Пример #1
    def cwd(self, value):
        Change the working directory that processes should be executed in.

        :param value: The new path to change to.  If relative, will be
                      interpreted relative to the current working

        self._cwd = utils.canonicalize_path(self._cwd, value)
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, ctxt):
        Invoke the action.  This updates the appropriate ``SensitiveDict``
        instance from the context as specified in the configuration.

        :param ctxt: The context object.

        :returns: A ``StepResult`` object.

        # First, select the correct context attribute
        sensitive_dict = getattr(ctxt, self.context_attr)

        # Next, read in the files in order
        for ftmpl in self.files:
            fpath = utils.canonicalize_path(self.dirname, ftmpl(ctxt))
                with open(fpath) as f:
                    var_data = yaml.load(f)
            except Exception as exc:
                # Ignore missing variable files

            # Make sure the contents are a dictionary
            if not isinstance(var_data, collections.Mapping):

            # Update the dictionary

        # Now, apply the sensitive and unset changes
        for var in self.sensitive_vars:
        for var in self.unset_vars:
            sensitive_dict.pop(var, None)

        # Finally, apply the sets
        for var, tmpl in self.set_vars.items():
            sensitive_dict[var] = tmpl(ctxt)

        # We're done!
        return StepResult(state=SUCCESS)
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, ctxt):
        Invoke the action.  This reads and interprets the referenced steps

        :param ctxt: The context object.

        :returns: A list of zero or more ``Step`` objects.

        # Interpret the path
        path = utils.canonicalize_path(self.dirname, self.path(ctxt))

        # Import the desired steps
        steps = Step.parse_file(
            ctxt, path, self.key(ctxt), self.step_addr)

        # Narrow the steps, if desired
        if self.start is not None or self.stop is not None:
            return steps[self.start:self.stop]

        return steps
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, environ=None, sensitive=None, cwd=None):
        Initialize a new ``Environment`` instance.

        :param environ: An optional dictionary containing the initial
                        set of environment variables.  If omitted,
                        ``os.environ`` will be used.
        :param sensitive: An optional set of "sensitive" variables,
                          environment variables whose values should
                          not be printed out.
        :param cwd: The working directory processes should be executed
                    in.  If not given, the current working directory
                    will be used.  If a relative path, it will be
                    interpreted relative to the current working

        # Select the starting environment
        environ = environ or os.environ.copy()

        # Build the 'sensitive' set
        sensitive_var = SetVariable(self, 'TIMID_SENSITIVE',
        if sensitive:
            sensitive_var |= sensitive

        # Initialize the SensitiveDict
        super(Environment, self).__init__(environ, sensitive_var)

        # Track special variables
        self._special = {
            'PATH': ListVariable(self, 'PATH'),
            'TIMID_SENSITIVE': sensitive_var,

        # Initialize the working directory
        self._cwd = utils.canonicalize_path(os.getcwd(), cwd or os.curdir)
Пример #5
    def test_relative(self, mock_abspath):
        result = utils.canonicalize_path('/foo/bar', 'bar/baz')

        self.assertEqual(result, '/absolute/path')