Пример #1
def dual_analysis(labels, pop, migration_fun, migration_outofbounds_fun,
        startparams, migration_fun_name):
    """ Analyse a population using a given migration function, with both the
        composite and classical models.

    ## 1a. the composite demographic model.

    # Get the information about the tracts out of the population object, and
    # split the population into 2 groups, in order to perform an analysis as a
    # composite demographic model.
    bins, group_data = pop.get_global_tractlengths(npts=50, split_count=2)

    # The actual groups that we're splitting the population into.
    groups = pop.split_by_props(2)

    # Compute the counts of individuals in each group and the average ancestry
    # proportions across individuals. The counts of individuals in each groups
    # should differ by no more than one.
    ninds, group_ancestry_averages = zip(*map(
        lambda p: (

    # Rearrange the data for each group into a list ordered in the same way as
    # the population labels.
    group_data = [
            [g[ancestry_label] for ancestry_label in ancestry_labels]
            for g in group_data]

    ## Optimize the model parameters using COBYLA
    #composite_model_parameters = tracts.optimize_cob_multifracs(
    #        startparams, bins, pop.Ls, group_data, ninds, migration_fun,
    #        group_ancestry_averages, outofbounds_fun=migration_outofbounds_fun,
    #        cutoff=cutoff, epsilon=1e-12)

    # Optimize the model parameters using brute
    composite_model_parameters, _ = tracts.optimize_brute_multifracs(
            bins, pop.Ls, group_data, ninds, migration_fun,
            group_ancestry_averages, startparams,

    # Construct the composite demographic model
    composite_model = tracts.composite_demographic_model(
            migration_fun, composite_model_parameters,

    ## 1b. the fracs2 model.

    nind = len(pop.indivs)

    _, data = pop.get_global_tractlengths(npts=50, split_count=1)
    data = [data[ancestry_label] for ancestry_label in ancestry_labels]

    ancestry_averages = pop.get_mean_ancestry_proportions(ancestry_labels)

    fracs2_model_parameters, _ = tracts.optimize_brute_fracs2(
            bins, pop.Ls, data, nind,
            migration_fun, ancestry_averages, startparams,
            outofbounds_fun=migration_outofbounds_fun, cutoff=cutoff)

    fracs2_model = tracts.demographic_model(
            migration_fun(fracs2_model_parameters, ancestry_averages))

    return {
            'classical': {
                'params': fracs2_model_parameters,
                'model': fracs2_model,
                'averages': ancestry_averages,
                'theories': dict(
                            nind * np.array(
                                    pop.Ls, i, bins)),
                            migration_fun_name + ' classical',
                    for i, name in enumerate(labels)),
            'composite': {
                'params': composite_model_parameters,
                'model': composite_model,
                'ninds': ninds,
                'averages': group_ancestry_averages,
                'groups': group_data,
                'theories': dict(
                                pop.Ls, i, bins, ninds),
                            migration_fun_name + ' composite',
                    for i, name in enumerate(labels)),
            'misc': {
                'startparams': startparams,
                'bins': bins,
                'data': data,
                'fun': migration_fun,
Пример #2
        for frac, flat_tract in izip(bypopfrac, flattracts):
            frac.append(flat_tract / flat_tracts_sum)

    props = map(numpy.mean, bypopfrac)

    Ls = pop.Ls
    nind = pop.nind

    cutoff = 2

    def randomize(arr, scale=2):
        # takes an array and multiplies every element by a factor between 0 and
        # 2, uniformly. caps at 1.
        return map(lambda i: min(i, 1), scale * numpy.random.random(arr.shape) * arr)

    xopt = tracts.optimize_brute_fracs2(
        bins, Ls, data, nind, func, props, slices, outofbounds_fun=bound, cutoff=cutoff)
    print xopt
    optmod = tracts.demographic_model(func(xopt[0], props))
    optpars = xopt[0]
    liks = xopt[1]
    maxlik = optmod.loglik(bins, Ls, data, pop.nind, cutoff=cutoff)

    expects = []
    for popnum in range(len(data)):
        expects.append(optmod.expectperbin(Ls, popnum, bins))

    expects = nind * numpy.array(expects)

    outf = outdir + "boot%d_%2.2f" % (bootnum, maxlik,)

    fbins = open(outf + "_bins", 'w')
Пример #3
        for frac, flat_tract in izip(bypopfrac, flattracts):
            frac.append(flat_tract / flat_tracts_sum)

    props = map(numpy.mean, bypopfrac)

    Ls = pop.Ls
    nind = pop.nind

    cutoff = 2

    def randomize(arr, scale=2):
        # takes an array and multiplies every element by a factor between 0 and
        # 2, uniformly. caps at 1.
        return map(lambda i: min(i, 1), scale * numpy.random.random(arr.shape) * arr)

    xopt = tracts.optimize_brute_fracs2(
        bins, Ls, data, nind, func, props, slices, outofbounds_fun=bound, cutoff=cutoff)
    print xopt
    optmod = tracts.demographic_model(func(xopt[0], props))
    optpars = xopt[0]
    liks = xopt[1]
    maxlik = optmod.loglik(bins, Ls, data, pop.nind, cutoff=cutoff)

    expects = []
    for popnum in range(len(data)):
        expects.append(optmod.expectperbin(Ls, popnum, bins))

    expects = nind * numpy.array(expects)

    outf = outdir + "boot%d_%2.2f" % (bootnum, maxlik,)

    fbins = open(outf + "_bins", 'w')