Пример #1
def jury_vote_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    #make sure that this person is one of the 1000 richest people for this rep type.
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'decision_id', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): return False
    if is_number(tx['vote_id']) or is_number(tx['decision_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'old_vote', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'new_vote', [str, unicode]): return False
    decision=tools.db_get(tx['decision_id'], DB)
    if 'state' not in decision:
        out[0]+='that is not a decision_id'
        out[0]+='decision: ' +str(decision)
        out[0]+='tx: ' +str(tx)
        return False
    if decision['state']!='proposed':
        out[0]+='this decision has already been decided'
        return False
    if not tools.db_existence(tx['decision_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='decision error'
        return False
    if tools.reveal_time_p(DB): 
        out[0]+='reveal time check'
        return False
    if len(tx['new_vote'])<4: 
        out[0]+='secret too short error'
        return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): return False
    return True
Пример #2
def create_jury_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='vote id error'
        return False
    if tools.is_number(tx['vote_id']):
        out[0]+='vote_id can not be a number'
        return False
    if len(tx['vote_id'])>1000: return False
    if tools.db_existence(tx['vote_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='this vote_id is already being used'
        return False
    if not tools.db_existence(address, DB): 
        out[0]+='this address is not used by anyone'
        return False
    acc=tools.db_get(address, DB)
    for t in txs:
        if 'jury_id' in t:
            if t['jury_id']==tx['jury_id']:
                out[0]+='this zeroth confirmation transaction already exists'
                return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): return False
    return True
Пример #3
def jury_vote_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'decision_id', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): return False
    if is_number(tx['vote_id']) or is_number(tx['decision_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'old_vote', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'new_vote', [str, unicode]): return False
    decision=tools.db_get(tx['decision_id'], DB)
    if 'state' not in decision:
        out[0]+='that is not a decision_id'
        out[0]+='decision: ' +str(decision)
        out[0]+='tx: ' +str(tx)
        return False
    if decision['state']!='proposed':
        out[0]+='this decision has already been decided'
        return False
    if not tools.db_existence(tx['decision_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='decision error'
        return False
    if tools.reveal_time_p(DB): 
        out[0]+='reveal time check'
        return False
    if len(tx['new_vote'])<4: 
        out[0]+='secret too short error'
        return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): return False
    return True
Пример #4
def SVD_consensus_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): return False    
    if not E_check(tx, 'decisions', [list]): return False    
    if not tools.reveal_time_p(DB, custom.SVD_length): 
        out[0]+='this is not the correct time to do SVD'
        return False
    if is_number(tx['vote_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    jury=tools.db_get(tx['vote_id'], DB)
    if len(tx['decisions'])<5:
        out[0]+='need at least 5 decisions to compute SVD'
        return False
    if not E_check(jury, 'members', [list]):
        out[0]+='that jury has not been created yet'
        return False
    if len(jury['members'])<3: 
        out[0]+='need at least 3 voters in order to compute SVD'
        return False
        matrix=txs_tools.decision_matrix(jury, tx['decisions'], DB)
        tools.log('matrix failure')
        return False
    w=txs_tools.weights(tx['vote_id'], DB, jury)
    k=txs_tools.decisions_keepers(tx['vote_id'], jury, DB)
    for decision in tx['decisions']:
        if not decision in k:
            out[0]+='one of the decisions has insufficient participation*certainty or has not matured yet: ' +str(decision)+' '+str(tools.db_get(decision))
            return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): 
        out[0]+='you do not have enough money'
        return False
    return True
Пример #5
def reveal_jury_vote_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    acc=tools.db_get(address, DB)
    if not E_check(tx, 'decision_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='decision id error'
        return False
    if is_number(tx['decision_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    decision=tools.db_get(tx['decision_id'], DB)
    if decision['state']!='proposed':
        out[0]+='this decision has already been decided'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'old_vote', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'secret', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'new_vote', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='new vote error'
        return False
    if tx['decision_id'] not in acc['votes']:
        out[0]+='decision id not in acc[votes] error'
        return False
    if not answer_hash==tools.det_hash([tx['new_vote'], tx['secret']]):
        out[0]+='hash does not match'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'old_vote', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='old vote does not exist error'
        return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): return False
    return True
Пример #6
def create_jury_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    mine=filter(lambda t: t['type']=='create_jury', txs)
    mine=filter(lambda t: addr(t)==address, mine)
    if len(mine)>0:
        out[0]+='you cannot create 2 juries on the same block from the same address'
        return False
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='vote id error'
        return False
    if tools.is_number(tx['vote_id']):
        out[0]+='vote_id can not be a number'
        return False
    if len(tx['vote_id'])>1000: return False
    if tools.db_existence(tx['vote_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='this vote_id is already being used'
        return False
    if not tools.db_existence(address, DB): 
        out[0]+='this address is not used by anyone'
        return False
    acc=tools.db_get(address, DB)
    for t in txs:
        if t['type']=='prediction_market':
            if t['jury_id']==tx['jury_id']:
                out[0]+='this zeroth confirmation transaction already exists'
                return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): return False
    return True
Пример #7
def SVD_consensus_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): return False    
    if not E_check(tx, 'decisions', [list]): return False    
    if not tools.reveal_time_p(DB, custom.SVD_length): 
        out[0]+='this is not the correct time to do SVD'
        return False
    if is_number(tx['vote_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    jury=tools.db_get(tx['vote_id'], DB)
    if len(tx['decisions'])<5:
        out[0]+='need at least 5 decisions to compute SVD'
        return False
    if not E_check(jury, 'members', [list]):
        out[0]+='that jury has not been created yet'
        return False
    if len(jury['members'])<3: 
        out[0]+='need at least 3 voters in order to compute SVD'
        return False
        matrix=txs_tools.decision_matrix(jury, tx['decisions'], DB)
        tools.log('matrix failure')
        return False
    w=txs_tools.weights(tx['vote_id'], DB, jury)
    k=txs_tools.decisions_keepers(tx['vote_id'], jury, DB)
    for decision in tx['decisions']:
        if not decision in k:
            out[0]+='one of the decisions has insufficient participation*certainty or has not matured yet: ' +str(decision)+' '+str(tools.db_get(decision))
            return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): 
        out[0]+='you do not have enough money'
        return False
    return True
Пример #8
def create_jury_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    mine=filter(lambda t: t['type']=='create_jury', txs)
    mine=filter(lambda t: addr(t)==address, mine)
    if len(mine)>0:
        out[0]+='you cannot create 2 juries on the same block from the same address'
        return False
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='vote id error'
        return False
    if tools.is_number(tx['vote_id']):
        out[0]+='vote_id can not be a number'
        return False
    if len(tx['vote_id'])>1000: return False
    if tools.db_existence(tx['vote_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='this vote_id is already being used'
        return False
    if not tools.db_existence(address, DB): 
        out[0]+='this address is not used by anyone'
        return False
    acc=tools.db_get(address, DB)
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): return False
    return True
Пример #9
def reveal_jury_vote_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    acc=tools.db_get(address, DB)
    if not E_check(tx, 'decision_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='decision id error'
        return False
    if is_number(tx['decision_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    decision=tools.db_get(tx['decision_id'], DB)
    if decision['state']!='proposed':
        out[0]+='this decision has already been decided'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'old_vote', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'secret', [str, unicode]): return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'new_vote', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='new vote error'
        return False
    if tx['decision_id'] not in acc['votes']:
        out[0]+='decision id not in acc[votes] error'
        return False
    if not answer_hash==tools.det_hash([tx['new_vote'], tx['secret']]):
        out[0]+='hash does not match'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'old_vote', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='old vote does not exist error'
        return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): return False
    return True
Пример #10
def prediction_market_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    for l in ['states', 'states_combinatory', 'decisions']:
        if not E_check(tx, l, list): 
            out[0]+=str(l)+ ' error'
            return False
    for dec in tx['decisions']:
        if not tools.db_existence(dec, DB): 
            out[0]+='decision is not in the database: ' +str(dec)
            return False
        if is_number(dec):
            out[0]+='decision_id can not be a number'
            return False
    if is_number(tx['PM_id']):
        out[0]+='PM_id can not be a number'
        return False
    if len(tx['states'])>200:
        out[0]+='too many states'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'B', int):
        out[0]+='B error'
        return False
    for comb in tx['states_combinatory']:
        if len(comb)!=len(tx['decisions']):
            out[0]+=str(comb)+' comb error'
            return False
    for l in [tx['states_combinatory'], tx['states'], tx['decisions']]:
        for comb in l:
            copies=len(filter(lambda comb2: comb==comb2, l))
            if copies!=1:
                out[0]+=str(comb)+' not mutually exclusive'
                return False
    if len(tx['states'])!=len(tx['states_combinatory'])+1:
        out[0]+='wrong number of possible states?'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'PM_id', [str, unicode]):
        out[0]+='PM_id error'
        return False        
    if len(tx['PM_id'])>1000: 
        out[0]+='PM_id too long'
        return False
    if tools.db_existence(tx['PM_id'], DB): 
        #out[0]+='PM: ' +str(tools.db_get(tx['PM_id'], DB))
        out[0]+='this PM_id is already being used'
        return False
    for t in txs:
        if 'PM_id' in t:
            if t['PM_id']==tx['PM_id']:
                out[0]+='Someone used that PM in this block already'
                return False
    acc=tools.db_get(address, DB)
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): 
        out[0]+='you do not have enough money'
        return False
    return True
Пример #11
def buy_shares_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    #make sure that we can only buy the shares of undecided markets.
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if tools.det_hash(half_way)>custom.buy_shares_target:
        out[0]+='insufficient POW'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'buy', list):
        out[0]+='buy error'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'PM_id', [str, unicode]):
        out[0]+='pm id error'
        return False
    pm=tools.db_get(tx['PM_id'], DB)
    if 'decisions' not in pm:
        out[0]+='that is not a prediction market yet'
        return False
    if len(tx['buy'])!=len(pm['shares_purchased']):
        out[0]+='buy length error'
        return False
    for i in tx['buy']:
        if i!=0:
    if stop:
        out[0]+='you need to buy a non-zero amount of at least one share'
        return False
    if 'price_limit' in tx:
        price = txs_tools.cost_to_buy_shares(tx)
        if price>tx['price_limit']:
            out[0]+='that is outside the price limit for that tx '+str(price) + ' is bigger than ' +str(tx)
            return False
    for purchase in tx['buy']:
        if type(purchase)!=int:
            return False
    for i in range(len(tx['buy'])):
        if tx['buy'][i]+pm['shares_purchased'][i]<0:
            out[0]+='PM cannot have negative shares'
            return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB):
        out[0]+='fee check error'
        return False
    for dec in pm['decisions']:
        decision = tools.db_get(dec, DB)
        if decision['state'] not in ['yes', 'no']:
        if bad:
            out[0]+='this PM is already expired. you cannot buy shares.'
            return False
    return True
Пример #12
def spend_verify(tx, txs, DB):
    if not E_check(tx, 'to', [str, unicode]):
        tools.log('no to')
        return False
    if not signature_check(tx):
        tools.log('signature check')
        return False
    if len(tx['to']) <= 30:
        tools.log('that address is too short')
        tools.log('tx: ' + str(tx))
        return False
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'amount', int):
        tools.log('no amount')
        return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB):
        tools.log('fee check error')
        return False
    return True
Пример #13
def propose_decision_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if 'maturation' in tx:
        if type(n)!=int or n<0: return False
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='no vote id'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'decision_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='no decision id'
        return False
    if is_number(tx['vote_id']) or is_number(tx['decision_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    if len(tx['decision_id'])>custom.max_key_length: 
        out[0]+='decision id too long'
        return False
    if not tools.db_existence(tx['vote_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='that vote id has not been created yet'
        return False
    if tools.db_existence(tx['decision_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='that decision id has already been used'
        return False
    for t in txs:
        if 'decision_id' in t:
            if t['decision_id']==tx['decision_id']:
                out[0]+='already have a zeroth confirmation tx of this'
                return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): 
        out[0]+='you do not have enough money'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'txt', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='what is the txt of this decision?'
        return False
    if len(tx['txt'])>6**5: 
        out[0]+='the txt of this decision is too long'
        return False
    return True
Пример #14
def propose_decision_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if 'maturation' in tx:
        if type(n)!=int or n<0: return False
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'vote_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='no vote id'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'decision_id', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='no decision id'
        return False
    if is_number(tx['vote_id']) or is_number(tx['decision_id']):
        out[0]+='that can not be a number'
        return False
    if len(tx['decision_id'])>custom.max_key_length: 
        out[0]+='decision id too long'
        return False
    if not tools.db_existence(tx['vote_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='that vote id has not been created yet'
        return False
    if tools.db_existence(tx['decision_id'], DB): 
        out[0]+='that decision id has already been used'
        return False
    for t in txs:
        if 'decision_id' in t:
            if t['decision_id']==tx['decision_id']:
                out[0]+='already have a zeroth confirmation tx of this'
                return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB): 
        out[0]+='you do not have enough money'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'txt', [str, unicode]): 
        out[0]+='what is the txt of this decision?'
        return False
    if len(tx['txt'])>6**5: 
        out[0]+='the txt of this decision is too long'
        return False
    return True
Пример #15
def spend_verify(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not E_check(tx, 'to', [str, unicode]):
        out[0] += 'no to'
        return False
    if not signature_check(tx):
        out[0] += 'signature check'
        return False
    if len(tx['to']) <= 30:
        out[0] += 'that address is too short'
        out[0] += 'tx: ' + str(tx)
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'amount', int):
        out[0] += 'no amount'
        return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB):
        out[0] += 'fee check error'
        return False
    if 'vote_id' in tx:
        if not tx['to'][:-29] == '11':
            out[0] += 'cannot hold votecoins in a multisig address'
            return False
    return True
Пример #16
def spend_verify(tx, txs, out, DB):
    if not E_check(tx, 'to', [str, unicode]):
        out[0]+='no to'
        return False
    if not signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if len(tx['to'])<=30:
        out[0]+='that address is too short'
        out[0]+='tx: ' +str(tx)
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'amount', int):
        out[0]+='no amount'
        return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB):
        out[0]+='fee check error'
        return False
    if 'vote_id' in tx:
        if not tx['to'][:-29]=='11':
            out[0]+='cannot hold votecoins in a multisig address'
            return False
    return True
Пример #17
def buy_shares_check(tx, txs, out, DB):
    #make sure that we can only buy the shares of undecided markets.
    if not transactions.signature_check(tx):
        out[0]+='signature check'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'buy', list):
        out[0]+='buy error'
        return False
    if not E_check(tx, 'PM_id', [str, unicode]):
        out[0]+='pm id error'
        return False
    pm=tools.db_get(tx['PM_id'], DB)
    if 'decisions' not in pm:
        out[0]+='that is not a prediction market yet'
        return False
    if len(tx['buy'])!=len(pm['shares_purchased']):
        out[0]+='buy length error'
        return False
    for purchase in tx['buy']:
        if type(purchase)!=int:
            return False
    for i in range(len(tx['buy'])):
        if tx['buy'][i]+pm['shares_purchased'][i]<0:
            out[0]+='PM cannot have negative shares'
            return False
    if not txs_tools.fee_check(tx, txs, DB):
        out[0]+='fee check error'
        return False
    for dec in pm['decisions']:
        decision = tools.db_get(dec, DB)
        if decision['state'] not in ['yes', 'no']:
        if bad:
            out[0]+='this PM is already expired. you cannot buy shares.'
            return False
    return True