Пример #1
 def test_validate_monitor_message_with_valid_monitor_update(self):
     """Test that a valid monitor update validates successfully."""
     twine = Twine(source=self.STRAND_WITH_MONITOR_MESSAGE_SCHEMA)
     twine.validate_monitor_message({"my_property": 3.7})
Пример #2
class Analysis(Identifiable, Serialisable, Labelable, Taggable):
    """A class representing a scientific or computational analysis. It holds references to all configuration, input, and
    output data, logs, connections to child services, credentials, etc. It's essentially the "Internal API" for your
    service - a single point of contact where you can get or update anything you need.

    An ``Analysis`` instance is automatically provided to the app in an Octue service when a question is received. Its
    attributes include every strand that can be added to a ``Twine``, although only the strands specified in the
    service's twine will be non-``None``. Incoming data is validated before it's added to the analysis.

    All input and configuration attributes are hashed using a `BLAKE3 hash <https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3>`_ so
    the inputs and configuration that produced a given output in your app can always be verified. These hashes exist on
    the following attributes:

    -   ``input_values_hash``
    -   ``input_manifest_hash``
    -   ``configuration_values_hash``
    -   ``configuration_manifest_hash``

    If a strand is ``None``, so will its corresponding hash attribute be. The hash of a datafile is the hash of its
    file, while the hash of a manifest or dataset is the cumulative hash of the files it refers to.

    :param twined.Twine|dict|str twine: the twine, dictionary defining a twine, or path to "twine.json" file defining the service's data interface
    :param callable|None handle_monitor_message: an optional function for sending monitor messages to the parent that requested the analysis
    :param any configuration_values: the configuration values for the analysis - this can be expressed as a python primitive (e.g. dict), a path to a JSON file, or a JSON string.
    :param octue.resources.manifest.Manifest configuration_manifest: a manifest of configuration datasets for the analysis if required
    :param any input_values: the input values for the analysis - this can be expressed as a python primitive (e.g. dict), a path to a JSON file, or a JSON string.
    :param octue.resources.manifest.Manifest input_manifest: a manifest of input datasets for the analysis if required
    :param any output_values: any output values the analysis produces
    :param octue.resources.manifest.Manifest output_manifest: a manifest of output dataset from the analysis if it produces any
    :param dict children: a mapping of string key to ``Child`` instance for all the children used by the service
    :param str id: Optional UUID for the analysis
    :return None:
    def __init__(self, twine, handle_monitor_message=None, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(twine, Twine):
            self.twine = twine
            self.twine = Twine(source=twine)

        self._handle_monitor_message = handle_monitor_message

        strand_kwargs = {name: kwargs.pop(name, None) for name in ALL_STRANDS}

        # Values strands.
        self.configuration_values = strand_kwargs.get("configuration_values",
        self.input_values = strand_kwargs.get("input_values", None)
        self.output_values = strand_kwargs.get("output_values", None)

        # Manifest strands.
        self.configuration_manifest = strand_kwargs.get(
            "configuration_manifest", None)
        self.input_manifest = strand_kwargs.get("input_manifest", None)
        self.output_manifest = strand_kwargs.get("output_manifest", None)

        # Other strands.
        self.children = strand_kwargs.get("children", None)

        # Non-strands.
        self.output_location = kwargs.pop("output_location", None)

        self._finalised = False

    def finalised(self):
        """Check whether the analysis has been finalised (i.e. whether its outputs have been validated and, if an output
        manifest is produced, its datasets uploaded).

        :return bool:
        return self._finalised

    def send_monitor_message(self, data):
        """Send a monitor message to the parent that requested the analysis.

        :param any data: any JSON-compatible data structure
        :return None:
        except twined.exceptions.InvalidValuesContents as e:
            raise InvalidMonitorMessage(e)

        if self._handle_monitor_message is None:
                "Attempted to send a monitor message but no handler is specified."


    def finalise(self, upload_output_datasets_to=None):
        """Validate the output values and output manifest, optionally uploading the output manifest's datasets to the
        cloud and updating its dataset paths to signed URLs.

        :param str|None upload_output_datasets_to: if provided, upload any output datasets to this cloud directory and update the output manifest with their locations
        :return None:
        serialised_strands = {"output_values": None, "output_manifest": None}

        if self.output_values:
            serialised_strands["output_values"] = json.dumps(
                self.output_values, cls=OctueJSONEncoder)

        if self.output_manifest:
                "output_manifest"] = self.output_manifest.to_primitive()

        self._finalised = True
            "Validated output values and output manifest against the twine.")

        if not (upload_output_datasets_to
                and hasattr(self, "output_manifest")):

        for name, dataset in self.output_manifest.datasets.items():
                cloud_path=storage.path.join(upload_output_datasets_to, name))


        logger.info("Uploaded output datasets to %r.",

    def _calculate_strand_hashes(self, strands):
        """Calculate the hashes of the strands specified in the HASH_FUNCTIONS constant.

        :param dict strands: strand names mapped to strand data
        :return None:
        for strand_name, strand_data in strands.items():
            if strand_name in HASH_FUNCTIONS:
                strand_hash_name = f"{strand_name}_hash"

                if strand_data is not None:
                    setattr(self, strand_hash_name,
                    setattr(self, strand_hash_name, None)
Пример #3
    def test_validate_monitor_message_raises_error_if_monitor_message_schema_not_met(self):
        """Test that an error is raised if an invalid monitor update is validated."""
        twine = Twine(source=self.STRAND_WITH_MONITOR_MESSAGE_SCHEMA)

        with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidValuesContents):