Пример #1
    def getAttribute(self, attr_name, create_if_needed=True, **kwargs):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute name.
           If the corresponding attribute already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param attr_name: (str) a valid attribute name URI
           :param create_if_needed: (bool) If True, the Attribute is created if
                                    it did not already exist. If False,
                                    None is returned if it did not exist
           :return: (taurus.core.tangoattribute.TangoAttribute) attribute object
           :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given
                   alias is invalid.
        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(attr_name)
        if attr is not None:
            return attr

        # Simple approach did not work. Lets build a proper device name
        validator = _Attribute.getNameValidator()
        groups = validator.getUriGroups(attr_name)
        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException(
                ("Invalid Tango attribute name '%s'") % attr_name)

        full_attr_name, _, _ = validator.getNames(attr_name)

        if full_attr_name is None:
            raise TaurusException("Cannot find full name of '%s'" % attr_name)

        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)

        if attr is None:
            dev_name = full_attr_name.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                dev = self.getDevice(dev_name)
                if dev is not None:
                    # Do another try in case the Device object created the attribute
                    # itself. This happens for the 'state' attribute
                    attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)
                    if attr is not None:
                        return attr
                        attr_klass = self._getAttributeClass(
                        kwargs['storeCallback'] = self._storeAttribute
                        if not kwargs.has_key('pollingPeriod'):
                                'pollingPeriod'] = self.getDefaultPollingPeriod(
                        attr = attr_klass(full_attr_name, dev, **kwargs)
                        # attribute objects will register themselves in this factory
                        # so there is no need to do it here
                    except DoubleRegistration:
                        attr = self.tango_attrs.get(full_attr_name)
                self.debug("Error creating attribute %s",
        return attr
Пример #2
    def getDevice(self, dev_name, create_if_needed=True, **kw):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given tango device name.
           If the corresponding device already exists, the existing instance
           is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

           :param dev_name: (str) tango device name or tango alias for the
                            device. It must be a valid Tango device URI.
                            If authority is not explicit, the default Tango
                            Database will be used
           :param create_if_needed: (bool) If True, the Device is created if it
                                    did not exist previously. If False, it
                                    returns None if it did not exist

           :return: (taurus.core.tango.TangoDevice) a device object
           :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given
                   dev_name is invalid.
        d = self.tango_devs.get(dev_name)
        if d is None:
            d = self.tango_alias_devs.get(dev_name)
        if d is not None:
            return d

        validator = _Device.getNameValidator()
        groups = validator.getUriGroups(dev_name)

        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException("Invalid Tango device name '%s'" % dev_name)

        full_dev_name, _, _ = validator.getNames(dev_name)

        if full_dev_name is None:
            raise TaurusException("Cannot find full name of '%s'" % dev_name)

        d = self.tango_devs.get(full_dev_name)

        if not create_if_needed:
            return d

        if d is None:
                db = self.getAuthority(groups.get('authority'))
                dev_klass = self._getDeviceClass(db=db,
                kw['storeCallback'] = self._storeDevice
                kw['parent'] = db
                d = dev_klass(full_dev_name, **kw)
                # device objects will register themselves in this factory
                # so there is no need to do it here
            except DoubleRegistration:
                d = self.tango_devs.get(full_dev_name)
                self.debug("Error creating device %s", dev_name, exc_info=1)
        return d
Пример #3
    def getAuthority(self, name=None):
        Obtain the object corresponding to the given database name or the
        default database if name is None.
        If the corresponding authority object already exists, the existing
        instance is returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

        :param name: (str) database name string alias. If None, the
                        default database is used

        :return: (taurus.core.tangodatabase.TangoAuthority) database object
        :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if the given alias is invalid.
        ret = None
        if name is None:
            if self.dft_db is None:
                    if self._default_tango_host is None:
                        self.dft_db = _Authority()
                        name = self._default_tango_host
                        validator = _Authority.getNameValidator()
                        groups = validator.getUriGroups(name)
                        if groups is None:
                            raise TaurusException(
                                "Invalid default Tango authority name %s" %
                        self.dft_db = _Authority(host=groups['host'],
                    self.debug("Could not create Authority", exc_info=1)
                name = self.dft_db.getFullName()
                self.tango_db[name] = self.dft_db
            ret = self.dft_db
            ret = self.tango_db.get(name)
            if not ret is None:
                return ret
            validator = _Authority.getNameValidator()
            groups = validator.getUriGroups(name)
            if not validator.isValid(name):
                raise TaurusException("Invalid Tango authority name %s" % name)
                ret = _Authority(host=groups['host'], port=groups['port'])
                self.debug("Could not create Authority %s",

            if ret is not None:
                self.tango_db[name] = ret
        return ret
Пример #4
    def getAttribute(self, attr_name, **kwargs):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute name. If the
        corresponding attribute already exists, the existing instance is
        returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned. The evaluator
        device associated to this attribute will also be created if necessary.

        :param attr_name: (str) the attribute name string. See
                          :mod:`taurus.core.evaluation` for valid attribute

        Any aditional keyword arguments will be passed directly to the
        constructor of `:class:EvaluationAttribute`

        :return: (EvaluationAttribute)

        @throws TaurusException if the given name is invalid.
        a = self.eval_attrs.get(
            attr_name, None)  # first try with the given name
        if a is None:  # if not, try with the full name
            validator = self.getAttributeNameValidator()
            names = validator.getNames(attr_name)
            if names is None or names[0] is None:
                raise TaurusException(
                    "Invalid evaluation attribute name %s" % attr_name)
            fullname = names[0]
            a = self.eval_attrs.get(fullname, None)
            if a is None:  # if the full name is not there, create one
                dev = self.getDevice(validator.getDeviceName(attr_name))
                kwargs['storeCallback'] = self._storeAttr
                if not kwargs.has_key('pollingPeriod'):
                    kwargs['pollingPeriod'] = self.getDefaultPollingPeriod()
                a = EvaluationAttribute(fullname, parent=dev, **kwargs)
        return a
Пример #5
 def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Singleton instance initialization."""
     if PyTangoArchiving is None:
         raise TaurusException('PyTangoArchiving is not available')
     name = self.__class__.__name__
     Logger.__init__(self, name)
Пример #6
    def write(self, value, with_read=True):
        if not self.isWritable():
            raise TaurusException('Attempt to write on read-only attribute %s',
        self._value.wvalue = value

        if with_read:
            ret = self.read(cache=False)
            return ret
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None):
        if name is None:
            t_f = taurus.Factory('tango')
            t_default_authority = t_f.get_default_tango_host()

            if t_default_authority is None:
                pytango_host = PyTango.ApiUtil.get_env_var("TANGO_HOST")
                host, port = pytango_host.split(':')
                t_default_authority = "//{0}:{1}".format(
                    socket.getfqdn(host), port)

            name = '%s:%s' % (self._scheme, t_default_authority)

        TaurusAuthority.__init__(self, name, parent)
        v = TangoArchivingAuthorityNameValidator()
        groups = v.getUriGroups(name)
        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException('Invalid name %s' % name)
        host = groups.get('host')
        port = groups.get('port')
            self._tangodb = PyTango.Database(host, port)
        except PyTango.DevFailed:
            raise TaurusException('Can not connect to the tango database')
Пример #8
    def getAttribute(self, name):
        Obtain the attribute model object referenced by name.

        :param name: (str) name

        :return: (taurus.core.taurusattribute.TaurusAttribute) attribute object
        :raise: (taurus.core.taurusexception.TaurusException) if name is invalid
        groups = self.getAttributeNameValidator().getUriGroups(name)
        if groups is None:
            raise TaurusException('Invalid name "%s"' % name)
        res_name = groups['_resname']
        value = self.getValue(res_name)
        return Manager().getAttribute(value)
Пример #9
    def getAuthority(self, name=None):
        """Obtain the Epics (ca) authority object.

        :param name: (str) only a dummy authority ("ca://") is supported

        :return: (EpicsAuthority)
        if name is None:
            name = 'ca://'

        v = self.getAuthorityNameValidator()
        if not v.isValid(name):
            raise TaurusException("Invalid ca authority name %s" % name)

        if not hasattr(self, "_auth"):
            self._auth = EpicsAuthority(self.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY)
        return self._auth
Пример #10
    def getAttribute(self, name):
        """ Reimplementation of the TaurusFactory method
        v = self.getAttributeNameValidator()
        if not v.isValid(name):
            msg = "Invalid {scheme} attribute name '{name}'".format(
                scheme=self.schemes[0], name=name)
            raise TaurusException(msg)

        fullname, _, _ = v.getNames(name)
        groups = v.getUriGroups(fullname)
        attr = self._attrs.get(fullname)
        if attr is not None:
            return attr

            # this works only if the devname is present in the attr full name
            # (not all schemes are constructed in this way)
            devname = v.getUriGroups(fullname)['devname']
            dev = self.getDevice(devname)
            self.debug('Cannot get attribute parent from name "%s"', fullname)
            dev = None

        cls = self.elementTypesMap[TaurusElementType.Attribute]
        attr = cls(name=fullname, parent=dev)

        # Looking for the complementary
        if 'ts' in groups['query']:
            complementary = fullname.replace(';ts', '')
            complementary = fullname + ';ts'
        c_attr = self._attrs.get(complementary)
        if c_attr is not None:
            # Get data from the complementary
            attr._arch_values = c_attr._arch_values
            attr._arch_timestamps = c_attr._arch_timestamps
            # Get data from the archiving
            # TODO: Wait 1s to avoid core with PyTangoArchiving
            import time
            attr._read()  # TODO: Use TaurusManager.addJob instead
        self._attrs[fullname] = attr

        return attr
Пример #11
    def getDevice(self, dev_name):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given device name. If the
        corresponding device already exists, the existing instance is returned.
        Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

        :param dev_name: (str) the device name string. See
                         :mod:`taurus.core.evaluation` for valid device names

        :return: (EvaluationDevice)

        @throws TaurusException if the given name is invalid.
        # try to see if the given name is already a known full_name
        d = self.eval_devs.get(dev_name, None)
        if d is None:
            # find the full_name and see if we already know it
            validator = self.getDeviceNameValidator()
            names = validator.getNames(dev_name)
            if names is None:
                raise TaurusException("Invalid evaluator device name %s" %
            fullname, normalname, devname = names
            d = self.eval_devs.get(fullname, None)
            # if we do not know it, create the dev and store it in cache
            if d is None:
                groups = validator.getUriGroups(dev_name)
                if groups['_evalclass'] is not None:
                    modulename, classname = groups['_evalclass'].rsplit('.', 1)
                        m = __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(),
                                       [classname], -1)
                        DevClass = getattr(m, classname)
                        self.warning('Problem importing "%s"' % devname)
                    DevClass = EvaluationDevice
                # Get authority (creating if necessary)
                auth_name = groups.get('authority') or self.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY
                authority = self.getAuthority(auth_name)
                # Create Device (and store it in cache via self._storeDev)
                d = DevClass(fullname,
        return d
Пример #12
    def getAuthority(self, name=None):
        """Obtain the EvaluationDatabase object.

        :param db_name: (str) this is ignored because only one database is supported

        :return: (EvaluationDatabase)
        if name is None:
            name = 'eval://localhost'

        v = self.getAuthorityNameValidator()
        if not v.isValid(name):
            raise TaurusException(
                "Invalid Evaluation authority name %s" % name)

        if not hasattr(self, "_auth"):
            self._auth = EvaluationAuthority(self.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY)
        return self._auth
Пример #13
 def read(self, cache=True):
     if cache and self._last_value is not None:
         return self._last_value
     dev = self.getParentObj()
     # each time we need to open and close the file, otherwise the
     # file content is not updated
     with h5py.File(dev.filename) as h5file:
         data = h5file.get(self._attr_name)
         if data is None:
             msg = "Object %s does not exist" % self._attr_name
             raise TaurusException(msg)
         # we need to decode and copy the data while the file is still opened
         rvalue = self.decode(data)
     value = TaurusAttrValue()
     value.rvalue = rvalue
     value.time = TaurusTimeVal.now()
     self._last_value = value
     return value
Пример #14
    def getDevice(self, dev_name):
        """Obtain the EpicsDevice object.

        :param dev_name: (str) only one dummy device ("") is supported

        :return: (EpicsDevice)

        .. todo:: epics.Device may be wrapped as taurus device...
        validator = self.getDeviceNameValidator()
        names = validator.getNames(dev_name)
        if names is None:
            raise TaurusException("Invalid epics device name %s" % dev_name)
        fullname = names[0]
        d = self.epics_devs.get(fullname, None)
        if d is None:  # if the full name is not there, create one
            auth = self.getAuthority()
        d = EpicsDevice(fullname, parent=auth)
        self.epics_devs[fullname] = d
        return d
Пример #15
def Factory(scheme=None):
    """Returns the one and only Factory for the given scheme

    It is a shortcut to::

        import taurus.core.taurusmanager
        manager = taurus.core.taurusmanager.TaurusManager()
        factory = manager.getFactory(scheme)

    :param scheme: a string representing the scheme. Default value is None meaning ``tango`` scheme
    :type scheme: str
    :return: a taurus factory
    :rtype: :class:`taurus.core.taurusfactory.TaurusFactory`"""
    manager = Manager()
    f = manager.getFactory(scheme=scheme)
    if f is None:
        from taurus.core.taurusexception import TaurusException
        if scheme is None:
            scheme = "default scheme '" + manager.default_scheme + "'"
            scheme = "'" + scheme + "'"
        raise TaurusException('Cannot create Factory for %s' % scheme)
    return f()
Пример #16
    def getAttribute(self, attr_name):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given attribute name. If the
        corresponding attribute already exists, the existing instance is
        returned. Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned. The
        device associated to this attribute will also be created if necessary.

        :param attr_name: (str) the attribute name string. See
                          :mod:`taurus.core.epics` for valid attribute names

        :return: (EpicsAttribute)

        @throws TaurusException if the given name is invalid.
        validator = self.getAttributeNameValidator()
        names = validator.getNames(attr_name)
        if names is None:
            raise TaurusException("Invalid epics attribute name %s" %
        fullname = names[0]
        a = self.epics_attrs.get(fullname, None)
        if a is None:  # if the full name is not there, create one
            a = EpicsAttribute(fullname, parent=None)  # note: no parent!
            self.epics_attrs[fullname] = a
        return a
Пример #17
 def poll(self):
     raise TaurusException('Archiving attributes do not support polling')
Пример #18
 def write(self, value, with_read=True):
     raise TaurusException('Evaluation attributes are read-only')
Пример #19
    def getDevice(self, dev_name):
        """Obtain the object corresponding to the given device name. If the
        corresponding device already exists, the existing instance is returned.
        Otherwise a new instance is stored and returned.

        :param dev_name: (str) the device name string. See
                         :mod:`taurus.core.evaluation` for valid device names

        :return: (EvaluationDevice)

        @throws TaurusException if the given name is invalid.
        # try to see if the given name is already a known full_name
        d = self.eval_devs.get(dev_name, None)
        if d is None:
            # find the full_name and see if we already know it
            validator = self.getDeviceNameValidator()
            names = validator.getNames(dev_name)
            if names is None:
                raise TaurusException("Invalid evaluator device name %s" %
            fullname, normalname, devname = names
            d = self.eval_devs.get(fullname, None)
            # if we do not know it, create the dev and store it in cache
            if d is None:

                groups = validator.getUriGroups(dev_name)
                DevClass = EvaluationDevice
                _safedict = {}

                if groups['_evaldotname'] is not None:
                    modulename = groups.get('_evalmodname')
                    classname = groups.get('_evalclassname')
                    classargs = groups.get('_evalclassparenths')
                        import importlib
                        m = importlib.import_module(modulename)
                        self.warning('Problem importing "%s"' % modulename)
                    if classname == '*':
                        # Add symbols from the module
                        for key in dir(m):
                            _safedict[key] = getattr(m, key)
                        klass = getattr(m, classname)
                        if classargs:
                            # Instantiate and add the instance to the safe dict
                            from taurus.core.util.parse_args import parse_args
                            a, kw = parse_args(classargs, strip_pars=True)
                            instancename = groups.get(
                                '_evalinstname') or "self"
                            instance = klass(*a, **kw)
                            _safedict[instancename] = instance
                            # Use given class instead of EvaluationDevice
                            DevClass = klass

                # Get authority (creating if necessary)
                auth_name = groups.get('authority') or self.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY
                authority = self.getAuthority(auth_name)
                # Create Device (and store it in cache via self._storeDev)
                d = DevClass(fullname,

                d.addSafe(_safedict, permanent=True)
        return d
Пример #20
 def write(self, value, with_read=True):
     # TODO: implement it if you want to support writable attributes
     raise TaurusException('Attributes are read-only')