Пример #1
    def testWrongCenterCropImages(self):
        """Tests that all ValueErrors are triggered for CenterCropImages."""
        with tf.Graph().as_default():
            input_shape = [32, 32, 3]
            batch_size = 4
            images = self._CreateRampTestImages(batch_size, input_shape[0],
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                # The input shape is (height, width) but (height, width, channels) is
                # required.
                image_transformations.CenterCropImages([images], [32, 32],
                                                       [20, 64])

            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                # The input shape is (height, width, channel, random) but
                # (height, width, channels) is required.
                                                       [32, 32, 3, 4],
                                                       [20, 64])

            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                # The output shape is (height, ) but (height, width) is required.
                image_transformations.CenterCropImages([images], [32, 32, 3],

            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                # The output shape is (height, width, random) but (height, width) is
                # required.
                image_transformations.CenterCropImages([images], [32, 32, 3],
                                                       [20, 32, 64])
Пример #2
 def testCenterCrop(self, input_shape, output_shape):
     input_shape = input_shape + [3]
     with tf.Graph().as_default():
         batch_size = 4
         images = self._CreateRampTestImages(batch_size, input_shape[0],
         cropped = image_transformations.CenterCropImages([images],
         with tf.Session() as sess:
             cropped_image = sess.run(cropped)
             # Check cropped shape.
                                 [batch_size] + output_shape + [3])
             # Check top-left corner on G-channel (y-coordinates).
             self.assertEqual(cropped_image[0, 0, 0, 1],
                              (input_shape[0] - output_shape[0]) // 2)
             # Check bottom-left corner on G-channel (y-coordinates).
             self.assertEqual(cropped_image[0, -1, 0, 1],
                              (input_shape[0] - output_shape[0]) // 2 +
                              output_shape[0] - 1)
             # Check top-left corner on R-channel (x-coordinates).
             self.assertEqual(cropped_image[0, 0, 0, 0],
                              (input_shape[1] - output_shape[1]) // 2)
             # Check bottom-left corner on R-channel (x-coordinates).
             self.assertEqual(cropped_image[0, 0, -1, 0],
                              (input_shape[1] - output_shape[1]) // 2 +
                              output_shape[1] - 1)
Пример #3
def crop_image(img, mode, input_size=(512, 640), target_size=(472, 472)):
    """Takes a crop of the image, either randomly or from the center.

  The crop is consistent across all images given in the batch.

    img: 4D image Tensor [batch, height, width, channels].
    mode: (ModeKeys) Specifies if this is training, evaluation or prediction.
    input_size: (height, width) of input.
    target_size: (height, width) of desired crop.

    img cropped to the desired size, randomly if mode == TRAIN and from the
    center otherwise.
    if input_size == target_size:
        # Don't even bother adding the ops.
        return img
    input_height, input_width = input_size
    input_shape = (input_height, input_width, 3)
    target_shape = target_size

    if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
        crops = image_transformations.RandomCropImages(
            [img], input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=target_shape)[0]

        crops = image_transformations.CenterCropImages(
            [img], input_shape=input_shape, target_shape=target_shape)[0]
    return crops
Пример #4
    def _preprocess_fn(self, features, labels, mode):
        """The preprocessing function which will be executed prior to the model_fn.

      features: The input features extracted from a single example in our
        in_feature_specification format.
      labels: (Optional) The input labels extracted from a single example in our
        in_label_specification format.
      mode: (ModeKeys) Specifies if this is training, evaluation or prediction.

      features: The preprocessed features, potentially adding
        additional tensors derived from the input features.
      labels: (Optional) The preprocessed labels, potentially
        adding additional tensors derived from the input features and labels.
        if mode == TRAIN:
            image = image_transformations.RandomCropImages(
                [features.state.image], INPUT_SHAPE, TARGET_SHAPE)[0]
            image = image_transformations.CenterCropImages(
                [features.state.image], INPUT_SHAPE, TARGET_SHAPE)[0]
        image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, tf.float32)
        if mode == TRAIN:
            image = (image_transformations.ApplyPhotometricImageDistortions(
        features.state.image = image
        return features, labels