Пример #1
def unwrapInt(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    i = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(i, IntObject):
        return i.getInt()
    if isinstance(i, BigInt):
            return i.bi.toint()
        except OverflowError:
            raise WrongType(u"Integer was too large")
    raise WrongType(u"Not an integer!")
Пример #2
    def call(self, target, verb, args, namedArgs):
        Pass a message to an object.

        if not isinstance(namedArgs, ConstMap):
            raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
        return target.call(verb, args, namedArgs)
Пример #3
def promoteToBigInt(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    i = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(i, BigInt):
        return i.bi
    if isinstance(i, IntObject):
        return rbigint.fromint(i.getInt())
    raise WrongType(u"Not promotable to big integer!")
Пример #4
def unwrapMap(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    m = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(m, ConstMap):
        return m.objectMap
    if isinstance(m, FlexMap):
        return m.objectMap
    raise WrongType(u"Not a map!")
Пример #5
def unwrapBool(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    b = resolution(o)
    if b is TrueObject:
        return True
    if b is FalseObject:
        return False
    raise WrongType(u"Not a boolean!")
Пример #6
def unwrapSet(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    m = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(m, ConstSet):
        return m.objectSet
    if isinstance(m, FlexSet):
        return m.objectSet
    raise WrongType(u"Not a set!")
Пример #7
def promoteToDouble(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    n = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(n, IntObject):
        return float(n.getInt())
    if isinstance(n, DoubleObject):
        return n.getDouble()
    if isinstance(n, BigInt):
        return n.bi.tofloat()
    raise WrongType(u"Failed to promote to double")
Пример #8
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is ASBYTES_0:
            return BytesObject(self.publicKey)

        if atom is PAIRWITH_1:
            secret = args[0]
            if not isinstance(secret, SecretKey):
                raise WrongType(u"Not a secret key!")
            return KeyPair(self.publicKey, secret.secretKey)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #9
    def sendOnly(self, target, verb, args, namedArgs):
        Send a message to an object.

        The message will be delivered on some subsequent turn.

        namedArgs = resolution(namedArgs)
        if not isinstance(namedArgs, ConstMap):
            raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
        # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
        sendAtom = getAtom(verb, len(args))
        vat = currentVat.get()
        vat.sendOnly(target, sendAtom, args, namedArgs)
Пример #10
    def callWithMessage(self, target, message):
        Pass a message of `[verb :Str, args :List, namedArgs :Map]` to an

        if len(message) != 3:
            raise userError(
                u"callWithPair/2 requires a [verb, args, namedArgs] triple")
        verb = unwrapStr(message[0])
        args = unwrapList(message[1])
        namedArgs = resolution(message[2])
        if not isinstance(namedArgs, ConstMap):
            raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
        return target.call(verb, args, namedArgs)
Пример #11
 def run(self, o):
     if o is NullObject:
         return Null
     if isinstance(o, IntObject):
         return Int(promoteToBigInt(o))
     if isinstance(o, BigInt):
             return Int(o.bi)
         except OverflowError:
     if isinstance(o, StrObject):
         return Str(o.getString())
     if isinstance(o, DoubleObject):
         return Double(o.getDouble())
     if isinstance(o, CharObject):
         return Char(o.getChar())
     raise WrongType(u"Not a literal")
Пример #12
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is ASBYTES_0:
            # XXX should figure this out
            log.log(["sodium"], u"asBytes/0: Revealing secret key")
            return BytesObject(self.secretKey)

        if atom is PAIRWITH_1:
            public = args[0]
            if not isinstance(public, PublicKey):
                raise WrongType(u"Not a public key!")
            return KeyPair(public.publicKey, self.secretKey)

        if atom is PUBLICKEY_0:
            publicKey = rsodium.regenerateKey(self.secretKey)
            return PublicKey(publicKey)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #13
def unwrapBytes(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    s = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(s, BytesObject):
        return s.getBytes()
    # XXX temporary only: Permit lists of ints.
    # from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList, unwrapList
    # if isinstance(s, ConstList):
    #     buf = ""
    #     l = unwrapList(s)
    #     for obj in l:
    #         if isinstance(obj, IntObject):
    #             buf += chr(obj._i)
    #         else:
    #             raise WrongType(u"Not a byte!")
    #     return buf
    raise WrongType(u"Not a bytestring!")
Пример #14
    def send(self, target, verb, args, namedArgs):
        Send a message to an object, returning a promise for the message

        The promise will be fulfilled after successful delivery, or smashed
        upon error.

        The message will be delivered on some subsequent turn.

        namedArgs = resolution(namedArgs)
        if not isinstance(namedArgs, ConstMap):
            raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
        # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
        sendAtom = getAtom(verb, len(args))
        vat = currentVat.get()
        return vat.send(target, sendAtom, args, namedArgs)
Пример #15
 def add(self, right):
     if right is NullObject:
         return self
     if isinstance(right, StaticScope):
         rightNamesRead = [
             name for name in right.read
             if name not in self.defs + self.vars
         rightNamesSet = [
             name for name in right.set if name not in self.vars
         for name in rightNamesSet:
             if name in self.defs:
                 raise userError(u"Can't assign to final noun %s" % name)
         return StaticScope(orList(self.read, rightNamesRead),
                            orList(self.set, rightNamesSet),
                            orList(self.defs, right.defs),
                            orList(self.vars, right.vars), self.meta
                            or right.meta)
         raise WrongType(u"Not a static scope")
Пример #16
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is CALLWITHPAIR_2 or atom is CALLWITHPAIR_3:
            target = args[0]
            pair = unwrapList(args[1])
            if len(pair) not in (2, 3):
                raise userError(u"callWithPair/2 requires a pair!")
            if len(pair) == 3:
                namedArgs = pair[2]
                namedArgs = EMPTY_MAP
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(pair[0])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(pair[1])
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, namedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "callWithPair/2: Returned None:", \
                      target.__class__.__name__, sendVerb.encode("utf-8")
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is CALL_3 or atom is CALL_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            if len(args) == 3:
                namedArgs = EMPTY_MAP
                namedArgs = args[3]
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, namedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "call/3: Returned None:", target.__class__.__name__, \
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is SENDONLY_3:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            vat.sendOnly(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, EMPTY_MAP)
            return NullObject

        if atom is SEND_3:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.send(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, EMPTY_MAP)

        if atom is CALLWITHMESSAGE_2:
            target = args[0]
            msg = unwrapList(args[1])
            if len(msg) != 3:
                raise userError(
                    u"callWithPair/2 requires a [verb, args, namedArgs] triple"
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(msg[0])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(msg[1])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(msg[2])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "callWithPair/2: Returned None:", \
                      target.__class__.__name__, sendVerb.encode("utf-8")
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is CALL_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            rv = target.call(sendVerb, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)
            if rv is None:
                print "call/3: Returned None:", target.__class__.__name__, \
                raise RuntimeError("Implementation error")
            return rv

        if atom is SENDONLY_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.sendOnly(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)

        if atom is SEND_4:
            target = args[0]
            sendVerb = unwrapStr(args[1])
            sendArgs = unwrapList(args[2])
            sendNamedArgs = resolution(args[3])
            if not isinstance(sendNamedArgs, ConstMap):
                raise WrongType(u"namedArgs must be a ConstMap")
            # Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
            sendAtom = getAtom(sendVerb, len(sendArgs))
            vat = currentVat.get()
            return vat.send(target, sendAtom, sendArgs, sendNamedArgs)

        if atom is TOQUOTE_1:
            return StrObject(args[0].toQuote())

        if atom is TOSTRING_1:
            return StrObject(toString(args[0]))

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
Пример #17
 def pairWith(self, secret):
     if not isinstance(secret, SecretKey):
         raise WrongType(u"Not a secret key!")
     return KeyPair(self.publicKey, secret.secretKey)
Пример #18
def unwrapDouble(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    d = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(d, DoubleObject):
        return d.getDouble()
    raise WrongType(u"Not a double!")
Пример #19
def unwrapChar(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    c = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(c, CharObject):
        return c.getChar()
    raise WrongType(u"Not a char!")
Пример #20
def unwrapBytes(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    s = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(s, BytesObject):
        return s.getBytes()
    raise WrongType(u"Not a bytestring!")
Пример #21
 def contains(self, needle):
     if isinstance(needle, IntObject):
         return chr(needle._i) in self._bs
     if isinstance(needle, BytesObject):
         return needle._bs in self._bs
     raise WrongType(u"Not an int or bytestring!")
Пример #22
 def add(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, BytesObject):
         return self._bs + other._bs
     if isinstance(other, IntObject):
         return self._bs + str(chr(other._i))
     raise WrongType(u"Not an int or bytestring!")
Пример #23
def unwrapStr(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    s = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(s, StrObject):
        return s.getString()
    raise WrongType(u"Not a string!")
Пример #24
 def contains(self, needle):
     if isinstance(needle, CharObject):
         return needle._c in self._s
     if isinstance(needle, StrObject):
         return needle._s in self._s
     raise WrongType(u"Not a string or char!")
Пример #25
 def add(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, StrObject):
         return self._s + other._s
     if isinstance(other, CharObject):
         return self._s + unicode(other._c)
     raise WrongType(u"Not a string or char!")
Пример #26
 def pairWith(self, public):
     if not isinstance(public, PublicKey):
         raise WrongType(u"Not a public key!")
     return KeyPair(public.publicKey, self.secretKey)
Пример #27
def unwrapBigInt(o):
    from typhon.objects.refs import resolution
    bi = resolution(o)
    if isinstance(bi, BigInt):
        return bi.bi
    raise WrongType(u"Not a big integer!")