Пример #1
def test_files():
    Test the input and output of model simulation data
    Test the methods `save_sim`, `save_txt`, and `load_sim` of the Stratified
    Plume Model `Model` object.
    # Get the model parameters
    (profile, particles, z0, R, maxit, toler, delta_z) = get_sim_data()

    # Initialize a stratified plume model `Model` object
    spm = stratified_plume_model.Model(profile)

    # Run the simulation
    spm.simulate(particles, z0, R, maxit, toler, delta_z, False)

    # Save the simulation to a netCDF file
    fname = './output/spm_data.nc'
    profile_path = './test_BM54.nc'
    profile_info = 'Results of ./test_spm.py script'
    spm.save_sim(fname, profile_path, profile_info)

    # Save the simulation to a text file
    base_name = './output/spm_data'
    spm.save_txt(base_name, profile_path, profile_info)

    # Load the simulation data from the netCDF file
    assert spm.sim_stored == True

    # Initialize a Model object from the netCDF file
    spm_load = stratified_plume_model.Model(simfile=fname)
    assert spm.sim_stored == True
Пример #2
def test_simulate():
    Test the `Model.simulate()` method of the Stratified Plume Model
    Run a simulation to test the operation of the `Model.simulate()` method
    of the Stratified Plume Model.
    # Get the model parameters
    (profile, particles, z0, R, maxit, toler, delta_z) = get_sim_data()

    # Initialize a stratified plume model `Model` object
    spm = stratified_plume_model.Model(profile)

    # Run the simulation
    spm.simulate(particles, z0, R, maxit, toler, delta_z, False)

    # Check that the results are correct
    assert spm.sim_stored == True
Пример #3
def get_sim_data():
    Get the input data to the `params.Scales` object
    Create an `ambient.Profile` object and a list of 
    `stratified_plume_model.Particle` objects as the required input for 
    the `params.Scales` object.  
    profile : `ambient.Profile` object
        profile object from the BM54 CTD data
    disp_phases: list
        list of `stratified_plume_model.Particle` objects describing the 
        blowout dispersed phases.
    z0 : float
        depth at the plume model origin (m)
    # Get the netCDF file
    nc = test_sbm.make_ctd_file()

    # Create a profile object with all available chemicals in the CTD data
    profile = ambient.Profile(nc, chem_names='all')

    # Create the stratified plume model object
    spm = stratified_plume_model.Model(profile)

    # Set the release conditions
    T0 = 273.15 + 35.  # Release temperature in K
    R = 0.15  # Radius of leak source in m

    # Create the gas phase particles
    composition = ['methane', 'ethane', 'propane', 'oxygen']
    yk = np.array([0.93, 0.05, 0.02, 0.0])
    gas = dbm.FluidParticle(composition)
    z0 = 1000.
    disp_phases = []

    # Larger free gas bubbles
    mb0 = 8.  # total mass flux in kg/s
    de = 0.025  # bubble diameter in m
    lambda_1 = 0.85
        stratified_plume_model.particle_from_mb0(profile, z0, gas, yk, mb0, de,
                                                 lambda_1, T0))

    # Smaller free gas bubbles (note, it is not necessary to have more than
    # one bubble size)
    mb0 = 2.  # total mass flux in kg/s
    de = 0.0075  # bubble diameter in m
    lambda_1 = 0.9
        stratified_plume_model.particle_from_mb0(profile, z0, gas, yk, mb0, de,
                                                 lambda_1, T0))

    # Liquid hydrocarbon.  This could either be a dissolving phase (mixture
    # of liquid phases) or an inert phase.  We demonstrate here the simple
    # case of an inert oil phase
    oil = dbm.InsolubleParticle(True,
    mb0 = 10.  # total mass flux in kg/s
    de = 0.004  # bubble diameter in m
    lambda_1 = 0.9
        stratified_plume_model.particle_from_mb0(profile, z0, oil,
                                                 np.array([1.]), mb0, de,
                                                 lambda_1, T0))

    # Return the simulation data
    return (profile, disp_phases, z0)
Пример #4
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get the ambient CTD profile data
    nc = '../../test/output/test_BM54.nc'
        # Open the lake dataset as a Profile object if it exists
        ctd = ambient.Profile(nc, chem_names='all')

    except RuntimeError:
        # Tell the user to create the dataset
        print('CTD data not available; run test cases in ./test first.')

    # Create the stratified plume model object
    spm = stratified_plume_model.Model(ctd)

    # Set the release conditions
    T0 = 273.15 + 35.  # Release temperature in K
    R = 0.15  # Radius of leak source in m

    # Create the gas phase particles
    composition = ['methane', 'ethane', 'propane', 'oxygen']
    yk = np.array([0.93, 0.05, 0.02, 0.0])
    gas = dbm.FluidParticle(composition)
    z0 = 1000.
    disp_phases = []

    # Larger free gas bubbles
    mb0 = 8.  # total mass flux in kg/s
    de = 0.025  # bubble diameter in m
Пример #5
from tamoc import stratified_plume_model
import lake_bub

from datetime import datetime
from netCDF4 import date2num

import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Create the lake netCDF dataset and get the Profile object
    lake = lake_bub.get_lake_data()
    # Create the stratified plume model object
    spm = stratified_plume_model.Model(lake)
    # Create the dispersed phase particles
    sphere = dbm.InsolubleParticle(False, False, rho_p=15.)
    z0 = 46.
    particles = []
    # Small particle
    Q_N = 100. / 60. / 60. 
    de = 0.01
    lambda_1 = 0.7
    particles.append(stratified_plume_model.particle_from_Q(lake, z0, sphere, 
                     1., Q_N,  de, lambda_1, 273.15 + 20.))
    # Initialize a simulation
    R = 6.5 / 2.
Пример #6
from tamoc import ambient
from tamoc import dbm
from tamoc import seawater
from tamoc import stratified_plume_model

import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Create a stratified_plume_model.Model object from the lake_bub.py
    # results stored on the hard drive.  Note that the netCDF file is
    # self-documenting and actually points to the ambient CTD profile data.
    # If that file does not exist, the post_processing method cannot be
    # applied as it reads from the ambient data.
    spm = stratified_plume_model.Model(simfile='../../test/output/spm_gas.nc')

    # Echo the results to the screen:
    print('The results of ./bin/spm/lake_bub.py have been loaded into memory')
    print('   len(zi)   : %d' % spm.zi.shape[0])
    print('   shape(yi) : %d, %d' % (spm.yi.shape[0], spm.yi.shape[1]))
    print('   len(zo)   : %d' % spm.zo.shape[0])
    print('   shape(yo) : %d, %d' % (spm.yo.shape[0], spm.yo.shape[1]))
    for i in range(len(spm.particles)):
        print('   composition %d: %s, ' % (i, spm.particles[i].composition))

    # You can plot the results of that stored simulation

    # You an also load stored simulation data to replace the current
    # simulation