Пример #1
def read_data(exps, work, keys, limit_bands=None, prefix='piff', use_reserved=False, frac=1.):

    RESERVED = 64
    NOT_STAR = 128

    BAD_CCDS = [2, 31, 61]
    MAX_TILING = 10

    all_keys = keys

    if 'x' in keys:
        # Note: use this syntax rather than += to avoid changing input keys
        all_keys = all_keys + ['fov_x', 'fov_y']

    all_keys = all_keys + ['exp', 'ccd', 'band', 'tiling']

    all_data = { key : [] for key in all_keys }

    bands = set()   # This is the set of all bands being used
    tilings = set()   # This is the set of all tilings being used

    n_reject_mean_dt = 0
    n_reject_mean_de1 = 0
    n_reject_mean_de2 = 0
    n_reject_mean_e1 = 0
    n_reject_mean_e2 = 0
    n_reject_std_dt = 0
    n_reject_std_de1 = 0
    n_reject_std_de2 = 0
    n_reject_rho2 = 0

    nrows = 0
    n_good_obj = 0
    n_bad_obj = 0

    for exp in sorted(exps):

        expnum = int(exp)
        old = False

        expname = os.path.join(work, exp, 'exp_psf_cat_%d.fits'%expnum)
        if not os.path.exists(expname):
            # Old file name (v21 and earlier)
            old = True
            expname = os.path.join(work, exp, 'exp_info_%d.fits'%expnum)
        if not os.path.exists(expname):
            print('Neither kind of exposure catalog exists.')
            print(os.path.join(work, exp, 'exp_psf_cat_%d.fits'%expnum))
            print('Skip this exposure')

            if old:
                expcat = fitsio.read(expname)
                expcat = fitsio.read(expname, ext='info')
        except Exception as e:
            print('Error reading exposure catalog')
            print('Caught ',e)
            print('Skip this exposure')

        if len(expcat) == 0:
            print('expcat for exp=%d has no entries!',expnum)

        band = expcat['band'][0]
        if (limit_bands is not None) and (band not in limit_bands):
            #print('Not doing band = %s.'%band)

        if expcat['expnum'][0] != expnum:
            print('%s != %s'%(expcat['expnum'][0], expnum))
            print('expnum in catalog does not match expected value')

        print('Start work on exp = ',exp)
        print('band = ',band)

        if 'tiling' in expcat.dtype.names:
            tiling = int(expcat['tiling'][0])
            if tiling == 0:
                # This shouldn't happen, but it did for a few exposures.  Just skip them, since this
                # might indicate some kind of problem.
                print('tiling == 0.  Skip this exposure.')
            if tiling > MAX_TILING:
                print('tiling is > %d.  Skip this exposure.'%MAX_TILING)
            print('tiling = ',tiling)
            tiling = 0

        if old:
            mask = ~np.in1d(expcat['ccdnum'], BAD_CCDS)
            mask &= expcat['flag'] == 0
            data, ccdnums = old_read_ccd_data(expcat[mask], work, expnum)
            data = fitsio.read(expname, ext='stars')
            ccdnums = data['ccdnum'].astype(int)

        flag = data[prefix+'_flag'].astype(int)
        ntot = len(data)
        nused = np.sum((flag & 1) != 0)
        nreserved = np.sum((flag & RESERVED) != 0)
        ngood = np.sum(flag == 0)
        print('ntot = ',ntot)
        print('nused = ',nused)
        print('nreserved = ',nreserved)
        print('ngood = ',ngood)

        mask = (flag & NOT_STAR) == 0
        mask &= ~np.in1d(ccdnums, BAD_CCDS)
        if use_reserved:
            mask &= (flag & RESERVED) != 0
        used = (flag & ~RESERVED) == 0
        #print('flag = ',flag)
        #print('mask = ',mask)
        #print('used = ',used)
        #print('flag where flag == RESERVED: ',flag[flag==RESERVED+1])
        #print('mask where flag == RESERVED: ',mask[flag==RESERVED+1])
        #print('used where flag == RESERVED: ',mask[flag==RESERVED+1])
        print('nmask = ',np.sum(mask))
        print('nused = ',np.sum(used))

        T = data['obs_T']
        e1 = data['obs_e1']
        e2 = data['obs_e2']
        dT = data['obs_T'] - data[prefix + '_T']
        de1 = data['obs_e1'] - data[prefix + '_e1']
        de2 = data['obs_e2'] - data[prefix + '_e2']
        print(expnum, len(dT), band)
        #print('T = ',np.mean(T[used]),np.std(T[used]))
        #print('e1 = ',np.mean(e1[used]),np.std(e1[used]))
        #print('e2 = ',np.mean(e2[used]),np.std(e2[used]))
        #print('dT/T = ',np.mean(dT[used]/T[used]),np.std(dT[used]/T[used]))
        #print('de1 = ',np.mean(de1[used]),np.std(de1[used]))
        #print('de2 = ',np.mean(de2[used]),np.std(de2[used]))
        rho1 = (de1 - 1j*de2) * (de1 + 1j*de2)
        #print('mean rho1 = ',np.mean(rho1[used]))
        rho2 = (e1 - 1j*e2) * (de1 + 1j*de2)
        #print('mean rho2 = ',np.mean(rho2[used]))
        if abs(np.mean(dT[used]/T[used])) > 0.01:
            print('mean dT/T = %f.'%(np.mean(dT[used]/T[used])))
            n_reject_mean_dt += 1
        if abs(np.mean(de1[used])) > 0.01:
            print('mean de1 = %f.'%(np.mean(de1[used])))
            n_reject_mean_de1 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(de2[used])) > 0.01:
            print('mean de2 = %f.'%(np.mean(de2[used])))
            n_reject_mean_de2 += 1
        if abs(np.std(dT[used]/T[used])) > 0.1:
            print('std dT/T = %f.'%(np.std(dT[used]/T[used])))
            n_reject_std_dt += 1
        if abs(np.std(de1[used])) > 0.1:
            print('std de1 = %f.'%(np.std(de1[used])))
            n_reject_std_de1 += 1
        if abs(np.std(de2[used])) > 0.1:
            print('std de2 = %f.'%(np.std(de2[used])))
            n_reject_std_de2 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(rho1[used])) > 5.e-4:
            print('mean rho1 = %s.'%(np.mean(rho1[used])))
            n_reject_rho2 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(rho2[used])) > 5.e-4:
            print('mean rho2 = %s.'%(np.mean(rho2[used])))
            n_reject_rho2 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(e1[used])) > 0.03:
            print('mean e1 = %f.'%(np.mean(e1[used])))
            n_reject_mean_e1 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(e2[used])) > 0.03:
            print('mean e2 = %f.'%(np.mean(e2[used])))
            n_reject_mean_e2 += 1

        # Filter out egregiously bad values.  Just in case.
        good = (abs(dT/T) < 0.1) & (abs(de1) < 0.1) & (abs(de2) < 0.1)
        n1 = np.sum(mask)
        mask = mask & good
        n2 = np.sum(mask)
        print('"good" filter removed %d/%d objects'%(n1-n2,n1))
        n_good_obj += n2
        n_bad_obj += n1-n2
        #print('mask = ',len(mask),np.sum(mask),mask)
        mask = np.where(mask)[0]
        #print('mask = ',len(mask),mask)
        if frac != 1.:
            mask = np.random.choice(mask, int(frac * len(mask)), replace=False)
        #print('mask = ',len(mask),mask)

        ngood = len(mask)
        print('ngood = ',ngood,'/',len(data))
        assert ngood == len(data[mask])
        if ngood == 0:
            print('All objects in exp %d are flagged.'%expnum)

        # Start with just the input keys, which should be columns in data.
        for key in keys:

        # Now add the extra ones we added to all_keys
        if 'x' in keys:
            # Convert to focal position.
            x,y = toFocal(ccdnums[mask], data['x'][mask], data['y'][mask])
            # This comes back in units of mm.  Convert to arcsec.
            # 1 pixel = 15e-3 mm = 0.263 arcsec
            x *= 0.263/15e-3
            y *= 0.263/15e-3

        all_data['exp'].append([expnum] * ngood)
        all_data['band'].append([band] * ngood)
        all_data['tiling'].append([tiling] * ngood)
        nrows += ngood

    print('\nFinished processing %d exposures'%len(exps))
    print('bands = ',bands)
    print('tilings = ',tilings)
    print('total "good" stars = ',n_good_obj)
    print('total "bad" stars = ',n_bad_obj)
    print('total good stars selected = ',nrows)

    print('Potential rejections: (not enabled):')
    print('n_reject_mean_dt = ',n_reject_mean_dt)
    print('n_reject_mean_de1 = ',n_reject_mean_de1)
    print('n_reject_mean_de2 = ',n_reject_mean_de2)
    print('n_reject_mean_e1 = ',n_reject_mean_de1)
    print('n_reject_mean_e2 = ',n_reject_mean_de2)
    print('n_reject_std_dt = ',n_reject_std_dt)
    print('n_reject_std_de1 = ',n_reject_std_de1)
    print('n_reject_std_de2 = ',n_reject_std_de2)
    print('n_reject_rho2 = ',n_reject_rho2)

    # Turn the data into a recarray
    # Pick appropriate formats for each kind of data
    formats = []
    for key in all_keys:
        if key == 'ccd' or key == 'tiling':
        elif key == 'exp' or 'flag' in key:
        elif key == 'band':
    data = np.recarray(shape=(nrows,), formats=formats, names=all_keys)
    #print('data.dtype = ',data.dtype)
    for key in all_keys:
        data[key] = np.concatenate(all_data[key])
    print('made recarray')

    return data, bands, tilings
Пример #2
def bin_by_fov(ccd, x, y, e1, e2, s, w=None, nwhisk=5):
    from toFocal import toFocal

    all_x = np.array([])
    all_y = np.array([])
    all_e1 = np.array([])
    all_e2 = np.array([])
    all_s = np.array([])

    if w is None:
        w = np.ones(len(x))

    x_bins = np.linspace(0,2048,nwhisk+1)
    y_bins = np.linspace(0,4096,2*nwhisk+1)
    print('x_bins = ',x_bins)
    print('y_bins = ',y_bins)

    ccdnums = np.unique(ccd)
    print('ccdnums = ',ccdnums)
    for ccdnum in ccdnums:
        mask = np.where(ccd == ccdnum)[0]
        print('ccdnum = ',ccdnum,', nstar = ',len(mask))
        if mask.sum() < 100: continue
        if ccdnum in [31, 61]: continue

        x_index = np.digitize(x[mask], x_bins)
        y_index = np.digitize(y[mask], y_bins)

        nbins = (len(x_bins)-1) * (len(y_bins)-1)
        bin_e1 = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_e2 = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_s = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_x = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_y = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_nz = np.empty(nbins, dtype=bool)
        sumesq = 0.

        for i in range(1, len(x_bins)):
            for j in range(1, len(y_bins)):
                k = (i-1)*(len(y_bins)-1) + (j-1)
                mask2 = np.where( (x_index == i) & (y_index == j) )[0]
                ww = w[mask][mask2]
                ws = ww.sum()
                bin_e1[k] = (ww * e1[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_e2[k] = (ww * e2[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_s[k] = (ww * s[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_x[k] = (ww * x[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_y[k] = (ww * y[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_nz[k] = len(mask2) > 0
                print(i,j,k,len(mask2), bin_e1[k], bin_e2[k])
                sumesq += bin_e1[k]**2 + bin_e2[k]**2

        print('rms e = ',np.sqrt(sumesq / nbins))
        print('ccdnum = ',ccdnum)
        print('bin_x,y = ',bin_x,bin_y)
        focal_x, focal_y = toFocal(int(ccdnum), bin_x, bin_y)
        print('x,y = ',focal_x, focal_y)

        print('num with count > 0 = ',bin_nz.sum())
        all_x = np.append(all_x, focal_x[bin_nz])
        all_y = np.append(all_y, focal_y[bin_nz])
        all_e1 = np.append(all_e1, bin_e1[bin_nz])
        all_e2 = np.append(all_e2, bin_e2[bin_nz])
        all_s = np.append(all_s, bin_s[bin_nz])

    return all_x, all_y, all_e1, all_e2, all_s
Пример #3
def read_data(args, work, limit_filters=None, subtract_mean=True, reserved=False):
    import astropy.io.fits as pyfits

    datadir = '/astro/u/astrodat/data/DES'

    RESERVED = 64

    if args.file != '':
        print 'Read file ',args.file
        with open(args.file) as fin:
            data = [ line.split() for line in fin ]
        runs, exps = zip(*data)
        runs = args.runs
        exps = args.exps

    expinfo_file = '/astro/u/mjarvis/work/exposure_info_' + args.tag + '.fits'
    #expinfo_file = '/astro/u/mjarvis/work/exposure_info_y1a1-v01.fits'
    #expinfo_file = 'exposure_info_y1spte-v02.fits'
    print 'reading exposure_info file: ',expinfo_file
    with pyfits.open(expinfo_file) as pyf:
        expinfo = pyf[1].data

    keys = ['ra', 'dec', 'x', 'y', 'e1', 'e2', 'size', 'psf_e1', 'psf_e2', 'psf_size']
    all_data = { key : [] for key in keys }
    all_keys = keys

    all_data['exp'] = []
    all_data['ccd'] = []
    all_keys = all_keys + ['exp', 'ccd' ]

    if subtract_mean:
        all_data['alt_e1'] = []
        all_data['alt_e2'] = []
        all_data['alt_size'] = []
        all_keys = all_keys + ['alt_e1', 'alt_e2', 'alt_size']
    if 'x' in keys:
        all_data['fov_x'] = []
        all_data['fov_y'] = []
        all_keys = all_keys + ['fov_x', 'fov_y']

    if args.oldkeys:
        inkeys =  [ k.replace('psf_','psfex_') for k in keys ]
        inkeys = keys

    all_filters = []  # This keeps track of the filter for each record
    all_tilings = []  # This keeps track of the tiling for each record
    filters = set()   # This is the set of all filters being used
    tilings = set()   # This is the set of all tilings being used

    ntot = 0
    nused = 0
    nreserved = 0
    ngood = 0

    cat_dir = os.path.join(work,'psf_cats')

    for run,exp in zip(runs,exps):

        print 'Start work on run, exp = ',run,exp
        expnum = int(exp[6:])
        print 'expnum = ',expnum

        if expnum not in expinfo['expnum']:
            print 'expnum is not in expinfo!'
            print 'expinfo[expnum] = ',expinfo['expnum']
            print 'Could not find information about this expnum.  Skipping ',run,exp
        k = numpy.nonzero(expinfo['expnum'] == expnum)[0][0]
        print 'k = ',k
        filter = expinfo['filter'][k]
        print 'filter[k] = ',filter
        if (limit_filters is not None) and (filter not in limit_filters):
            print 'Not doing this filter.'

        tiling = int(expinfo['tiling'][k])
        print 'tiling[k] = ',tiling

        if tiling == 0:
            # This shouldn't happen, but it did for a few exposures.  Just skip them, since this
            # might indicate some kind of problem.
            print 'tiling == 0.  Skip this exposure.'

        if tiling > args.max_tiling:
            print 'tiling is > %d.  Skip this exposure.'%args.max_tiling

        cat_file = os.path.join(cat_dir, exp + "_exppsf.fits")
        if not os.path.exists(cat_file):
            cat_file = os.path.join(cat_dir, exp + "_psf.fits")
        print 'cat_file = ',cat_file
            with pyfits.open(cat_file) as pyf:
                data = pyf[1].data
            print 'Unable to open cat_file %s.  Skipping this file.'%cat_file

        #ccdnums = numpy.unique(data['ccdnum'])
        #print 'ccdnums = ',ccdnums

        print 'n = ',len(data)
        print 'nused = ',numpy.sum((data['flag'] & 1) != 0)
        print 'nreserved = ',numpy.sum((data['flag'] & 64) != 0)
        print 'ngood = ',numpy.sum(data['flag'] == 0)
        ntot += len(data)
        nused += numpy.sum((data['flag'] & 1) != 0)
        nreserved += numpy.sum((data['flag'] & 64) != 0)
        ngood += numpy.sum(data['flag'] == 0)

        if args.use_reserved:
            mask = (data['flag'] == RESERVED)
            mask = (data['flag'] == 0)

        ngood = numpy.sum(mask)
        assert ngood == len(data[mask])
        if ngood == 0:
            print 'All objects in this exposure are flagged.'
            print 'Probably due to astrometry flags. Skip this exposure.'

        for key, inkey in zip(keys, inkeys):

        all_data['exp'].append([expnum] * ngood)

        if subtract_mean:
            e1 = data['e1'][mask]
            e2 = data['e2'][mask]
            s = data['size'][mask]
            p_e1 = data['psf_e1'][mask]
            p_e2 = data['psf_e2'][mask]
            p_s = data['psf_size'][mask]
            de1 = numpy.mean(e1-p_e1)
            de2 = numpy.mean(e2-p_e2)
            # Really want <(s^2 - p_s^2)/s^2> => 0  after subtracting ds
            # <1 - p_s^2/(s-ds)^2> = 0
            # <1 - p_s^2/s^2 (1 + 2ds/s + 3ds^2/s^2 + ...)  > = 0
            # 1 - <p_s^2/s^2> - 2ds<p_s^2/s^3> - 3ds^2<p_s^2/s^4> = 0
            a1 = numpy.mean(p_s**2/s**2)
            a2 = numpy.mean(p_s**2/s**3)
            a3 = numpy.mean(p_s**2/s**4)
            ds = (1. - a1) / (2.*a2)
            # Iterate once to refine
            ds = (1. - a1 - 3.*ds**2*a3) / (2.*a2)
            print 'de = ',de1,de2, 'mean e = ',numpy.mean(e1),numpy.mean(e2),
            print ' -> ',numpy.mean(e1-de1), numpy.mean(e2-de2)
            print 'ds = ',ds, 'mean s = ',numpy.mean(s),' -> ',numpy.mean(s-ds)
            print 'mean dt = ',numpy.mean( (s**2 - p_s**2) / s**2 ),
            print ' -> ',numpy.mean( ((s-ds)**2 - p_s**2) / (s-ds)**2 )
            all_data['alt_e1'].append(e1 - de1)
            all_data['alt_e2'].append(e2 - de2)
            all_data['alt_size'].append(s - ds)

        if 'x' in keys:
            # Convert to focal position.
            x,y = toFocal(data['ccdnum'][mask], data['x'][mask], data['y'][mask])
            # This comes back in units of mm.  Convert to arcsec.
            # 1 pixel = 15e-3 mm = 0.263 arcsec
            x *= 0.263/15e-3
            y *= 0.263/15e-3

        all_filters.extend( ([filter] * ngood) )
        all_tilings.extend( ([tiling] * ngood) )
    print '\nFinished processing all exposures'
    print 'filters = ',filters
    print 'tilings = ',tilings

    # Turn the data into a recarray
    print 'all_data.keys = ',all_data.keys()
    formats = ['f8'] * len(all_keys) + ['a1', 'i2']
    names = all_keys + ['filter', 'tiling']
    data = numpy.recarray(shape = (len(all_filters),),
                          formats = formats, names = names)
    print 'data.dtype = ',data.dtype
    for key in all_keys:
        data[key] = numpy.concatenate(all_data[key])
    data['filter'] = all_filters
    data['tiling'] = all_tilings
    print 'made recarray'

    print 'ntot = ',ntot
    print 'nused = ',nused
    print 'nreserved = ',nreserved
    print 'ngood = ',ngood

    return data, filters, tilings
Пример #4
def bin_by_fov(ccd, x, y, dT, de1, de2, bands):

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from toFocal import toFocal

    all_x = np.array([])
    all_y = np.array([])
    all_e1 = np.array([])
    all_e2 = np.array([])
    all_T = np.array([])

    nwhisk = 5
    x_bins = np.linspace(0,2048,nwhisk+1)
    y_bins = np.linspace(0,4096,2*nwhisk+1)

    ccdnums = np.unique(ccd)
    for ccdnum in ccdnums:
        mask = np.where(ccd == ccdnum)[0]
        print('ccdnum = ',ccdnum,', nstar = ',mask.sum())
        if mask.sum() < 100: continue

        x_index = np.digitize(x[mask], x_bins)
        y_index = np.digitize(y[mask], y_bins)

        bin_de1 = np.array([ de1[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
                    for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins)) ])
        print('bin_de1 = ',bin_de1)
        bin_de2 = np.array([ de2[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
                    for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins)) ])
        print('bin_de2 = ',bin_de2)
        bin_dT = np.array([ dT[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
                    for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins)) ])
        print('bin_dT = ',bin_dT)
        bin_x = np.array([ x[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
                  for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins)) ])
        print('bin_x = ',bin_x)
        bin_y = np.array([ y[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
                  for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins)) ])
        print('bin_y = ',bin_y)
        bin_count = np.array([ ((x_index == i) & (y_index == j)).sum()
                      for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins)) ])
        print('bin_count = ',bin_count)

        focal_x, focal_y = toFocal(ccdnum, bin_x, bin_y)

        mask2 = np.where(bin_count > 0)[0]
        print('num with count > 0 = ',mask2.sum())
        all_x = np.append(all_x, focal_x[mask2])
        all_y = np.append(all_y, focal_y[mask2])
        all_e1 = np.append(all_e1, bin_de1[mask2])
        all_e2 = np.append(all_e2, bin_de2[mask2])
        all_T = np.append(all_T, bin_dT[mask2])

    #plt.title('PSF Ellipticity residuals in DES focal plane')
    theta = np.arctan2(all_e2,all_e1)/2.
    r = np.sqrt(all_e1**2 + all_e2**2)
    u = r*np.cos(theta)
    v = r*np.sin(theta)
    print('all_x = ',all_x)
    print('len(all_x) = ',len(all_x))
    qv = plt.quiver(all_x,all_y,u,v, pivot='middle', scale_units='xy',
                    headwidth=0., headlength=0., headaxislength=0.,
                    width=0.001, scale=1.e-3, color='blue')
    ref_scale = 0.01
    if 'raw' in bands:
        ref_label = 'e = ' + str(ref_scale)
        ref_label = 'de = ' + str(ref_scale)
    plt.quiverkey(qv, 0.10, 0.08, ref_scale, ref_label,
                  coordinates='axes', color='darkred', labelcolor='darkred',
                  labelpos='E', fontproperties={'size':'x-small'})
    plt.savefig('de_fov_' + bands + '.png')
    plt.savefig('de_fov_' + bands + '.pdf')
    plt.savefig('de_fov_' + bands + '.eps')
Пример #5
def read_data(exps,

    RESERVED = 64
    NOT_STAR = 128

    BAD_CCDS = [2, 31, 61]
    MAX_TILING = 10

    all_keys = keys

    if 'x' in keys:
        # Note: use this syntax rather than += to avoid changing input keys
        all_keys = all_keys + ['fov_x', 'fov_y']

    all_keys = all_keys + ['exp', 'ccd', 'band', 'tiling']

    all_data = {key: [] for key in all_keys}

    bands = set()  # This is the set of all bands being used
    tilings = set()  # This is the set of all tilings being used

    n_reject_mean_dt = 0
    n_reject_mean_de1 = 0
    n_reject_mean_de2 = 0
    n_reject_mean_e1 = 0
    n_reject_mean_e2 = 0
    n_reject_std_dt = 0
    n_reject_std_de1 = 0
    n_reject_std_de2 = 0
    n_reject_rho2 = 0

    nrows = 0
    n_good_obj = 0
    n_bad_obj = 0

    for exp in sorted(exps):

        expnum = int(exp)
        old = False

        expname = os.path.join(work, exp, 'exp_psf_cat_%d.fits' % expnum)
        if not os.path.exists(expname):
            # Old file name (v21 and earlier)
            old = True
            expname = os.path.join(work, exp, 'exp_info_%d.fits' % expnum)
        if not os.path.exists(expname):
            print('Neither kind of exposure catalog exists.')
            print(os.path.join(work, exp, 'exp_psf_cat_%d.fits' % expnum))
            print('Skip this exposure')

            if old:
                expcat = fitsio.read(expname)
                expcat = fitsio.read(expname, ext='info')
        except Exception as e:
            print('Error reading exposure catalog')
            print('Caught ', e)
            print('Skip this exposure')

        if len(expcat) == 0:
            print('expcat for exp=%d has no entries!', expnum)

        band = expcat['band'][0]
        if (limit_bands is not None) and (band not in limit_bands):
            #print('Not doing band = %s.'%band)

        if expcat['expnum'][0] != expnum:
            print('%s != %s' % (expcat['expnum'][0], expnum))
            print('expnum in catalog does not match expected value')

        print('Start work on exp = ', exp)
        print('band = ', band)

        if 'tiling' in expcat.dtype.names:
            tiling = int(expcat['tiling'][0])
            if tiling == 0:
                # This shouldn't happen, but it did for a few exposures.  Just skip them, since this
                # might indicate some kind of problem.
                print('tiling == 0.  Skip this exposure.')
            if tiling > MAX_TILING:
                print('tiling is > %d.  Skip this exposure.' % MAX_TILING)
            print('tiling = ', tiling)
            tiling = 0

        if old:
            mask = ~np.in1d(expcat['ccdnum'], BAD_CCDS)
            mask &= expcat['flag'] == 0
            data, ccdnums = old_read_ccd_data(expcat[mask], work, expnum)
            data = fitsio.read(expname, ext='stars')
            ccdnums = data['ccdnum'].astype(int)

        flag = data[prefix + '_flag'].astype(int)
        ntot = len(data)
        nused = np.sum((flag & 1) != 0)
        nreserved = np.sum((flag & RESERVED) != 0)
        ngood = np.sum(flag == 0)
        print('ntot = ', ntot)
        print('nused = ', nused)
        print('nreserved = ', nreserved)
        print('ngood = ', ngood)

        mask = (flag & NOT_STAR) == 0
        mask &= ~np.in1d(ccdnums, BAD_CCDS)
        if use_reserved:
            mask &= (flag & RESERVED) != 0
        used = (flag & ~RESERVED) == 0
        #print('flag = ',flag)
        #print('mask = ',mask)
        #print('used = ',used)
        #print('flag where flag == RESERVED: ',flag[flag==RESERVED+1])
        #print('mask where flag == RESERVED: ',mask[flag==RESERVED+1])
        #print('used where flag == RESERVED: ',mask[flag==RESERVED+1])
        print('nmask = ', np.sum(mask))
        print('nused = ', np.sum(used))

        T = data['obs_T']
        e1 = data['obs_e1']
        e2 = data['obs_e2']
        dT = data['obs_T'] - data[prefix + '_T']
        de1 = data['obs_e1'] - data[prefix + '_e1']
        de2 = data['obs_e2'] - data[prefix + '_e2']
        print(expnum, len(dT), band)
        #print('T = ',np.mean(T[used]),np.std(T[used]))
        #print('e1 = ',np.mean(e1[used]),np.std(e1[used]))
        #print('e2 = ',np.mean(e2[used]),np.std(e2[used]))
        #print('dT/T = ',np.mean(dT[used]/T[used]),np.std(dT[used]/T[used]))
        #print('de1 = ',np.mean(de1[used]),np.std(de1[used]))
        #print('de2 = ',np.mean(de2[used]),np.std(de2[used]))
        rho1 = (de1 - 1j * de2) * (de1 + 1j * de2)
        #print('mean rho1 = ',np.mean(rho1[used]))
        rho2 = (e1 - 1j * e2) * (de1 + 1j * de2)
        #print('mean rho2 = ',np.mean(rho2[used]))
        if abs(np.mean(dT[used] / T[used])) > 0.01:
            print('mean dT/T = %f.' % (np.mean(dT[used] / T[used])))
            n_reject_mean_dt += 1
        if abs(np.mean(de1[used])) > 0.01:
            print('mean de1 = %f.' % (np.mean(de1[used])))
            n_reject_mean_de1 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(de2[used])) > 0.01:
            print('mean de2 = %f.' % (np.mean(de2[used])))
            n_reject_mean_de2 += 1
        if abs(np.std(dT[used] / T[used])) > 0.1:
            print('std dT/T = %f.' % (np.std(dT[used] / T[used])))
            n_reject_std_dt += 1
        if abs(np.std(de1[used])) > 0.1:
            print('std de1 = %f.' % (np.std(de1[used])))
            n_reject_std_de1 += 1
        if abs(np.std(de2[used])) > 0.1:
            print('std de2 = %f.' % (np.std(de2[used])))
            n_reject_std_de2 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(rho1[used])) > 5.e-4:
            print('mean rho1 = %s.' % (np.mean(rho1[used])))
            n_reject_rho2 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(rho2[used])) > 5.e-4:
            print('mean rho2 = %s.' % (np.mean(rho2[used])))
            n_reject_rho2 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(e1[used])) > 0.03:
            print('mean e1 = %f.' % (np.mean(e1[used])))
            n_reject_mean_e1 += 1
        if abs(np.mean(e2[used])) > 0.03:
            print('mean e2 = %f.' % (np.mean(e2[used])))
            n_reject_mean_e2 += 1

        # Filter out egregiously bad values.  Just in case.
        good = (abs(dT / T) < 0.1) & (abs(de1) < 0.1) & (abs(de2) < 0.1)
        n1 = np.sum(mask)
        mask = mask & good
        n2 = np.sum(mask)
        print('"good" filter removed %d/%d objects' % (n1 - n2, n1))
        n_good_obj += n2
        n_bad_obj += n1 - n2
        #print('mask = ',len(mask),np.sum(mask),mask)
        mask = np.where(mask)[0]
        #print('mask = ',len(mask),mask)
        if frac != 1.:
            mask = np.random.choice(mask, int(frac * len(mask)), replace=False)
        #print('mask = ',len(mask),mask)

        ngood = len(mask)
        print('ngood = ', ngood, '/', len(data))
        assert ngood == len(data[mask])
        if ngood == 0:
            print('All objects in exp %d are flagged.' % expnum)

        # Start with just the input keys, which should be columns in data.
        for key in keys:

        # Now add the extra ones we added to all_keys
        if 'x' in keys:
            # Convert to focal position.
            x, y = toFocal(ccdnums[mask], data['x'][mask], data['y'][mask])
            # This comes back in units of mm.  Convert to arcsec.
            # 1 pixel = 15e-3 mm = 0.263 arcsec
            x *= 0.263 / 15e-3
            y *= 0.263 / 15e-3

        all_data['exp'].append([expnum] * ngood)
        all_data['band'].append([band] * ngood)
        all_data['tiling'].append([tiling] * ngood)
        nrows += ngood

    print('\nFinished processing %d exposures' % len(exps))
    print('bands = ', bands)
    print('tilings = ', tilings)
    print('total "good" stars = ', n_good_obj)
    print('total "bad" stars = ', n_bad_obj)
    print('total good stars selected = ', nrows)

    print('Potential rejections: (not enabled):')
    print('n_reject_mean_dt = ', n_reject_mean_dt)
    print('n_reject_mean_de1 = ', n_reject_mean_de1)
    print('n_reject_mean_de2 = ', n_reject_mean_de2)
    print('n_reject_mean_e1 = ', n_reject_mean_de1)
    print('n_reject_mean_e2 = ', n_reject_mean_de2)
    print('n_reject_std_dt = ', n_reject_std_dt)
    print('n_reject_std_de1 = ', n_reject_std_de1)
    print('n_reject_std_de2 = ', n_reject_std_de2)
    print('n_reject_rho2 = ', n_reject_rho2)

    # Turn the data into a recarray
    # Pick appropriate formats for each kind of data
    formats = []
    for key in all_keys:
        if key == 'ccd' or key == 'tiling':
        elif key == 'exp' or 'flag' in key:
        elif key == 'band':
    data = np.recarray(shape=(nrows, ), formats=formats, names=all_keys)
    #print('data.dtype = ',data.dtype)
    for key in all_keys:
        data[key] = np.concatenate(all_data[key])
    print('made recarray')

    return data, bands, tilings
Пример #6
def bin_by_fov(ccd, x, y, dT, de1, de2, bands):

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from toFocal import toFocal

    all_x = np.array([])
    all_y = np.array([])
    all_e1 = np.array([])
    all_e2 = np.array([])
    all_T = np.array([])

    nwhisk = 5
    x_bins = np.linspace(0, 2048, nwhisk + 1)
    y_bins = np.linspace(0, 4096, 2 * nwhisk + 1)

    ccdnums = np.unique(ccd)
    for ccdnum in ccdnums:
        mask = np.where(ccd == ccdnum)[0]
        print('ccdnum = ', ccdnum, ', nstar = ', mask.sum())
        if mask.sum() < 100: continue

        x_index = np.digitize(x[mask], x_bins)
        y_index = np.digitize(y[mask], y_bins)

        bin_de1 = np.array([
            de1[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
            for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins))
        print('bin_de1 = ', bin_de1)
        bin_de2 = np.array([
            de2[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
            for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins))
        print('bin_de2 = ', bin_de2)
        bin_dT = np.array([
            dT[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
            for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins))
        print('bin_dT = ', bin_dT)
        bin_x = np.array([
            x[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
            for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins))
        print('bin_x = ', bin_x)
        bin_y = np.array([
            y[mask][(x_index == i) & (y_index == j)].mean()
            for i in range(1, len(x_bins)) for j in range(1, len(y_bins))
        print('bin_y = ', bin_y)
        bin_count = np.array([((x_index == i) & (y_index == j)).sum()
                              for i in range(1, len(x_bins))
                              for j in range(1, len(y_bins))])
        print('bin_count = ', bin_count)

        focal_x, focal_y = toFocal(ccdnum, bin_x, bin_y)

        mask2 = np.where(bin_count > 0)[0]
        print('num with count > 0 = ', mask2.sum())
        all_x = np.append(all_x, focal_x[mask2])
        all_y = np.append(all_y, focal_y[mask2])
        all_e1 = np.append(all_e1, bin_de1[mask2])
        all_e2 = np.append(all_e2, bin_de2[mask2])
        all_T = np.append(all_T, bin_dT[mask2])

    #plt.title('PSF Ellipticity residuals in DES focal plane')
    theta = np.arctan2(all_e2, all_e1) / 2.
    r = np.sqrt(all_e1**2 + all_e2**2)
    u = r * np.cos(theta)
    v = r * np.sin(theta)
    plt.xlim(-250, 250)
    plt.ylim(-250, 250)
    print('all_x = ', all_x)
    print('len(all_x) = ', len(all_x))
    qv = plt.quiver(all_x,
    ref_scale = 0.01
    if 'raw' in bands:
        ref_label = 'e = ' + str(ref_scale)
        ref_label = 'de = ' + str(ref_scale)
                  fontproperties={'size': 'x-small'})
    plt.savefig('de_fov_' + bands + '.png')
    plt.savefig('de_fov_' + bands + '.pdf')
    plt.savefig('de_fov_' + bands + '.eps')
Пример #7
def bin_by_fov(ccd, x, y, e1, e2, s, w=None, nwhisk=5):
    from toFocal import toFocal

    all_x = np.array([])
    all_y = np.array([])
    all_e1 = np.array([])
    all_e2 = np.array([])
    all_s = np.array([])

    if w is None:
        w = np.ones(len(x))

    x_bins = np.linspace(0,2048,nwhisk+1)
    y_bins = np.linspace(0,4096,2*nwhisk+1)
    print('x_bins = ',x_bins)
    print('y_bins = ',y_bins)

    ccdnums = np.unique(ccd)
    print('ccdnums = ',ccdnums)
    for ccdnum in ccdnums:
        mask = np.where(ccd == ccdnum)[0]
        print('ccdnum = ',ccdnum,', nstar = ',len(mask))
        if mask.sum() < 100: continue
        if ccdnum in [31, 61]: continue

        x_index = np.digitize(x[mask], x_bins)
        y_index = np.digitize(y[mask], y_bins)

        nbins = (len(x_bins)-1) * (len(y_bins)-1)
        bin_e1 = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_e2 = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_s = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_x = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_y = np.empty(nbins)
        bin_nz = np.empty(nbins, dtype=bool)
        sumesq = 0.

        for i in range(1, len(x_bins)):
            for j in range(1, len(y_bins)):
                k = (i-1)*(len(y_bins)-1) + (j-1)
                mask2 = np.where( (x_index == i) & (y_index == j) )[0]
                ww = w[mask][mask2]
                ws = ww.sum()
                bin_e1[k] = (ww * e1[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_e2[k] = (ww * e2[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_s[k] = (ww * s[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_x[k] = (ww * x[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_y[k] = (ww * y[mask][mask2]).sum() / ws
                bin_nz[k] = len(mask2) > 0
                print(i,j,k,len(mask2), bin_e1[k], bin_e2[k])
                sumesq += bin_e1[k]**2 + bin_e2[k]**2

        print('rms e = ',np.sqrt(sumesq / nbins))
        print('ccdnum = ',ccdnum)
        print('bin_x,y = ',bin_x,bin_y)
        focal_x, focal_y = toFocal(int(ccdnum), bin_x, bin_y)
        print('x,y = ',focal_x, focal_y)

        print('num with count > 0 = ',bin_nz.sum())
        all_x = np.append(all_x, focal_x[bin_nz])
        all_y = np.append(all_y, focal_y[bin_nz])
        all_e1 = np.append(all_e1, bin_e1[bin_nz])
        all_e2 = np.append(all_e2, bin_e2[bin_nz])
        all_s = np.append(all_s, bin_s[bin_nz])

    return all_x, all_y, all_e1, all_e2, all_s
Пример #8
def read_data(args, work, limit_bands=None, prefix='piff'):
    import fitsio

    RESERVED = 64
    BAD_CCDS = [2, 31, 61]

    if args.file != '':
        print('Read file ',args.file)
        with open(args.file) as fin:
            exps = [ line.strip() for line in fin if line[0] != '#' ]
        print('File included %d exposures'%len(exps))
        exps = args.exps
        print('Explicit listing of %d exposures'%len(exps))
    exps = sorted(exps)

    keys = ['ra', 'dec', 'x', 'y', 'mag', 'obs_e1', 'obs_e2', 'obs_T',
            prefix+'_e1', prefix+'_e2', prefix+'_T']
    all_data = { key : [] for key in keys }
    all_keys = keys

    all_data['exp'] = []
    all_data['ccd'] = []
    all_keys = all_keys + ['exp', 'ccd' ]

    if 'x' in keys:
        all_data['fov_x'] = []
        all_data['fov_y'] = []
        all_keys = all_keys + ['fov_x', 'fov_y']

    inkeys = keys

    all_bands = []  # This keeps track of the band for each record
    #all_tilings = []  # This keeps track of the tiling for each record
    bands = set()   # This is the set of all bands being used
    #tilings = set()   # This is the set of all tilings being used

    for exp in exps:

        print('Start work on exp = ',exp)
        expnum = int(exp)
        print('expnum = ',expnum)
        expinfo = fitsio.read(os.path.join(work, exp, 'exp_info_%d.fits'%expnum))

        if expnum not in expinfo['expnum']:
            print('expnum is not in expinfo!')
            print('expinfo[expnum] = ',expinfo['expnum'])
            print('Could not find information about this expnum.  Skipping ',run,exp)
        i = np.nonzero(expinfo['expnum'] == expnum)[0][0]
        #print('i = ',i)
        band = expinfo['band'][i]
        #print('band[k] = ',band)
        if (limit_bands is not None) and (band not in limit_bands):
            print('Not doing band = %s.'%band)

        #tiling = int(expinfo['tiling'][k])
        #print('tiling[k] = ',tiling)

        #if tiling == 0:
            # This shouldn't happen, but it did for a few exposures.  Just skip them, since this
            # might indicate some kind of problem.
            #print('tiling == 0.  Skip this exposure.')

        #if tiling > args.max_tiling:
            #print('tiling is > %d.  Skip this exposure.'%args.max_tiling)

        for k in range(len(expinfo)):
            ccdnum = expinfo[k]['ccdnum']
            if expinfo[k]['flag'] != 0:
                print('Skipping ccd %d because it is blacklisted: '%ccdnum, expinfo[k]['flag'])
            if ccdnum in BAD_CCDS:
                print('Skipping ccd %d because it is BAD'%ccdnum)

            cat_file = os.path.join(work, exp, "psf_cat_%d_%d.fits"%(expnum,ccdnum))
            #print('cat_file = ',cat_file)
                data = fitsio.read(cat_file)
                flag = data[prefix+'_flag']
            except (OSError, IOError):
                print('Unable to open cat_file %s.  Skipping this file.'%cat_file)

            ntot = len(data)
            nused = np.sum((flag & 1) != 0)
            nreserved = np.sum((flag & RESERVED) != 0)
            ngood = np.sum(flag == 0)
            #print('nused = ',nused)
            #print('nreserved = ',nreserved)
            #print('ngood = ',ngood)

            if args.use_reserved:
                mask = (flag == RESERVED) | (flag == RESERVED+1)
                mask = (flag == 0)
            #print('mask = ',mask)

            T = data['obs_T']
            dT = (data[prefix + '_T'] - data['obs_T'])
            de1 = (data[prefix + '_e1'] - data['obs_e1'])
            de2 = (data[prefix + '_e2'] - data['obs_e2'])
            used = (flag == 0)
            #if np.std(dT[used]/T[used]) > 0.03:
            #if np.std(de1[used]) > 0.02:
            #if np.std(de2[used]) > 0.02:
            good = (abs(dT/data['obs_T']) < 0.1) & (abs(de1) < 0.1) & (abs(de2) < 0.1)
            mask = mask & good
            ngood = np.sum(mask)
            #print('ngood = ',ngood,'/',len(data))
            assert ngood == len(data[mask])
            if ngood == 0:
                print('All objects in ccd %d are flagged.'%ccdnum)
                print('Probably due to astrometry flags. Skip this exposure.')

            for key, inkey in zip(keys, inkeys):

            all_data['exp'].append([expnum] * ngood)
            all_data['ccd'].append([ccdnum] * ngood)

            if 'x' in keys:
                # Convert to focal position.
                x,y = toFocal(ccdnum, data['x'][mask], data['y'][mask])
                # This comes back in units of mm.  Convert to arcsec.
                # 1 pixel = 15e-3 mm = 0.263 arcsec
                x *= 0.263/15e-3
                y *= 0.263/15e-3

            all_bands.extend( ([band] * ngood) )
            #all_tilings.extend( ([tiling] * ngood) )

    print('\nFinished processing all exposures')
    print('bands = ',bands)
    #print('tilings = ',tilings)

    # Turn the data into a recarray
    print('all_data.keys = ',all_data.keys())
    formats = ['f8'] * len(all_keys) + ['a1', 'i2']
    #names = all_keys + ['band', 'tiling']
    names = all_keys + ['band']
    data = np.recarray(shape = (len(all_bands),),
                          formats = formats, names = names)
    print('data.dtype = ',data.dtype)
    for key in all_keys:
        data[key] = np.concatenate(all_data[key])
    data['band'] = all_bands
    #data['tiling'] = all_tilings
    print('made recarray')

    tilings = None
    return data, bands, tilings