Пример #1
def test_extract_from_respects_content_type(extract_from_plain, extract_from_html):
    msg_body = "Hi there"

    quotations.extract_from(msg_body, "text/plain")

    quotations.extract_from(msg_body, "text/html")

    eq_(msg_body, quotations.extract_from(msg_body, "text/blah"))
Пример #2
def test_extract_from_respects_content_type(extract_from_plain,
    msg_body = "Hi there"

    quotations.extract_from(msg_body, 'text/plain')

    quotations.extract_from(msg_body, 'text/html')

    eq_(msg_body, quotations.extract_from(msg_body, 'text/blah'))
Пример #3
def process(msg, filename, sender):
    if not filename.endswith('.'):
        return None
    content = email.message_from_string(msg)
    body = []
    if content.is_multipart():
        for payload in content.get_payload():
    if body is None:  # discard mail without body
        print filename + ': body is None!'
    reply = quotations.extract_from(body[0], 'text/plain')
    #print filename + ":\n" + reply
    if re.search('\d+\.$', filename) is not None:
        reply_filename = re.sub('\d+\.$', change_name_body, filename)
        f = open(reply_filename, 'w')
        sender_filename = re.sub('\d+\.$', change_name_sender, filename)
        f = open(sender_filename, 'w')
        print filename
    return reply
Пример #4
 def post(self):
     json_response = {}
     input_data = self.request.body
         input_data = json.loads(input_data)
         data_type = input_data["type"]
         content = input_data["content"]
         reply = quotations.extract_from(content, data_type)
         json_response["Success"] = True
         json_response["Content"] = reply
     except Exception, e:
         print e
         json_response["Success"] = False
Пример #5
def get_messages(**options):
    for message_data in fetch_messages(**options):
        channel = options['channel']
        email_message = email.message_from_bytes(message_data)
        subject = decoded_header(email_message.get('Subject'))
        from_header = email_message.get('From')
        to_header = email_message.get('To')
        from_name = email.utils.getaddresses([from_header])[0][0]
        msgid = email_message.get('Message-ID').strip()
        should_notify = True
            if not options.get('text', ''):
                should_notify = not MailMessage.objects.get(pk=msgid)
        except MailMessage.DoesNotExist:
        if should_notify:
            # Create a nicely-formatted version of the message
            body, mimetype = get_body(email_message)
            reply = quotations.extract_from(body, mimetype)
            text, sig = signature.extract(reply, sender=from_header)
            if mimetype == "text/html":
                text = HTMLSlacker(text).get_output()
            msg = "_{}_ to _{}_\n*{}*\n\n{}".format(from_name, to_header,
                                                    subject, text)
            msg = truncatewords_html(msg, 400)
            opts = {'channel': channel, 'text': msg}

            # Attempt to thread any email conversation as a Slack thread
            references = email_message.get('References', '').split()
            thread = MailMessage.objects.filter(msgid__in=references)
            sc = SlackClient(os.environ['SLACK_TOKEN'])
            # Send the message
            response = sc.api_call("chat.postMessage", **opts)
            if thread:
                # Also add it as a thread
                opts['thread_ts'] = thread.first().slackthread_ts
                response = sc.api_call("chat.postMessage", **opts)
            if response['ok']:
                ts = response['ts']
                msg, created = MailMessage.objects.get_or_create(
                    subject=subject, msgid=msgid)
                msg.slackthread_ts = ts
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, email_string):
        Takes a raw email string and processes it into something useful
        self.str = email_string
        self.raw = mime.from_string(self.str)

        to = self.raw.headers['To']
        if to is None:
            self.recipients = []
            to = to.lower()
            self.recipients = address.parse_list(to) if ',' in to else [address.parse(to)]

        # It's possible a recipient is None if it is something like
        # 'Undisclosed recipients:;'
        self.recipients = [r for r in self.recipients if r is not None]
        self.sender = address.parse(self.raw.headers['From'].lower())

        self.subject = self.raw.subject
        self.id = self.raw.message_id
        self.date = parse(self.raw.headers['Date'])
        self.content_encoding = self.raw.content_encoding[0]

        # Extract plaintext body
        if self.raw.content_type.is_singlepart():
            self.full_body = self.raw.body
        elif self.raw.content_type.is_multipart():
            for p in self.raw.parts:
                if p.content_type == 'text/plain':
                    self.full_body = p.body

        # Try to get signature
        self.body, self.signature = extract_signature(self.full_body)

        # Try ML approach if necessary
        if self.signature is None:
            self.body, self.signature = signature.extract(self.full_body, sender=self.sender)

        # Get replies only, not the quotes
        self.body = quotations.extract_from(self.body, 'text/plain')
Пример #7
def process(msg,filename,sender):
    content = email.message_from_string(msg)
    body = []
    if content.is_multipart():
        for payload in content.get_payload():
    if body is None: # discard mail without body
        print filename + ': body is None!'
    reply = quotations.extract_from(body[0], 'text/plain')
    #print filename + ":\n" + reply
    if re.search('\d+\.$',filename) is not None:
        reply_filename = re.sub('\d+\.$', change_name_reply, filename)
        f = open(reply_filename, 'w')
        sender_filename = re.sub('\d+\.$', change_name_sender, filename)
        f = open(sender_filename, 'w')
        print filename
    return reply
Пример #8
def test_crash_inside_extract_from():
    msg_body = "Hi there"
    eq_(msg_body, quotations.extract_from(msg_body, 'text/plain'))
Пример #9
def _encode(obj, namespace_public_id=None, expand=False, legacy_nsid=False):
    Returns a dictionary representation of an Inbox model object obj, or
    None if there is no such representation defined. If the optional
    namespace_public_id parameter is passed, it will used instead of fetching
    the namespace public id for each object. This improves performance when
    serializing large numbers of objects, but also means that you must take
    care to ONLY serialize objects that belong to the given namespace!

    namespace_public_id: string, optional
        public id of the namespace to which the object to serialize belongs.

    dictionary or None

    def _get_namespace_public_id(obj):
        return namespace_public_id or obj.namespace.public_id

    def _format_participant_data(participant):
        """Event.participants is a JSON blob which may contain internal data.
        This function returns a dict with only the data we want to make
        dct = {}
        for attribute in ['name', 'status', 'email', 'comment']:
            dct[attribute] = participant.get(attribute)

        return dct

    def _get_lowercase_class_name(obj):
        return type(obj).__name__.lower()

    if legacy_nsid:
        public_id_key_name = 'namespace_id'
        public_id_key_name = 'account_id'

    # Flask's jsonify() doesn't handle datetimes or json arrays as primary
    # objects.
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        return calendar.timegm(obj.utctimetuple())

    if isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
        return obj.isoformat()

    if isinstance(obj, arrow.arrow.Arrow):
        return encode(obj.datetime, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid)

    # TODO deprecate this and remove -- legacy_nsid
    elif isinstance(obj, Namespace) and legacy_nsid:
        return {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'namespace',
            'namespace_id': obj.public_id,

            # Account specific
            'account_id': obj.account.public_id,
            'email_address': obj.account.email_address,
            'name': obj.account.name,
            'provider': obj.account.provider,
            'organization_unit': obj.account.category_type
    elif isinstance(obj, Namespace):  # these are now "Account" objects
        return {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'account',
            'account_id': obj.public_id,

            'email_address': obj.account.email_address,
            'name': obj.account.name,
            'provider': obj.account.provider,
            'organization_unit': obj.account.category_type

    elif isinstance(obj, Account) and not legacy_nsid:
        raise Exception("Should never be serializing accounts (legacy_nsid)")

    elif isinstance(obj, Account):
        return {
            'account_id': obj.namespace.public_id,  # ugh
            'id': obj.namespace.public_id,  # ugh
            'object': 'account',
            'email_address': obj.email_address,
            'name': obj.name,
            'organization_unit': obj.category_type,

            'provider': obj.provider,

            # TODO add capabilities/scope (i.e. mail, contacts, cal, etc.)

            # 'status':  'syncing',  # TODO what are values here
            # 'last_sync':  1398790077,  # tuesday 4/29

    elif isinstance(obj, Message):
        resp = {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'message',
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            'subject': obj.subject,
            'from': format_address_list(obj.from_addr),
            'reply_to': format_address_list(obj.reply_to),
            'to': format_address_list(obj.to_addr),
            'cc': format_address_list(obj.cc_addr),
            'bcc': format_address_list(obj.bcc_addr),
            'date': obj.received_date,
            'thread_id': obj.thread.public_id,
            'snippet': obj.snippet,
            'body': obj.body,
            'text': quotations.extract_from_html(quotations.extract_from(obj.body, 'text/html')),
            'unread': not obj.is_read,
            'starred': obj.is_starred,
            'files': obj.api_attachment_metadata,
            'events': [encode(e, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid) for e in obj.events]

        categories = format_categories(obj.categories)
        if obj.namespace.account.category_type == 'folder':
            resp['folder'] = categories[0] if categories else None
            resp['labels'] = categories

        # If the message is a draft (Inbox-created or otherwise):
        if obj.is_draft:
            resp['object'] = 'draft'
            resp['version'] = obj.version
            if obj.reply_to_message is not None:
                resp['reply_to_message_id'] = obj.reply_to_message.public_id
                resp['reply_to_message_id'] = None

        if expand:
            resp['headers'] = {
                'Message-Id': obj.message_id_header,
                'In-Reply-To': obj.in_reply_to,
                'References': obj.references

        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Thread):
        base = {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'thread',
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            'subject': obj.subject,
            'participants': format_address_list(obj.participants),
            'last_message_timestamp': obj.recentdate,
            'last_message_received_timestamp': obj.receivedrecentdate,
            'first_message_timestamp': obj.subjectdate,
            'snippet': obj.snippet,
            'unread': obj.unread,
            'starred': obj.starred,
            'has_attachments': obj.has_attachments,
            'version': obj.version,
            # For backwards-compatibility -- remove after deprecating tags API
            'tags': obj.tags

        categories = format_categories(obj.categories)
        if obj.namespace.account.category_type == 'folder':
            base['folders'] = categories
            base['labels'] = categories

        if not expand:
            base['message_ids'] = \
                [m.public_id for m in obj.messages if not m.is_draft]
            base['draft_ids'] = [m.public_id for m in obj.drafts]
            return base

        # Expand messages within threads
        all_expanded_messages = []
        all_expanded_drafts = []
        for msg in obj.messages:
            resp = {
                'id': msg.public_id,
                'object': 'message',
                public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(msg),
                'subject': msg.subject,
                'from': format_address_list(msg.from_addr),
                'reply_to': format_address_list(msg.reply_to),
                'to': format_address_list(msg.to_addr),
                'cc': format_address_list(msg.cc_addr),
                'bcc': format_address_list(msg.bcc_addr),
                'date': msg.received_date,
                'thread_id': obj.public_id,
                'snippet': msg.snippet,
                'unread': not msg.is_read,
                'starred': msg.is_starred,
                'files': msg.api_attachment_metadata
            categories = format_categories(msg.categories)
            if obj.namespace.account.category_type == 'folder':
                resp['folder'] = categories[0] if categories else None
                resp['labels'] = categories

            if msg.is_draft:
                resp['object'] = 'draft'
                resp['version'] = msg.version
                if msg.reply_to_message is not None:
                    resp['reply_to_message_id'] = \
                    resp['reply_to_message_id'] = None

        base['messages'] = all_expanded_messages
        base['drafts'] = all_expanded_drafts
        return base

    elif isinstance(obj, Contact):
        return {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'contact',
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            'name': obj.name,
            'email': obj.email_address

    elif isinstance(obj, Event):
        resp = {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'event',
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            'calendar_id': obj.calendar.public_id if obj.calendar else None,
            'message_id': obj.message.public_id if obj.message else None,
            'title': obj.title,
            'description': obj.description,
            'owner': obj.owner,
            'participants': [_format_participant_data(participant)
                             for participant in obj.participants],
            'read_only': obj.read_only,
            'location': obj.location,
            'when': encode(obj.when, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid),
            'busy': obj.busy,
            'status': obj.status,
        if isinstance(obj, RecurringEvent):
            resp['recurrence'] = {
                'rrule': obj.recurring,
                'timezone': obj.start_timezone
        if isinstance(obj, RecurringEventOverride):
            resp['original_start_time'] = encode(obj.original_start_time,
            if obj.master:
                resp['master_event_id'] = obj.master.public_id
        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Calendar):
        return {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'calendar',
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            'name': obj.name,
            'description': obj.description,
            'read_only': obj.read_only,

    elif isinstance(obj, When):
        # Get time dictionary e.g. 'start_time': x, 'end_time': y or 'date': z
        times = obj.get_time_dict()
        resp = {k: encode(v, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid) for
                                         k, v in times.iteritems()}
        resp['object'] = _get_lowercase_class_name(obj)
        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Block):  # ie: Attachments/Files
        resp = {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': 'file',
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            'content_type': obj.content_type,
            'size': obj.size,
            'filename': obj.filename,
        if len(obj.parts):
            # if obj is actually a message attachment (and not merely an
            # uploaded file), set additional properties
                'message_ids': [p.message.public_id for p in obj.parts]

        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Category):
        # 'object' is set to 'folder' or 'label'
        resp = {
            'id': obj.public_id,
            'object': obj.type,
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            'name': obj.name,
            'display_name': obj.api_display_name
        return resp
Пример #10
def reply(menssagem):
    reply = quotations.extract_from(menssagem, 'text/html')
    return reply
Пример #11
def test_crash_inside_extract_from():
    msg_body = "Hi there"
    eq_(msg_body, quotations.extract_from(msg_body, 'text/plain'))
Пример #12
def _encode(obj, namespace_public_id=None, expand=False, legacy_nsid=False):
    Returns a dictionary representation of an Inbox model object obj, or
    None if there is no such representation defined. If the optional
    namespace_public_id parameter is passed, it will used instead of fetching
    the namespace public id for each object. This improves performance when
    serializing large numbers of objects, but also means that you must take
    care to ONLY serialize objects that belong to the given namespace!

    namespace_public_id: string, optional
        public id of the namespace to which the object to serialize belongs.

    dictionary or None


    def _get_namespace_public_id(obj):
        return namespace_public_id or obj.namespace.public_id

    def _format_participant_data(participant):
        """Event.participants is a JSON blob which may contain internal data.
        This function returns a dict with only the data we want to make
        dct = {}
        for attribute in ["name", "status", "email", "comment"]:
            dct[attribute] = participant.get(attribute)

        return dct

    def _get_lowercase_class_name(obj):
        return type(obj).__name__.lower()

    if legacy_nsid:
        public_id_key_name = "namespace_id"
        public_id_key_name = "account_id"

    # Flask's jsonify() doesn't handle datetimes or json arrays as primary
    # objects.
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        return calendar.timegm(obj.utctimetuple())

    if isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
        return obj.isoformat()

    if isinstance(obj, arrow.arrow.Arrow):
        return encode(obj.datetime, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid)

    # TODO deprecate this and remove -- legacy_nsid
    elif isinstance(obj, Namespace) and legacy_nsid:
        return {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "namespace",
            "namespace_id": obj.public_id,
            # Account specific
            "account_id": obj.account.public_id,
            "email_address": obj.account.email_address,
            "name": obj.account.name,
            "provider": obj.account.provider,
            "organization_unit": obj.account.category_type,
    elif isinstance(obj, Namespace):  # these are now "Account" objects
        return {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "account",
            "account_id": obj.public_id,
            "email_address": obj.account.email_address,
            "name": obj.account.name,
            "provider": obj.account.provider,
            "organization_unit": obj.account.category_type,

    elif isinstance(obj, Account) and not legacy_nsid:
        raise Exception("Should never be serializing accounts (legacy_nsid)")

    elif isinstance(obj, Account):
        return {
            "account_id": obj.namespace.public_id,  # ugh
            "id": obj.namespace.public_id,  # ugh
            "object": "account",
            "email_address": obj.email_address,
            "name": obj.name,
            "organization_unit": obj.category_type,
            "provider": obj.provider,
            # TODO add capabilities/scope (i.e. mail, contacts, cal, etc.)
            # 'status':  'syncing',  # TODO what are values here
            # 'last_sync':  1398790077,  # tuesday 4/29

    elif isinstance(obj, Message):
        resp = {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "message",
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            "subject": obj.subject,
            "from": format_address_list(obj.from_addr),
            "reply_to": format_address_list(obj.reply_to),
            "to": format_address_list(obj.to_addr),
            "cc": format_address_list(obj.cc_addr),
            "bcc": format_address_list(obj.bcc_addr),
            "date": obj.received_date,
            "thread_id": obj.thread.public_id,
            "snippet": obj.snippet,
            "body": obj.body,
            "text": quotations.extract_from_html(quotations.extract_from(obj.body, "text/html")),
            "unread": not obj.is_read,
            "starred": obj.is_starred,
            "files": obj.api_attachment_metadata,
            "events": [encode(e, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid) for e in obj.events],

        categories = format_categories(obj.categories)
        if obj.namespace.account.category_type == "folder":
            resp["folder"] = categories[0] if categories else None
            resp["labels"] = categories

        # If the message is a draft (Inbox-created or otherwise):
        if obj.is_draft:
            resp["object"] = "draft"
            resp["version"] = obj.version
            if obj.reply_to_message is not None:
                resp["reply_to_message_id"] = obj.reply_to_message.public_id
                resp["reply_to_message_id"] = None

        if expand:
            resp["headers"] = {
                "Message-Id": obj.message_id_header,
                "In-Reply-To": obj.in_reply_to,
                "References": obj.references,

        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Thread):
        base = {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "thread",
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            "subject": obj.subject,
            "participants": format_address_list(obj.participants),
            "last_message_timestamp": obj.recentdate,
            "last_message_received_timestamp": obj.receivedrecentdate,
            "first_message_timestamp": obj.subjectdate,
            "snippet": obj.snippet,
            "unread": obj.unread,
            "starred": obj.starred,
            "has_attachments": obj.has_attachments,
            "version": obj.version,
            # For backwards-compatibility -- remove after deprecating tags API
            "tags": obj.tags,

        categories = format_categories(obj.categories)
        if obj.namespace.account.category_type == "folder":
            base["folders"] = categories
            base["labels"] = categories

        if not expand:
            base["message_ids"] = [m.public_id for m in obj.messages if not m.is_draft]
            base["draft_ids"] = [m.public_id for m in obj.drafts]
            return base

        # Expand messages within threads
        all_expanded_messages = []
        all_expanded_drafts = []
        for msg in obj.messages:
            resp = {
                "id": msg.public_id,
                "object": "message",
                public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(msg),
                "subject": msg.subject,
                "from": format_address_list(msg.from_addr),
                "reply_to": format_address_list(msg.reply_to),
                "to": format_address_list(msg.to_addr),
                "cc": format_address_list(msg.cc_addr),
                "bcc": format_address_list(msg.bcc_addr),
                "date": msg.received_date,
                "thread_id": obj.public_id,
                "snippet": msg.snippet,
                "unread": not msg.is_read,
                "starred": msg.is_starred,
                "files": msg.api_attachment_metadata,
            categories = format_categories(msg.categories)
            if obj.namespace.account.category_type == "folder":
                resp["folder"] = categories[0] if categories else None
                resp["labels"] = categories

            if msg.is_draft:
                resp["object"] = "draft"
                resp["version"] = msg.version
                if msg.reply_to_message is not None:
                    resp["reply_to_message_id"] = msg.reply_to_message.public_id
                    resp["reply_to_message_id"] = None

        base["messages"] = all_expanded_messages
        base["drafts"] = all_expanded_drafts
        return base

    elif isinstance(obj, Contact):
        return {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "contact",
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            "name": obj.name,
            "email": obj.email_address,

    elif isinstance(obj, Event):
        resp = {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "event",
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            "calendar_id": obj.calendar.public_id if obj.calendar else None,
            "message_id": obj.message.public_id if obj.message else None,
            "title": obj.title,
            "description": obj.description,
            "owner": obj.owner,
            "participants": [_format_participant_data(participant) for participant in obj.participants],
            "read_only": obj.read_only,
            "location": obj.location,
            "when": encode(obj.when, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid),
            "busy": obj.busy,
            "status": obj.status,
        if isinstance(obj, RecurringEvent):
            resp["recurrence"] = {"rrule": obj.recurring, "timezone": obj.start_timezone}
        if isinstance(obj, RecurringEventOverride):
            resp["original_start_time"] = encode(obj.original_start_time, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid)
            if obj.master:
                resp["master_event_id"] = obj.master.public_id
        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Calendar):
        return {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "calendar",
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            "name": obj.name,
            "description": obj.description,
            "read_only": obj.read_only,

    elif isinstance(obj, When):
        # Get time dictionary e.g. 'start_time': x, 'end_time': y or 'date': z
        times = obj.get_time_dict()
        resp = {k: encode(v, legacy_nsid=legacy_nsid) for k, v in times.iteritems()}
        resp["object"] = _get_lowercase_class_name(obj)
        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Block):  # ie: Attachments/Files
        resp = {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": "file",
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            "content_type": obj.content_type,
            "size": obj.size,
            "filename": obj.filename,
        if len(obj.parts):
            # if obj is actually a message attachment (and not merely an
            # uploaded file), set additional properties
            resp.update({"message_ids": [p.message.public_id for p in obj.parts]})

        return resp

    elif isinstance(obj, Category):
        # 'object' is set to 'folder' or 'label'
        resp = {
            "id": obj.public_id,
            "object": obj.type,
            public_id_key_name: _get_namespace_public_id(obj),
            "name": obj.name,
            "display_name": obj.api_display_name,
        return resp
Пример #13
import sys
import talon
import base64
from talon import quotations


type = sys.argv[1]
#html = base64.b64decode(sys.argv[2])
#html = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
html = ""
for line in sys.stdin:
    html += line.rstrip()

html = base64.b64decode(html)

if type.lower() == 'html':
    reply = quotations.extract_from_html(html)
    reply = quotations.extract_from(html, 'type/plain')

# reply == "<html><body><p>Reply</p></body></html>"
print ("%s" % reply)
Пример #14
import talon
from talon import quotations


text =  """Reply

-----Original Message-----


reply = quotations.extract_from(text, 'text/plain')
# reply = quotations.extract_from_plain(text)
