Пример #1
def random_filename(fnamelength=8, ext_prob=1):
    """Create a filename as a random sequance of letters and numbers, possibly with an extension."""
    fname = random_string(fnamelength)
    ext = ''
    if random.random() < ext_prob:
        ext = '.' + random_string(3)
    return fname + ext
Пример #2
def create_fake_email_contents(n_headers=5):
    """Create email contents similar to what is requested by email RFC."""
    contents = []
    # Create required headers
    for header, prob, generator in GENERATED_EMAIL_HEADERS:
        if random.random() < prob:
            contents.append(header + generator())
    # Create additional fake headers
    for i in range(n_headers):
        contents.append(random_string(20, chars=FNAMECHARS) + ': ' + random_string(30, FNAMECHARS))
    # Add empty line separating headers and body
    # Add body
    contents.append(random_string(200, chars=FCONTENTSCHARS))
    return '\n'.join(contents)
Пример #3
def create_fake_email_contents(n_headers=5):
    """Create email contents similar to what is requested by email RFC."""
    contents = []
    # Create required headers
    for header, prob, generator in GENERATED_EMAIL_HEADERS:
        if random.random() < prob:
            contents.append(header + generator())
    # Create additional fake headers
    for i in range(n_headers):
            random_string(20, chars=FNAMECHARS) + ': ' +
            random_string(30, FNAMECHARS))
    # Add empty line separating headers and body
    # Add body
    contents.append(random_string(200, chars=FCONTENTSCHARS))
    return '\n'.join(contents)
Пример #4
def create_corpus_dictionary(nitems=NEMAILS):
    """Create a random dictionary of email file names and their contents."""
    d = {}
    for i in range(nitems):
        filename = random_filename()
        contents = random_string(200, chars=FCONTENTSCHARS)
        d[filename] = contents
    return d
def create_corpus_dictionary(nitems=N_EMAILS):
    """Create a random dictionary of email file names and their contents."""
    d = {}
    for i in range(nitems):
        filename = random_filename()
        contents = random_string(200, chars=FCONTENTS_CHARS)
        d[filename] = contents
    return d
Пример #6
def random_email_address(namelength=5, domain2length=7, domain1length=3):
    return random_string(namelength, LCCHARS) + \
           '@' + \
           random_string(domain2length, LCCHARS) + \
           '.' + \
           random_string(domain1length, LCCHARS)
Пример #7
    """Create a random dictionary of email file names and their contents."""
    d = {}
    for i in range(nitems):
        filename = random_filename()
        contents = create_fake_email_contents()
        d[filename] = contents
    return d

# The following structure contains a triple for each header:
# (header string, probability of generating this header, function used to generate the contents)
GENERATED_EMAIL_HEADERS = [('Date: ', 1.0, random_date),
                           ('From: ', 1.0, random_email_address),
                           ('To: ', 0.5, random_email_address),
                           ('Subject: ', 0.5,
                            lambda: random_string(30, chars=FNAMECHARS + ' '))]

def create_fake_email_contents(n_headers=5):
    """Create email contents similar to what is requested by email RFC."""
    contents = []
    # Create required headers
    for header, prob, generator in GENERATED_EMAIL_HEADERS:
        if random.random() < prob:
            contents.append(header + generator())
    # Create additional fake headers
    for i in range(n_headers):
            random_string(20, chars=FNAMECHARS) + ': ' +
            random_string(30, FNAMECHARS))
    # Add empty line separating headers and body
Пример #8
def random_email_address(namelength=5, domain2length=7, domain1length=3):
    return random_string(namelength, LCCHARS) + \
           '@' + \
           random_string(domain2length, LCCHARS) + \
           '.' + \
           random_string(domain1length, LCCHARS)
Пример #9
def create_corpus_dictionary(nitems=N_EMAILS):
    """Create a random dictionary of email file names and their contents."""
    d = {}
    for i in range(nitems):
        filename = random_filename()
        contents = create_fake_email_contents()
        d[filename] = contents
    return d
# The following structure contains a triple for each header:
# (header string, probability of generating this header, function used to generate the contents)
    ('Date: ', 1.0, random_date),
    ('From: ', 1.0, random_email_address),
    ('To: ', 0.5, random_email_address),
    ('Subject: ', 0.5, lambda: random_string(30, chars=FNAMECHARS+' '))

def create_fake_email_contents(n_headers=5):
    """Create email contents similar to what is requested by email RFC."""
    contents = []
    # Create required headers
    for header, prob, generator in GENERATED_EMAIL_HEADERS:
        if random.random() < prob:
            contents.append(header + generator())
    # Create additional fake headers
    for i in range(n_headers):
        contents.append(random_string(20, chars=FNAMECHARS) + ': ' + random_string(30, FNAMECHARS))
    # Add empty line separating headers and body
    # Add body