_task_blocks_for:
                            msg = ("Event loop blocked for {:0.1f} ms "
                                   "inside '{}' (task {})".format(
                                       1000 * duration,
                                       current.coro.__qualname__, current.id))

                    # Unregister previous I/O request. Discussion follows:
                    # When a task performs I/O, it registers itself with the underlying
                    # I/O selector.  When the task is reawakened, it unregisters itself
                    # and prepares to run.  However, in many network applications, the
                    # task will perform a small amount of work and then go to sleep on
                    # exactly the same I/O resource that it was waiting on before. For
                    # example, a client handling task in a server will often spend most
                    # of its time waiting for incoming data on a single socket.
                    # Instead of always unregistering the task from the selector, we
                    # can defer the unregistration process until after the task goes
                    # back to sleep again.  If it happens to be sleeping on the same
                    # resource as before, there's no need to unregister it--it will
                    # still be registered from the last I/O operation.
                    # The code here performs the unregister step for a task that
                    # ran, but is now sleeping for a *different* reason than repeating the
                    # prior I/O operation.  There is coordination with code in _trap_io().

                    if current._last_io:
                        current._last_io = None
Пример #10
    def run(self, coro=None, *, shutdown=False, timeout=None):
        if coro and self._crashed:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Can't submit further tasks to a crashed kernel.")

        if getattr(self._local, 'running', False):
            raise RuntimeError('Only one Curio kernel per thread is allowed')
        self._local.running = True

        if hasattr(sys, 'get_asyncgen_hooks'):
            asyncgen_hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
            if not self._runner:
                self._runner = self._run_coro()

            # Submit the given coroutine (if any)
                if coro or not shutdown:
                    ret_val, ret_exc = self._runner.send((coro, timeout))
                    ret_val = ret_exc = None
            except BaseException as e:
                # If the underlying runner coroutine died for some reason,
                # then something bad happened.  Maybe a KeyboardInterrupt
                # an internal programming program.  We'll remove it and
                # mark the kernel as crashed.   It's still possible that someone
                # will attempt a kernel shutdown later.
                self._runner = None
                self._crashed = True

            # If shutdown has been requested, run the shutdown process
            if shutdown:
                # For "reasons" related to task scheduling, the task
                # of shutting down all remaining tasks is best managed
                # by a launching a task dedicated to carrying out the task (sic)
                async def _shutdown_tasks(tocancel):
                    for task in tocancel:
                            await task.cancel()
                        except Exception as e:
                                'Exception %r ignored in curio shutdown' % e,

                while self._tasks:
                    tocancel = [
                        task for task in self._tasks.values()
                        if task.id != self._kernel_task_id
                    tocancel.sort(key=lambda t: t.id)
                    if self._kernel_task_id:
                    for task in tocancel:
                        task.daemon = True
                    self._runner.send((_shutdown_tasks(tocancel), None))
                    self._kernel_task_id = None
                del self._runner

            if ret_exc:
                raise ret_exc
                return ret_val

            self._local.running = False
            if hasattr(sys, 'set_asyncgen_hooks'):
Пример #11
    def install_hooks(self, runner):
        def firstiter(agen):
            if hasattr(_run.GLOBAL_RUN_CONTEXT, "task"):
                # An async generator first iterated outside of a Trio
                # task doesn't belong to Trio. Probably we're in guest
                # mode and the async generator belongs to our host.
                # The locals dictionary is the only good place to
                # remember this fact, at least until
                # https://bugs.python.org/issue40916 is implemented.
                agen.ag_frame.f_locals["@trio_foreign_asyncgen"] = True
                if self.prev_hooks.firstiter is not None:

        def finalize_in_trio_context(agen, agen_name):
                    name=f"close asyncgen {agen_name} (abandoned)",
            except RuntimeError:
                # There is a one-tick window where the system nursery
                # is closed but the init task hasn't yet made
                # self.asyncgens a strong set to disable GC. We seem to
                # have hit it.

        def finalizer(agen):
            agen_name = name_asyncgen(agen)
                is_ours = not agen.ag_frame.f_locals.get(
            except AttributeError:  # pragma: no cover
                is_ours = True

            if is_ours:
                                                 agen, agen_name)

                # Do this last, because it might raise an exception
                # depending on the user's warnings filter. (That
                # exception will be printed to the terminal and
                # ignored, since we're running in GC context.)
                    f"Async generator {agen_name!r} was garbage collected before it "
                    f"had been exhausted. Surround its use in 'async with "
                    f"aclosing(...):' to ensure that it gets cleaned up as soon as "
                    f"you're done using it.",
                # Not ours -> forward to the host loop's async generator finalizer
                if self.prev_hooks.finalizer is not None:
                    # Host has no finalizer.  Reimplement the default
                    # Python behavior with no hooks installed: throw in
                    # GeneratorExit, step once, raise RuntimeError if
                    # it doesn't exit.
                    closer = agen.aclose()
                        # If the next thing is a yield, this will raise RuntimeError
                        # which we allow to propagate
                    except StopIteration:
                        # If the next thing is an await, we get here. Give a nicer
                        # error than the default "async generator ignored GeneratorExit"
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            f"Non-Trio async generator {agen_name!r} awaited something "
                            f"during finalization; install a finalization hook to "
                            f"support this, or wrap it in 'async with aclosing(...):'"

        self.prev_hooks = sys.get_asyncgen_hooks()
        sys.set_asyncgen_hooks(firstiter=firstiter, finalizer=finalizer)
Пример #12
 def close(self):
Пример #13
    def _run_event_loop_once_cooperatively(self):
        """Compute the next moment at which the event loop should run delayed tasks, then
        ask Android to wake us up at that time.

        I/O waiting is handled separately (currently unimplemented).

        Since this is effectively the actual event loop, it also handles stopping the loop."""
        # If we are supposed to stop, actually stop.
        if self._stopping:
            self._stopping = False
            self._thread_id = None
            # Remove Android-specific object.
            self._handler = None

        # If we have actually already stopped, then do nothing.
        if self._thread_id is None:

        # Based heavily on `BaseEventLoop._run_once()` from CPython.
        MAXIMUM_SELECT_TIMEOUT = 24 * 3600

        sched_count = len(self._scheduled)
        if (sched_count > _MIN_SCHEDULED_TIMER_HANDLES
                and self._timer_cancelled_count / sched_count >
            # Remove delayed calls that were cancelled if their number
            # is too high
            new_scheduled = []
            for handle in self._scheduled:
                if handle._cancelled:
                    handle._scheduled = False

            self._scheduled = new_scheduled
            self._timer_cancelled_count = 0
            # Remove delayed calls that were cancelled from head of queue.
            while self._scheduled and self._scheduled[0]._cancelled:
                self._timer_cancelled_count -= 1
                handle = heapq.heappop(self._scheduled)
                handle._scheduled = False

        timeout = None
        if self._ready or self._stopping:
            timeout = 0
        elif self._scheduled:
            # Compute the desired timeout.
            when = self._scheduled[0]._when
            timeout = min(max(0, when - self.time()), MAXIMUM_SELECT_TIMEOUT)

        if timeout is None:
            # No delayed tasks, so we can return. The loop is running, ready for others to add tasks.

        # TODO: When we implement FD-based wakeup, decide if the below causes excessive wakeups.
            timeout * 1000,