Пример #1
def test_rop_lop():
    mx = tensor.matrix('mx')
    mv = tensor.matrix('mv')
    v = tensor.vector('v')
    y = matrix_inverse(mx).sum(axis=0)

    yv = tensor.Rop(y, mx, mv)
    yv2 = tensor.Rop_via_Lop(y, mx, mv)
    rop_f = function([mx, mv], [yv, yv2])

    sy, _ = theano.scan(lambda i, y, x, v: (tensor.grad(y[i], x) * v).sum(),
                        non_sequences=[y, mx, mv])
    scan_f = function([mx, mv], sy)

    rng = np.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    vx = np.asarray(rng.randn(4, 4), theano.config.floatX)
    vv = np.asarray(rng.randn(4, 4), theano.config.floatX)

    v1 = scan_f(vx, vv)
    v2, v3 = rop_f(vx, vv)

    assert _allclose(v2, v1), ('Rop mismatch: %s %s' % (v2, v1))
    assert _allclose(v3, v1), ('Rop_via_Lop mismatch: %s %s' % (v3, v1))

    raised = False
        tensor.Rop(theano.clone(y, replace={mx: break_op(mx)}), mx, mv)
    except ValueError:
        raised = True
    if not raised:
        raise Exception(('Op did not raised an error even though the function'
                         ' is not differentiable'))

        tensor.Rop_via_Lop(theano.clone(y, replace={mx: break_op(mx)}), mx, mv)
    except theano.gradient.NullTypeGradError:
        raised = True
    except theano.gradient.DisconnectedInputError:
        raised = True

    if not raised:
        raise Exception((
            'Rop_via_Lop for Op did not raise an error even though the function'
            ' is not differentiable'))

    vv = np.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(4, )), theano.config.floatX)
    yv = tensor.Lop(y, mx, v)
    lop_f = function([mx, v], yv)

    sy = tensor.grad((v * y).sum(), mx)
    scan_f = function([mx, v], sy)

    v1 = lop_f(vx, vv)
    v2 = scan_f(vx, vv)
    assert _allclose(v1, v2), ('LOP mismatch: %s %s' % (v1, v2))
Пример #2
def test_rop_lop():
    mx = tensor.matrix('mx')
    mv = tensor.matrix('mv')
    v = tensor.vector('v')
    y = matrix_inverse(mx).sum(axis=0)

    yv = tensor.Rop(y, mx, mv)
    rop_f = function([mx, mv], yv)

    sy, _ = theano.scan(lambda i, y, x, v: (tensor.grad(y[i], x) * v).sum(),
                        non_sequences=[y, mx, mv])
    scan_f = function([mx, mv], sy)

    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    vx = numpy.asarray(rng.randn(4, 4), theano.config.floatX)
    vv = numpy.asarray(rng.randn(4, 4), theano.config.floatX)

    v1 = rop_f(vx, vv)
    v2 = scan_f(vx, vv)

    assert _allclose(v1, v2), ('ROP mismatch: %s %s' % (v1, v2))

    raised = False
            theano.clone(y, replace={mx: break_op(mx)}),
    except ValueError:
        raised = True
    if not raised:
        raise Exception((
            'Op did not raised an error even though the function'
            ' is not differentiable'))

    vv = numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(4,)), theano.config.floatX)
    yv = tensor.Lop(y, mx, v)
    lop_f = function([mx, v], yv)

    sy = tensor.grad((v * y).sum(), mx)
    scan_f = function([mx, v], sy)

    v1 = lop_f(vx, vv)
    v2 = scan_f(vx, vv)
    assert _allclose(v1, v2), ('LOP mismatch: %s %s' % (v1, v2))
Пример #3
def test_rop_lop():
    mx = tensor.matrix("mx")
    mv = tensor.matrix("mv")
    v = tensor.vector("v")
    y = matrix_inverse(mx).sum(axis=0)

    yv = tensor.Rop(y, mx, mv)
    rop_f = function([mx, mv], yv)

    sy, _ = theano.scan(
        lambda i, y, x, v: (tensor.grad(y[i], x) * v).sum(),
        non_sequences=[y, mx, mv],
    scan_f = function([mx, mv], sy)

    rng = np.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    vx = np.asarray(rng.randn(4, 4), theano.config.floatX)
    vv = np.asarray(rng.randn(4, 4), theano.config.floatX)

    v1 = rop_f(vx, vv)
    v2 = scan_f(vx, vv)

    assert _allclose(v1, v2), "ROP mismatch: %s %s" % (v1, v2)

    raised = False
        tensor.Rop(theano.clone(y, replace={mx: break_op(mx)}), mx, mv)
    except ValueError:
        raised = True
    if not raised:
        raise Exception(("Op did not raised an error even though the function"
                         " is not differentiable"))

    vv = np.asarray(rng.uniform(size=(4, )), theano.config.floatX)
    yv = tensor.Lop(y, mx, v)
    lop_f = function([mx, v], yv)

    sy = tensor.grad((v * y).sum(), mx)
    scan_f = function([mx, v], sy)

    v1 = lop_f(vx, vv)
    v2 = scan_f(vx, vv)
    assert _allclose(v1, v2), "LOP mismatch: %s %s" % (v1, v2)