Пример #1
    async def update_case_task(self,
        self.logger.info(f'Updating task {task_id} in TheHive...')

        if not url.startswith("http"):
            url = f"http://{url}"

        api = TheHiveApi(url, api_key)
        task = CaseTask(**api.get_case_task(task_id).json())
        task.id = task_id

        if title:
            task.title = title
        if description:
            task.description = description
        if status:
            task.status = status
        if flag is not None:
            task.flag = flag
        r = api.update_case_task(task)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            return r.json()
            raise IOError(r.text)
Пример #2
    def parse_hooks(self):
        Check for new MISP Alert containing supported IOC to search automatically

        if self.webhook.isNewMispAlert():
                'Alert {} has been tagged as MISP and is just created'.format(

            #Check alert for supported ioc types
            supported_iocs = False
            for artifact in self.webhook.data['object']['artifacts']:
                if artifact['dataType'] in self.qr_config[
                    supported_iocs = True

            #Promote alert to case if there are support ioc types
            if supported_iocs:
                alert_id = self.webhook.data['rootId']
                casetemplate = "MISP Event"

                logger.info('Alert {} contains IOCs that are supported'.format(

                response = self.TheHiveConnector.createCaseFromAlert(
                    alert_id, casetemplate)

                self.report_action = 'createCase'
        Add timestamps to keep track of the search activity per case (we do not want to keep searching forever)
        #Perform automated Analyzer runs for supported observables in a case that has been created from a MISP alert
        if self.webhook.isNewMispCase():
                'Case {} has been tagged as MISP and is just created'.format(

            #Retrieve caseid
            caseid = self.webhook.data['object']['id']

            #Add customFields firstSearched and lastSearched
            #Create a Case object? Or whatever it is
            case = Case()

            #Add the case id to the object
            case.id = caseid

            #Debug output
            logger.info('Updating case %s' % case.id)

            #Define which fields need to get updated
            fields = ['customFields']

            #Retrieve all required attributes from the alert and add them as custom fields to the case
            current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
            customFields = CustomFieldHelper()\
                .add_date('firstSearched', current_time)\
                .add_date('lastSearched', current_time)\

            #Add custom fields to the case object
            case.customFields = customFields

            #Update the case
            self.TheHiveConnector.updateCase(case, fields)
            self.report_action = 'updateCase'
        Start the analyzers automatically for MISP observables that are supported and update the case with a new timestamp
        #Automatically run Analyzers for newly created MISP cases where supported IOC's are present
        if self.webhook.isNewMispArtifact():
                'Case artifact is tagged with "MISP-extern". Checking if observable is of a supported type'

            #Retrieve caseid
            caseid = self.webhook.data['rootId']

            #Retrieve case data
            case_data = self.TheHiveConnector.getCase(caseid)

            #List all supported ioc's for the case
            observable = self.webhook.data['object']

            #When supported, start a cortex analyzer for it
            if observable['dataType'] in self.qr_config['supported_datatypes']:
                supported_observable = observable['_id']

                #Trigger a search for the supported ioc
                logger.info('Launching analyzers for observable: {}'.format(
                response = self.CortexConnector.runAnalyzer(
                    "Cortex-intern", supported_observable,

                #Add customFields firstSearched and lastSearched
                #Create a Case object
                case = Case()

                #Add the case id to the object
                case.id = caseid

                #Debug output
                logger.info('Updating case %s' % case.id)

                #Define which fields need to get updated
                fields = ['customFields']

                #Retrieve all required attributes from the alert and add them as custom fields to the case
                current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
                customFields = CustomFieldHelper()\
                    .add_date('firstSearched', case_data['customFields']['firstSearched']['date'])\
                    .add_date('lastSearched', current_time)\

                #Add custom fields to the case object
                case.customFields = customFields

                #Update the case
                self.TheHiveConnector.updateCase(case, fields)
                self.report_action = 'updateCase'
        Automatically create a task for a found IOC
        #If the Job result contains a successful search with minimum of 1 hit, create a task to investigate the results
        if self.webhook.isCaseArtifactJob() and self.webhook.isSuccess(
        ) and self.webhook.isMisp():
            #Case ID
            caseid = self.webhook.data['rootId']
            #Load Case information
            case_data = self.TheHiveConnector.getCase(caseid)

                'Job {} is part of a case that has been tagged as MISP case and has just finished'

            #Check if the result count higher than 0
            if int(
                          ['taxonomies'][0]['value'])) > 0:
                    'Job {} contains hits, checking if a task is already present for this observable'
                #Retrieve case task information
                response = self.TheHiveConnector.getCaseTasks(caseid)
                case_tasks = response.json()

                #Load CaseTask template
                casetask = CaseTask()

                #Observable + Link
                observable = self.webhook.data['object']['artifactId']
                observable_link = TheHive.get(
                ) + "/index.html#!/case/" + caseid + "/observables/" + self.webhook.data[

                #Task name
                casetask.title = "Investigate found IOC with id: {}".format(

                date_found = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")

                case_task_found = False
                for case_task in case_tasks:

                    #Check if task is present for investigating the new results
                    if casetask.title == case_task['title']:
                        case_task_found = True

                if not case_task_found:
                        'No task found, creating task for observable found in job {}'
                    #Add description
                    casetask.description = "The following ioc is hit in the environment. Investigate the results and act accordingly:\n\n"
                    casetask.description = casetask.description + "{} is seen on {}\n".format(
                        observable_link, date_found)

                    #Check if case is closed
                    if case_data['status'] == "Resolved":
                        #Create a Case object? Or whatever it is
                        case = Case()

                        #Add the case id to the object
                        case.id = caseid

                        logger.info('Updating case %s' % case.id)

                        #Define which fields need to get updated
                        fields = ['status']

                        #Reopen the case
                        case.status = "Open"

                        #Update the case
                        self.TheHiveConnector.updateCase(case, fields)

                    #Add the case task
                    self.TheHiveConnector.createTask(caseid, casetask)
                    self.report_action = 'createTask'