def ask_integer(prompt, default=None, min=0,max=100, title=''): """ Get input from the user, validated to be an integer. default refers to the value which is initially in the field. By default, from 0 to 100; change this by setting max and min. Returns None on cancel.""" import tkSimpleDialog if default: return tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title, prompt, minvalue=min, maxvalue=max, initialvalue=default) else: return tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title, prompt, minvalue=min, maxvalue=max)
def resize_image(self): #File choosing dialog self.filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( title="Select Image", filetypes=(("jpeg files", "*jpg"), ("all files", "*.*"))) self.image = #Opens image self.width_value = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Resize Width", "New Width Value", minvalue=16, maxvalue=1280) self.height_value = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Resize Width", "New Height Value", minvalue=16, maxvalue=1280) #Change filename to SaveAs instead of Open ''' self.filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(title="Save as", filetypes=(("jpeg files", "*.jpg"), ("all files", "*.*"))) ''' #Resize self.new_image = self.image.resize( (self.width_value, self.height_value)) tkMessageBox.showinfo("Saved", "Image saved") #User feedback for saving
def main(): root = Tk() info_dict = {} nr_fluors = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Number", "Input the number of used FPs per control: ") # fill with message nr_channels = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Number", "Input the number of used channels per control: ") # fill with message i = 0 if nr_channels > 1: while i < nr_channels: channels_list.append( tkSimpleDialog.askstring( "String", "Input the name of channel %s: " % (i + 1))) # fill with message i += 1 else: channels_list.append( tkSimpleDialog.askstring( "String", "Input the name of the channel: ")) # fill with message while nr_fluors > 0: info_dict = combine_channels(info_dict) nr_fluors -= 1 info_dict = calcu_ratio(info_dict) info_dict = make_avg(info_dict) ratio_matrix = make_matrix(info_dict) unmix_matrix_here = inv_matrix(ratio_matrix) save_unmix_matrix(unmix_matrix_here)
def makerockingcurve(self): if self.startx==None: pass print(self.startx*self.zoom,self.endx*self.zoom) print(self.starty*self.zoom,self.endy*self.zoom) xl=int(min(self.startx,self.endx)) ; xh = int(max(self.startx,self.endx)) yl=int(min(self.starty,self.endy)) ; yh = int(max(self.starty,self.endy)) print("[",xl,":",xh,",",yl,":",yh,"]", if xl!=xh and yl!=yh : print("ROI = ",xl,xh,yl,yh) stem = simpledialog.askstring("Filename stem?","Filename stem?",initialvalue=self.datafile[:-8]) first = simpledialog.askinteger("First File to treat","First file to treat") last = simpledialog.askinteger("Last File to treat", "Last file to treat") extn=".edf" s='files %s%04d%s to %s%04d%s\nArea of interest %d %d %d %d'%(stem,first,extn,stem,last,extn,xl,xh,yl,yh) print("Making rocking curve for:",s) d = dialog.Dialog(None, {'title': 'Make a rocking curve', 'text': "Sorry - this is not working yet!!!" , 'bitmap': dialog.DIALOG_ICON, 'default': 0, 'strings': ('Do it now please!', """That's not what I meant!""")}) return print(d.num) if d.num==0: import rocker line=rocker.rock(stem,first,last,extn,xl,xh,yl,yh) import twodplotml twodplotml.twodplot(parent=Toplevel(),data=line) print(line) else: print("What a waste of time that was!")
def nouveau(): global zd_f,chemin,limage,sauv,n if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Fichier","Nouveau projet ?"): fermer() zd_h=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Nouveau projet", "Largeur ?") zd_l=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Nouveau projet", "Longueur ?") zd_f=TK.Canvas(fen,height=abs(zd_h),width=abs(zd_l),bg="white",bd=0, highlightthickness=0) limage=[] for i in range(abs(zd_h)): limage.append([]) for k in limage: for j in range(abs(zd_l)): k.append(255) sauv=[] sauv.append(limage) chemin="initiale.gif" #désactiver pour test image actu()
def save_image(root): frame = cv2.imread('face_buff.jpg') name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("String", "Who is this guy?") if name : dir_path = 'database/'+name if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) ispatient = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Interger","Is this guy a patient? input 0 or 1") ischild = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Interger","Is this guy a child? input 0 or 1") add_this_guy(name,ispatient,ischild) print 'batabase for %s created'%name path, dirs, files = os.walk(dir_path).next() num_of_image_exits = len(files) print '%i images for %s'%(num_of_image_exits+1,name) for i in range(num_of_image_exits+1): if '%s_%i.jpg'%(name,i) in files: continue else: cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_%i.jpg'%(dir_path,name,i), frame) break try: os.remove('temp.jpg') except: pass raspi_icon()
def survey(): tkMessageBox.showinfo(title="SURVEY", message="Please rate each of the following statements on a scale from 1 to 7, with 1 being absolutely not, and 7 being absolutely yes.\n [1|2|3|4|5|6|7]") one = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="enjoyment", prompt="I enjoyed playing Tetris.") two = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="time", prompt="Time seemed to stand still or stop.") three = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="tired", prompt="I couldn't tell if I was getting tired.") four = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="drive", prompt="I felt like I couldn't stop playing.") five = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="stress", prompt="I got wound up.") six = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="auto", prompt="Playing seemed automatic.") seven = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="thought", prompt="I played without thinking how to play.") eight = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="calm", prompt="Playing made me feel calm.") nine = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="time", prompt="I lost track of time.") ten = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title="involvement", prompt="I really got into the game.") return([one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten])
def store_subjects(self): #Making Dict2 for Storing Subjects of the class = tkSimpleDialog.askstring( self.ct_name + "\'s Profile~", "Enter the stream of the class you teach - \n(Eg: Science, Medical Science, Humanities, Commerce,etc..)" ) self.no_subs = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( self.ct_name + "\'s Profile~", "Enter number of subjects in the stream - ") pop = tkMessageBox.showinfo( "NOTICE!", "Now values will be inputed in python instead of GUI Boxes for convienence!" ) self.subs = [] self.dsubs = {} self.dsubs_roll = [] self.u = ['st', 'nd', 'rd'] self.a = 'th' self.c = len(self.u) print "\t", "----------------------------------------------------------------" print "\n", "\t", "KINDLY ENTER THE SUBJECTS IN THE %s STREAM - " % ) time.sleep(1) for i in range(self.no_subs): #ENTERING SUBJECTS if self.c < self.no_subs: self.u += [ self.a, ] self.c += 1 self.subjects = raw_input("Kindly enter name of %s%s subject - " % (str((i + 1)), self.u[i])) self.subs += [ self.subjects, ] self.dsubs[i + 1] = self.subs[i] self.dsubs_roll += [ str(i + 1), ] self.dsubs_roll.sort() self.subject = list() self.subject += self.subs self.m_subs = [] sp = " " self.maxi = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( self.ct_name + "\'s Profile~", "Enter MAXIMUM marks attainable on the test - ") self.outf = [] raw = [] for i in range( self.no_subs): #CREATING MAIN LIST FOR SUBJECTS AND OUT OF self.outf += [ str(self.maxi), ] while len(self.subs[i]) != 15: self.subs[i] += sp self.m_subs += [ self.subs[i], ] self.marks_entry()
def addView(self): newCamNum = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("New camera", "New camera number:", initialvalue = 1001) newCamPreset = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("New camera", "New preset number:", initialvalue = 1) if newCamNum == None or newCamPreset == None: return self.fov.append(fieldOfView([self.canvas.canvasx(0)+100,+self.canvas.canvasy(0)+100])) self.fov[-1].cam_num = newCamNum self.fov[-1].preset = newCamPreset self.selectView(len(self.fov)-1)
def couleur(): global coul coul=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Niveau de gris 0 à 255", "Valeur couleur:") while coul<0 or coul>255: coul=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Erreur valeur couleur", "entre 0 et 255:") coulap()
def changeDimension(self): global dimensionX dimensionX = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Change Dimension!", "Enter x value:") global dimensionY dimensionY = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Change Dimension!", "Enter y value:") self.result += '\n' self.result += "Changed Dimension to " + str(dimensionX) + "x" + str( dimensionY) self.loadText()
def getBlocks(): """ GUI to ask for block settings :return: Nothing """ def addBlock(): global BlockTimes global BlockDoW BlockTimes = [] BlockDoW = [] for x in range(0,BlockCount): BlockTimes.append(Times[x].get()) BlockDoW.append(DayStructure[x].get()) slave2.destroy() getSubjects() """End Sub""" global BlockCount global LunchBlock global BlockDoW Times = [] DayStructure = [] BlockCount = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("bCount", "How Many Blocks in a day?", initialvalue=BlockCount) LunchBlock = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("lunch", "Which block is lunch?", initialvalue=LunchBlock) while LunchBlock > BlockCount-1: showinfo("Error", "Lunch must be Less than Blocks in a day - 1") LunchBlock = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("lunch", "Which block is lunch?") #Pad BlockTimes / BlockDoW for prepop if less than block cound while len(BlockTimes) < BlockCount: BlockTimes.append("") BlockDoW.append("") #Get block Times, slave2 = new window slave2 = Tk() for x in range(0,BlockCount): Label(slave2,text="Block " + str(x+1) +" Time: ").grid(row=x, column=0) prepop = Entry(slave2) prepop.insert(0, BlockTimes[x]) Times.append(prepop) Times[x].grid(row=x, column=1) Label(slave2,text="Structure (Separate with /):").grid(row=x, column=2) prepop = Entry(slave2) prepop.insert(0, BlockDoW[x]) DayStructure.append(prepop) DayStructure[x].grid(row=x, column=3) sub = Button(slave2, text="Submit", command=addBlock) sub.grid(row=BlockCount+1, column=1)
def ask_integer(prompt, default=None, min=0, max=100, title=''): """ Get input from the user, validated to be an integer. default refers to the value which is initially in the field. By default, from 0 to 100; change this by setting max and min. Returns None on cancel.""" if default: return tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title, prompt, minvalue=min, maxvalue=max, initialvalue=default) else: return tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title, prompt, minvalue=min, maxvalue=max)
def obtener_entero(self, mensaje, titulo="", intervalo=[]): """ Pide al usuario que ingrese un numero entero, mostrando el mensaje pasado por parametro. Si se recibe un intervalo, el numero debe pertenecer al mismo. :param mensaje: Mensaje a mostrar en la ventana al pedir el numero. :param titulo: Titulo de la ventana. :param intervalo: Lista de dos numeros, de la forma [min, max]. Si se recibe, el numero que se pida debe ser mayor o igual a min y menor o igual a max. Se seguira pidiendo al usuario que ingrese un numero hasta que se cumplan las condiciones. :return: Numero entero ingresado por el usuario. """ if not intervalo: return tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(titulo, mensaje, parent=self.tk_window) return tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(titulo, mensaje, parent=self.tk_window, minvalue=intervalo[0], maxvalue=intervalo[1])
def PrintLabel(self): lps = self._CreateLojeProductGenerator() barcode = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(self.MSG_TITLE, self.MSG_TYPE_BARCODE, parent=self) if not (lps and barcode): return ident = tkSimpleDialog.askstring(self.MSG_TITLE, self.MSG_IDENT_CODE, parent=self) if not ident: return count = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( self.MSG_TITLE, self.MSG_LABEL_COUNT, initialvalue=1, parent=self ) if not count: return try: sheet = lps.GenerateLojeProductSheet([ident] * count, barcode) except ProductCodeError, exc: tkMessageBox.showerror(self.MSG_TITLE, exc) return
def setCustomSize(): global customsizes #r = tkinter.simpledialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Enter amount of rows") #c = tkinter.simpledialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Enter amount of columns") #m = tkinter.simpledialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Enter amount of mines") r = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Enter amount of rows") c = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Enter amount of columns") m = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Enter amount of mines") while m > r*c: #m = tkinter.simpledialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Maximum mines for this dimension is: " + str(r*c) + "\nEnter amount of mines") m = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Custom size", "Maximum mines for this dimension is: " + str(r*c) + "\nEnter amount of mines") customsizes.insert(0, (r,c,m)) customsizes = customsizes[0:5] setSize(r,c,m) createMenu()
def open_new (self): n_col = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger ("N_Colors", "Enter the number "\ "of colors in new lookup table.", initialvalue=16, minvalue=0, maxvalue=LUT_EDITOR_MAX_COLORS, parent=self.root) if n_col is None: return None cur_col = ((0,0,255), '#0000fe') ans = tkMessageBox.askyesno ("Choose color?", "Choose individual colors? "\ "Answer no to choose one color only.") if ans == 1: for i in range (0, n_col): col = tkColorChooser.askcolor (title="Color number %d"%(i), initialcolor=cur_col[1]) if col[1] is not None: self.lut.append (tk_2_lut_color (col[0])) cur_col = col else: self.lut.append (tk_2_lut_color (cur_col[0])) else: col = tkColorChooser.askcolor (title="Choose default color", initialcolor=cur_col[1]) if col[1] is None: col = cur_col for i in range (0, n_col): self.lut.append (tk_2_lut_color (col[0])) self.lut_changed = 1 self.initialize ()
def checkIn(self): tkMessageBox.showwarning(title="SESSION ENDED", message ="Score: %7d\tLevel: %d\n Ready to move on?" % ( self.score, self.level), parent=self.parent) self.enjoyNoSpeed = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title='Question', prompt="On a scale from 1 to 7 with 1 being not enjoyable at all, and 7 being as enjoyable as possible, how fun was this?") survey_ans = survey.survey.survey() self.writeData(BOOK, SHEET,SHEETNAME, SESSION) excel_data.survey_ans.write_survey_ans(BOOK, SHEET, SHEETNAME, survey_ans, SESSION)
def pricevar(variclass): '''行情var''' sdate = tkSimpleDialog.askstring(u'华泰期货', u'历史数据从哪天开始?', initialvalue='2015-09-01') delta = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(u'华泰期货', u'连续几天行情?', initialvalue=6) #variclass=data['variclass'] data2, allpch, adt = stress.getfu(sdate, delta, variclass) td = {} r = [0.9, 0.95, 0.99] colname = [u'涨90%', u'涨95%', u'涨99%', u'跌90%', u'跌95%', u'跌99%'] for i in range(len(colname)): colname[i] = str(delta) + u'天连续行情' + colname[i] colname = [u'品种'] + colname for x in variclass: td[x] = [] ylist = [] for y in allpch: ylist.append(y[x]) templist = copy.copy(ylist) ylist.sort(reverse=False) #从小到大 for y in r: k = int(math.ceil(y * len(ylist))) v = round(ylist[k], 4) td[x].append(v) ylist.sort(reverse=True) #从大到小 for y in r: k = int(math.ceil(y * len(ylist))) v = round(ylist[k], 4) td[x].append(v) return td, colname
def change_total(): global stats,attributes,app new_total=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Change Total","Enter a new total:") if new_total==None: return False if new_total<0: new_total=0 stats=statdist.StatDist(attributes,new_total) app.update_values()
def get_top_scoring_by_number(self, top_number=False, ask_copy_results=True): """ Gets top scoring poses - Sets self.top_scoring_by_number_map. Runs copy_results """ if not self.score_pairs: print "Please load scores." return if not top_number: top_number = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( title="Cutoff", prompt="Please enter how many top scoring poses you would like", initialvalue=10) if not top_number: return print repr(top_number) for i in range(0, top_number): score = self.score_pairs[i][0] fullpath = self.score_pairs[i][1] print "%.2f" % score + " " + fullpath self.top_scoring_by_number_map[fullpath] = score if ask_copy_results: self.copy_results(self.top_scoring_by_number_map, "TOP_" + str(top_number)) else: return self.top_scoring_by_number_map
def process_files(self): if self.inputname.get() != "" and self.list.get() != "": self.rank = self.list.get() self.status = True if self.rank == "Admin": passadmin = simpledialog.askinteger("Key", "Key Admin") if passadmin is not None: if passadmin == 810198: = self.inputname.get() self.image_path = "./database/admin/" else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Key fails") else: = self.inputname.get() self.image_path = "./database/users/" + + "/" try: os.makedirs(self.image_path) self.ids = format(len(self.listuser) + 2) print(self.ids) except: messagebox.showinfo("Notice - Author : ThanhQuangLong", "Your name already exists ") self.cmd = "python3 " + "register " + + " " + self.image_path + " " + self.rank + " " + self.ids ### Start Detect##################################################### os.system(self.cmd) else: messagebox.showinfo("Notice - Author : ThanhQuangLong", "Pls input your username or select your rank") self.loading.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=50)
def History(self): length = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Tracking History", "Please input the history length", parent=self.root, minvalue=0, initialvalue=5) self.Hlength = length
def input(self): value = None edited = False print "getting input!!" """ self.text.config(state="normal") self.text.insert(END, ">>> ") start = self.text.index("current") def back(self, event=None): current = self.text.index("current") ln, col = current.split(".") col_s = start.split(".")[1] if int(col) < int(col_s): self.text.delete(current, END) def validate(self, event=None): current = self.text.index("current") value = self.text.get(start, current) edited = True self.text.insert(END, "\n") return value self.bind("<BackSpace>", back) self.text.config(state="disable") self.text.bin("<Return>", validate) return value """ res = simpledialog.askinteger("Input", "Enter an integer!") #dia = simpledialog.SimpleDialog(self, "input a value", title="yes") return res
def changeMotorID(self): oldid = self.getSelectedMotor() if oldid < 0: tkMessageBox.showerror("Selection Error", "Please select a motor first") else: newid = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Change ID", "Please provide new ID for motor %d" % oldid) if newid == None: return if oldid == newid: return if newid < 1 or newid > Dxl.BROADCAST: tkMessageBox.showerror( "Range Error", "ID should be between 1 and %d" % (Dxl.BROADCAST - 1)) else: do = True if newid in self.chain.motors.keys(): answer = tkMessageBox.askyesno( "ID Conflict", "Warning: the motor ID %d is already attributed on your chain, are you sure you want to proceed?" % (newid)) if not answer: do = False if do: self.chain.set_reg(oldid, "id", newid) self.connect()
def _AskInitialBarcode(self, lpg): initial_barcode = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( self.MSG_TITLE, self.MSG_TYPE_BARCODE + "Inicial", initialvalue=lpg.AcquireInitialBarcode(), parent=self) return initial_barcode
def addText(): global check_to_replace #name of button button_text = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Input Text", "Enter Text") print button_text victim = findObject() #size of text delete(victim) text_size = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Input Text", "Size of text") text_family = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Input Text", "font family") text_color = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Input Text", "Text color") # text_family = tkSimpleDialog.Radiobutton. # print var search_text1 = "font-size:;" rep_text1 = "\t\t\tfont-size: " + str(text_size) + "px;\n" search_text2 = "font-family:;" rep_text2 = "\t\t\tfont-family: " + text_family + ";\n" search_text3 = "color:;" rep_text3 = "\t\t\tcolor: " + text_color + ";\n" w.create_text((shapeObjArr[victim][0] + shapeObjArr[victim][2]) / 2, shapeObjArr[victim][1] + 10, fill=text_color, text=button_text) alterCSSFile(victim, search_text1, rep_text1, check_to_replace) alterCSSFile(victim, search_text2, rep_text2, check_to_replace) alterCSSFile(victim, search_text3, rep_text3, check_to_replace) #print "%"+check_to_replace if (check_to_replace == "anchor"): replace_text(victim, "<!--anchor text-->", button_text) elif (check_to_replace == "paragraph"): replace_text(victim, "<!--paragraph text-->", button_text)
def set_top_n_combined(self): top = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( title="Top N Combined", prompt="Number of top scoring Combined", initialvalue=self.compare_designs.top_n_combined.get()) if not top: return self.compare_designs.top_n_combined.set(top)
def display_4(): # Ask Integer Window (Title, Prompt) # Returned value is an int ans = askinteger('Enter Integer', 'Please enter an integer') # If the user clicks cancel, None is returned if ans is not None: print(ans)
def calcRunTime(self): """ Calculates approximate runtime, graphs it if numpy and matplotlib can be imported. """ time = tkSimpleDialog.askfloat(title = "Time", prompt = "Approx Time(min) per Pose: ") try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #totalNodes=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title = "Nodes", prompt = "Total Nodes on cluster") totalNodes = 100 x_axes = []; y_axes = [] m = ((time/60)*self.calcTotal()) for x in range(1, totalNodes+1): y = (((time/60)*self.calcTotal())/x)/24 x_axes.append(x),y_axes.append(y) plt.xlabel('Nodes') plt.ylabel('Days') plt.plot(x_axes, y_axes, 'o') plt.grid(True) return except ImportError: self.textHelp.delete(1.0, END) nodes = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title = "Nodes", prompt="Approx Number of Nodes: ") time = time/60 TotalCpuTime = self.calcTotal() * time TotalCpuTimeDays = TotalCpuTime/24 self.textHelp.insert(1.0, "Total CPU time is: "+repr(TotalCpuTime)+" Hours or "+repr(TotalCpuTimeDays)+" Days") TotalTime = TotalCpuTime/nodes TotalTimeDays = TotalTime/24 self.textHelp.insert(1.0, "Total Time is: "+repr(TotalTime)+ " Hours or "+ repr(TotalTimeDays)+ " Days"+"\n")
def set_max_clustal_procs(self): max = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( title="Max P", prompt="Max NP. Clustal by default uses all.", initialvalue=self.main_gui.clustal_procs.get()) if not max: return self.main_gui.clustal_procs.set(max)
def run_program(self, controller): number = msg.askinteger("Derived Number", "Enter Derived Number") title = tk.Label(self, text="Derived Key", font=font_title) title.grid(row=0, column=0) nkey = tk.Label(self, text=number) nkey.grid(row=1, column=0) wallet = HD_Wallet_Details.HD_wallet_details(key1) (key, chain, depth, fingerprint, Child_number, Private) = wallet.CKDpriv(number) derived = HD_Wallet_Details.HD_wallet_details( HD_Wallet_Details.serialize_Wallet(key, chain, depth, fingerprint, Child_number, Private)) string = derived.dump_string() info1 = tk.Text(self, width=165, height=15) info1.insert(tk.INSERT, string) info1.config(state=tk.DISABLED) info1.grid(row=2, column=0) button1 = ttk.Button(self, text='Return Home', command=lambda: controller.show_frame(Master_key)) button1.grid(row=3, sticky='e', padx=450) button2 = ttk.Button( self, text='Address Details', command=lambda: run_address_details(controller, derived)) button2.grid(row=3, sticky='w', padx=450)
def ask_for_value(app, caller): """Show an input windows asking for a value uses tkSimpleDialog """ title_d = _("Enter A Value") switch = { "S1": ("Step1", "step", 0.001, 100.0), "S2": ("Step2", "step", 0.001, 100.0), "S3": ("Step3", "step", 0.001, 100.0), "ZS1": ("Z Step1", "step", 0.001, 25.0), "ZS2": ("Z Step2", "step", 0.001, 25.0), "ZS3": ("Z Step3", "step", 0.001, 25.0), "ZS4": ("Z Step4", "step", 0.001, 25.0), "ZS4": ("Z Step4", "step", 0.001, 25.0), "TD": (_("Enter Target Depth :"), "depth", -35.0, 0.0), "MN": (_("Enter Memory Number :"), "mem_num", 2, OCV.WK_mem_num), "ME": (_("Enter Memory {0} Description :"), "mem_desc", 0, 0), } choiche = switch.get( caller, (_("Enter a float Value :"), "gen_float", 0.001, 100.0)) if choiche[1] in ("step", "depth", "gen_float"): if choiche[1] == "step": title_c = _("Enter Value for {0} :").format(choiche[0]) else: title_c = choiche[0] prompt = "{0}\n (min: {1:.04f} max: {2:.04f})".format( title_c, choiche[2], choiche[3]) retval = tkSimpleDialog.askfloat( title_d, prompt, parent=app, minvalue=choiche[2], maxvalue=choiche[3]) elif choiche[1] == "mem_num": prompt = "{0}\n (min: {1:d} max: {2:d})".format( choiche[0], choiche[2], choiche[3]) retval = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( title_d, prompt, parent=app, minvalue=choiche[2], maxvalue=choiche[3]) elif choiche[1] == "mem_desc": prompt = choiche[0].format(OCV.WK_mem) retval = tkSimpleDialog.askstring(title_d, prompt, parent=app) else: retval = None if retval is None: return None else: return retval
def contour(): global limage lbrute=limage coupage=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Sensibilité: 0 à 255", "Valeur recommandée 3: ") lbrute=coup(abs(coupage),limage) #mise en place du contour for i in range(1,len(lbrute)-1): l=lbrute[i] for j in range(1,len(l)-1): if (l[j]<>l[j-1] and l[j]<>l[j+1]) or (lbrute[i-1][j]<>lbrute[i][j] and lbrute[i+1][j]<>lbrute[i][j]): l[j]=255 else: l[j]=0 #print "contour fait" limage=lbrute sauvauto() actu()#permet d'actualiser la zone dessin
def align_images(im1, im2): # Convert images to grayscale im1_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im1,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) im2_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im2,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Find size of image1 sz = im1.shape # Define the motion model warp_mode = cv2.MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY #Define the warp matrix warp_matrix = np.eye(3, 3, dtype=np.float32) #Define the number of iterations number_of_iterations = askinteger("Iterations", "Enter a number between 5 andd 5000",initialvalue=500,minvalue=5,maxvalue=5000) #Define correllation coefficient threshold #Specify the threshold of the increment in the correlation coefficient between two iterations termination_eps = askfloat("Threshold", "Enter a number between 1e-10 and 1e-50",initialvalue=1e-10,minvalue=1e-50,maxvalue=1e-10) #Define termination criteria criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, number_of_iterations, termination_eps) #Run the ECC algorithm. The results are stored in warp_matrix. (cc, warp_matrix) = cv2.findTransformECC (im1_gray,im2_gray,warp_matrix, warp_mode, criteria) #Use warpPerspective for Homography im_aligned = cv2.warpPerspective (im2, warp_matrix, (sz[1],sz[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR + cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) save1 = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".jpg", title="Save aligned image") cv2.imwrite(save1,im_aligned)
def getCountRateHist(self): '''Plots a histogram of the count rate. The number of bins is for the histogram, and the sample length is how long the count rate is averaged over (equivalent to "sample length" for the count rate vs. time graph.''' #check if data has been imported. if not, give a warning if self.dataSet: #ask for number of bins for histogram labelText = "Enter the number of bins" numBins = tksd.askinteger("Count Rate Histogram", labelText, parent=self.root, minvalue=1) if not numBins: return #ask for length of sample to calculate count rate labelText = "Enter the sample length (seconds)" sampleLength = tksd.askfloat("Sample Length", labelText, parent=self.root, minvalue=0) if not sampleLength: return #plot histogram in matplotlib pd.plotHistOfCountRates(self.dataSet, sampleLength, numBins) else: self.showImportAlert()
def keybdGoToSite(self, event): import tkSimpleDialog answer = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger('Go to site','Enter site (0 or larger)',minvalue=0) if answer is not None: = answer self.setTitle() self.plotter.repaint()
def __init__(self, env, title = 'Progra IA', cellwidth=50): # Initialize window super(EnvFrame, self).__init__() self.title(title) self.withdraw() # Create components self.customFont = tkFont.Font(family="Calibri", size=11) self.option_add('*Label*font', self.customFont) size=tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Crear Ambiente","Ingrese el tamaño del tablero",parent=self) env = VacuumEnvironment(size+2); #env = VacuumEnvironment(); self.update() self.deiconify() self.configure(background='white') self.canvas = EnvCanvas(self, env, cellwidth) toolbar = EnvToolbar(self, env, self.canvas) for w in [self.canvas, toolbar]: w.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", padx="3", pady="3") Ventana = self Canvas = self.canvas self.canvas.pack() toolbar.pack() tk.mainloop()
def takeInput(): global Name global Id faceDetect = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) Name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Name", "Enter Name: ") Id = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Age", "Enter Age: ") print(Name + " " + str(Id)) insertOrUpdate(Id, Name) sampleNum = 0 while (True): ret, img = gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = faceDetect.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: sampleNum = sampleNum + 1 cv2.imwrite( "dataSet/User." + str(Id) + "." + str(sampleNum) + ".jpg", gray[y:y + h, x:x + h]) cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.waitKey(100) cv2.imshow("Faces", img) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break elif sampleNum > 20: break cam.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def getSubjects(): """ GUI to get subject lists :return: Nothing """ def addSubject(): global Subjects Subjects = [] for x in range(0,SubCount): Subjects.append(Subs[x].get()) slave3.destroy() Generate() """End Sub""" global SubCount global Subjects Subs = [] SubCount = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Sub", "How Many Subjects do we Have?", initialvalue= SubCount) #pad Subject[] for prepop and adding subjects while len(Subjects) < SubCount: Subjects.append("") slave3 = Tk() Label(slave3,text="Subjects:").grid(row=0, column=0) for x in range(0,SubCount): prepop = Entry(slave3) prepop.insert(0, Subjects[x]) Subs.append(prepop) Subs[x].grid(row=x+1, column=0) sub = Button(slave3, text="Submit", command=lambda : addSubject()) sub.grid(row=SubCount+1, column=1)
def popup(which, message, title=None): """Displays A Pop-Up Message.""" if title is None: title = which which = superformat(which) if which == "info": return tkMessageBox.showinfo(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "warning": return tkMessageBox.showwarning(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "error": return tkMessageBox.showerror(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "question": return tkMessageBox.askquestion(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "proceed": return tkMessageBox.askokcancel(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "yesorno": return tkMessageBox.askyesno(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "retry": return tkMessageBox.askretrycancel(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "entry": return tkSimpleDialog.askstring(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "integer": return tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(str(title), str(message)) elif which == "float": return tkSimpleDialog.askfloat(str(title), str(message))
def genXML(): try: maxnodes = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(parent = root, title = 'Number of nodes', prompt = 'Input an integer greater than one') if maxnodes < 2: return filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent = root, initialfile = "autogen.xml") from random import randint closes = 1; nodes = 1 f = open(filename, 'w') last = '<Node Id="NoLabel" HG="%s">\n' % ','.join(['x' for i in range(randint(0,12))]) f.write(last) while nodes < (maxnodes - 1): # closes > sqrt(maxnodes)*0.75 nl = randint(-5000,5000) if closes > 10 and last[-3] == '/' \ else (randint(-2,1) if last[-3] == '"' \ else (randint(-2,6) if closes > 1 \ else 1)) if nl <= 0: last = '\t' * closes + '<Node Id="NoLabel" HG="%s" />\n' % ','.join(['x' for i in range(randint(0,6))]) nodes += 1 elif nl in [1,2,3]: last = '\t' * closes + '<Node Id="NoLabel" HG="%s">\n' % ','.join(['x' for i in range(randint(0,6))]) closes += 1; nodes += 1 else: closes -= 1 last = '\t' * closes + '</Node>\n' f.write(last) if last[-3] == '"': f.write('\t' * closes + '<Node Id="NoLabel" HG="%s" />\n' % ','.join(['x' for i in range(randint(0,6))])) while closes > 0: f.write('\t' * (closes-1) + '</Node>\n') closes -= 1 f.close() except: sys.stdout.write('\n')
def m_createNewTable(self): """ Starts a new table. """ number = askinteger('COLUMNS','Enter number of Columns\nfor data') if number == None: return if number < 2 or number > 8: showwarning("Error","Choose at least two but no more than 8 columns") return g1 = ['GRAPH_LABELS'] u1 = ['GRAPH_UNITS'] for i in range(number): g1.append(' NAME%d' % i) u1.append(' UNIT%d' % i) glbls = "".join(g1) gunit = "".join(u1) lineNumber = 1 ilo = pLineObject('TABLE') self.satorpvtparms.parseLine(ilo) ilo = pLineObject(glbls) self.satorpvtparms.parseLine(ilo) ilo = pLineObject(gunit) self.satorpvtparms.parseLine(ilo) ilo = pLineObject('ENDTABLE') self.satorpvtparms.parseLine(ilo) self.m_resetTable()
def run_graft(self): anchor_start = self.pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(self.scaffold_chain.get(), int(self.scaffold_start.get())) anchor_end = self.pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(self.scaffold_chain.get(), int(self.scaffold_end.get())) graftmover = graft.AnchoredGraftMover(anchor_start, anchor_end) insert_start = self.from_pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(self.insert_chain.get(), int(self.insert_start.get())) insert_end = self.from_pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose(self.insert_chain.get(), int(self.insert_end.get())) if"Double Loop", self.graft_type.get()): nter_overhang = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title='N-terminal Overhang', prompt='Please enter the number of residues N-terminal from insert_start to use for superposition', initialvalue=3) if not nter_overhang:return cter_overhang = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title='C-terminal Overhang', prompt='Please enter the number of residues C-terminal from insert_end to use for superposition', initialvalue=3) insert = graft.return_region(self.from_pose, insert_start-nter_overhang, insert_end+cter_overhang) if not cter_overhang:return print "Insert with overhang:" print insert graftmover.set_piece(insert, nter_overhang, cter_overhang) graftmover.superimpose_overhangs_heavy(self.pose, False, False) else: insert = graft.return_region(self.from_pose, insert_start, insert_end) print "Insert: " print insert graftmover.set_piece(insert, 0, 0) if self.graft_type.get()=="Double Arm": graftmover.set_use_single_loop_double_CCD_arms(True) elif self.graft_type.get()=="Double Loop Double Arm": graftmover.set_use_double_loop_double_CCD_arms(True) elif self.graft_type.get()=="Double Loop Quad Arm": graftmover.set_use_double_loop_quad_CCD_arms(True) else: print "Using default graft type" if self.randomize_first.get(): graftmover.set_test_control_mode(True) graftmover.set_cycles(self.cycles.get()) graftmover.set_scaffold_flexibility(self.scaffold_nter_flex.get(), self.scaffold_cter_flex.get()) graftmover.set_insert_flexibility(self.insert_nter_flex.get(), self.insert_cter_flex.get()) new_graftmover = GraftMover(graftmover) new_graftmover.set_repack_connection(self.repack_connection.get(), self.score_class.score) new_graftmover.set_repack_connection_and_insert(self.repack_connection_and_piece.get(), self.score_class.score) self.run_protocol(new_graftmover) self.main.destroy()
def ask_address(self): host = askstring('Server', 'Type the server address.', initialvalue='') if not host: return port = askinteger('Port', 'Type the port.', initialvalue=5000) if not port: return return host, int(port)
def page_prompt(self=None, event=None): newpage = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Select page", "Enter new page:", initialvalue=(self.current_page + 1), minvalue=1, maxvalue=len( if newpage: self.current_page = newpage - 1 self.draw_page()
def set_clustal_soft_wrap(self): wrap = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( title="Wrap", prompt="Set Soft Wrap", initialvalue=self.compare_designs.clustal_soft_wrap.get()) if not wrap: return self.compare_designs.clustal_soft_wrap.set(wrap)
def maxFrameChanged(self): number = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Edit Motion Correct Properties", "Last Frame") if number >= 0: self.maxframe = number self.maxframe_label.configure(text="Ending Frame Number: " + str(self.maxframe)) self.watcher.setLastFrame(self.maxframe)
def GoToSlice(): sliceIndex = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("GoTo Slice", " Index : ") if not sliceIndex: return smin, smax = Globals.imagePipeline.GetAxisExtent() sliceIndex = min(smax, sliceIndex) sliceIndex = max(smin, sliceIndex) self.SetSlice(sliceIndex) self.scaleSlice.set(sliceIndex)
def newGame(self): if!=None: lowBlind = askinteger("Table Options", "Small Blind", initialvalue="5") if lowBlind==None: lowBlind=5 highBlind = askinteger("Table Options", "Large Blind", initialvalue="10") if highBlind==None: highBlind=10 = Holdem(lowBlind,highBlind, debug=True, manual = self.manual) print, self), self) self.cleanUpCards() self.displayPocketCards(2) self.toggleButtons() self.playHand()
def GoToSlice(): sliceIndex = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("GoTo Slice"," Index : ") if not sliceIndex: return smin,smax = Globals.imagePipeline.GetAxisExtent() sliceIndex = min(smax, sliceIndex) sliceIndex = max(smin, sliceIndex) self.SetSlice(sliceIndex) self.scaleSlice.set(sliceIndex)
def print_top_stems(): """Queries user for number and calls get_top_stems.""" global global_model num = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Number", "Number of most common stems to print:") if num: tkMessageBox.showinfo("Summary",\ "Top " + str(num) + " stems that appeared in the text:\n" + \ get_top_stems(global_model, num))
def rand_board(): global board global step global openfile density = tkd.askinteger('Density', 'enter a cell density between 0 and 100') create_random_board(density) step = 1 openfile = 'empty_board.gol' display_board(board)
def goto_line_event(self, event): lineno = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Goto", "Go to line number:", parent=self) if lineno is None: return "break" if lineno <= 0: self.bell() return "break" self.mark_set("insert", "%d.0" % lineno) self.see("insert")
def jump(self,event=None): """Present a dialog to the user where they can enter a specific source number to jump to.""" num = askinteger('Jump','Enter source number to jump to',\ parent=self,minvalue=1,maxvalue=(self.n)) if num: self.scl.set(num)
def clickCallback(self,event): print (event.x,event.y) depth = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Depth", "Please enter the depth.") if depth != None: print depth self.canvas.create_rectangle(event.x-1,event.y-1,event.x+1,event.y+1) self.currentLst.append(np.array([event.x, event.y, depth])) if len(self.currentLst)>1: self.canvas.create_line(self.currentLst[-2][0], self.currentLst[-2][1],self.currentLst[-1][0],self.currentLst[-1][1])
def onEditTurn(self, event): new_turn = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger( "Edit turn", "Enter new turn", parent=self.UI.root, initialvalue=self.turn, minvalue=1, maxvalue=100 ) if new_turn is not None: self.UI.fadeActions() self.cached_actions = None self.UI.setTurn(new_turn) self.turn = new_turn
def addTerm(self): newterm = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Add Term", "Term start date") if newterm: newterm = str(newterm) if doc.xpath("//term[@date='"+newterm+"']"): tkMessageBox.showwarning("Add Term", "Term "+newterm+" already exists.") return etree.SubElement(doc.getroot(),"term").set("date",newterm) self.refreshTerms()
def value(self, row, col): ''' Takes in a row and column and returns the data value.''' #check if valid row value while (row < 0 or row >= self.size()): ok = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger('Error: Invalid row', 'Specify a new row here:') if (ok != None): row = ok else: row = -1 while (col < 0 or col >= self.cols()): ok = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger('Error: Invalid column', 'Specify a new column here:') if (ok != None): col = ok else: col = -1 return self.matrix[row][col]