self.layer = None

    def test_label_line_avoid_jaggy(self):
        # Test that labeling a line using parallel labels won't place labels over jaggy bits of line
        self.layer = TestQgsPalLabeling.loadFeatureLayer('line_placement_5')
        self._TestMapSettings = self.cloneMapSettings(self._MapSettings)
        self.lyr.placement = QgsPalLayerSettings.Line
        self.layer = None

    def test_label_curved_zero_width_char(self):
        # Test that curved label work with zero-width characters
        self.layer = TestQgsPalLabeling.loadFeatureLayer('line')
        self._TestMapSettings = self.cloneMapSettings(self._MapSettings)
        self.lyr.placement = QgsPalLayerSettings.Curved
        self.lyr.placementFlags = QgsPalLayerSettings.OnLine
        self.lyr.fieldName = "'invisible​space'"
        self.lyr.isExpression = True
        self.layer = None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # NOTE: unless PAL_SUITE env var is set all test class methods will be run
    # SEE: test_qgspallabeling_tests.suiteTests() to define suite
    suite = ('TestPointPlacement')
    res = runSuite(sys.modules[__name__], suite)
    sys.exit(not res.wasSuccessful())
Пример #2
    def checkTest(self, **kwargs):

class TestCanvasBasePoint(TestCanvasBase):

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.layer = TestQgsPalLabeling.loadFeatureLayer('point')

class TestCanvasPoint(TestCanvasBasePoint, TestPointBase):

    def setUp(self):
        """Run before each test."""
        super(TestCanvasPoint, self).setUp()
        self.configTest('pal_canvas', 'sp')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # NOTE: unless PAL_SUITE env var is set all test class methods will be run
    # SEE: test_qgspallabeling_tests.suiteTests() to define suite
    suite = (
        ['TestCanvasPoint.' + t for t in suiteTests()['sp_suite']]
    res = runSuite(sys.modules[__name__], suite)
    sys.exit(not res.wasSuccessful())
# class TestQgsPalLabelingLine(TestQgsPalLabeling):
#     """Layer-level property tests for line features"""
#     @classmethod
#     def setUpClass(cls):
#         TestQgsPalLabeling.setUpClass()
#         cls.layer = TestQgsPalLabeling.loadFeatureLayer('line')
#     def setUp(self):
#         """Run before each test."""
#         self.configTest('pal_canvas', 'sl')
#         self.lyr = self.defaultSettings()
#     def tearDown(self):
#         """Run after each test."""
#         pass

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # NOTE: unless PAL_SUITE env var is set
    # all test class methods will be run
    sp = 'TestQgsPalLabelingPoint.'
    sl = 'TestQgsPalLabelingLine.'
    sc = 'TestQgsPalLabelingCurved.'
    sg = 'TestQgsPalLabelingPolygon.'
    mf = 'TestQgsPalLabelingMultiFeature.'

    tests = [sp + 'test_default_label']
    res = runSuite(sys.modules[__name__], tests)
    sys.exit(not res.wasSuccessful())