Пример #1
 def lazy_tensor_decls(self, func: NativeFunction,
                       schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
     value_args = schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
     # Generates lazy_{name} variables for LazyTensors wrapping input tensors
     lazy_tensor_decls: List[str] = []
     for arg in value_args:
         if arg.is_wrapped_scalar:
             # no lazy tensor wrapper for scalars that are promoted to IR values
         elif arg.is_symint_or_list:
             continue  # values are extracted in isValueType
         elif isinstance(arg.lazy_type, BaseCType):
             if arg.lazy_type.type is tensorListValueT:
                     f"auto lazy_{arg.name}_tensorlist = "
                     f"{self.lazy_tensor_ptr} lazy_{arg.name} = "
                     f"{self.backend_namespace}::{self.get_tensor_or_wrap_number}({arg.name}, *common_device);"
         elif isinstance(arg.lazy_type, OptionalCType):
             # TODO(alanwaketan): Maybe we want to apply GetLtcTensorOrCreateForWrappedNumber here, but hold it
             # until we encounter a real world example.
                 f"{self.lazy_tensor_ptr} lazy_{arg.name} = "
             raise AssertionError(
                 f"TODO not sure if there are other valid types to handle here ({arg.lazy_type})"
     return ("\n        ").join(lazy_tensor_decls)
Пример #2
def generate_non_native_lazy_ir_nodes(
    non_native: List[Dict[str, Any]], gen_lazy_ir: GenLazyIR
) -> List[str]:
    """Generate the non-native lazy IR node classes"""
    nodes = []
    for op in non_native:
        # Set default properties for Non-Native IRs
        properties = LazyIrProperties("ShapeCache", "CanBeReused")
        for p in op.get("properties", []):
            setattr(properties, p, True)

        schema = LazyIrSchema(FunctionSchema.parse(op["func"]), properties)
        schema.opkind = op.get("opkind")

    return nodes
Пример #3
class ComputeShapeSignature:
    Here we use the base name as the suffix of the signature to avoid generating for in-place variants.

    def __init__(self, kernel_name: str, f: NativeFunction):
        self.__schema = LazyIrSchema(f.func)
        self.__dispatch_args = ", ".join(
            [a.decl() for a in dispatcher.arguments(f.func)]
        self.__call_args = ", ".join(
            [f"{arg.name}" for arg in self.__schema.filtered_args(generator=True)]
        self.__kernel_name = kernel_name

    def __decl_suffix(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__kernel_name}({self.__dispatch_args})"

    def __call_suffix(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__kernel_name}({self.__call_args})"

    def shape_decl(self) -> str:
        return f"TORCH_API std::vector<torch::lazy::Shape> compute_shape_{self.__decl_suffix()}"

    def shape_call(self) -> str:
        return f"torch::lazy::compute_shape_{self.__call_suffix()}"
Пример #4
    def return_aten_tensor(self, func: NativeFunction, schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
        returns_length = len(schema.returns)
        value_args = schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
        value_types_names = [f"{a.name}" for a in value_args if not a.is_wrapped_scalar]
        first_tensor_name = value_types_names[0] if len(value_types_names) > 0 else None
        bridge_str = f"""auto result = {self.create_aten_from_ltc_tensor}(
                {self.create_lazy_tensor(first_tensor_name)}(std::move(node), *common_device));"""

        if returns_length > 1:
            assert (
                len(value_types_names) > 0
            ), "Code below assumes there is at least one tensor arg"
            bridge_str = f"""std::vector<{self.lazy_tensor_ptr}> lazy_tensors;
        for (int i = 0; i < {returns_length}; i++) {{
            lazy_tensors.push_back({self.create_lazy_tensor(first_tensor_name)}({getValueT()}(node, i), *common_device));
        auto result = {self.tuple_aten_from_ltc_tensors}<{returns_length}>(lazy_tensors);"""

        if schema.name.name.inplace or func.func.is_out_fn():
            assert returns_length == 1, (
                "We assumed there was no such case where an op is an in-place variant "
                f"and has tuple outputs, but got tuple of len {returns_length}."
            bridge_str = f"""lazy_{first_tensor_name}->SetInPlaceIrValue(node);
        auto& result = {first_tensor_name};"""

        bridge_str += """
        return result;"""
        return bridge_str
Пример #5
 def get_device(self, func: NativeFunction, schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
     value_args = schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
     value_types_names = [f"{a.name}" for a in value_args if not a.is_wrapped_scalar]
     assert (
         len(value_types_names) > 0
     ), "Code below assumes there is at least one tensor arg"
     return f"""auto common_device = torch::lazy::GetBackendDevice({', '.join(value_types_names)});
Пример #6
def node_ctor_inputs(schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
    Produce a formatted string with the arguments as passed into the constructor of a node class.
    node_ctor_values = [
        node_ctor_arg_rvalue_string(arg) for arg in schema.filtered_args()
    return ", ".join(node_ctor_values)
Пример #7
    def node_base_ctor_call(self, schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
        # backends can customize the way the node base class constructor is called,
        # as long as all of its arguments can be generated from information available from the schema
        base_ctor_value_args_list = []
        for arg in schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False):
            if isinstance(arg.lazy_type, BaseCType) or isinstance(
                    arg.lazy_type, VectorCType):
            elif isinstance(arg.lazy_type, OptionalCType):
                raise AssertionError(
                    f"Unsupported type ({arg.lazy_type}) - add support if necessary"
        base_ctor_value_args = ", ".join(base_ctor_value_args_list)

        scalar_args = schema.filtered_args(values=False, scalars=True)
        scalar_hashes = ", ".join([f"{a.name}" for a in scalar_args])

        return f"""{self.node_base}(torch::lazy::OpKind({aten_symbol(schema)}),
Пример #8
    def node_base_ctor_call(self, schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
        value_args = schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
        # backends can customize the way the node base class constructor is called,
        # as long as all of its arguments can be generated from information available from the schema
        base_ctor_value_args_list = []
        for arg in value_args:
            if isinstance(arg.lazy_type, BaseCType) or isinstance(
                    arg.lazy_type, VectorCType):
            elif isinstance(arg.lazy_type, OptionalCType):
                raise AssertionError(
                    f"Unsupported type ({arg.lazy_type}) - add support if necessary"
        base_ctor_value_args = ", ".join(base_ctor_value_args_list)

        scalar_args = schema.filtered_args(values=False, scalars=True)

        # Shape constuction.
        # Conditionally build shape depending on specified shape property
        if schema.properties.ShapePrecompute:
            shape_ctor_arg = "std::move(shapes),"
        elif schema.properties.ShapeCompute:
            shape_args = [a.name for a in value_args]
            shape_args.extend(a.name for a in scalar_args)
            shape_ctor_arg = f"compute_shape_{schema.name}({', '.join(shape_args)}),"
        elif schema.properties.ShapeCache:
            shape_args = [f"operand({i})" for i in range(len(value_args))]
            shape_args.extend(a.name for a in scalar_args)
            shape_ctor_arg = f"[&](){{ return compute_shape_{schema.name}({', '.join(shape_args)})[0]; }},"
            shape_ctor_arg = ""

        scalar_hashes = ", ".join(f"{a.name}" for a in scalar_args)

        return f"""{self.node_base}(
Пример #9
def gen_fallback_code(schema: LazyIrSchema, overload_name: str) -> str:
    Generate code that falls back to eager conditioned on a predicate
    fallback_args = ",\n                ".join(
        [str(arg.name) for arg in schema.filtered_args(generator=True)])
    if len(overload_name):
        aten_op_str = f"ATEN_OP2({schema.aten_name}, {overload_name})"
        aten_op_str = f"ATEN_OP({schema.aten_name})"
    or_has_generator = ""
    if schema.generator_arg:
        # generators are always optional and there is never more than one, at least currently
        or_has_generator = f" || ({schema.generator_arg.name}.has_value() && {schema.generator_arg.name}->defined())"
    return f"""
Пример #10
 def __call__(self, func: NativeFunction) -> List[str]:
     sig = kernel_signature(func, self.backend_index)
     metadata = self.backend_index.get_kernel(func)
     assert metadata is not None
     schema = LazyIrSchema(func.func)
     return [
 {sig.decl(name=f"{self.class_method_name}::{metadata.kernel}")} {{
     {self.force_eager_fallback(func, schema)}
     {self.metrics(func, schema)}
     {self.get_device(func, schema)}
     {self.lazy_tensor_decls(func, schema)}
     {self.build_ir_node(func, schema)}
     {self.return_aten_tensor(func, schema)}
Пример #11
    def shape_inference(self, func: NativeFunction,
                        schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
        metadata = self.backend_index.get_kernel(func)
        assert metadata is not None
        all_args = schema.filtered_args()
        returns_length = len(schema.returns)
        # call the meta kernel if it exists, to compute output shape/dtype for our IR
        if func.structured or func.structured_delegate is not None:
            meta_out = """std::vector<torch::lazy::Shape> shapes{
        torch::lazy::Shape(out_meta.scalar_type(), out_meta.sizes().vec())};"""
            if returns_length > 1:

                def this_shape(i: int) -> str:
                    return f"torch::lazy::Shape(std::get<{i}>(out_meta).scalar_type(), std::get<{i}>(out_meta).sizes().vec())"

                shapes_str = ",".join(
                    [this_shape(i) for i in range(returns_length)])
                meta_out = "std::vector<torch::lazy::Shape> shapes{" + shapes_str + "};"

            shape_str = f"""auto out_meta = at::meta::{schema.aten_name}({', '.join(str(a.name) for a in all_args)});
            shape_sig = ComputeShapeSignature(metadata.kernel, func)
            shape_str = f"""
            auto shapes = {shape_sig.shape_call};"""

        shape_str += f"""
            TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(shapes.size() == {returns_length});"""

        # Calculating which dimensions are symbolic
        func_schema_str = "aten::" + str(func.func)
        shape_str += f"""
                std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs = {{ {', '.join(str(a.name) for a in all_args)} }};
                const char* schema_str = "{func_schema_str}";
                applySymbolicShapesOnLT(schema_str, inputs, shapes);
        return shape_str
Пример #12
    def shape_inference(self, func: NativeFunction,
                        schema: LazyIrSchema) -> str:
        metadata = self.backend_index.get_kernel(func)
        assert metadata is not None
        all_args = schema.filtered_args()
        returns_length = len(schema.returns)
        # call the meta kernel if it exists, to compute output shape/dtype for our IR
        # Note [Generated LTC Shape Functions]
        # LTC uses meta tensors from core to do shape inference when possible, and otherwise
        # we generate a shape function declaration that needs to be manually implemented.
        # How do we detect which ops are eligible to use meta tensors?
        # In general we should be able to use meta tensors not just on structured operators,
        # but also on composite operators that are implemented in terms of structured kernels.
        # We don't currently have a way of knowing at codegen time which ops are implemented that way.
        # This is the case for all view and view_copy operators however, so we're going to
        # use them specifically for all of the view_copy ops (instead of manually writing shape rules for all of them).
        is_view_copy_op = "view_copy" in func.tags
        is_structured = func.structured or func.structured_delegate is not None
        if is_structured or is_view_copy_op:
            meta_out = """
std::vector<torch::lazy::Shape> shapes{torch::lazy::Shape(out_meta.scalar_type(), out_meta.sizes().vec())};"""
            if returns_length > 1:

                def this_shape(i: int) -> str:
                    return f"torch::lazy::Shape(std::get<{i}>(out_meta).scalar_type(), std::get<{i}>(out_meta).sizes().vec())"

                shapes_str = ",".join(
                    [this_shape(i) for i in range(returns_length)])
                meta_out = "std::vector<torch::lazy::Shape> shapes{" + shapes_str + "};"

            # Convert tensor args to the meta device and call it.
            # (We can't pass in the input tensors directly, because they are "functional wrappers".
            # If any of the meta kernels call a tensor op and redispatch, we don't want to hit the functionalize kernels.)
            # Even at::meta:: functions might redispatch, e.g. if they call into view ops.
            dispatcher_sig = DispatcherSignature.from_schema(func.func)
            meta_conversion_str, meta_call_ctx = convert_to_meta_tensors(
            meta_call_args = [
                e.expr for e in translate(
                    meta_call_ctx, dispatcher_sig.arguments(), method=False)
            if is_view_copy_op:
                # view_copy ops always have a CompositeExplicitAutogradNonFunctional kernel
                assert func.has_composite_explicit_autograd_non_functional_kernel
                dispatch_ns = "compositeexplicitautogradnonfunctional"
                dispatch_ns = "meta"
            aten_name = schema.aten_name
            # TODO: this is trolling
            if func.func.has_symint():
                aten_name += "_symint"
            shape_str = f"""\
        auto out_meta = at::{dispatch_ns}::{aten_name}({', '.join(meta_call_args)});
            shape_sig = ComputeShapeSignature(metadata.kernel, func)
            shape_str = f"""
            auto shapes = {shape_sig.shape_call};"""

        shape_str += f"""
            TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(shapes.size() == {returns_length});"""

        # Calculating which dimensions are symbolic
        func_schema_str = "aten::" + str(func.func)
        shape_str += f"""
                std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs = {{ {', '.join(str(a.name) for a in all_args)} }};
                const char* schema_str = "{func_schema_str}";
                applySymbolicShapesOnLT(schema_str, inputs, shapes);
        return shape_str
Пример #13
    def gen(self, schema: LazyIrSchema) -> List[str]:
        opkind = schema.opkind or aten_symbol(schema)

        # for now, we just want one IR class decl and soon after also the method defs
        # and we use the functional version not out/inplace.
        all_args = schema.filtered_args()
        value_args = schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
        scalar_args = schema.filtered_args(values=False, scalars=True)

        ctor_args = [
            f"const {i.lazy_type.cpp_type()}& {i.name}" for i in all_args
        reuse_ctor_args = ", ".join(ctor_args)
        if schema.properties.ShapePrecompute:
            ctor_args.append("std::vector<torch::lazy::Shape>&& shapes")
        node_ctor_args = ", ".join(ctor_args)

        scalar_initializers = ",\n        ".join([
            # This code is just special casing the mapping from string_view -> strings
            f"{a.name}({a.name}.has_value() ? c10::make_optional(std::string(*{a.name})) : c10::nullopt)"
            if a.lazy_type.cpp_type() == "c10::optional<c10::string_view>" else
            f"{a.name}({a.name})" for a in scalar_args
        if len(scalar_initializers):
            scalar_initializers = f",\n        {scalar_initializers}"
        scalar_decls = "\n  ".join([
            f"std::string {a.name};" if a.lazy_type.cpp_type()
            == "c10::string_view" else f"c10::optional<std::string> {a.name};"
            if a.lazy_type.cpp_type() == "c10::optional<c10::string_view>" else
            f"{a.lazy_type.cpp_type()} {a.name};" for a in scalar_args
        optional_values = [
            for arg in schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
            if isinstance(arg.lazy_type, OptionalCType)
        has_optional_decls = "\n  ".join(
            [f"bool has_{value}: 1;" for value in optional_values])
        has_optional_defs = "\n    ".join(
            [f"has_{value} = !!{value};" for value in optional_values])
        members_to_string = []
        for arg in scalar_args:
            if isinstance(arg.lazy_type, OptionalCType):
                members_to_string.append(f"""if ({arg.name}.has_value()) {{
      ss << ", {arg.name}=" << {arg.name}.value();
    }} else {{
      ss << ", {arg.name}=null";
                    f'ss << ", {arg.name}=" << {arg.name};')
        members_to_string_str = "\n    ".join(members_to_string)

        return [
class {schema.node_name} : public {self.node_base} {{
  static torch::lazy::OpKind ClassOpKind() {{
    return torch::lazy::OpKind({opkind});

      : {self.node_base_ctor_call(schema)}{scalar_initializers}

  std::string ToString() const override {{
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << {self.node_base}::ToString();
    return ss.str();

  {self.create_function(schema, reuse_ctor_args)}

  {self.can_be_reused_function(schema, reuse_ctor_args)}




Пример #14
 def __call__(self, f: Union[NativeFunctionsGroup,
                             NativeFunction]) -> List[str]:
     func = f.functional.func if isinstance(
         f, NativeFunctionsGroup) else f.func
     schema = LazyIrSchema(func)
     return self.gen(schema)
Пример #15
    def gen(self, f: Union[NativeFunctionsGroup, NativeFunction]) -> List[str]:
        # for now, we just want one IR class decl and soon after also the method defs
        # and we use the functional version not out/inplace.
        func = f.functional.func if isinstance(
            f, NativeFunctionsGroup) else f.func
        schema = LazyIrSchema(func)
        all_args = schema.filtered_args()
        value_args = schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
        scalar_args = schema.filtered_args(values=False, scalars=True)

        node_ctor_args = ", ".join(
            [f"const {i.lazy_type.cpp_type()}& {i.name}" for i in all_args])
        scalar_initializers = ",\n        ".join(
            [f"{a.name}({a.name})" for a in scalar_args])
        comma_if_scalar_initializers = ",\n" if len(
            scalar_initializers) else ""
        scalar_decls = "\n  ".join([
            f"std::string {a.name};" if a.lazy_type.cpp_type()
            == "c10::string_view" else f"{a.lazy_type.cpp_type()} {a.name};"
            for a in scalar_args
        optional_values = [
            for arg in schema.filtered_args(values=True, scalars=False)
            if isinstance(arg.lazy_type, OptionalCType)
        has_optional_decls = "\n  ".join(
            [f"bool has_{value}: 1;" for value in optional_values])
        has_optional_defs = "\n    ".join(
            [f"has_{value} = !!{value};" for value in optional_values])
        members_to_string = []
        for arg in scalar_args:
            if isinstance(arg.lazy_type, OptionalCType):
                members_to_string.append(f"""if ({arg.name}.has_value()) {{
    ss << ", {arg.name}=" << {arg.name}.value();
}} else {{
    ss << ", {arg.name}=null";
                    f'ss << ", {arg.name}=" << {arg.name};')
        members_to_string_str = "\n    ".join(members_to_string)

        return [
class {schema.node_name} : public {self.node_base} {{
  {schema.node_name}({node_ctor_args}, std::vector<Shape>&& shapes)
      : {self.node_base_ctor_call(schema)}{comma_if_scalar_initializers}


  std::string ToString() const override {{
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << {self.node_base}::ToString();
    return ss.str();



